BHS Choir Guidelines 2003 - 2004

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BHS Choir Guidelines 2003 - 2004

LHS Men’s Choir Handbook 2017

Chorus Members and Parents,

Welcome to Loudon High School Chorus! I’m so glad you’re going to be a part of our choral program here at Loudon High School and a part of our first Men’s Choir! I’m looking forward to hearing you perform some beautiful music this semester. This brief handbook is intended to answer questions you may have regarding our choral program and give you a better understanding of what is expected and required. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me so I can clarify or address your situation. My contact information is listed on the last page of this handout. The last page of this handbook should be completed and returned to me by Friday, August 11 th. Let’s get ready to sing! 

Alisa Inman Loudon High School Choral Director

Attire For Chorus performances, Chorus students will wear polo style shirts purchased from Galapagos Studios and their own black pants. The shirts will cost $25 and payment will need to be made by Friday, September 15th. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks written should be made out to Loudon High School. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Concerts We will perform 2 - 4 concerts during the semester. Scheduled performance dates: Fall Concert October 5 7:00 PM Veteran’s Day Program November TBA TBA Christmas concert December 1 7:00 PM Christmas in Olde Loudon December 9 7:30 PM Each performance is required and performance attendance will be part of the nine weeks’ grade.

Choir Dues LHS Choir dues are $20 and should be paid by September 15th. This money enables us to purchase necessary music and equipment used throughout the semester. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks written should be made out to Loudon High School.

Attendance Requirements, Procedures, and Tardies  If a student is absent from class for any reason he must get his admit slip in the office before coming to class.  Students who are tardy may be assigned silent lunch. If a student is tardy three times they will be written up and sent to an administrator.  Roll will be checked at each performance. Class Rules 1. Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn every day. 2. Keep all personal electronics put away. 3. Be responsible for your own learning. 4. Respect the teacher, the classroom, and other students. 5. Trash goes in the trashcan. 

Classroom/Rehearsal Procedures Starting Class:  Look at the board as you enter the room to see what we’ll be doing in class that day.  Be on the risers or in a chair when the bell rings and have all necessary materials.  Pick up your music before rehearsal begins. During Class:  Be attentive, do your best, and remain quiet when your section is not rehearsing.  Remain on the risers unless you have permission to leave. End of Class:  I will dismiss you at the end of class.  Put away folders before leaving the classroom.

Theory Work It’s important for choir students to have an understanding of printed music to ensure successful music reading, so students will sometimes have theory work as a daily assignment. A pretest will be given in August to determine what theory concepts each student needs to work on. Understanding theory concepts is vital to the progress of our choral program and will be counted as part of the student’s nine weeks grade. Students should keep their theory work in a folder.

Grades Grades are determined by: performances, daily participation, daily assignments, and tests.

Mrs. Inman’s Tips for Success in Men’s Choir

From the very first day of school, the choir is moving toward the first performance. The performance itself is not the goal but a demonstration of all the musical elements you have previously learned.

1. Come to class in a spirit of cooperation, wanting to accomplish something positive that day. Coming to a rehearsal to “visit” won’t do anyone any good.

2. Be ready to rehearse. Be committed to improving the choir. Eliminate behavior that interferes with our progress as a group

3. Listen to directions. To learn, YOU MUST LISTEN! Listen to and analyze your tone; listen to your section; listen to your part and its relationship to the other parts.

4. Ask questions. When you hear people in your section struggling with a part, don’t wait for the director to catch the mistake. Raise your hand and ask how the part should sound without calling attention to those singing incorrectly.

5. Remember...the choir is only as good as each of its members. When the director is working with another voice part, pay attention to the instructions given to that section. Try to follow your part to see how it fits. The best disciplinarian in the choir is NOT the director, but each choir member who wants the choir to sound the best it can and will not tolerate those who don’t appropriately contribute.

6. WRITE IT DOWN! Do not assume you will remember. If you don’t write it down, it doesn’t exist. (Said a forgetful choir director once!) Supplies Choir shirt Black dress pants Folder for theory work Pencils Paper

Parental Involvement I welcome parental assistance and support. Parents are needed to help chaperone field trips, take up money at concerts, and other areas. If you can help please complete and return the attached form by August 11th. As a parent, I know how busy everyone already is, but your help is greatly appreciated and enhances our music program.

Communication If a parent or student has a question regarding our choral program you may contact me in the following ways: (You may also want to check out my school webpage for updated announcements. LHS home webpage -

E-mail – [email protected] Planning – 4th block; 2:00 – 3:15 Phone – (865)458-4326 ext. 94012 (school)

Please complete the attached form and return it by August 11 th . ****** Parents and students should complete this form and return it by August 11 th .

Student Contract for LHS Men’s Choir

Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian Information:

Name(s) ______Parent/Guardian Phone numbers (please give two phone numbers) ______

Parent/Guardian email (if available) ______

I have read and understand the LHS choir information as given.

Parent/Guardian signature ______

Student signature ______

Parent Survey:

Parent Name ______

I can help in the following areas:

 Field trip chaperone  Sound  Ticket sales  Carpentry  Sewing  Art work  Other areas______



Any additional information I need to know:



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