Flumes ME- Building Group

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Flumes ME- Building Group

Flumes ME- Building Group



1.1 SUMMARY A. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: Section 05500: Metal Fabrications (http://ame.ctc.chrysler.com/aamebldg/index.htm ) Section 09910: Painting (http://ame.ctc.chrysler.com/aamebldg/index.htm ) SMI – 117:Hot Work Permits – Issue and Control of. (http://adress2.tcc.chrysler.com/adress/ ) ETI – 103: Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for the procurement of machine tools, equipment, dies, fixtures and non-perishable tools and supplies. (http://adress2.tcc.chrysler.com/adress/) SEB– 705:Secondary Containment Design and Use (Formerly ETI—501)(found in same location as this specification) B. Standards referenced in this Section:  American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)  A 36-96, Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

1.2 DEFINITIONS A. System flume design: The overall system flume design is typically provided by a reputable filtration manufacturer. This drawing would include but not be limited to the following: A single facility layout drawing which identifies flume width, length, centerlines to plant master datum, curve radii, and all necessary elevations relative to finish floor, ETC. The filtration manufacturer, documents any and all flume specifications necessary for the proper flow of coolant from volume flush or velocity discharge points required to transport chips to their filtration equipment. See “PART 4 – Attachments” for an example of this drawing. B. Detailed flume design and fabrication: Not to be confused with “system flume design”. The scope of this flume specification outlines the detailed design and fabrication requirements. C. Water test: OEM responsibilities – ( prior to shipment ) The flume manufacturer is to water test the deepest section of flume prior to shipment of any upstream flume sections. The purpose of this test is to validate the structural integrity of the flume's sidewall design to withstand the potential water pressure exerted from an upstream leak. The flume test should be conducted as follows:  Note - The traditional air test is performed on ALL fabricated flume sections prior to shipment.  Plug the site port's pipe nipple located on the deep side of the deepest flume section.  Calculate the volume of water which could be potentially trapped in the flume's secondary containment area due to a leak at the flume's invert area. (highest point)  Simulate this water pressure condition exerted on the deepest flume section. Make sure the flume's outer side walls are properly braced to simulate concrete support.  Document the inside wall deflection. A successful water test will not allow more that 1" of total deflection. For example an 18" wide flume will maintain at least 17" gap while subjected to the total head pressure of the flume network.  Document your test parameters and field results.

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Flumes ME- Building Group

This water test is conducted by the installation contractor and supervised by both the OEM and DaimlerChrysler. To be performed after flume installation is complete and concrete is poured.  Note - A traditional air test is performed "during" field installation of the flume network to assure all field welded joints are water tight.  Install the flume's site port system or use a ball valve on the site port's pipe nipple located at the lowest point of the flume system.  Close the ball valve (if installed) instead of the site port.  Insert a water hose into the breather tube of a flume's invert and start filling.  Verify water has reached the lowest point the flume network by inspecting the installed site port's water level rising or release a small sample of water from the ball valve.  Fill the secondary containment area of the flume network until overflow occurs at the breather tube. (Note - do NOT pressurize water flow)  Validate water will reach highest point of the flume network by witnessing overflow at all installed breather ports.  A successful test will validate no water flow is blocked thruout the flume's network and water can reach the highest point. Again, validate sidewall deflection does not exceed more than 1" total of the designed flume's width.

1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The flume manufacturer shall be responsible for all detailed design, engineering, materials, fabrication, installation supervision and water testing equipment required to provide a complete and functional flume system to the satisfaction of DaimlerChrysler and in accordance with all applicable design and installation standards. B. Examine drawings, visit facilities, and otherwise become fully acquainted with the foundations and soil conditions under which flume installation will be done. C. Securely attach to each section component, a section number identifying system and sequence number for installation. Plainly mark rated load of each component and load points clearly legible from loading position. D. After fabrication of each section the supplier shall perform a water leak test to validate structural integrity and certify the flume section is leak free. Supplier shall maintain such documentation for review prior to authorization to ship and for a period of at least one year from shipment date.

