Barbara Mansfield Retired Administrator

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Barbara Mansfield Retired Administrator

1 February 9, 2016

The Morehouse Parish School Board meeting was held on February 9, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was held at Bastrop City Hall Council Chambers, located at 202 East Jefferson Avenue, Bastrop, LA 71220. The following members were present: Karen Diel (arrived at 6:00 p.m.), Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy. Absent: Rose Thompson

Rick Hixon, President, called the meeting to order and Jesse Winston gave the invocation. A moment of silence was observed for the following who died recently:

Barbara Mansfield – retired administrator

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mr. Hixon.

On a motion by Mr. Rawls and seconded by Mr. Melton, the agenda was unanimously approved.

The next item on the agenda was Recognitions and Presentations. Mrs. Sellers presented the Super Bowl High School Honor Roll Award in honor of Bob “Highway” Brown who was a player in the NFL and three Super Bowls. Mrs. Sellers stated that Morehouse Parish School Board received this honor in the form of a gold football and is presented to school systems in the event the honored player has passed away or the school is no longer in session. The football will be displayed at the Morehouse Jr. High School, the former site of Morehouse High School.

Mrs. Sellers recognized the high attendance awards for the month of December. Morehouse Jr. High School was recognized for the highest attendance for faculty and staff. Morehouse Magnet School was recognized for the highest attendance for students.

Mrs. Williams recognized Shiela Davenport, teacher at H. V. Adams Elementary, as the employee of the month for the month of January.

Mrs. Williams recognized the 2016 Students of the Year for the Morehouse Parish School System. Mrs. Sellers recognized school-wide Students of the Year. The following students were recognized as District Students of the Year: Fifth Grade Student of the Year –Ainsley Boatright –Morehouse Magnet School Eighth Grade Student of the Year - Jordan Rabun - Morehouse Magnet School Twelfth Grade Student of the year - Rachel Lautigar - Bastrop High School

On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls, minutes of the Regular School Board meeting held on January 5, 2016 were unanimously approved.

On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, bus requests were unanimously approved.

On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, monthly travel was unanimously approved.

Mr. Davenport presented the monthly discipline report. Mr. Davenport state that there is decline in the number of suspensions because principals are using other discipline interventions.

Mrs. Sellers presented information regarding the possibility of entering into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Workforce Development Board to Engage out of School Youth and to authorize the superintendent to execute all documents. Mrs. Sellers requested that Mr. Dixon, a representative of the Workforce Development Board, present information regarding the initiative to serve out of school 2 youth. Mr. Melton moved and Ms. Kennedy seconded to enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement with WDB. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Winston presented information regarding the adoption of a resolution authorizing the Morehouse School Board to withdraw from the State Treasury in the amount of $49,690.00 to be used as specified in our recently approved EEF plan for Tobacco Settlement Funds. Jesse Winston presented information regarding the resolution and recommended the approval of the resolution. This recommendation was unanimously approved on a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy.

The next item on the agenda was to take action on recommendation from Mark Brown regarding timber sales. Mr. Brown provided information regarding the next properties he would recommend for timber cutting. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, Mr. Brown was granted authority to begin the process for timber cutting on Section 16, Township18 North, Range 6 East.

On a motion by Mr. Melton and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, the Interim Superintendent was granted authority to withdraw $49,690.00 from the State Treasury as approved in the 2015-2016 EEF Grant application.

The next item on the agenda was to authorize grant from U.S. Wildlife and Fisheried/Friends of Black Bayou for Morehouse Magnet school and the grant superintendent authority to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the Board. Mr. Mike Renfrow, a representative of the U.S. Wildlife and Fisheries/Friends of Black Bayou, presented information regarding the next step in the implementation of the grant. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy the grant was authorized and the superintendent was granted authority to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the Board.

Mr. McCoy presented the Annual Report for Beekman Charter. Mr. Katz stated that the minute should reflect that the Beekman Charter School Annual Report was received which is a requirement of the contract.

Mr. Rawls presented the following report from the Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee met on February 2, 2016 and recommends the following:

1. Nnamdi Thompson and William Boles, representatives of Boles Law Firm presented information relative to refinancing callable 2007 General Obligation Bonds with savings of $20,000 a year and a total savings of $305,647.00. The committee recommends refinancing the 2007 General Obligation Bonds which appears later on the agenda.

Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.

2. Mr. John Caro and Mr. Chris Gatlin, representatives of Brown and Brown Insurance regarding insurance for vacant and unused properties owned by Morehouse Parish School Board. The current cost for insuring these properties is a yearly cost of $4,380.00. This item was tabled until the next Finance Committee meeting.

Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.

