Team Oral Presentation Grading Sheet & Rubric

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Team Oral Presentation Grading Sheet & Rubric

Team: ______


TEAM GRADING FACTORS: All Team Graded Factors must involve each group member in a coordinated, planned, and delivered presentation on one presentation subject! If “separate” presentations, each team member doing so will receive “zero” team points. Team Points: _____/105 1. Introduction (Tell them what you're going to tell them.) a. Self introduction 1------2------3------4 ------5 First/last name, college year, major, plan to graduate, any other info about yourself. b. Purpose of presentation clear 1------2------3------4 ------5 What is this about, what is your motivation for giving it, etc.? c. Audience’s interest captured 2------4------6------8------10 Why is subject important to audience, relate it to audience member’s experiences. d. Your credibility established 2------4------6------8------10 What is your expertise on this subject; why should audience listen to you regarding this? e. Main points previewed 2------4------6------8------10 Verbally and on chart, what 2 to 4 summary points will this presentation cover? COMMENTS:

2. Body (Tell them.)

a. Main points supported 2------4------6------8------10 Expand in more detail each of the 2 to 4 summary points. b. Main points in logical sequence 2------4------6------8------10 Organize points in cohesive, logical sequence, e.g., cause/effect, chronologically, pro/con contract, etc. COMMENTS:

3. Conclusion (Tell them what you told them.) a. Main points summarized 2------4------6------8------10 Restate summary points covered, to include a one-sentence key point for each. b. In broad & personalized contexts 2------4------6------8------10 Why/how is this presentation important to the audience as a group, and as individuals? COMMENTS:

4. Visual Aids

a. Appropriately used 1------2------3------4 ------5 Look primarily at the audience, not the screen, monitor, your notes, etc. b. Good size, color, design 2------4------6------8------10 Are fonts too small, slides too cluttered; do you use bullets points, etc.? Too many whistles & bells? COMMENTS:

5. Time Constraints [1- person, 5 min.; 2-person, 8 min.; 3-person, 10 min.] Did you go over the time limit, go too fast for the level of subject covered, or scope too shallow? 2------4------6------8------10 COMMENTS: Student: ______Team Points: _____/105

Individual Points: _____/ 95


1. Delivery a. Extemporaneous 3------6------9------12------15 Don’t primarily read from screen/monitor/notes or memorize—use notes only to stay on track b. Eye contact: 3------6------9------12------15 Make eye-to-eye contact w/individual audience members throughout the room—no “sweeping” c. Dress & appearance: 3------6------9------12------15 Business professional: Men: coat, tie, dress shirt/slacks; Women: comparable, no leggings; All: no jeans/casual clothes, no tennis shoes, no leggings d. Voice loudness & pitch 2------4------6------8------10 No “valley” inflection, monotone. Voice projection, enough to be heard in back of room; Use mic. e. Speaking rate: 2------4------6------8------10 Smooth delivery—not too fast, not too slow, not choppy, tentative, uncertain, or disjointed. f. Pronunciation, articulation & pauses 2------4------6------8------10 Not too much “ah,” “ahm,” “basically,” “like,” etc. Pause between main points; speak clearly, etc. g. Nonverbal language, posture, gestures 2------4------6------8------10 Be natural (for you), not contrived, be animated but not robotic, smile, let personality come out. COMMENTS:

2. Question & Answer (Q&A) Proficiency 2------4------6------8------10 Repeat questions; respond to entire audience, not just the questioner; paraphrase unclear questions. COMMENTS:

Oral Presentation Grading Rubric Description Item Total Rating Points Total Rating Perception of Business in Ratings (%) the “Real World” Excellent 5/10/15 180 - 200 90 – 100 % The descriptions represent the Good 4/8/12 160 – 179 80 – 89% quality of your presentation if Satisfactory 3/6/9 140 - 159 70 – 79% given in the real business Marginal 2/4/6 120 - 139 60 - 69% world. In this world, "satisfactory" means that you need to better hone your oral presentation skills. Anything less than "satisfactory" means that you will not be professionally successful if your profession depends on making oral presentations to customers, to employees, to colleagues, or to superiors.

Grader: ______

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