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Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District

Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District

MRMS Common Core Standards Grade 6

Grade 6 Units Unit 1: Algebra: Number Patterns and Functions

Unit 2: Statistics and Graphs

Unit 3: Operations with Decimals

Unit 4: Fractions and Decimals

Unit 5: Operations with Fractions

Unit 6: Ratio, Proportion, and Functions

Unit 7: Percent

Unit 8: Systems of Measurement

Unit 9: Geometry: Angles and Polygons

Unit 10: Measurement: Perimeter, Area, and Volume

Unit 11: Integers

Unit 12: Algebra: Properties and Equations

Grade 6 Overview In Grade 6 the focus is on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division, and using the concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) understanding and explaining why the procedures for dividing fractions makes sense and extending the notion of numbers to the system of rational numbers to include negative integers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing their understanding of numbers to think statistically. Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 1

Conceptual Category Expressions and Equations

Unit 1 Algebra: Number Patterns and Functions 20 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 1-1 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Make sense of (FA) 1.1 Anticipation Guide A Plan for Problem How would you plan to problems and (IA) 1.1 Graphic Organizer, Study Guide and Solving solve a word problem? persevere in Intervention, Skills, and Applications solving them (FA) 1.1 Homework Practice 1-CSB 6 How can multiplication Perform (IA) Review and Practice Sheets for multiplying and Multiplying and help us repeatedly add operations with dividing using the standard algorithm Dividing Whole large numbers? multi-digit whole Numbers How is multiplication numbers 6.NS.2 and division related? 1-2 How can we determine Find all factor (IA) 1.2 Sieve of Eratosthenes, Divisibility Rules, Prime Factors if a number is prime or pairs for a whole Study Guide and Intervention, Skills, and 6.EE.2b composite? number in the Applications range of 1-100 (FA) Factor Trees 1-3 How can we use Use whole (IA) 1.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Powers and exponents to represent number Graphing Calculator to evaluate expressions Exponents the value of larger exponents to involving exponents 6.EE.1, 6.EE.2b numbers? denote powers (FA) Homework; Math Book pg. 35; #10-40 evens of 10 1-4 Why does the order of Use parentheses, (IA) 1.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills, and Order of operations lead you to brackets, or Applications Operations an accurate solution? braces in Order of Operations Game 6.EE.1, 6.EE.2c numerical (FA) Homework Order of Operations Puzzle expressions, and (FA) Quiz; Lessons 1-4 evaluate expressions with these symbols 1-5 How does changing Write and (IA) 1.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills, and Algebra: Variables one variable in a data interpret Applications and Expressions set affect the outcome numerical (FA)Math Book; pp. ; #2-44 evens 6.EE.2, 6.EE2b, of the data? expressions 6.EE.2c, 6.EE.6 1-Write How can mathematical Write simple (IA) Skills and Applications of real world situations Expressions CCSS5 symbols model verbal expressions 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2a expressions? Chapter 1-6 SMP 4 Identify simple (IA) 1.6 Lesson Reading Guide, Study Guide and Algebra: Functions What strategies can we number patterns Intervention, Practice, and Word Problems 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2a, use to find patterns? (FA) Draw and color a function machine that 6.EE.2c, 6.EE.6, represents a situation where the output depends 6.EE.9 on the input.

1-7 SMP 1,2, 3, 4, 6 Construct viable (IA) 1.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Practice, and Problem-Solving What makes a strategy arguments and Application Investigation: both effective and critique the (FA) Journal Writing Guess and Check efficient? reasoning of Mathematics others application of CC Standards for English Language 1-8 How can solving Write and (IA) 1.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Practice, and Algebra: equations be useful in interpret simple Application Equations real life? numerical (FA) Homework: pg. 59; 6-32; evens 6.EE.5 expressions 1-9 SMP 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Apply area (IA) 1.9 Study Guide and Intervention, Practice, and Algebra: Area How can you formulas Application Formulas determine the area of (FA) Homework; 1.9 Practice 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2c, different shapes? (FA) Graded Classwork; Lessons 4-9 6.EE.7 (FA) Garden Project Mathematics (FA) Journal Writing application of CC (SA) Chapter Test and Glossary Standards for English Language Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 1