3. Mr. Muhammad and Mr. DeBland, a representative from Ross Bus Sales, presented information regarding the current school bus fleet and the possibilities available for financing the purchase of buses. This item was tabled until the next Finance Committee meeting.

Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.

4. Mrs. Norwood presented the Financial Statements for General Fund and Lunch Fund for December, 3 2015 and recommended their approval. The committee recommends the approval of the General Fund and Lunch Fund Financial Statements for December, 2015.

Mr. President, I so move. Mr. Melton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

5. Mrs. Norwood presented information regarding the upcoming 2015-2016 budget revisions. Mrs. Norwood stated that she would like to look at the 2015-2016 budget revisions at the same time that the 2016-2017 budget development is in process.

Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.

6. Mrs. Norwood presented information regarding the 2016-2017 budget process. Mrs. Norwood stated that she would like to meet with the Finance Committee to develop the budget. She stated that there would need to be approximately three three-hour meetings.

Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.

Mr. President, this concludes my report.

The next item on the agenda was to consider and take action with respect to adopting a resolution granting preliminary authority relative to the issuance, sale and delivery of not exceeding $3,900,000 General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, in one or more series, of School District Number A (Parishwide) of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana making application to the State Bond Commission for approval; providing for the employment of bond counsel and other professionals; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: 4 RESOLUTION


WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 33(B) of the Louisiana State Constitution, as amended, allows for the issue of general obligation bonds secured by the full faith and credit of the issuer of such bonds; and

WHEREAS, School District Number A (Parishwide) of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana (the "Issuer") has heretofore issued its $5,070,000 General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, Series 2007, School District Number A (Parishwide) of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana (the "Prior Bonds”); and

WHEREAS, in order to provide debt service reductions and savings to the Issuer, the Issuer desires to refund, or defease, some or all of the Prior Bonds pursuant to Chapters 14 and Chapter 14-A of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (collectively, the “Refunding Act”), and other constitutional and statutory authority through the issuance of refunding bonds; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Refunding Act, and subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, the Issuer desires to accomplish this refunding through the issuance of not exceeding Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,900,000) General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, School District Number A (Parishwide) of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, in one or more series (collectively, the "Refunding Bonds"), to be payable as provided in the Refunding Act and to be secured by the full faith and credit of the Issuer; and

WHEREAS, the governing authority of the Issuer desires to make formal application to the State Bond Commission for approval of the Refunding Bonds, and further to employ bond counsel in connection therewith;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Parish School Board of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority (the “Governing Authority”) of the Issuer, that:

SECTION 1.Preliminary Approval. Pursuant to, and in compliance with the provisions of Chapters 14 and 14-A of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and such other statutory and constitutional authority (the "Refunding Act'), the Governing Authority does hereby declare its intention to issue, sell and deliver not exceeding $3,900,000 General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, School District Number A (Parishwide) of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, in one or more series (collectively, the "Refunding Bonds"), with each series to bear 5 interest at a rate or rates not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum and to mature no later than March 1, 2032, all in the manner provided for by the Refunding Act and other constitutional and statutory authority, for the purpose of refunding, or defeasing, all or a portion of the Prior Bonds and paying the costs of issuance of the Refunding Bonds, which Refunding Bonds shall be payable and secured in accordance with the Refunding Act and shall be payable from the annual levy and collection of ad valorem taxes on all the taxable property within the boundaries of the Issuer sufficient to pay the Bonds in principal and interest as they mature as provided in Article VI, Section 33(B) of the Louisiana State Constitution, as amended. SECTION 2.SBC Application. A certified copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Louisiana State Bond Commission (the “SBC”) by Bond Counsel (as defined below), together with a letter requesting the prompt consideration and approval of this application. SECTION 3.Bond Counsel. It is hereby recognized, found and determined that a real necessity exists for the employment of bond counsel in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, and accordingly, The Boles Law Firm, APC, Monroe, Louisiana, is hereby employed as bond counsel (“Bond Counsel”) to do and perform comprehensive legal and coordinate professional work with respect to the issuance of the Bonds. Bond Counsel shall prepare and submit to this Governing Authority for adoption all of the proceedings incidental to the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds, shall counsel and advise this Governing Authority as to the issuance and sale of the Bonds, shall take all steps which, in their opinion, are necessary or desirable relative to the sale of the Bonds, including without limitation, the solicitation of purchasers for the Bonds, and shall furnish its opinion covering the legality of the issuance thereof. The fee of Bond Counsel, for services rendered in that capacity in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, is hereby fixed at a sum not exceeding the maximum fee allowed by the Attorney General's fee schedule for comprehensive, legal and coordinate professional work in the issuance of revenue bonds, based on the amount of the Bonds actually issued, sold, delivered and paid for, plus "out-of-pocket" expenses, said fee to be contingent upon the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. Pursuant to instructions from this Governing Authority, and if deemed necessary, said Bond Counsel shall also assist in the preparation of a preliminary and final official statement containing detailed comprehensive financial and statistical data required with respect to the sale of the Bonds and the costs of the preparation and printing of such official statement shall be paid from the proceeds of the issue for which it has been prepared. SECTION 4.Municipal Advisor.It is hereby recognized, found and determined that a real necessity exists for the employment of a municipal advisor in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. The firm of Government Consultants, Inc. is hereby appointed as municipal advisor (the “Municipal Advisor”) in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Any compensation to the Municipal Advisor is to be paid from the proceeds of the Bonds and is contingent upon issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds; and all costs incurred by the Municipal Advisor in conjunction with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds must be reasonable and approved by this Governing Authority. SECTION 5.Underwriter / Placement Agent. It is hereby recognized, found and determined that a real necessity exists for the employment of an underwriter in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. The firm of Crews & Associates is hereby appointed as underwriter/placement agent (the “Underwriter”) in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Any compensation to the Underwriter is to be paid from the proceeds of the Bonds and is contingent upon issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds; and all costs incurred by the Underwriter in conjunction with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds must be reasonable and approved by this Governing Authority. SECTION 6.Authorization. The President and Secretary of the Issuer are hereby authorized to do all things necessary, on the advice of Bond Counsel, to effectuate and implement this Resolution, including any publication hereof as required by the Act. 6 SECTION 7.Bond Purchase Agreement. The President and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Underwriter a Bond Purchase Agreement, if deemed necessary upon advice of Bond Counsel. SECTION 8.Other Professionals. Should it be deemed necessary upon advice of Bond Counsel to engage other professionals, the President and Secretary shall be entitled to engage such professionals provided the contracts employing such professionals shall be promptly submitted to the Issuer. SECTION 9.Professionals to Proceed. Bond Counsel, the Municipal Advisor, the Underwriter, and other professionals are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the issuance of the Bonds and Bond Counsel is authorized and directed to prepare necessary documents appertaining thereto and to present them for further action by this Governing Authority. SECTION 10.Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption hereof.

SECTION 11.SBC Swap Policy. By virtue of the Issuer’s application for, acceptance and utilization of the benefits of the Louisiana State Bond Commission’s approval(s), resolved and set forth herein, it resolves that it understands and agrees that such approval(s) are expressly conditioned upon, and it further resolves that it understands, agrees and binds itself, its successors and assigns to, full and continuing compliance with the “State Bond Commission Policy on Approval of Proposed Use of Swaps, or other forms of Derivative Products, Hedges, Etc.”, adopted by the SBC on July 20, 2006, as to the borrowing(s) and other matter(s) subject to the approval(s), including subsequent application and approval under said Policy of the implementation or use of any swap(s) or other products(s) or enhancement(s) covered thereby.


And the resolution as declared adopted on this, the _9th__ day of February, 2016.

Yeas: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Richard “Rick” Hixon, Leland “Chip” Rawls, Chastity Kennedy

Nays: None

Absent: Rose Thompson

Abstaining: None 7 _____/s/ Hazel Sellers______/s/ Richard “Rick Hixon______Secretary President 8 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF MOREHOUSE


IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of the Issuer on this _9th__ day of February, 2016

______/s/ Hazel Sellers______Secretary 9 The next item on the agenda was to consider granting the Superintendent permission to advertise for bids for the lease of hunting leases. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, permission was unanimously granted to advertise for bids for the following hunting leases:

Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 8 East Section 16, Township 23, North, Range 6 East Section 33, Township 22 North, Range 6 East

The next item on the agenda was to consider award of bids for Phase 2 construction of the Beekman Charter High School Building project. Mr. Littleton, a representative of Taylor-Wallace Designs, presented bid tabulations for Phase 2 construction of the Beekman Charter High School Building and reported that the low bidder was McLarrin Construction. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, the bid was unanimously awarded to McLarrin Construction at a cost of $776,500.

On a motion by Ms. Diel, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, authority was unanimously granted to the Board President to meet with the City of Bastrop Zoning Commission to seek changes in zoning or variances in regard to school board owned property.

The next item on the agenda was to consider granting the staff permission to advertise for the sale of Carver Elementary to highest bidder. Mr. Katz stated that this property has now been advertised for the appraised value, 85% of the appraised value, and 80% of the appraised value. He recommended advertising for bids for the purchase of Carver Elementary at the highest bid. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, and a unanimous vote, permission was granted to advertise for bids for Carver Elementary with no minimum bids required.

