2015 Cnib National Braille Conference s1

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2015 Cnib National Braille Conference s1

2015 CNIB National Braille Conference


Accessibility + Advocacy + Education + Independence + Literacy

October 29th and 30th, 2015 Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto 475 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7

We thank our National Media Partner: 2015 CNIB NATIONAL BRAILLE CONFERENCE Braille +


Wednesday, October 28th

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: Registration

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: Welcome Reception

Thursday, October 29th - Advocacy

7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Registration

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Exhibitors

8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.: AER Annual General Meeting

9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.: Opening Session

 Welcome & opening remarks: John Rafferty, President & CEO, CNIB  Alfred Spencer, Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives, Accessi bility Directorate of Ontario  Avesta Alani, National Youth Council, CNIB

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Session 1

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Lunch – keynote speaker: Louis M. Tutt, Executive Director, AER

1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.: Session 2

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Session 3

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.: Session 4

5:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.: Networking Reception – presentation of the Dayton Forman Award



Friday, October 30th - Youth

7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Registration

8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.: Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Exhibitors

8:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.: Opening Session

 Keynote: Mark Demontis, Courage Canada  Presentation to the Braille Creative Writing and Accuracy Competition Award winners  Presentation about Treasure Box Braille by the Classy Cyborgs Team

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.: Youth Activity Centre

10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: Session 5

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Lunch

1:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.: Youth Activity Centre

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.: Session 6

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.: Closing Session – sports panel  Hosted by Paralympic medalist, Victoria Nolan

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Closing Reception: presentation of the Volunteer Recognition Awards


THURSDAY: SESSION 1 WORKSHOPS 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

101. Low-Vision Rehabilitation Strategies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis This workshop will present information on a study done with the purpose of performing a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate various low- vision rehabilitation strategies for patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Cost and efficacy data presented in this study can be used to conduct cost-effectiveness analysis which may help provincial and federal governments to plan many macro-type projects and budgets that will ultimately benefit individuals with eye diseases. Presenter:  Monali Malvankar, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario

102. Accessibility Trends in Corporate Communications In this interactive workshop, attendees will learn what companies are doing to make their products and services accessible. Industry trends and best practices will be shared along with specific case studies that demonstrate the commitment organizations are making in advancing an inclusive society in offering consumer choice and independent access to products, programs and services. Presenter:  Andy Keyworth, Accessibility Specialist, T-Base Communications

103. FIRM: Formatting the Infrequent or Rare Materials This workshop will look at transcribing, in UEB, some rare or less frequently used formats such as cartoons, print editing marks, typeforms, highlighted material, marginal notes, check marks and others. Presenter:  Bonnie Read, Braille Transcriber and Instructor, Saskatchewan Alternate Format Materials Library

104. It’s Here! The Newest ZoomText! ZoomText now has a full screen reader available! Learn how this new product can walk users from magnification to magnification/speech to only speech. Ai Squared’s collection of new products, from keyboards to cameras, is focused on productivity in the workplace. From low vision to blindness, discover how Ai Squared has accessibility covered. Presenter:  Dan Weirich, Vice President of Strategic Programs, Ai Squared


105. Smartphones, Tablets and Apps: What’s New and What You Need to Know This workshop will give attendees an overview of the advantages modern technology has offered to those living with vision loss and resources that attendees will be able to take back and share with their clients and patients. Presenters:  Dr. Ana M. Juricic, Low Vision Optometrist, The Clearview Institute Hugh Montgomery

106. Non-vision Photography & Tangible Image The technique of non-vision photography and tangible image in an innovative, cutting-edge technology for special education. It helps people with vision loss use tactile cognitive perception, a compensation for lost visual perception, and makes it closer to the discerning cognitive style in daily study and life. It can be used as an auxiliary Atlas for students, which can improve their understanding of the knowledge content and expansion of the breadth of knowledge, and also as an assisted living tool for visually impaired people in daily life. Presenters:  HU Jin, R&D Director, Sunrise Social Develop Center  CHEN Yao, Executive Secretary-general, Sunrise Social Develop Center

107. Empathy through Knowledge and Understanding Attendees will be provided with practical handouts and activities to run monthly classroom workshops incorporating circles. The monthly sessions include: establishing a knowledge base; simulators; braille; modelling and organizing mini lessons for a student with vision loss; students present/teach their lessons; and, a culminating activity including reflection and celebration. Interactive activities will promote open and honest discussions motivating all to think creatively and to demonstrate how the role of the itinerant vision teacher can be expanded. Presenters: Lucia Bellafante, Itinerant Vision Teacher, Toronto District School Board Ellen Kim, Itinerant Vision Teacher, Toronto District School Board


