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ENGLISH I THEMATICOral Presentation PRESENTATIONInteresting, (55 pts) well-rehearsed GROUP MEMBER with NAMES:Relatively ______Delivery not Delivery not smooth smooth delivery that holds interesting, smooth, but and audience audience attention. EACH group rehearsed with a able to hold attention lost. ONLY member offers a contribution to thefairly smooth audience ONE group member oral presentation with a well- delivery that attention most offers most a rehearsed demonstration of usually holds of the time. contribution to the knowledge. audience Several group oral presentation attention. Most members do with a well- group members NOT offer a rehearsed offer a contribution to demonstration of contribution to the the oral knowledge. oral presentation presentation with a well- with a well- rehearsed rehearsed demonstration of demonstration knowledge. of knowledge. Relevancy to "The At least 2 specific direct quotes At least 1 specific Source Very little or no Necklace" from "The Necklace" are included direct quote information from source information in the presentation and are from \"The \"The was collected and accurately relevant to the theme of Necklace\" is Necklace\" is citation is absent. the group: Vanity, Pride or Debt. included in the present; presentation and however, Proper MLA citation is included. is accurately citation is relevant to the absent. theme of the group: Vanity, Pride or Debt. Attempt at proper MLA citation is included. Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, color, Makes good use Makes use of Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance of font, color, font, color, graphics, effects etc. the presentation. graphics, effects, graphics, but these often etc. to enhance to effects, etc. but distract from the presentation. occasionally presentation content these detract and are either from the absent or overwhelm presentation the presentation content and are rather than display overbearing. content. Requirements All requirements are met and All requirements At least 2 More than two exceeded: are met, but the requirements requirements were - 2 examples from "The group merely met were not not completely met. Necklace" that correlate with the requirements completely met. group's given theme of rather than going Vanity/Pride/Debt. beyond the - 1 real-life example of the obvious. group\'s given theme with a well-thought out illustration/explanation -MLA citation. -At least 5 slides that adequately illustrate the group's focused presentation.

Mechanics Zero misspellings or grammatical Two or fewer Three More than 4 errors in errors. misspellings misspellings spelling or grammar.

COMMENTS: [Type text] [Type text] and/or [Typeand/or text] mechanical grammatical errors. errors. Content related to Covers topic in-depth with details Includes essential Includes Content is minimal the group's theme and examples. Subject knowledge knowledge about essential OR there are several is excellent. the topic. Subject information factual errors. of knowledge about the topic Vanity/Pride/Debt appears to be but there are 1- good. 2 factual errors. Organization Content is well organized using Uses headings or Content is There was no clear headings or bulleted lists to group bulleted lists to logically or logical related material. organize, but the organized for organizational Content is sensible to group’s overall the most part. structure, just lots of theme. Group discusses theme organization of facts. well. topics appears flawed. Originality Product shows a large amount of Product shows Uses other Uses other people's original thought. Ideas are creative some original people's ideas, ideas and and inventive, as well as pertain to thought. Work but there is little ineffectively the group’s theme with a unique shows new ideas evidence of demonstrates theme. focus. and insights. original thinking. Workload The workload is divided and The workload is The workload The workload was shared equally by all team divided and was divided, but not divided OR members: shared fairly by allone person in several people in the One member: Identifies 2 team members, the group is group are viewed as examples from "The Necklace" though some viewed as not not doing their fair WITH an explanation for how/why workloads have todoing his/her share of the work. those relate to the group\'s theme. be covered by fair share of the One-two member(s): Put together another team work. a well-explained and relevant member. example/illustration/explanation about the real-world thematic example. One member: Types the script and provides script to EACH member. Every group member: Determines how his or her information will be presented on each slide(s). Content related to Covers topic in-depth with details Includes essential Includes Content is minimal the group's theme and examples. Subject knowledge knowledge about essential OR there are several is excellent. the topic. Subject information factual errors. of knowledge about the topic Vanity/Pride/Debt appears to be but there are 1- good. 2 factual errors. Evident use of Group effectively AND productivelyOne-two group More than two Each group member productive class makes use of two class days with members do not group members makes poor use of computers AND days without use time wisely are consistently class time to prepare time computers to constructively put during class. off-task during and rehearse. together their presentation AND class rehearse. time/preparation


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