Conceptual Category The Number System

Unit 3 Operations with Decimals 25 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 3-1 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Read, write and (FA) 3.1 Anticipation Guide Representing How do we use compare (IA) 3.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Decimals decimals in our decimals to the and Application Preparation for everyday life? thousandths (IA) Place Value Chart 6.NS.3 place 3-2 How do we determine Read, write and (IA) 3.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Comparing and the value of a decimal compare and Application Ordering Decimals number? decimals to the (FA) Retro Comparing Decimals War Card Game 6.NS.7, 6.NS.7a, thousandths (FA) 3.2 Word Problems 6.NS.7b place 3-3 How would you Use place value (IA) 3.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Rounding Decimals determine when to understanding and Application Preparation 6.NS.3 round a decimal up? to round (FA) Rounding with Dice Game decimals to any place 3-4 Why is it useful to be Fluently add and (IA) 3.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Estimating Sums able to estimate sums subtract and Application and Differences and differences? numbers (FA) Homework 3.4 Practice and Application Preparation for (SA) Quiz; Lessons 1-4 6.NS.3 (FA) Journal Writing Mathematics application of CC Standards for English Language Learners 3-5 When do we add and Add and (IA) 3.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Adding and subtract decimals in subtract and Application Subtracting our everyday life? decimals to the (FA) 3.5 Homework Practice Decimals hundredth place 6.NS.3 Chapter 3-6 How can we use Multiply (IA) 3.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Multiplying models to show decimals to the and Applications Decimals by Whole multiplying decimals? hundredth place (FA) 3.6 Homework Practice Numbers 6.NS.3

Chapter 3-7 How do the rules of Multiply (IA) 3.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Multiplying multiplying whole decimals to the and Application Decimals numbers relate to hundredth place (FA) 3.7 Homework Word Problems 6.NS.3 multiplying decimals?

Chapter 3-8 How do you solve Divide decimals (IA) 3.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Dividing Decimals problems involving to the and Application by Whole Numbers dividing decimals? hundredth place (FA) 3.8 Homework Word Problems 6.NS.3 Chapter 3-9 How can you model Divide decimals (IA) 3.9 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Dividing by different ways to divide to the and Application Decimals decimals? hundredth place (FA) Journal Writing 6.NS.3 Mathematics application of CC Standards for English Language

Chapter 3-10 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 3.10 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice Problem-Solving problems and and Application Investigation: persevere in (SA) Talking Turkey Project—Comparing Costs for Reasonable solving them Thanksgiving Dinner Answers (FA) Study Guide (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 2

Conceptual Category The Number System

Unit 4 Fractions and Decimals 15 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 4-1 How can the divisibility Know (FA) 4.1 Anticipation Guide Greatest Common rules help to determine multiplication (IA) Getting Ready for the Lesson—Make a Venn Factor the greatest factor two and division facts Diagram 6.NS.1, 6.NS.4 numbers have in (IA) 4.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills common? Practice, and Application (FA) Homework; Math Book; pg. 200; 10-32; evens 4-2 SMP 4 Two fractions are (IA) Model equivalent fractions with counters Simplifying How do you use the equivalent if they (IA) Draw Equivalent Fractions Fractions divisibility rules to are the same (IA) 4.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice Preparation for simplify fractions? size, or the same and Application 6.NS.1 point on the (FA) Homework; Math Book; pg. 207; 10-34; evens number line 4-3 How would you write Represent mixed (IA) 4.3 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 209 Mixed Numbers instructions to convert numbers and (IA) 4.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills and Improper mixed numbers to improper Practice, and Application Fractions improper fractions and fractions by a (FA) Homework; Math Book; pg. 211; 2-28; evens Preparation for vice a versa? model (SA) Quiz; Lessons 1-3 6.NS.1

4-4 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (FA) Review the 4-step Plan Problem-Solving problems and (IA) 4.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Investigation: persevere in Practice, and Application Make an Organized solving them (FA) 4.4 Word Problems List 4-5 How applicable are Fluently multiply (IA) 4.5 Mini Lab; Math Book pg. 16 Least Common multiples in every day numbers using (IA) 4.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Multiple life? the standard Practice, and Application 6.NS.1, 6.NS.4 algorithm (FA) Homework; 4.5 Word Problems Mathematics (FA) Journal Writing application of CC Standards for English Language