The next item on the agenda was to consider granting the staff permission to advertise for the sale of Old Personnel Building for 85% of appraised value. Mr. Katz stated that this property has now been advertised for the appraised value and no bids received. He recommended that the property be advertised for 85% of the appraised value. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, and a unanimous vote, the staff was granted permission to advertise the property.

The next item on the agenda was to consider the approval for a 2nd Reading the following policy revision to the School Bus Routing and Scheduling Policy- E-3.3. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, the policy revision was approved for a 2nd reading as follows:



The bus driver and coordinator of transportation shall work together in establishing bus routes and stops. Main thoroughfares, railroads, and other hazards shall be considered in any decisions regarding bus stops. There shall be established a reasonable time schedule for each route and that schedule shall be expected to be adhered to. Students shall be expected to be at their respective bus stop when the bus arrives. Once a bus route has been established, the bus driver shall not alter or change assigned routes without the order of the coordinator of transportation. Notwithstanding any other policy or practice to the contrary, in the event that a student or students reside on a dead end road where there is not a safe, well maintained school bus turnaround, the student or students who reside not more than one (1) mile from the safest, most convenient and passable non-dead end road shall have a congregate school bus stop established at which point all students will be picked up and returned by the scheduled school bus. 10 ************ The next item on the agenda was to change salary classification and schedule for the position of Maintenance Foreman. Mrs. Norwood addressed the Board and recommended that the General Foreman position be reclassified as an exempt employee. As an exempt employee the General Foreman will no longer accrue overtime. Mr. Rawls moved, and Ms. Diel seconded to change the salary classification and pay schedule for the position of General Foreman as presented. The motion passed with Mr. Melton and Ms. Kennedy voting in opposition. (See Attachment)

The next item on the agenda was to adopt the questions to be sent to the superintendent applicants with a written response to be due by February 26, 2016. Mr. Melton moved that the Board approve questions #1, #2, #3, and #5 that were used in the previous superintendent search and that one question be selected by the president from those questions submitted by Board members. Ms. Kennedy seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Rawls voting in opposition:

Questions #1: Why do you want to be superintendent of this school system?

Question #2: Explain how you will ensure that federal, state and local laws and policies of the Morehouse School Board are enforced.

Question #3: What would you do to improve employee moral system-wide?

Question #4: What academic goals would you set for this district to include standardized testing and failing schools?

Question #5: How would you structure the oversight of the central office curriculum department to effectively provide assistance to classroom teachers?

Mr. Melton discussed the Derogatory Language Policy F-9.32. There was discussion and no action taken.

The next item on the agenda was Public Comments. Ms. Felicia Dorsey requested to address the Board regarding 504 and IEP regulations regarding Suspensions and Expulsions but was not in attendance.

The committee received the following Personnel Report:

New Hires Linda Sudduth, bus aide, effective 1/4/2016 ClaudieFlintroy, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 1/4/2016 Marilyn Mr. Rawls, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 1/11/2016 Carolyn Burden, part-time custodian, H. V. Adams Elementary, effective1/15/2016 Linda Jones, long-term substitute, Morehouse Jr. High, effective 1/5/2016 Belinda Allen, part-time custodian, Morehouse Jr. High, effective 1/7/2016 Kimberly Rabun, paraprofessional, Delta Magnet School, effective 1/4/2016 Denise Harrison, instructional facilitator, Morehouse Magnet School, effective 1/13/2016 Parris Reese, long-term substitute, Morehouse Magnet School, effective 1/26/2016 Katie Henderson, Title I coordinator, Central Office Complex, effective 2/1/2016 ArthurneseNimmer, teacher, Morehouse Jr. High, effective 1/13/2016 Stacey Pullin, curriculum coordinator, Central Office Complex, effective 12/09/2015 Calvin Green, custodian, Pine Grove Elementary, effective 1/25/2016 Arthur Glosson, delivery driver, Child Nutrition, effective 2/8/2016

Retirements Vanessa Cash Washington, custodian, Oak Hill Elementary, effective 3/29/2016 11 Aleta Carter, bookkeeper, Cherry Ridge Elementary, effective 1/30/2016 JohnnyeGirtmon, librarian, Delta Magnet School, effective 1/30/2016

Resignations Cristy Alford, teacher, Cherry Ridge Elementary, effective 1/12/2016 Adaryll Moore, teacher, Delta Magnet School, effective 2/5/2016

On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, personnel actions taken by the Superintendent of Schools were unanimously ratified as stated on and/or attached to the agenda of February 9, 2016.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Richard “Rick” Hixon, President

Hazel Sellers, Interim Superintendent

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