Anderby Parish Council

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Anderby Parish Council


Please note these minutes are draft until approved as a true record


The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 19th September 2011 at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall, Anderby


Two members of the public attended the Open Forum.

OPEN FORUM A member of the public asked if Beachside had been approached about a ‘Give Way’ sign for their entrance. The Chairman read out an email which the Clerk had received since writing to the site.

The gutters along Sea Road, Anderby Creek need sweeping. The highway near The Paddocks, Sea Road, Anderby is in a poor state of repair with pot holes and ruts at the side of the road. The Clerk is to report these matters to the various Authorities.

There was a discussion about the deer sign sited on Roman Bank.

1) CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS The Acting Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained she had recently received the resignation of Councillor P.Hill. Councillors noted this was because he no longer lived permanently in the area. The Clerk is to inform E.L.D.C.

2) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor C.Davie.

3) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2000 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Councillor Mason declared a personal interest in agenda item 10, as she owns the property next door to The Ridgeways.

4) MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 25TH JULY 2011 The notes of the meeting held on 25th July 2011 were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.

1.19/9/11 5) CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING Car park, Anderby Creek The Clerk and Councillor Mason had received a revised plan from Ian Crowther, Project Development Officer at the County Council. Copies of this were circulated amongst Councillors and the following suggestions were made; to re-site the recycling and household waste bins on the opposite side of Sandy Lane, to erect fencing sufficiently high enough to shield the re-sited bins, to mark out disabled bay(s) and to increase the number of cycle racks. Proposed purchase of Northgates The Clerk read out an email from a former resident of the village explaining the owners of the land known as Northgates had refused to sell or rent the land to the County Council. Dog byelaws Councillors had noted that all but one of the dog fouling signs had been removed from the beach area. The Clerk explained this was a result of E.L.D.C. withdrawing their byelaws some time ago. It was understood, at the time, E.L.D.C. would be preparing replacement byelaws on behalf of the Parish Council and the Clerk was asked to find out what had happened with these. The Parish Council will have to provide replacement signs in due course. Meeting with Jonathan Stockdale Councillors Harris and Carter had met with Jonathan Stockdale during the summer recess to discuss improvements to the rights of way in the Parish. It was agreed some improvements could be made to signage etc and Councillor Harris agreed to continue discussions with Jonathan Stockdale regarding these improvements.

6) CORRESPONDENCE Lincolnshire County Council is currently consulting on its Draft Parking Policy. The Clerk explained the proposal was for the County Council to take over street parking enforcement from Lincolnshire Police. A copy of the consultation document is available to download from the County Council’s website. The Council had no comments to make.

E.L.D.C. is carrying out a review of polling districts and polling places. The Council felt the current arrangements for Anderby were satisfactory.

The Clerk explained she had received a request under the Freedom of Information Act for the average and youngest age of Councillors by a gentleman carrying out a study into the contribution older people make to public life in the U.K. It was agreed to provide this information.

Following a series of complaints from residents and Parish Councils regarding activities taking place in the coastal car parks, Lincs County Council is proposing to adopt some Model Byelaws to prevent such activity. The Parish Council has been asked to comment on these but it was agreed these would need to be read by each Councillor in detail before making any comment.

2.19/9/11 7) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES A written Report from County Councillor Colin Davie had been emailed to the Clerk earlier in the day. As the Report was fairly lengthy, it was agreed this would be circulated to all Councillors to read via email.

8) PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS It was proposed, seconded and agreed to pay the following accounts:- a) S.D.Marshall - £97.68 (reimbursement of postage/stationery costs and quarterly expenses) b) Clement Keys - £60.00 (external audit fee)

Councillors noted the Council’s Internal Auditor had now moved out of the village and was unable to undertake the work of Auditor to the Council in future. Councillor Mowbray offered to ask her daughter if she would be willing to become the Council’s Internal Auditor.

9) PLANNING CONSENTS/REFUSALS Noted as follows:- a) Ms.G.Henshaw - change of use and conversion of domestic stables to commercial livery yard, Bluebell Farm, Rectory Road, Anderby GRANTED An email from RWE Npower Renwables in response to the Council’s comments on the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm consultation had been received. This had already been circulated via email.

10)PLANNING APPLICATIONS Councillors considered a planning application by Mr.J.Harrison for the erection of a detached bungalow on the site of an existing bungalow, The Ridgeways, South of Pullover, Anderby Creek. Whilst Councillors were unable to either support or object to the application as the plans were not an agenda item, it was agreed the Clerk would forward comments made by individual Councillors.

11)PROPOSED APPROACH TO NEW TOURING CARAVAN SITES WITHIN THE COASTAL FLOOD ZONE Councillors had read the correspondence received from E.L.D.C. on the proposal to allow development of small touring caravan sites in the Coastal Flood Zone. Following some discussion, it was proposed, seconded and agreed to support the proposal. The Clerk was asked to find out whether occupants of static caravans pay Council Tax locally.

12)WINTER WEATHER PRE CONSULTATION QUESTIONNAIRE The Winter Weather Pre Consultation questionnaire received from the County Council was completed.

13)DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 17th October 2011 at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall, Sea Road, Anderby. 3.19/9/11 14)ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION ONLY OR NEXT AGENDA Councillor Mowbray explained she had again been attempting to get Lincs County Council to amend their maps to reflect the correct names for Moggs Eye and Marsh Yard.

Councillor Henshaw spoke about a new initiative called Lincs Alert which is designed to alert people about rural crime.

An invitation to attend the L.A.L.C. A.G.M. and Conference had been received. L.A.L.C. is also inviting nominations to fill seats on the Association’s County Committee.

As there was no other business the meeting closed at 9.05p.m.


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