Thelomathesian Society

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Thelomathesian Society

Thelomathesian Society February 20, 2008 Called to Order at 7:03PM

Unanimous vote for the approval of the February 13, 2008 minutes

I. Roll Call

SENATORS Present Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3

Chelsey Allen Y Y Y Y Tristan Baldwin absent n/a n/a n/a Rachel Benjamin absent n/a n/a n/a Caroline Bishop Y Y Y Y Nicholas Blaise Y Y Y Y Nicholas Blum Y Y Y Y Ben Burds Y Y Y Y Catherine Burke Y Y Y Y Jordyn Buzza Y Y Y Y Susmita Chowdhury excused n/a n/a n/a Martha Civitillo Y Y Y Y Amanda Earley Y Y Y Y Adham Elsayed Y Y Y Y Lauren Freire Y Y Y Y Libby Hamilton Y Y Y Y Kristin Howard Y Y Y Y Joshua Johnson Y Y Y Y Djifa Kothor Y Y Y Y Amber Latza absent n/a n/a n/a Christopher McDonald Y Y Y Y Brendan McGrath Y Y Y Y Alina Miska Y Y Y Y Harry Neely Y Y Y Y Jared Pellerin Y Y Y Y Hallee Quinn Y Y Y Y Hassan Raza Y Y Y Y Melissa Rogers excused n/a n/a n/a Timothy Senter Y Y Y Y Patrick Sheridan-Rossi Y Y Y Y Trevor Smart Y Y Y Y Amanda Sprow absent n/a n/a n/a Molly Tobin Y Y Y Y Quinn Wacenske Y Y Y Y Julia Warn Y Y Y Y Assistant Chairs Present Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3

Phoenix Bell (Public Relations) Y Y Y Y Julian Blakney-Carlson (Budget & Finance) Y Y Y Y Caitlin Hamilton (Sexual Violence Education) Y Y Y Y Elizabeth Monahan (Academic Affairs) Y Y Y Y Svetoslav Stoytchev (Senate Affairs) Y Y Y Y

Chairs Present

Faye Andrews (Sexual Violence Education) Y Kenneth Brian Brownell (Public Relations) Y Steffi Chappell (Elections) Y Ryan Duff (Student Life) Y Bridget Lennon (Academic Affairs) Y Abby Rose (Environmental Conservation) Y

Senior Executive Board Present

President John Pontius Y VP of University Relations Colin Vickery Y VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce Y Secretary Stella Han Y SLUSAF Central Treasurer Ashley Cutler Y Student Delegate Dennis Willette Y

II. Officer Reports

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

I have no report this week except that I’m registering clubs and organizations into my list.

Secretary Stella Han

Please speak up and state your name.

VP of University Relations Colin Vickery

I got the list together for Tri-Partied committee. You can sign up for any committee that you are interested in. It’s really cool and it’s not a huge committee but you do have to go to meetings once in a while. Whatever you are interested in, please sign up. I’m still working on the Thelmo budge that we need to do by March 12. Stella and I are working on getting Thelmo storage up and running. Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

John and I have been in meetings to get organized for the Board of Trustees meeting. We’ve got a very clear proposal to bring to the Trustees. All of you will get a copy of a letter that is already sent to the Trustees. It’s already approved by the Executive Board and JAVA. We will be asking for the Senate’s approval tonight. I’m looking forward to this meeting because it has a lot of student input in it concerning the Pub and JAVA. At the end, there is a picture or drawing what the interior of the pub will look like if the pizza hut is renovated. Besides that, I’ll be getting ready for the board meeting.

SLUSAF Central Treasurer Ashley Cutler

I don’t have much to report tonight. But I am preparing for the advancement committee.

President John Pontius

Dennis and I spent a lot of time this week dealing with the Board of Trustees. In my board report, I spent a lot of time talking about the sexual assaults on campus because I think the Trustees need to know about that. It’s definitely something they’ll be looking into as well as in Thelmo. We’ll be bringing in Pat Gagnon and Katie Protos to talk to us about it. As for the pub, I’ll be sending out a letter that Dennis talked about.

III. Committee Reports

Sexual Violence Education Chair Faye Andrews

You guys probably got that email on the recent attack and Dean Tolliver is releasing a statement soon revolving around the attacks this and last semester. Rance Davis and Katie Protos will be talking about everything also. The reason why they send out these attacks is because they want you to know who to look out for on campus. My committee is trying to work with MAASV to get a safe walk to various places.

Public Relations Chair Kenneth Brian Brownell

I want to thank Phoenix Bell for doing the board outside the Thelmo office. Our committee meeting is cancelled this week. The competition for the Thelmo logo is out and there will be a article in the Hill News soon

Environmental Conservation Chair Abby Rose

I met with Louise Gava and she told me that her committee is working on a lot of different projects. One issue is about water conversation she is addressing now is how many people leave the water on when brushing their teeth Academic Affairs Chair Bridget Lennon

My committee came up with a couple of projects. We’re going ahead with the sophomore advising project that was started last semester. We also thought about creating a standardized grading system since a 4.0 in one class isn’t the same in another. Another is that I’m pretty sure you are familiar with the QRC and a lot of people in the sciences don’t have something like that. So we were thinking of trying to set that up.

Student Life Chair Ryan Duff

John and I came up with a proposal for Club Win with other people previously involved with it. The proposal has the location, alcohol policies, and etc. I’ll leave it here if anyone wants to look at it.