4-6 How are fractions Two fractions are (IA) 4.6 Mini Lab; Math Book pg. 220 Comparing and related? equivalent if they (IA) 4.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Ordering Fractions are the same size Practice, and Application 6.NS.7, 6.NS.7a, or on the same (FA) Homework; 4.6 Practice 6.NS.7b point on the number line

4-7 How are decimals and Know place value (IA) 4.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Writing Decimals fractions related? Practice, and Application as Fractions (FA) Homework; Math Book; pp.227-228; 10-40; Preparation for evens 6.RP.3c

4-8 How are fractions and Using decimal (IA) 4.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Writing Fractions decimals related? notation for Practice, and Application as Decimals fractions with (FA) Homework; Math Book; pp.231-232; 12-404; Preparation for denominators of evens 6.RP.3c 10 or 100 (FA) Quiz; Lessons 7-8 (FA) Matchmaking Card Game

4-9 Where does the Graphing (IA) 4.9 Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; pg. Algebra: Ordered coordinate system exist ordered pairs on 233 Pairs and Functions in daily life? the coordinate (IA) 4.9 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.NS.8 plane Practice, and Application (FA) Homework; 4.9 Word Problems and 4.9 Enrichment (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy Game (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 2

Conceptual Category The Number System

Unit 5 Operations with Fractions 20 Days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 5-1 SMP 4 Rounding skills (FA) 4.1 Anticipation Guide Rounding Fractions When is it useful to with whole (IA) 5.1 Explore; Math Book; pg. 248 and Mixed round fractions and numbers (IA) 5.1 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 249 Numbers mixed numbers? (IA) 5.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Preparation for Practice, and Application 6.NS.1 (FA) Homework; Math Book; pp. 252-253; 14-40; evens

5-2 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 5.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Problem-Solving problems and Practice, and Application Investigation: Act persevere in (FA) Homework 5.2 Word Problems it Out solving them Preparation for 6.NS.1 5-6 When is it appropriate Estimating with (IA) 5.6 Exploring Unit Fractions; Math Book Estimating to use an estimation or whole numbers (teacher version); pg. 276a Products of approximation? (IA) 5.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Fractions Practice, and Application Preparation for (FA) Homework; 5.6 Word Problems 6.NS.1 5-7 How can I use a model Fluently multiply (IA) 5.7 Math Lab; Math Book; pp. 280-281 Multiplying to show how to numbers using (IA) 5.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Fractions multiply two fractions? the standard Practice, and Application Preparation for algorithm (FA) Homework 5.7 Practice 6.NS.1 5-8 SMP 5 Using models to (IA) Options for Differentiated Instruction; Math Multiplying Mixed How can I use a model represent mixed Book (teacher version); pf. 287a Numbers to show how to numbers (IA) 5.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Preparation for multiply mixed number Practice, and Application 6.NS.1 by a fraction? (FA) 5.8 Practice and Word Problems 5-9 SMP 5 Understanding (IA) 5.9 Math Lab; Math Book; pp. 291-292 Dividing Fractions How would you explain how to write a (IA) 5.9 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 293 6.NS.1 how to divide reciprocal (IA) 5.9 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills fractions? Practice, and Application (FA) Homework; 5.9 Practice and Word Problems 5-10 How would you use a Change mixed (IA) 5.10 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Dividing Mixed model to show how to numbers to Practice, and Application Numbers divide mixed numbers? improper (FA) Homework; 5.10 Practice and Word Problems 6.NS.1 fractions (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 3

Conceptual Category Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Unit 6 Ratio, Proportion, and Functions 20 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 6-1 SMP 5 Familiar with (FA) 6.1 Anticipation Guide Ratio and Rates How is a ratio or rate fractions (IA) 6.1 Math Lab; Math Book; pp. 320-321 6.RP.1, 6.RP.2, used to compare two (IA) 6.1 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 314 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3b quantities or values? (IA) 6.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Application (FA) Homework 6.1 Practice and Word Problems

