New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards s1

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New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards s1

Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7

Essential Question(s) Enduring Understanding(s)

How did geography impact the outcome of the American Revolution? Students will understand the impact of geography on the outcome of the How do economic issues such as inflation impact citizens’ attitudes towards their American Revolution. government? Students will understand how basic economic issues like inflation can How did can philosophical ideas become the reason for starting a war? influence a citizen’s attitude towards their own government. How does technology impact jobs and the economy? Students will understand the philosophers’ ideas that helped to spark the How did one individual, George Washington, impact the history of the USA? American Revolution? How did the alliance with France impact the American Revolution? Students will understand how technology can impact jobs and the economy. How were different socioeconomic groups affected by the American Revolution? Students will understand Washington’s unique role in American history. How did the outcome of the American Revolution affect Native Americans and Students will understand how our alliance with France had a great impact European nations? on the Revolution. Students will understand the impact of the Revolution on different socioeconomic groups. Students will understand how the result of the Revolution affected Native Americans and European nations.

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, 2010 Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7 Learning Expectations WAL To/That… Activities/Instructional Procedures Student Strategies/Modification/ Differentiation Formative Assessments Technology Infusion/Resources

A. Civics, Government, and Human Rights 6.1.8.A.3.a Examine the ideals found in the Declaration of Independence, and assess the extent to which they were fulfilled for women, African Americans, and Native Americans during this time period.

B. Geography, People, and the Environment 6.1.8.B.3.c Use maps and other geographic tools to evaluate the impact of geography on the execution and outcome of the American Revolutionary War. 6.1.8.B.3.d Explain why New Jersey’s location played an integral role in the American Revolution.

C. Economics, Innovation, and Technology 6.1.8.C.3.a Explain how taxes and government regulation can affect economic opportunities, and assess the impact of these on relations between Britain and its North American colonies. 6.1.8.C.3.b Summarize the effect of inflation and debt on the American people and the response of state and national governments during this time.

D. History, Culture, and Perspectives 6.1.8.D.3.a Explain how the consequences of the Seven Years War, changes in British policies toward American colonies, and responses by various groups and individuals in the North American colonies led to the American Revolution. 6.1.8.D.3.b Explain why the Declaration of Independence was written and how its key principles evolved to become unifying ideas of American democracy. 6.1.8.D.3.c Analyze the impact of George Washington as general of the American revolutionary forces and as the first president of the United States. 6.1.8.D.3.d Analyze how prominent individuals and other nations contributed to the causes, execution, and outcomes of the American Revolution. 6.1.8.D.3.e Examine the roles and perspectives of various socioeconomic groups (e.g., rural farmers, urban craftsmen, northern merchants, and southern planters), African Americans, Native Americans, and women during the American Revolution, and determine how these groups were impacted by the war.

6.1.8.D.3.f Analyze from multiple perspectives how the terms of the Treaty of Paris affected United States relations with Native Americans and with European powers that had territories in North America.

Page 2 of 8 Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7 Learning Expectations WAL To/That… Activities/Instructional Procedures Student Strategies/Modification/ Differentiation Formative Assessments Technology Infusion/Resources

Common Core: RH 6-8, 1-10 Common Core: RH 6-8, 1-10

Summative Assessment Tasks See Appendix I

Students will apply concepts studied in class to complete a examination covering how geography impacted key battles and outcomes of the Revolution.

Students will hypothesize a different British policy towards Colonial America in the wake of the Seven Years War. They will devise and defend an alternative to Britain’s solution (raising taxes without citizens’ consent/representation) in an expository essay graded according to the holistic scoring rubric.

Students will create a flowchart showing showing relationships between the Declaration of Independence and: - Philosophical thinkers (Locke and Rousseau) - Prominent Americans (George Washington, Thomas Paine) - Other nations (France) - various socioeconomic groups (women, African-Americans, Native Americans, farmers, craftsmen, merchants). WALT: Analyze historical Students write and perform Heterogeneous groups.  Answering teacher Brainpop – The American maps to determine how skits demonstrating Display exemplar. questions. Revolution. distance from Britain, and guerrilla warfare methods  Quizzes. knowledge of the terrain and impact.  Class notes. impacted the result of the revolution. Students create table of 6.1.8.B.3.c logistical problems/issues/ WP7.1.A-E solutions comparing Britain- Colonies to USA- Afghanistan.

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WALT analyze why the battles Students research battles of Display exemplars.  Interim deadlines Video clip of Battle of of Trenton and Princeton were Trenton and Princeton. Visual and audio exemplars established by teacher Trenton. crucial to ultimate American Students draw conclusions from Schoolhouse Rock.  Answering teacher victory. about cause/effect of these Peer tutoring. questions. battles in a writing  Quizzes. WALT describe why NJ’s assignment.  Class notes. Starboard display of central location was critical to saying/poem (“For Want of the war effort. Students define key terms a Nail”). 6.1.8.B.3.d related to this issue WP7.1.A-E (Hessians, enlistment, militia, Continentals, etc.)

