Sussex County Educational Services Commission

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Sussex County Educational Services Commission


October Minutes

October 6, 2014



II. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NOTICE The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Sussex County Educational Services Commission has caused advance notice of this meeting by having the date, time and place published in the NJ Herald and Star Ledger. Meeting notice was posted on the door at the Northern Hills Academy.


Mr. Moscatello led the salute to the flag.







ALSO PRESENT: Andrea Romano, Superintendent Erin Dunstan, Business Administrator / Board Secretary Jennifer Kaufman, Principal Robin McMahon – Esq. Christine Rudinsky – Teacher Jeanne Ortiz – Physical Therapist


Page 1 of 13 RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission approve the following minutes:

September 8, 2014 Regular Meeting September 8, 2014 Executive Session

MOVE: Ms. Ambrose 2ND: Ms. Risley

Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Abstain Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Abstain Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Abstain Sussex-Wantage


We have started the committee meetings. Ms. Dunstan has been putting in a lot time with the small construction project. You will see we are withholding money back from Zitone Construction until the grass is established.


1. Open House for Northern Hills Academy 2. Clearly, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs, LLC Cocktail Party Invite October 29, 2014


Personnel & Negotiations – Mr. Moscatello stated he would like to hold off on reporting till the executive session. Buildings and Grounds / Finance - Mr. Moscatello stated we got a proposal from Brown & Brown regarding our health insurance and if there was any cost savings out there. We are in the process of reviewing it now.

Programs and Services- none Policy- None


October 2014 The ESC Superintendent’s meeting was held at the Union County ESC where the topic of conversation was the School Boards Convention. All of the ESC’s will be presenting a workshop at the Convention entitled, “What can your local ESC do for your district?” Erin and I have signed up for slotted time frames to represent the Sussex County ESC. In addition, we will be bringing with us fliers and business cards. Please make sure to stop by.

2 Erin and Andrea attended the Commissioner’s Convocation and were able to network with colleagues regarding Commissioner Hespe’s agenda on PARCC testing, Achieve NJ and teacher evaluations. Superintendent attended a Negotiations and Bargaining Worskshop at NJASA. Our School Business Administrator attended a workshop on Budgeting and Forecasting while Jennifer Kaufman attended the Dynamic Learning Map training. Erin attended Sussex County School Business Administrator’s meeting and Morville Insurance Agency meeting.

The Sussex County Superintendent’s Roundtable was held and information from NJDOE was disseminated regarding Commissioner of Education’s Convocation, salary caps, and NJDOE requirements. Annual meeting dates were scheduled with topics to be discussed. Representatives from Project Self-Sufficiency and Center for Prevention and Counseling presented. I was elected the professional development representative to NJASA Committee and agreed to organize a professional development calendar of opportunities for the county. At the October County-wide In-service, I will be working with Sara Klejomnt , School Social Worker, Dana Nucera, Behavior Specialist to present Roles and Responsibilities of Para- Professionals at Kittatinny High School. The Superintendent at Kittatinny opened up the presentation to other districts and currently 40 para-professionals are assigned to attend.

Administration is scheduling the first round of teacher evaluations and working to develop the required school committees to help support the school improvement plans.

Northern Hills Academy

Our back to school night was very well attended. Seventeen parents came to meet with their child’s teachers and therapists, as well as Administration. This was Jennifer Kaufman, Principal’s first Back to School Night. The PTA set up a table and sold Kids Stuff books, as well as discussed the many fundraisers and activities they are planning for the school year. Several parents signed up that evening. Currently a fundraiser for Cherrybrook is going on.

The new classroom has been a huge hit. The furniture for the new classroom arrived and included modular desks which are able to be formed into different configurations for group activities. Each desk has a new rocker chair. Since the start of school, staff has noted that students using the rocker chairs appear to have fewer behavior issues and are able to stay in their seats for longer periods of time.

Our two in-service days on September 2nd and September 3rd covered topics that included Handle With Care and CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute), both which focus on verbal de-escalation techniques as well as physical restraint training. School began on September 4th with a total of 35 students including one new student.

We continue to receive phone calls from districts interested in placing their students at NHA, and we anticipate having at least one additional student joining our pre-school program in October. This only continues to validate what a wonderful job our staff is doing educating our students! The month of

Page 3 of 13 September had our students resume their monthly swimming program at the YMCA and the Therapy Dog program was once again a big hit. We all look forward to October’s Fall and Halloween activities.

Non Public Currently there are 19 schools in Sussex/Warren County that are receiving services under Non-Public programs. The programs offered include: Comp Ed Instruction in Language Arts Literacy and Math, Home Instruction, English as a Second Language/ELL, Supplemental instruction, Speech and Language and Child Study Team Exam and Classification services. Additional funding occurs through IDEA- funding, which is a Federal Grant. Each of the Non-Public Schools has a slightly different array of services depending on their enrollment.