6-2 What information can I Familiar with (IA) 6.2 Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; pg. Ratio Tables get from comparing equivalent 322 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3a numbers in a ratio fractions (IA) 6.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills table? Practice, and Application (FA) 6.2 Homework Practice and Word Problems

CCSS1 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3a 6-3 SMP 5 Understanding (IA) 6.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Proportions What are ratio multiplication as Practice, and Application 6.RP.2, 6RP.3, proportion and scale? scaling or resizing (FA) 6.3 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.RP.3b fractions (FA) Draw a scale drawing of an object, write the ratio, and make an advertisement for that object

6-4 How can proportions Solving real (IA) 6.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Algebra: Solving be used to solve world problems Practice, and Application Proportions problems? involving (FA) 6.4 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, multiplication of (FA) Journal Writing 6.RP.3b fractions (SA) Quiz; Lessons 1-4 Mathematics application of CC Standards for English Language 6-5 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) Review the 4-Step Plan for Problem Solving Problem-Solving problems and (IA) 6.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Investigation: Look persevere in Practice, and Application for a Pattern solving them (FA) 6.5 Homework Practice and Word Problems

6-6 How can patterns be Identify apparent (IA) 6.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Sequences used to make a relationships Practice, and Application 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2c, prediction? between (FA) 6.6 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.EE.6, 6.EE.9 corresponding terms

6-7 How do we use Scaling and (IA) 6.7 Getting Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; Proportions and proportions and equivalent pg. 349 Equations equations to solve real fractions (IA) 6.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3a, life situations? Practice, and Application 6.EE.7, 6.EE.9 (FA) 6.7 Homework Practice and Word Problems (FA) Study Guide and Mind Jogger (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 2

Conceptual Category Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Unit 7 Percent 10 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 7-1 SMP 5 Use the (IA) DVD What’s Math Got To Do With It? Percents and How do people use understanding of (FA) 7.1 Anticipation Guide Fractions percents and fractions place value in (IA) 7.1 Math Lab; Modeling Percents 6.RP.3c in real life? decimals (IA) 7.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Application (FA) 7.1 Homework Practice and Word Problems ((FA) Menu Project

7-2 When should a circle Different types of (IA) 7.2 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 370 Circle Graphs graph be used? data are (IA) 7.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Reinforcement for represented in a Practice, and Application 6.RP.3c variety of ways (FA) 7.2 Homework Practice and Word Problems (IA) Look in magazines/newspapers for circle graphs that pertain to students’ lives. Does the graph fairly represent their age group? 7-3 What is the Understanding (IA) Draw A Picture; Math Book; pg. 376 Percents and relationship between the relationship (IA) 7.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Decimals fractions, decimals and between Practice, and Application Reinforcement for percents? decimals and (FA) 7.3 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.RP.3c fractions (SA) Quiz; Lessons 1-3

7-7 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) Review the 4-Step Plan for Problem Solving Problem Solving problems and (IA) 7.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Investigation: persevere in Practice, and Application Solve a Simpler solving them (FA) 7.7 Homework Practice and Word Problems Problem 7-8 How do I make a Use mental (IA) 7.8 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 401 Estimating with reasonable estimate? computation and (IA) 7.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Percents estimation Practice, and Application 6.RP.3c strategies of (FA) 7.8 Homework Practice and Word Problems whole numbers CCSS 2 How do you find the Understanding (FA) Journal Writing Solve Percent missing value in a the relationship (FA) Study Guide, Mind Jogger, and Jeopardy Problems percent problem? of a fraction (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3c being part of a Mathematics whole application of CC Standards for English Language Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Unit 8 Systems of Measurements 10 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 8-1 How does what I Identify the units (FA) 8.1 Anticipation Guide Length in the measure influence how of measurement (IA) Concept Map; Math Book (teacher version); pg. Customary System we measure? in the customary 416E 6.RP.3d system (IA) 8.1 Mini lab; Math Book; pg. 418 (IA) 8.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Application (FA) 8.1 Homework Practice and Word Problems

8-2 How did converting Measure by (IA) 8.2 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 424 Capacity and units of length help you counting cubes (IA) 8.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Weight in the to understand Practice, and Application Customary System converting units of (FA) 8.2 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.RP.3d weight and capacity?