1.4 DELIVERY, HANDLING, & STORAGE A. Delivery:  All equipment must be inspected by the flume supplier on the delivery truck prior to unloading and all damage must be reported on the shipper and to the appropriate DaimlerChrysler project engineer.  All equipment must be inspected by the installation engineer to assure that the equipment drawings are included with the shipment which identifies all of the required information to allow a quick and accurate installation. Failure to find these drawings must result in notification of the appropriate DaimlerChrysler project engineer.  Flumes and cover plate components shall ship to the site with temporary support to prevent the load from shifting and tipping or in bundles, bearing manufacturer's name.

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Flumes ME- Building Group

 Coordinate delivery requirements to ensure that building and storage areas are sufficiently dry so components will not be damaged by weather. B. Handling:  Manufacturer to provide method for ease of field rigging.  All equipment must be unloaded the same day it is received and placed in its intended location. Where possible minimum storage requirement is inside of an enclosed building or tent, which provides protection from the elements, and elevates equipment above a hard surface by a minimum of three inches. Exceptions may be made where inside storage is not feasible. In any case, the flumes must be protected from the elements. C. Storage:  Keep materials dry by storing on wood blocking inside building.  Secure equipment to prevent damage.

1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Drawings:  As-built drawings in electronic format conforming to DaimlerChrysler’s CAD Standards submitted to the responsible Plant Engineer.  Complete set of printed drawings included with equipment delivery to the site certified by the manufacturer and marked “approved for installation”.  Scope of design includes but not limited to: o Flumes, inspection wells, cover plates, & details. o Plans, elevations, and sections with sequential numbers. o Controlling dimensions, approaches, and clearances. o Maximum dead load for lifting. B. Material list covering the scope of installation. C. Manufacturer's installation instructions. D. Water leak test data should include test parameters and results both prior to shipment and after installation. E. Operation and maintenance data: F. Spare parts list per DaimlerChrysler’s standard format. G. One Year warranty from date of plant sign-off.



 Henry Filters  Aristeo  Graves Sheet Metal


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Flumes ME- Building Group

A. Flumes must be located immediately below the machine’s discharge chute. Minimum invert shall be 18" deep with a hydraulically proven and acceptable slope (1/2”per foot for cast iron or ductile iron or crushed steel chips, 3/8” per foot for aluminum chips) downward towards pump back tank or filter inlet. Flumes which convey steel turnings which traditionally “nest” or “bundle” must have crushers between the machine discharge and the flume. Additional solutions for chip removal are a pan conveyor under the machine or a harpoon conveyor in the flume. If a harpoon system is utilized in the flume, there shall be no cylinders located in an area where coolant can flow on them. All hydraulic piping associated with a harpoon system shall be routed in the truss space and drop for each actuating cylinder in a coordinated manner. If these chip handling components are necessary they will be identified on the “system flume design” provided by the filtration manufacturer. B. Flumes to be dual contained bulk head design, and constructed with 10-ga. mild steel inside and out, "U" shaped, up to 30-foot sections. Curb angles and concrete anchors shall be included. Flume sections, must be welded watertight (no stitch welding). Welded joints shall be ground smooth along the wetted bottom of the trench to provide smooth coolant flow. The exterior of all troughs shall have (1) coat of primer or approved equal. Interior of trough shall be bare metal. C. Containment space between inner and outer trough walls shall be designed and manufactured to be continuous from section to section after installation to facilitate leak checking and troubleshooting. The outside liner shall be "U" shaped and extend a minimum of 12” above the designed fluid level. The outside liner will be 100% continuously welded and/or bonded to the inside liner. The outside liner must be mechanically reinforced and connected to the inner liner to prevent buckling of the inner liner during water testing. The containment space shall include a leak monitoring system which shall consist of a vertical pipe column at the low point of the flume with two ball valves and a clear tube marked with elevations to indicate distances upstream for any leaks in the flume. D. Adequate bracing using angle iron is required for transportation and rigging. No iron bracing is allowed along inner liner which requires field removal. If bracing along the flume’s inner liner is deemed required, then additional sidewall thickness is required to prevent damage due to field removal and water tests. E. Changes in direction are accomplished with flat bottom radius turns to maintain a good velocity. The “system flume design” drawing, supplied from the filtration supplier, will specify the proper pitched flat bottom radius based on coolant flow and chip loads. F. The DaimlerChrysler Plant Engineer will coordinate with the filtration manufacturer, the flume width and centerline locations based on the supplier’s Utility Data Sheets, equipment design, and facility requirements. G. The flume supplier is to provide sufficient documentation required for the complete design of floors and pits around troughs to the appropriate DaimlerChrysler Engineer. H. Cover plates located under machine tools shall be 1/2" steel plate. Non-slip (Slip-Not type) safety plates are required in all areas not covered by machines and shall be capable of supporting 1000# point load (non-aisles). Flume thru aisle way should be covered in twelve inches of reinforced concrete. All cover plates shall have a 1" diameter-lifting hole that is burr free. The holes shall be protected from underneath to prevent splashing and to prevent oil mist from escaping yet remain accessible. All cover plates shall be pre-fitted at the vendor's facility prior to shipment. Temporary steel cover plates must be provided during equipment installations to prevent fall hazards and to support the loading of man lifts and scaffolds.