Each of the Non-Public teachers assigned are working through scheduling the students around their daily schedules and integrating the 30 minute sessions into their workloads. The teachers are working collaboratively with Speech, OT and PT’s in addition to their academic classes at the Non -Public schools. With all of the changes in both staffing and programming implemented for 2014-2015 due to compliancy issues, Superintendent attended Back to School Nights at Reverend Brown (2 nights) and at Sussex Christian. In addition, meetings are set at St. Joe’s to discuss opportunities under Non-Public for students in attendance at that school. Offers were made to each of the Non-Public school to attend either Back to School Nights and/or parent Meetings for special needs students.

Nursing Services have started at the Non-public Schools with 9 nurses placed at 15 schools. Funding shares for each of the non-public schools allow for limited nursing on-site and supplies. Each Non-Public school decides how best to allocate their funds over on site and/or supplies. SCESC oversees the paperwork, the nursing service plans and the staffing coverage.

Public School Services Sussex ESC has started the school year with 7 districts working under itinerant services with contracts that vary from a few hours a week to several days per week. Services are being provided to public schools in child study team services and related services in the areas of speech, occupational therapy and English as a second language.

Requests for evaluations and assessments are constant to public schools. SCESC is providing assessments in the areas of Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Functional Behavioral Assessments and Social Histories.

Finally, professional development brochure has been updated and sent to districts. The workshops offered include areas that staff at SCESC feel are their strengths and can be provided to districts in Sussex County to assist with efficiencies in both cost savings and people savings.


4 This month we were able to get the payroll merge between R&L payroll and CDK to work. This payroll merge has not worked in about a year.

The total cost of our emergency repair (18A:18A-7 et. seq.) for the hot water heater was $2,571.84.

Dykstra Associates have recommended us to withhold $1,000 from Zitone Construction until the grass is established, which will probably be the spring time.


Ms. Ortiz asked what the difference was between R&L and CDK?

Ms. Dunstan stated that R&L is our payroll company and CDK is our general ledger software.



1. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors accept with regret the resignations of the following:

NAME POSITION EFFECTIVE Heather Sisco PT Para-Professional 9/1/14 Mary DeMeulenaere Pt Para-Professional 10/15/14

2. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the request of Valerie Puco, Non-Public teacher, for an unpaid temporary leave of absence from 9/18/14 through and including 11/13/14 (or pending her earlier return to duty upon receipt of medical clearance) and authorize the employee’s use of accrued sick leave for personal illness during the leave

3. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors appoint the following leave of absence replacement for Non-Public programs.

NAME POSTION SALARY EFFECTIVE Michael Ness PT Non-Public Teacher, $14.70+$5 not to exceed 9/19/14 up to 11/14/14 TOSD, Elementary Ed, 29.75 hours per week HQT-LAL

4. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors rescind the following ESY contracts for the 2014-2015 year.

NAME POSITION SALARY REASON Lisa Zerner PT Para-Professional $13.85 per hour step 5 not Incorrect Step to exceed 29.75 hours per week

Page 5 of 13 5. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the following ESY contract for the 2014-2015 school year.

NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE Lisa Zerner PT Para-Professional $14.05 per hour Step 6 not 7/1/14 to exceed 29.75 hours per week

6. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors rescind the following contract for the 2014-2015 school year.

NAME POSITION SALARY REASON Lisa Zerner PT Para-Professional $13.85 per hour step 5 not Incorrect Step to exceed 29.75 hours per week

7. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the following non-certificated staff contracts for the 2014-2015 school year.

NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE Lisa Zerner PT Para-Professional $14.05 per hour step 6 not 9/2/14 to exceed 29.75 hours per week

8. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the following substitute On-Site Principal on an as need basis for the 2014-2015 school year not to exceed 29.75 hours per week.

NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE Lewis Ayers Substitute Principal $250.00 per diem 10/7/14

9. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the job-description for a Part-time Confidential Administrative Assistant, as attached.

10. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors advertise for a Part-time Confidential Administrative Assistant, not to exceed $17 per hour, must have a High School Diploma, excellent typing, filing, computer / word processing and knowledge of Excel spreadsheets.

MOVE: Ms. Risley 2ND: Ms. Ambrose

Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Aye Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Aye Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Aye Sussex-Wantage

6 Mr. Moscatello stated up to 29.75 hours is per the union contract, but we are only allowing them to work up to 28 hours.