Explore 8-3 If you know how long Familiarity with (IA) 8.3 The Metric Lab; Math Book; pg. 430 Measurement Lab: something is in inches, the metric (IA) 8.8 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills The Metric System can you estimate the system Practice, and Application 6.RP.3d length in centimeters? (FA) 8.3 Homework Practice and Word Problems What would you do? 8-5 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 8.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Problem- How can a benchmark problems and Practice, and Application Solving be useful in solving a persevere in (FA) 8.5 Homework Practice and Word Problems Investigation: Use problem? solving them Benchmarks 8-6 What are the three CCSS Grade 4 (IA) 8.6 Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; Changing Metric main units in the Multiplying and pg. 445 Units metric system and dividing decimals (IA) 8.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.RP.3d what are they used to Practice, and Application measure? (FA) 8.6 Homework Practice and Word Problems

Extend 8-8 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Identify different (IA) 8.8 Measurement Lab; Math Book; pg. 459 Measurement Lab: How do I choose the units of (FA) Journal Writing Using Appropriate appropriate units and measurement (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy Units and Tools tools when measuring? (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment 6.SP.5b Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category


Unit 9 Geometry: Angles and Polygons 2 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 9-4 How can angles and Classify angles (FA) Anticipation Guide Triangles side measures help us (IA) 9.4 Geometry Lab; Math Book; pg. 485 Preparation for to classify triangles? (IA) 9.4 Real World Connections; Math Book 6.G.1 (teacher’s version); pg. 486a (IA) 9.4 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 486 (IA) 9.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Application (FA) 9.4 Homework Practice and Word Problems (FA) Journal Writing

9-5 How can you classify Classify two- (IA) 9.5 Geometry Lab; Math Book; pg. 493 Quadrilaterals quadrilaterals? dimensional (IA) 9.5 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 494 Preparation for figures (IA) 9.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.G.1 Practice, and Application (FA) 9.5 Homework Practice and Word Problems

9-6 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 9.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Problem Solving problems and Practice, and Application Investigation: persevere in (FA) 9.6Homework Practice and Word Problems Draw a Diagram solving them (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category

Expressions and Equations

Unit 10 Measurement: Perimeter, Area, and Volume 13 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 10-3 How can you relate Use of formulas (IA) Anticipation Guide Area of finding the area of a (IA) 10.3 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 534 Parallelograms rectangle to a (IA) 10.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2c, parallelogram? Practice, and Application 6.G.1 (FA) 10.3 Homework Practice and Word Problems

10-4 How can you relate Use of formulas (IA) 10.4 Measurement Lab; Math Book; pg. 539 Area of Triangles finding the area of a (IA) 10.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills 6.EE.2, 6.EE.2c, triangle to the area of a Practice, and Application 6.G.1 parallelogram? (FA) 10.4 Homework Practice and Word Problems

CSB 13 How do you find the Use of formulas Composite Figures area of a composite 6.G.1 figure? 10-5 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 10.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Problem-Solving problems and Practice, and Application Investigation Make persevere in (FA) 10.5 Homework Practice and Word Problems a Model solving them 10-6 How can you find the Find volume by (IA) 10.6 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 548 Volume of volume of a using cubes (IA) 10.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Rectangular Prisms rectangular prism? Practice, and Application 6.EE.2, 6.EE2c, (IA) 10.6 Geometry Lab 6.G.2 (FA) 10.6 Homework Practice and Word Problems Mathematics (FA) Journal Writing application of CC Standards for English Language 10-7 What shapes make up Use of formulas (IA) 10.7 Mini Lab; Math Book; pg. 555 Surface Area of a rectangular prism and (IA) 10.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Rectangular Prisms how can you use these Practice, and Application 6.G.4, 6.SP.5b shapes to find the (IA) Countdown Challenge Worksheet surface area? (FA) 10.7 Homework Practice and Word Problems (IA) Measurement Lab; Math Book; pg. 560 (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category The Number System

Unit 11 Integers 10 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 11-1 Why is location on the Use positive and (IA) 11.1 Anticipation Guide Ordering Integers number line negative (IA) 11.2 Algebra Lab; math Book; pg. 576 6.NS.6, 6.NS.7, important? numbers to (IA) 11.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, 6.NS.7a, 6.NS.7b, describe and Application 6.NS.8 quantities (FA) 11.2 Homework Practice and Word Problems

