Chapter 3 Study Guide Answers

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Chapter 3 Study Guide Answers

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Chapter 3 Study Guide Answers United States

Word Definition

1. contiguous connect to or bordering another unit, such as a state

2. coastal plain low land that lies along a coast

3. Everglades A swampy grassland, such as that in southern Florida

4. continental divide the crest of the Rocky Mountains that divides North America’s river system

5. Indigenous native to a place

6. Representation acting or speaking on behalf of someone or something

7. Revolution a sudden, complete change in government

8. Declaration an official statement

9. Independence freedom to rule oneself

10. Constitution a document that describes the plan for governing

11. Republic a form of government in which the citizens elect representatives to make and enforce the laws 1 12. Amendment an addition or change to a document

13. Immigrant a person who has left his or her home country and comes to live in another

14. Discrimination unfair treatment because of race or for another reason

15. Literacy the ability to read and write

16. Common good helpful for all citizens as a group

17. Representative a governing system in which citizens elect people to make laws democracy and decisions for them

18. Federal government the central authority in a federation or nation

19. Cabinet a group of department heads who advise a nation’s chief executive

20. Political party a group of people involved in government who try to get others to agree with their ideas and who choose leaders who share the group’s point of view

1. What are two cultural characteristics of the United States? Language- English, Spanish, other Religion- Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Hindu, Buddhist Food- Regional

2. What are two customs practiced in the United States? Thanksgiving Memorial Day Independence Day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2 3. Explain how the economy in the United States works.

The United States has a market economy. This means that people make their own choices about the goods and services they buy. Businesses are free to create goods and services of their choice and to sell them at market price. The freedom of individuals and businesses is called free enterprise.

4. What is a constitution?

a written plan of government

5. What happen in 1776 that makes July 4 an important day in United States history?

The colonist declared independence from the British government.

6. The federal government has a system of check and balances to

Balance of authority of the three branches of government.

7. What does the Bill of Rights do?

In guarantees the individual freedoms of all citizens in the United States.

8. Why did problems arise between the British government and the colonists in North America?

The British began to tax the colonist on goods they sold in the colonies.

9. What are four ethnic groups that settled in the United States?

Spanish Dutch English French

10.What are the four main regions of the United States?

Northeast South Middle West West

3 Essay Choose one of the following questions to answer in complete sentences.

A. Explain how the United States became a model for freedom throughout the world? Formulate an answer using at least five examples to support your explanation.

There are many reasons the United States has been considered a model of freedom throughout the world. First, the colonist didn’t like the way King George was treating them so they decided to write the Declarations of Independence and declare themselves free from England. The Revolutionary War broke out and the colonist fought hard to beat the British and they did. The United States wrote there first constitution the Articles of Confederation but that did not make everyone happy. They met at the Constitutional Convention to recommend changes and that is where the outlined the new Constitution. The United States became a republic. The Bill of Rights was added to guarantee individual rights. The United States became an industrial nation, fought in two world wars, and became a world leader. Through all these accomplishments other countries have looked at what the United States has done and used us as an example to follow.

B. How does the government in the United States work? Justify your answer with at least five supporting details.

The Constitution of the United States is the document that tells how the government works. The government is a constitutional and representative democracy. There are three levels of government: the national, state, and local. The national government is divided into three branches- the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Each branch has its own set of duties. The president, vice president, and cabinet make up the executive branch. This branch carries out the laws. The judicial branch is made up the Supreme Court and the federal court system. This branch interprets the laws. The legislative branch makes the laws. This branch is also known as Congress. Senators and representatives make up Congress. The United States government has a system of checks and balances to make sure that each branch has equal amount of power. This balances the authority each branch has. The state government meets at its state capital. Each state has a governor. It makes laws and decisions for all the people living in that state. State government controls government matters involving education, state roads, and state parks. The local government is headed by the mayor. The local government makes laws and decisions for cities and towns, counties, and school districts. All three levels of government work for the common good of society.


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