Students produce Essay, PowerPoint, rap song, Storyboard or annotated map describing battle.

Display saying/poem “for want of a nail…” and have students react/explain in whole-class discussion.

WALT list examples of added Students survey parents on One-on-one teacher  Answering teacher Brainpop – Causes of the costs/taxes lowers individual whether taxes in Roselle are conferencing. questions. American Revolution income and leads to too high, and how parents Peer tutoring.  Quizzes. resentment. feel about value received.  Class notes. 6.1.8.C.3.a-b  Journal entries. Survey students on methods to influence government in modern times. Compare to Page 4 of 8 Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7 Learning Expectations WAL To/That… Activities/Instructional Procedures Student Strategies/Modification/ Differentiation Formative Assessments Technology Infusion/Resources

methods available to colonial America in a T-chart.

Students research and define key vocabulary terms.

Students work in pairs/groups to brainstorm methods of influencing people in power (phone, email, etc.)

WALT explain how technology Students perform internet Pre-formatted table provided  Answering teacher increased productivity and research (via textbook- by teacher. questions. profits, which lead to increased provided websites and links)  Quizzes. Textbook-provided demand for slaves and the and create tables and graphs Option: students work in pairs  Class notes. websites and links. consequent development of a of slave ownership pre- and for Pre vs. Post cotton gin data.  Journal entries. cotton-dependent economy. post- cotton gin, and draw Laptops for internet 6.1.8.C.3.a-b written conclusions about Modification: Accept fewer data research. WP7.1.A-E the impact of its invention. entries if necessary.

WALT defend why British Students identify and list at Peer tutoring  Answering teacher wanted colonists to pay for the least 5 causes of colonists’ One-on-one teacher questions. cost of the Seven Years War resentment (Townshend conferencing.  Quizzes. Laptops for internet through higher taxes. Acts, Intolerable Acts, Tea  Class notes. research. tax, etc.), via research using  Journal entries. WALT resistance to British textbook-provided websites Brainpop: “Causes of the taxation led to increased and links, and American Revolution” British government oppression, a loss of personal Students compare colonists’ Youtube: modern Tea freedom, and a desire for resentment to that of the party rallies. independence from Britain. modern US “Tea Party” in a Page 5 of 8 Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7 Learning Expectations WAL To/That… Activities/Instructional Procedures Student Strategies/Modification/ Differentiation Formative Assessments Technology Infusion/Resources

writing assignment. 6.1.8.D.3.a WP7.1.A-E

WALT interpret historical text Students read primary Pre-formatted graphic  Answering teacher to determine how the sources from Locke, organizers provided by teacher. questions. Enlightenment and Great Rousseau and Montesquieu Teacher conferencing.  Quizzes. Brainpop: “Causes of the Awakening influenced identify and match them to ideals Peer tutoring.  Class notes. American Revolution” the individual freedoms that found in the Declaration of  Journal entries. were included in the founding Independence using a document of America. graphic organizer. 6.1.8.D.3.b

WALT explain why France Students can read a brief Peer tutoring  Answering teacher joined and fought with summary of Franco-British One-on-one teacher questions. th American colonists during the conflict in 18 century, and conferencing.  Quizzes. Listen to selections from war and had a significant hypothesize reasons for  Class notes. book-on-CD of Common impact on its outcome. France’s decision to help.  Journal entries. Sense.

WALT read Thomas Paine’s Students can analyze Laptops for internet Common Sense and explain textbook-provided websites research. how it helped unify American and links, and list at least opinions against Britain. three contributions made by France to the American 6.1.8.D.3.d Revolution. WP7.1.A-E Students summarize five major points from “Common Sense” after reading the primary source and teacher-provided summaries. WALT describe how Students list at least one Peer tutoring  Answering teacher individuals with diverse unique outcome for each One-on-one teacher questions. Page 6 of 8 Roselle Social Studies Curriculum Unit Title: American Revolution (Unit 3) - Grade: 7 Learning Expectations WAL To/That… Activities/Instructional Procedures Student Strategies/Modification/ Differentiation Formative Assessments Technology Infusion/Resources backgrounds were impacted diverse group attributable to conferencing.  Quizzes. Laptops for internet differently during the the Revolution, by  Class notes. research. American revolution. performing internet  Journal entries. 6.1.8.D.3.e research (via textbook- provided websites and links, and WALT evaluate why many Students write brief first Peer tutoring  Answering teacher Americans thought it was our person journal entries from One-on-one teacher questions. “god-given” right to control the perspective of affected conferencing.  Quizzes. Brainpop: “Manifest the entire continent, regardless groups (French, Spanish,  Class notes. Destiny”. of previous colonial or native Native American) towards  Journal entries. “ownership”. the Manifest Destiny idea, 6.1.8.D.3.f based on NJ Open-Ended WP7.1.A-E Response Rubric.

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Appendix I: Summative Assessments- see attached

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