LA 1 Is there evidence of Use of positive Negative Rational integers in our and negative Numbers everyday life? numbers in 6.NS.6, 6.NS6c, temperature, 6.NS.7, 6.NS.7a, elevation or 6.NS.7b, 6.NS.7c, money 6.NS.7d 11-5 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 11.5 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Problem-Solving problems and and Application Investigation: persevere in (FA) 11.5 Homework Practice and Word Problems Work Backward solving them 11-7 Why is graphing on the Graphing points (IA) Get Ready For The Lesson; Math Book; pg. 599 The Coordinate coordinate plane in the first (IA) 11.7 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, Plane helpful? quadrant and Application 6.NS.8 (FA) 11.7 Homework Practice and Word Problems

CCSS 4 Where does the Graphing points http://www.uen.org/core/math/downloads/6NS6b.pdf Extend: Distance coordinate system exist in the first on the Coordinate in daily life? quadrant Plane 6.NS.8 CCSS 8 What can we (IA) Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given for the Polygons on the determine from vertices; use coordinate to find the length of a side Coordinate Plane polygons drawn on the joining points with the same first coordinate or the same 6.G.3 coordinate plane? second coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category

Expressions and Equations

Chapter 12 Algebra: Properties and Equations 20 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities (IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) 12-1 How can the Adding, (IA) 12.1 Anticipation Guide The Distributive distributive property subtracting, (IA) Algebra Lab; Math Book; pp. 630-631 Property help me with multiplying and (IA) Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book pg. 632 6.NS.4, 6.EE.3, computation? dividing whole (IA) 12.1 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and 6.EE.4 numbers using Application the standard (FA) 12.1 Homework Practice and Word Problems algorithm

CCSS 3 (IA) http://interactivemaths.net/index.php? Extend Factoring q=category/1/28/29/106 6.NS.4, 6.EE.3 12-2 How do I use algebraic Order of (IA) Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; pg. 636 Simplifying expressions to analyze operations and (IA) 12.2 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Algebraic or solve problems? writing and Application Expressions interpreting (FA) 12.2 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.NS.4, 6.EE.2b, numerical 6.EE.3, 6.EE.4 expressions 12-3 How is an equation like Adding and (IA) 12.3 Algebra Lab; Math Book; pg. 642 Solving Addition a balance scale? subtracting (IA) 12.3 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Equations numbers using Application 6.EE.7 the standard (FA) Football Game algorithm (FA) 12.3 Homework Practice and Word Problems 12-4 How can using number Adding and (IA) Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; pg. 651 Solving Subtraction relationships help me subtracting (IA) 12.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Equations to solve a subtraction numbers using Application 6.EE.7 equation? the standard (FA) 12.4 Homework Practice and Word Problems algorithm (FA) Algebra Lab; Math Book; pg. 655 12-5 How would knowing Multiplying and (IA) Get Ready for the Lesson; Math Book; pg. 657 Solving your multiplication dividing numbers (IA) 12.4 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Multiplication facts help you to solve using the Application Equations multiplication standard (FA) 12.4 Homework Practice and Word Problems 6.EE.7 equations? algorithm (FA) Journal Writing CCSS 6 (IA) http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview?LPid=6393 Inequalities 6.EE.5, 6.EE.8 CCSS 7 SMP 1,2, 4, 6, 7 Write and (IA) Provide students with a list of real-world situations using Write and Graph How do you write interpreting an inequalities, have the students match the inequality to the Inequalities inequalities that equation situation and graph 6.EE.5, 6.EE.8 correspond to a given (IA) Provide students with inequalities and have the students situation? write real-world situations and graph

12-6 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of (IA) 12.6 Study Guide and Intervention, Skills Practice, and Problem-Solving problems and Application Investigation: persevere in (FA) 12.6 Homework Practice and Word Problems Choose the Best solving them (FA) Study Guide and Jeopardy Method of (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment Computation Common Core (CC) Standards Curriculum Map Grade 6

