Order of Worship s10

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Order of Worship s10

Today is the fourth Sunday of Lent, which comprises the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Reminiscent of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry, this is a time of preparation for the church to encounter the mystery of Christ’s saving death and resurrection. On Ash Wednesday, we reflected on our sinful weakness and dependence on Christ for salvation. You are invited to continue this reflection throughout the season of Lent, in the confidence that our Lord is “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin” (Exodus 34:6-7).

ORDER OF WORSHIP March 6, 2016 – 9:30 A.M.

Prelude – Dot Faasse, accompanist *Video Call to Worship: Why We Worship *Songs of Praise: “Here I Am to Worship” “You Are My All in All” ~ Celebration #583 *Welcome/God’s Greeting/We Greet Each Other Call to Confession Song of Confession: “God, Be Merciful to Me” ~ Psalter #255:1-3 Assurance of Pardon: (in unison) The Lord is compassionate and gracious; slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His loving kindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Thanks be to God. *Song of Response: “Jesus Paid It All” ~ Celebration #305:1,3,4 Children’s Message: Pastor Chris (Children may leave for Junior Church) Scripture: Mark 6:30-44 (pp.1562) Sermon: “Questions Jesus Asks: How Many Loaves Do You Have?” Prayer of Response *Song of Response: “Break Thou the Bread of Life” ~ verses 1,2,6 Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Faith Promise Offertory Prayer Announcements Moment for Ministry: Community Easter Egg Hunt ~ Allison Douma Congregational Prayer * Parting Blessing * Parting Praise: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” * Postlude *stand if you are able.

Sermon Notes:

Jesus asks the disciples how much food they have. 5+2= “Not enough.”

“Not enough” mindset.

We see a tremendous need our tremendous lack of resources—and a kind of paralysis sets in.

*Where is “not enough” a mantra in your life?

“ Not enough” is precisely what God’s people always have.

And yet…

It starts when they bring him their “not enough” so that he can make it “more than enough.”

+H.C. Q/A 27& 28: Providence=God provides, His care is proactive and ongoing.

--This makes us patience, thankful and confident? Does that describe you??

“Scarcity is the deep belief that no matter how much we have, it is not enough. It tells us to not care about anyone but ourselves and it is the prevailing American creed.”

+Walter Brueggemann

We are called to not only trust the God of abundance but to practice that abundance

Sometimes we forget about what God asks us to do.

Questions for Reflection

*How has God abundantly provided for you & us—Cedar Hill?

*What resources has God given us that could be used to benefit each other and beyond?

*Where are places you are hoarding? Where are places we are hoarding God’s gifts?

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply”

Hudson Taylor

WELCOME We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center. Join us for coffee time following morning worship in the fellowship hall.


This Week – March 6, 2016 PM SERVICE: at Faith Community CRC in Wyckoff GREETERS: Welcome Team #1 USHERS: Skip Bruining, William Brock, Henry Schuurman NURSERY: Kristen Borduin, Gail Lont, Gabriella Angelucci CH/JR CHURCH: Laura Carey/Dana Carey, Joe Post

Next Week – March 13, 2016 PM SERVICE: at Midland Park CRC GREETERS: Welcome Team #2 USHERS: Robert Dyksen, Joseph Post, Bill Bushman NURSERY: Esther Dyksen, Marge Faber, Allison Borduin CH/JR CHURCH: Sara Heerema/Marybeth and Allie Steiginga

Pastor Chris will be away in Grand Rapids from Tuesday, March 8, to Saturday, March SPECIAL OFFERING SCHEDULE FOR MARCH 3/6 ~ Faith Promise 3/13 ~ New Hope 3/20 ~ Building Fund; PM: Calvin College 3/25 ~ Benevolence 3/27 ~ Scholarship Fund

