Final Exam Semester 2

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Final Exam Semester 2

Final Exam Semester 2 Jeopardy Review 2014

Lit Term by Example or Definition 1. “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch [fly over] these walls” 2. “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon” also, “This bloody knife shall play the umpire.” 3. A character whose qualities sharply contrast with another character’s, thus emphasizing the qualities of each. 4. “If you be he, sir, I desire some confidence with you” also, “She will indite him to some supper” 5. “Heavy lightness,” “loving hate,” “sick health.” 6. An introductory speech, often in verse, calling attention to the theme of a play 7. A lyric poem of fourteen lines. 8. “What with loathsome smells, and shrieks like mandrakes” 9. The prologue of Romeo and Juliet is also called this. 10. Juliet says she would rather “go into a new-made grave with a dead man in his shroud;” this is an example of what? 11. A humorous play on two or more meanings of the same word or on two different words with the same sound. 12. A character who provides a strong contrast to another character.

Facts about Shakespeare’s life and times 1. From what country was Shakespeare? England 2. When did Shakespeare live? Give birth and death years. 1564 – 1616 3. What was the name of Shakespeare’s playhouse? The Globe 4. What killed many people and sometimes shut down Shakespeare’s playhouse? 5. What was Shakespeare’s main source for Romeo and Juliet?

Who Said It? 1. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? / It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!” 2. “What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word / As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.” 3. “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be; / For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households’ rancor to pure love.” 4. Happily met, my lady and my wife. 5. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet.” 6. “O, that I were a glove upon that hand, / That I might touch that cheek!” 7. “A plague a’ both your houses!” 8. “And I for winking at your discords too / Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished.” 9. “I beg for justice, which thou, Prince, must give. / Romeo slew Tybalt; Romeo must not live.” 10. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow”

The plot thickens 1. In act I, Romeo is excited to go to the Capulet party because of this. 2. Name 3 things we learn about the play in its opening prologue 3. In the first act, Ladies Capulet and Montague tell their husbands to do this when they see the servants, villagers, and Tybalt fighting. 4. This seen advances the plot by setting up the time and place that Romeo and Juliet will meet. 5. When Romeo sees Juliet on her balcony, he compares her to this. (sun) 6. During her balcony soliloquy, Juliet says, “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” What does wherefore mean? (why) 7. When Romeo tells her to “Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d,” he means this. (he will take love for his new name). 8. In Act IV, Juliet hesitates before swallowing the Friar’s potion. Name two of her three fears. (will not work, will kill her, will wake up early in tomb and go mad) 9. In the final scene of the final act, Romeo does this to Paris’ dead body. 10. In the final scene of the final act, this person did not conceal his role in the deaths of the young lovers. 11. Who does the Prince say is primarily responsible for the tragic events? Vocabulary: name the word exceeding reasonable limits Plentiful; abundant Showing intense emotion or passion; forceful To cleverly plan, plot, or design Based upon impulse or random chance rather than on reason Not enough to be worth considering; insignificant Clear and sharp in analysis or expression Smallness of number; fewness; scarcity Without plan or order; chosen randomly A very small amount; an inadequate wage Deeply absorbed in something; engrossed Completely without something; lacking in To identify as causing something; to attribute to Not spoken; understood from actions or statements Essential or necessary parts of a whole

I Love Grammar Rules of Capitalization: Read each set of sentences. Choose the sentence that is written correctly, with NO ERRORS in capitalization. 1. a. The Senior Citizen’s Center is offering a seminar on exercise, stress, and nutrition. b. The Pueblo dwellings in the cliffs of arizona are remarkable. c. Has the same author ever won the pulitzer, booker, and nobel prizes? d. Local guides lead people on the dangerous climb up mount Everest.

2. a. I enjoy the fact that aunt Sally makes jokes, smiles often, and always seems to be happy. b. We’re relieved that mayor Larson signed that ordinance about water quality. c. Ruth is taking Spanish I and Calculus II this semester, and she enjoys both courses. d. Will you go hiking with father at the family reunion this summer? 3. a. The article titled “Hiking safety” provides many valuable tips. b. We were told to read Chapter 10 of American Folk Tales. c. Didn’t O. Henry write “The gift of the magi”? d. Jacob thinks that I should review the Fifth Chapter, which is about Rosa Parks. 4. a. Her sister recited a moving poem called “song of a Mother.” b. Have you studied any poems by Pablo Neruda? c. Do you remember when Elie Wiesel was awarded the novel peace prize? d. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich is the only Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn I’ve ever read.

5. a. I am looking forward to rehearsing the play the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. b. Are Lisa and Tracy registering for Physics, Biology, and Math on Tuesday? c. Toot Suite by Claude Bolling is an excellent addition to any CD collection. d. The group called new horizons will meet this evening in the auditorium.

Punctuation: End Marks, Abbreviations, and Commas Read each set of sentences below. Two of the sentences in each set have errors in the use of end marks, commas and/or abbreviations; one sentence is written correctly. Choose the sentence that is written correctly, with NO ERRORS. 57. a. “Watch out! There’s a nail in the road!” exclaimed Tess. b. Juan Jr. wants to know whether his mother makes better tamales than your sister? c. Paul stop feeding spaghetti to the dog immediately? d. The A Street Neighborhood Assn holds block parties for my neighborhood. 58. a. I wonder whether she dyed the fabric for those beautiful pillows herself. b. Inside a black-and-yellow box, in the attic, was found an old, photograph album. c. Carrie please describe the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for the class. d. Yes I’m aware that these velvet ribbons are too long. 59. a. Dad asked Rena to pick up the diaper bottle blanket and rattle. b. Quickly assessing the situation Lin gave me instructions for treating heatstroke. c. On top of the picnic table beneath that big tree, a squirrel is eating some popcorn. d. The recipe requires unrefined flour, and salt, and baking powder. 60. a. Speaking of talented writers, have you read any stories by Thomas Hardy? b. In our yard art takes the form of topiaries. c. Guide dogs in fact are incredibly loyal, strong, and intelligent. d. Pleased by Dan’s accomplishments his parents gave him a new cell phone. 61. a. Oh I understand your objections to our plan. b. Using a hammer and chisel, Mona sculpted a statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. c. Julie my closest friend and confidant lives just one block away from my house. d. Before we planted the Dutch tulips we tilled the flower beds.

Punctuation: Semicolons and Colons Read each set of sentences below. Three of the sentences in each set have errors in the use of semicolons and colons; one sentence is written correctly. Choose the sentence that is written correctly, with NO ERRORS in punctuation.

62. a. For our camping trip, please bring: a small knife, flint, and a sleeping bag. b. Tasmania is an extraordinarily lovely island, it lies off the coast of Australia. c. His essay is titled “American Indian Languages: An Investigation of Origins.” 63. a. My sister is making straight A’s consequently; she will receive an award. b. Are you interested in visiting New Orleans, Louisiana; Santa Fe, New Mexico; or San Antonio, Texas? c. The storms are moving quickly across the state, they will arrive in our city tomorrow. 64. a. I can’t believe that it’s already 745 P.M., almost time to watch the movie. b. Bali; An Exploration is the title of the new book in our library. c. One person wanted me to be treasurer; the rest, however, voted for Enrique. 65. a. Nora asserts that Isaiah 54:4 is one of her favorite passages in the Bible. b. His virtues are as follows; he is compassionate, wise, sensitive, and kind. c. From what kind of material is that dress made; linen, cotton, or twill?

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