A.1.RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the first reading of the following mandated policies and regulations:

P1522 School-level (M) (Abolished) P5305 Health Services Personnel (Revised) P&R 5306 Health Services to Nonpublic Schools (M) (Revised) P&R 5308 Student Health Records (M) (Revised) P&R 5310 Health Services (M) (Revised) P 5339 Screening for Dyslexia (M) (New) P&R 5600 Student Discipline/Code of Conduct (M) (Revised) P 5756 Transgender Students (New) P8505 Wellness Policy/Nutrient Standards for Meals and Other Foods (M) (Revised)

MOVE: Mr. Morel 2ND: Ms.Carlson

Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Aye Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Aye Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Nay Sussex-Wantage

Ms. Romano stated all these policies are mandated polices from Strauss Esmay. Ms. Beebe asked if we every change the polices to our schools? Ms. Romano stated that we change all the policies to say Board of Directors.

Ms. Beebe asked what we use to screen for Dyslexia. Ms. Romano stated that at Northern Hills Academy we do not screen for Dyslexia. In the Non-public and Public schools we use the screening kits from the districts.


. 1. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the payment of the following bills:

September 2014 Payroll $246,615.84 October (Fund 10) List of Bills $72,030.86 October (Fund 20) List of Bills $1,670.00 October (Fund 30) List of Bills $13,756.17

2. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the Board Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report for August 2014 (as attached).

Page 7 of 13 3. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the attached list of budget transfers for August 2014.

4. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the budget increase in August 2014 of $271,013.00

MOVE: Ms. Risley 2ND: Mr. Morel

Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Aye Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Aye Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Aye Sussex-Wantage


1. RESOLVED, that the following appointment be made for the period of October 7, 2014 – June 30, 2015:

WHEREAS, there exists a need for School Psychologist consultants, and

WHEREAS, the funds are available for these purposes, and,

WHERAS, the Local Public Contracts Law N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 requires that the resolution authorizing the award of contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bids must be publicly advertised.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors as follows:

Ken Welsh be appointed to provide Psychological Services at a rate of $195 for Initial or Re- evaluation Assessment, $100 for Annual Reviews, $50 for Evaluation Planning Meeting, and $150 for additional – Per Case for Case Manager (Initials & Reevaluations Only) for a maximum amount not to exceed $100,000 for the period of October 7, 2014 – June 30, 2015.

These appointments are made without Competitive bidding as “Professional Services” under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5. because such services are recognized professions licenses and regulated by law not allowing for competitive bids.

2. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve a contract between Sussex County Educational Services Commission and Joseph Rocco to provide movement / music services at of $35.38 per hour for the 2014-2015 school year, not to exceed $2,625.

Notice of Award of Professional Services

8 The Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors have awarded the following FY 2014-2015 contracts for a maximum amount not to exceed $2,625 without competitive bidding for professional services pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:18A-5 at its October 6, 2014 regular meeting:

Joseph Rocco – Movement / Music Consultant

This contract and board resolution authorizing this professional service is available for public inspection in the Office of the Board Secretary.

3. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors accept the 2014-2015 Non – Public Nursing and Chapter 192/193 funding , as attached.

4. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the 2014-2015 District and Board Goals, as follows:

District Goals: 1. To ensure that staff achieve or are working towards compliance in certification. 2. Ensuring compliance in program requirements for Non-Public. 3. Investigate and implement, if possible shared service for supervisor of building and grounds.

Board Goals: 1. Review and update By-Laws 2. Implement committee structure

5. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the Nursing Services Plan for the 2014-2015 as attached.

6. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the Certification for School Nutrition Standards ‘SMART SNACKS’ for 2014-2015 school year.

7. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the HIB Self – Assessment from July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 total score 44 out of 78, as attached.

8. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the following requests for Northern Hills Academy field trips:

STAFF MEMBER DATE FIELD TRIP LOCATION COST Rebecca 11/18/14 Imagine That Florham Park, Cost:$132.83 Pietrowksi, New Jersey Transportation:TBD Chrstine Rubinsky Amber Werner, 10/15/14 Heaven Hill Vernon, New Cost:$147.00 Mike Matthews, Farms Jersey Transportation: Alesandra $290.00 Kasharian

9. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the following professional development activities.