E. Todd Quarter 4

Conceptual Category Statistical Thinking

Unit 2 Statistics and Graphs 15 days

CC Standard and Mathematical Practices Prior Learning Instructional Activities(IA) Content and Essential Questions Formative Assessments(FA) Summative Assessments(SA) CCSS 9 Why is data collected (FA) Anticipation Guide Explore: Statistics and analyzed? Questions 6.SP.1 2-1 SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Make sense of problems and persevere in IA) 2.1 Study Guide and Problem-Solving solving them Intervention, Practice, and Investigation: Word Problems Make a Table Extend 2-2 SMP 5 Excel spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet in the Tech Spreadsheet Lab; How do you determine Lab Double-Line and- the best way to display Bar Graphs data on a graph? Preparation for 6.SP.5 2-3 How can predictions be Interpret graphs (IA) 2.3 Study Guide and Interpret Line made based on the Intervention, Practice, and Graphs data? Word Problems Preparation for (FA) 2.3 Homework Skills 6.SP.5 Practice—Interpret Line Graphs 2-4 Why is this data display Determine different methods to display data (IA) 2.4 Study Guide and Stem-and Leaf appropriate for a given Intervention, Practice, and Plots set of data? Word Problems Preparation for (FA) 2.4 Homework; pp. 94- 6.SP.5 95; 6-24 evens

2-5 Why is this data display Make a line plot (IA) 2.5 Study Guide and Line Plots appropriate for a given Intervention, Practice, and 6.SP.2, 6.SP.4, set of data? Application 6.SP.5, 6.SP.5a (FA) 2.5 Homework; pp. 98- 99; 1-18; all (FA) 2.5 Study Guide and Review (SA) Quiz; Lessons 1-5 LA6 Why is this data display Interpret data Histograms appropriate for a given 6.SP.4 set of data? 2-6 Mean How is the mean Multiplying and dividing numbers using the (IA) 2.6 Study Guide and 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3 computed and how is it standard algorithm Intervention, Practice, and used in real life? Application (IA) Roll a dice game for Data (FA) Homework; Math Book; pp. 105-106; 10-32; evens Extend 2-6 SMP 5 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Lab; How do we use Spreadsheets and technology effectively? Mean 6.SP.2 2-7 How can median, mode Represent and interpret data (IA) 2.7 Get Ready for the Median, Mode, and range be Lesson; Have 7 students line and Range computed and up to height 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3 compared? (IA) Study Guide and Mathematics Intervention, Practice, and application of CC Application Standards for (FA) Complete Notes English Language (FA) Journal Writing CCSS 10 (IA) Study Guide and Measures of Intervention, Practice, and Variation Application 6.SP.3, 6.SP.5c CCSS 11 Box-and- Why is this data display Represent and interpret data (IA) Study Guide and Whisker Plots appropriate for a given Intervention, Practice, and 6.SP.2, 6.SP.4 set of data? Application

http://www.shodor.org/inter activate/activities/BoxPlot/

CCSS 12 Mean What kinds of Represent and interpret data (IA) Study Guide and Absolute Deviation questions can be Intervention, Practice, and 6.SP.5c answered using mean Application absolute deviation?

CCSS 13 What does the shape Represent and interpret data (IA) Study Guide and Shape of Data of data distribution tell Intervention, Practice, and Distributions us about the data? Application 6.SP.5d 2-8 Selecting an SMP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Represent and interpret data (IA) 2.8 Study Guide and Appropriate How would you Intervention, Practice and Display determine which Application 6.SP.4 display would be most (SA) Group Poster—given a effective to display set of data select an different kinds of data? appropriate display for the situation Extend 2-8 How does the data we Represent and interpret data Tech Lab Statistics Lab; collect help us to solve Collecting Data to a problem? Solve a Problem 6.SP.5, 6.SP.5a, 6.SP.5b, 6.SP.5c 2-9 Why is graphing an Familiar with positive and negative integers (IA) 2.9 Get Ready for the Integers and effective Lesson—tape a number line Graphing representation of to the floor 6.NS.5, 6.NS.6. integers? (IA) 2.9 Study Guide and 6.NS6a, 6.NS.6c Intervention, Practice and Application (IA) Study Guide (SA) Test, Glossary, and Enrichment

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