Elections Chair Steffi Chappell

I only need five people to join my committee to work on student delegate and class council elections. So just come up to me after the meeting if you are interested.

IV. Old Business

Club Status: Club Soccer

Club Representative

I don’t really have anything new since last week. Does any have any questions?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

I think it would be good to explain to the Senate on the role of passing on the club to younger members and what ways you would do it.

Club Representative

The main issue we had is that members were mostly upperclassmen so we lost representation from the underclassmen. If we get club status, we have two freshmen involved so they can take over after the older students are gone.

Debate For

Debate Against

Speak To Motion to Vote

Unanimous approval

V. New Business

Ratification of a new J-Board Justice (ISSUE #1)

President John Pontius

The process of J-Board is that there is a selection from a group of students interested in being in it and they come to Thelmo and the Senator’s vote.

Senator Bishop

Kristin would like to be on the J-Board committee and she’s here for Thelmo’s endorsement?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

She’s already selected and she’s only here for approval. This just gives you a chance to make a more knowledgeable decision.

Debate For

Debate Against

Speak To

Motion to Vote

Yes – 33 No – 0 Abstain – 0

Committee Membership Amendment (ISSUE #2)

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

I just wanted to see how the Senate felt about this. Basically, this just says that a member of the Senate may be considered an official committee member though non- senators may sit in on committee meetings with the permission of the committee chair. Are there any questions? SLUSAF Central Treasurer Ashley Cutler

Is it possible for someone running in the election to sit on a committee?

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

That’s a completely different issue.

Senator Bishop

I understand the green part but the red is something completely different.

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

The red is being taken out and the green is what is being put it.

Debate For

Debate Against

Speak To

Senator Bishop

Is there a specific time frame a member can sit on a committee?

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

It’s a discretion thing.

Senator Blaise

What is your perspective to allow a non-senate person to sit as committee chair?

VP of Senate Affairs Michael Crankshaw-Bierce

I’m taking that out.

Debate For

Debate Against

Speak To Motion to vote

Yes – 33 No – 0 Abstain – 0

Letter to the Board of Trustees (ISSUE #3)


Senator Bishop

On the 3rd paragraph down, I thought it was my understanding that JAVA and pub will be separated.

President John Pontius

They could function under the same roof as long as there is a removable separation.

Senator Warn

Are you presenting this with more support?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

This, along with our board report, is a pre-phase.

Senator C. Hamilton

JAVA doesn’t use the entire building, so should there be something included about that? Something with partial green space and some used space

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

At the last architecture meeting, they had drawings of the exterior and interior so this’ll just support this more.

Senator Monahan

Will the Board of Trustees approve this? Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

Besides the unpredictability the Board of Trustees will react to this, but it’s really the faculty. The faculty was told the building was going to be removed and a lot of them were for getting it removed. The only delay I can see if with the faculty and they request a delay.

Sexual Violence Education Chair Faye Andrews

Do you think it would be beneficial to call a meeting that would say to build this up as a better idea?

President John Pontius

We’ll definitely elaborate on that when we present this. We didn’t get into detail in the letter but it will be brought to their attention.

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

They will see this as a proposal and our job is to explain how we got here.

Senator McDonald

Do you they know that the connecting halls will be removed and the freshmen will be moved out?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

It’ll definitely be brought to their attention

Senator Warn

Did President Sullivan take that off the table?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

There was never a vote to take it off the table.

Dean Tolliver

The Board actually meets in this room. There was a heated discussion and President Sullivan took it off the table and said that they’ll look at more plans and be back with more options. Senator Bishop

It’s very accessible to students and I was wondering if they come up with ideas to weigh some traffic issues.

President John Pontius

At the architect meeting, it wasn’t raised but it will definitely be brought up the next time we meet with them.

Debate For

Debate Against

Speak To

Motion to Vote

Yes – 33 No – 0 Abstain – 0

Picture Time

Dean Tolliver

There is a choice here for using the existing space or opening it up to have more student space.

Senator Bell

Are they going to change the entrance from opening it up to the suites?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

They kept the design but I’m not sure.

Senator Burds

I would make sure there were at least one or two coat rooms by the door.

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

There is definitely a lot of storage and office space that can be manipulated. Senator Bishop

Are there going got have any pool or ping pong tables?

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

That would be an attraction and necessary.

Environmental Conservation Chair Abby Rose

What’s the green room?

Dean Tolliver

The green room is a room for the bands to have space if they need it.

Senator Burds

The bar seems small and I think it should be better because that’ll be the main attraction.

Dean Tolliver

The architects can take the drawing and do anything the students want with it.

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

We could use some student representation to start planning what exactly what students want.

VI. Member’s Time

VP of University Relations Colin Vickery

For everyone who signed up for a committee, e-mails will be sent out.

Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees Dennis Willette

For those interested of the board meeting, the trustees will be arriving tomorrow morning. Friday, all day, are committee meetings and Executive board will be sitting in on those meetings. Saturday from 8-noon is the generally board more. If any has any questions, I’ll be here after the meeting. Monday is when applications go out for the student delegate. I highly recommended it. At 9pm, our VP of university relations has a broomball game and everyone should go. I’m going. Elections Chair Steffi Chappell

If you are interested in the election committee, please come and see me.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55PM

Respectfully Submitted By:

Secretary Stella Han

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