Staff Member Date Location Program Cost Erin Dunstan 10/10/14 Marlboro Middle School IPM Cost: $0.00

Page 9 of 13 School Coordinators Mileage: TBD Erin Dunstan 10/1/14 NJSCPA Budgeting and No cost to SCESC Roseland, NJ Forecasting Granting use of PD days. Erin Dunstan 11/19/14 Hilton Garden Inn, Get Ready NOW Cost: $50 Rockaway, NJ for Changes in Mileage:TBD Education Grants Management & Federal Audits Erin Dunstan 10/28/14- Atlantic City, New NJSBA Not to exceed the 10/30/14 Jersey Conference state requirement Andrea Romano 10/28/14- Atlantic City, New NJSBA Not to exceed the 10/30/14 Jersey Conference state requirement Andrea Romano 10/25/14, 12/4/14, NJASA Professional Cost: $0.00 2/24/15, 5/4/15 Headquarters Development Mileage: TBD Trenton, NJ Chair Committee Meetings Andrea Romano 10/24/14 Sheraton Edison Standards – Based Cost: $0.00 Hotel Edison, NJ IEPs in the CCSS Mileage:TBD and PARCC Era Andrea Romano 11/24/14 Bergen Community Is it an IEP, 504 Cost: $0.00 Collage – Paramus Accommodation Mileage:TBD Campus Paramus, Plan or What? NJ Christine 10/24/14 Sheraton Edison Standards – Based Cost: $0.00 Voorhees Hotel Edison, NJ IEPs in the CCSS Mileage:TBD and PARCC Era Christine 11/24/14 Bergen Community Is it an IEP, 504 Cost: $0.00 Voorhees Collage – Paramus Accommodation Mileage:TBD Campus Paramus, Plan or What? NJ Sara Klejmont 10/17/14 The Boggs Center Mental & Cost: $129.00 New Brunswick, Behavioral Health Mileage: TBD NJ Aspect of DD/MI Dana Nucera 10/9/14 Strauss Esmay Harassment, Cost: $150 Associates Office, Intimidation & Mileage:TBD Toms River, NJ Bullying Prevention Training Program Erinmarie Ciollella 11/2014-11/22/14 ASHA, Orlando, American Speech No cost to SCESC Florida – Language Granting use of PD Hearing Assoc. days Convention Kim Forest 10/13/14 Newton Medical School Nurse Cost: $0.00 Center, Newton NJ Education at NMC Mileage: TBD Rebecca 10/17/14 The Conference M.D. Low Vision Cost:$0.00 Pietrowski Center at Mercer (Sensory) Mileage:TBD Dana Nucera 12/9/14 Webinar ODD, ASD, ADHA Cost:179.99 Sara Klejomont & Mood Disorders Mileage: TBD – Over 50 Proven Techniques for Children & Adolescents

MOVE: Mr. Morel 2ND: Ms. Faye

10 Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Aye Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Aye Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Aye Sussex-Wantage

Ms. Romano stated the HIB Self-Assessment should have been approved at the September meeting but staff were not properly trained, so it was put off till the October meeting. We do not have much HIB problems here with our students. We scored low in the parent involvement area.

Ms. Romano stated at the November Board meeting you will see a corrective action plan for our goals that we set.


1. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the contract with Greco Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance for snow plowing services from 10/7/14-12/31/15 as attached.

2. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the payment to Zitone Construction & Supply Co, Inc. in the amount of $13,004.17 per payment application #6.

3. RESOLVED, that the Sussex County Educational Services Commission Board of Directors approve the annual Comprehensive Maintenance Plan Report and Form M-1, as attached.

MOVE: Mr. Morel 2ND: Ms. Risley

Andover Aye Byram Aye Franklin Aye Fredon Hamburg Aye Hampton High Point Aye Hopatcong Kittatinny Aye Lafayette Aye Newton Aye Ogdensburg Aye Stanhope Aye Sparta Aye Sussex-Wantage

Ms. Debbie Anderson asked if the payment to Zitone Construction reflects the $1,000 we are withholding. Ms. Dunstan stated yes it does.

Ms. Paszkiel asked what Zitone Construction said about us withholding $1,000 till the grass is established? Ms. Dunstan stated that she did not directly talk to them, our engineers spoke with them.

Page 11 of 13 XIII. OLD BUSINESS:


We will be having two Open Houses at Northern Hills Academy in October.


There was no public participation.


There were no other board actions.


Motion by Mr. Morel, seconded by Ms. Paszkiel, to adopt the following resolution and enter into closed Executive Session, all voiced in favor, at 7:50 p.m.:

WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, PL 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, the Sussex County Educational Services Commission is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sussex County Educational Services Commission, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey that a closed session will be held on October 6, 2014 for the purpose of personnel, and negotiations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the board with regard to the above entitled subject matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, and would not result in a possible invasion of their right to privacy.

Motion by Mr. Morel, seconded by Ms. Carlson, to close the Executive Session, all voiced in favor, at 8:06 p.m.:

The Board entered into Regular Session entered into Regular Session at 8:06 p.m.


a. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was called to adjourn by Mr. Morel and Seconded by Ms. Risley, all in favor.

12 At 8:06 P. M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Erin Dunstan Business Administrator / Board Secretary

Important dates: NEXT BOARD MEETING:

November 3, 2014 at 7 PM

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