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Flumes ME- Building Group

I. Flume systems to incorporate single point volume flush design on aluminum machining, grinding, and cast iron applications. J. Dual containment flumes must be water tested for integrity prior to shipment and designed for in- field water testing. K. All flume sections requiring field welding must have overlapping joints or saddles to facilitate field welding. No butt welding in the field to align flume sections. L. Provide concrete embedded anchors welded to the flumes consisting of minimum stud bolt anchors, 4 inches long, 1/2 inch diameter, welded to back of member, spaced not more than 24 inches on center on both sides of the flume. Powder-actuated anchors will not be approved. M. Under no condition should there be an abrupt width or diameter change in the flow of coolant and steel which creates ledges or pockets for steel buildup. All changes in diameter or width should be handled with transitional sections.

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Flumes ME- Building Group

PART 3 – Installation

3.1 GENERAL A. Inspect site and become familiar with conditions before starting installation. Make a careful study of the drawings and become familiar with work constructed by others before and during erection of this work. B. Make allowances in method of erection and distribution of materials before and during erection for obstructions which may be encountered resulting from work of others.

3.2 INSTALLATION DETAIL A. Conform to flume fabricator’s installation instructions and site supervision recommendations. B. Join shop fabricated components together with seal welds, ground smooth, anchor and secure components. C. Install lugs, connections, alignment plates, bearing plates, anchors, and bolts required for erection. D. Field connections  Welded, unless otherwise indicated on drawings.  In accordance with welding specified under heading, Metal Fabrications.  Field weld by manual shielded metal arc process. E. Corrosion proofing  Field prime paint  Prepare surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP 3  After erection, bolts, nuts, welds, and unpainted areas with 1 coat of same paint as shop prime coat  Areas of paint damaged during shipping and erection with 1 coat of same paint as shop coat F. Cleaning  Vacuum clean all debris from flumes the day prior to initial flushing and activation. G. Skirting and seals between machine and flume are provided by the OEM. H. Coolant discharge chutes for all “side discharge” machines (ex. grinders) will be fabricated and installed by the equipment installation contractor. See section 15970 - Machine Tool and Process Equipment Installations.

3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The flume’s level and alignment accuracy to floor elevation and an approved field datum is the responsibility of the installation contractor. Field surveys must be performed prior to backfill and after floor pour to document “as-installed” conditions. B. Water tests required for field welds to be in accordance with manufacturer's criteria. Flume system will show no indication of fluid leaks while holding water overnight. C. Successful and documented test results will allow backfill of installed flume.

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Flumes ME- Building Group

PART 4 – Attachments 4.1 Sample system layout drawing from reputable filtration resource.


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Flumes ME- Building Group

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