12. Pray for safe travels and a productive time for him and fellow pastors. If a need arises CEDAR HILL CHURCH during this time, contact your elder. PASTOR NOTES ENCOURAGERS The Encouragers Team is in great need of Our 6th Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt additional persons to serve in this vital will be on Saturday, March 26, at 11 AM. ministry to the homebound members of our This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to congregation. Visits are made to members in our Wyckoff neighbors, so please consider their homes, in the Holland Christian Home, volunteering an hour or two of your time! the Christian Health Care Center, and other There will be a sign-up sheet at the welcome care facilities. Please pray about this and center for those who are able to help set consider an opportunity to spend precious time up/clean up on this day. All donations with homebound brothers and sisters in the collected at the event will benefit the Love Lord who will be blessed by your visits as Fund of Wyckoff, which provides confidential, indeed they will be a blessing to you. If you temporary assistance to support the children of feel led to serve as an encourager, or need Wyckoff. We are asking the congregation to more information about this ministry, contact bring home a bag (or two or three) of empty Bill Peters at 201-444-8618. eggs to fill with individually wrapped, nut-free candy. You may then return them to us by NURSERY VOLUNTEERS Friday, March 25. Questions? See Allison Thank you to all who faithfully volunteer Douma, Sara Heerema, Laura Laauwe, or their time to care for our little children while Denise Post. Keep this event in your prayers parents enjoy worship. Your time is greatly so that we may be a blessing to our neighbors appreciated! There is a copy of the schedule and that we may experience pleasant weather hanging in the nursery if needed. that day.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL GEMS Join us for Adult Sunday School as we GEMS Spring Plant Sale: It’s back! The continue to study Ray Vander Laan’s “Israel’s GEMS annual flower sale is happening right Mission: A Kingdom of Priests in a Prodigal now. Order now and get your flowers before World.” Mother’s Day to give as gifts or keep for yourself. Order forms can be found in your COFFEE BREAK BIBLE STUDY church mailbox or see one of our GEMS with Join us this Tuesday, March 8, for coffee any questions. Forms and payment are due by break Bible study, beginning at 9:30 AM with April 5. If you have any questions, see Melissa refreshments. Lesson 12, “The Lord With His Borduin. People”, based on Exodus 40, Hebrews 9:1-15; 23-28, and Hebrews 10:19-25, will begin at 10 CADETS AM. All are invited and welcome to attend. Pinewood Derby: The Eastern Council Pinewood Derby will be held on March 12, 2016, at 6 PM, at the Eastern Christian High ANNOUNCEMENTS School Gym. All are invited! Come cheer on COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT our Cadets! HOMELESS PROGRAM Heirborne would like to thank everyone Homeless Sheltering Program: We who donated to the 30-Hour Familne. need volunteers for the homeless program on We raised $4000.00 to help end world Friday nights continuing through March. hunger. That’s enough to feed 10 Please sign up at the welcome center. Thank children for a year. We are so grateful you! for your support. FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY Today is Food Pantry Sunday, but you Go M.A.D.: (Grades 7th and 8th) can drop off your food donations anytime. Regular Meeting: Join us on Friday, April Needs are grocery bags (paper in plastic is 1, from 7 ~ 9:30 PM at the ECMS Gym and preferred), jelly, tuna fish, paper products, Faith’s Barn. Join us for a night of April cereal, and diapers also. Fool’s Day fun. Drop off at the ECMS Gym and pick up IN the Barn. NEW HOPE MINISTRIES th 9 Annual Hearts of Hope Fundraising Heirborne: (Grades 7th and 8th) Dinner: You are invited to New Hope’s Regular Meeting: Join us on Wednesday, fundraising dinner on April 14, 2016. This March 9, from 7 ~ 9 PM at Cedar Hill CRC. year, the venue has changed—to the Tides Join us as we worship God, have a snack, and Estate at 1245 Belmont Avenue, North some conversation. And some great games! Haledon, NJ. Cocktail hour begins at 6 PM with the main event starting at 6:30 PM. For LinC: (Grades 9th through 12th) more information on sponsorship levels or to Regular Meeting: Join us on Sunday, purchase your tickets, contact Phil Beverly at March 13, from 6 ~ 8:30 PM at the Barn. [email protected] or 973-942-4059. Join us for dinner, games, worship, and some Join us for an inspiring night of testimony to talk about the lion whisperer. God’s work at New Hope! LinC Retreat: Save the Date and mark your MEALS NEEDED calendar for Friday, April 1st through Meals are needed for the Troast family! If Sunday, April 3rd. This retreat is run by our you can contribute a meal on a Monday or a high school seniors and you don’t want to miss Wednesday, visit the following website to it!! They are working hard to make it the best sign-up: retreat ever! You can access Bob & Gertrude Troast's meal schedule by visiting: http://www.TakeThemAMeal.com Recipient Last Name: Troast Password: Troast Please consider helping with this important and much needed ministry of food! If you have any questions, please see Jo-Ann A. or Ginny S.

YOUTH QUEST ANNOUNCEMENTS A CULTURE OF PRAYER ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2 MARCH 6, 2016

PRAY FOR COMFORT ~ We extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family and friends on the passing of Margery Moses, on Monday, February 29. We pray that God will comfort and sustain this family as well as all those who mourn the loss of loved ones.

PRAYERS FOR CEDAR HILL CHURCH ~ As you continue to pray for our church, you are invited to add this request to the worship page of your Prayer Fest Booklet: Give thanks for our gifted accompanists, singers, and instrumentalists who are committed to leading our weekly worship. Pray that God would continue to bless them in this work.

PRAY FOR HEALING ~ Tannette Botbyl had a scan on Monday, February 29. Please pray that the results will again show no cancer.

PRAY FOR ONGOING CONCERNS ~ Ben Kuipers Bob & Gert Troast Elsie Vander Weit Betty Koban Jean Stonehouse Jay Faber Tannette Botbyl Ken Hagedorn

PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND & THEIR CAREGIVERS ~ Margaret Laauwe Edna Smith Marge Bandstra Marge De Jong Ruth De Vries

PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray . This week at Cedar Hill Church March 6 ~ March 12, 2016

SUNDAY 9:30 AM ~ Sunday Morning Worship and Fellowship Time (Sanctuary) 11:00 AM ~ Sunday School, Catechism, Adult Sunday School 12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM ~ Worship at Faith Community CRC in Wyckoff MONDAY 7:30 PM ~ Council Meeting (Council Room) 8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall) TUESDAY 9:00 AM ~ No Bible Study Fellowship Leader’s Meeting (Council Room) 9:30 AM ~ Coffee Break Bible Study (Deacon Room) 6:45 PM ~ Cadets 8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) WEDNESDAY 6:15 AM ~ Wednesday Morning Prayer Time (Library) 9:00 AM ~ No Bible Study Fellowship (Entire Church) 7:00 PM ~ Heirborne Youth Group (at Cedar Hill) THURSDAY 7:00 PM ~ Bergen Career Networking Group (Fellowship Hall) 7:30 PM ~ Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary) FRIDAY 6:30 PM ~ Homeless Sheltering Program (Fellowship Hall) 8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) SATURDAY 6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)

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