108. Discovering Everyday Opportunities in My World This workshop will be best suited for individuals who work with children or who have small children with vision loss. It will inspire those involved to be creative and to learn how to modify toys and activities they already have or will be purchasing for their clients who are visually impaired. This workshop will provide the opportunity for professionals and parents to collaborate and inspire one another. Presenters: Pam Petrella, Life Skills Instructor, W. Ross Macdonald School Heather MacNeil, Jessica Kuranc, Michelle Wilson and Tracie MacPhee, W. Ross Macdonald School

109. Making Accessible Media for all Canadians Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) is a not-for-profit multimedia organization serving Canadians who are blind, partially sighted or print restricted. Operating three broadcast services, AMI-tv and AMI-audio in English and AMI-télé in French, AMI’s mission is to make accessible media for all Canadians. In pursuit of that mission, we believe that for all impacted and concerned Canadians, AMI can be a new model media organization that creates, advocates, collaborates and enables accessibility to all media. Presenter: David Errington, our President, Accessible Media Inc. (AMI)

110. The Big Easy: Create Accessible Documents This "hands on" workshop will literally walk you through the steps necessary to learn the required skill sets, key strokes and secret handshakes in order to create an accessible document every time you touch the keyboard. Presenter:  Bob Minnery, Manager, Alternate Education Resources Ontario (AERO), Ministry of Education, W. Ross Macdonald School


THURSDAY: SESSION 2 WORKSHOPS 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

201. UEB Instructional Strategies This workshop will provide an overview of how the transition to UEB might affect students in different age groups. Topics covered include assessment and testing considerations; curriculum materials; and, reading, writing and math instruction. There will be an opportunity to discuss case studies. The Canadian UEB Technical Standards Committee will be discussed and how the work of this committee is helping develop a national approach to the formatting and style decisions in transcription of technical material. Presenters:  Christopher Marshall, Manager, Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI) and Accessible Resource Centre-British Columbia (ARC-BC)  Jennifer Jesso, Outreach Coordinator, PRCVI

202. Overview of Android Accessibility In the last few years, iPhones have become the preferred device for blind users. The Android operating system is making steady progress in the area of accessibility. This workshop will introduce you to the Android OS and the accessibility features available. Common tasks like texting, browsing the web and sending e-mail will be demonstrated. Presenter:  Jason Fayre, Accessibility and Adaptive Technology Specialist, CNIB

203. Duxbury for Braille Users Duxbury for Braille Users will take participants through the transcription process: from modifying the source file, importing into Duxbury, applying styles and working with both print and braille documents. This workshop will be geared towards braille users who are interested in transcribing their own documents. Presenter: Jen Goulden, Quality Assurance Specialist, Crawford Technologies, Chair, Braille Literacy Canada


204. Why Do Some Blind People Also Love to Travel? As a totally blind person who has been in over 40 countries, I am often asked why I want to travel as much as I do. The answers are numerous, beginning with "Why not? Why shouldn’t everyone want to see this wide world of ours?" In this workshop, styles of travel, choosing a travel agent and a destination, and the importance of doing preliminary research on your proposed destination will be discussed. A number of companies around the world that offer specialized tours for blind travellers will be highlighted. Presenter:  John Rae, Human Rights Activist

205. Ergonomics to Promote Health and Productivity when Using Technology Technology use is associated with a number of ergonomic risks. This is especially true when individuals have to compensate for technologies and environments that are not accessible for individuals who are blind or have low vision. Ergonomics aims to promote health and productivity by examining and improving the interactions between individuals and their environments (including their technologies). This interactive workshop will use brief case studies, activities and discussion to examine common ergonomic issues, practical strategies and next steps. Presenter:  Julia Foster, Occupational Therapist, Coordinator, Vision Technology Service and SNOW, Inclusive Design Research Centre

206. Geometry, Intermediate Grades The presenter will show how to use manipulatives to divide angles and line segments in half and will take this a step further to find the centre of a circle. Attendees will move from using a hula hoop to a light box (big to small). Presenter:  Marie Marion, Vision Teacher, Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence

207. Music Therapy with the Partially Sighted In this workshop, music therapy methods and techniques used with partially sighted, blind and deafblind students throughout the past 10 years at the W. Ross Macdonald School will be presented. This will be an interactive workshop and participation will be required Presenter:  Amy Di Nino, Music Therapist at W. Ross Macdonald School


208. Proofreading for Good Form Here is a chance to test yourself on your UEB proofreading accuracy with some format thrown in for good form. Presenter:  Darleen Bogart, National Braille Convenor, CNIB

209. The Way We Were – The Way We “AER” This presentation will give the audience the history of AER as done by the fi rst president of AER, Dr. Richard L. Welsh (deceased, September 13, 2014) and former president of AER, Dr. Mike Bina (1992-1994) currently, preside nt of The Maryland School for the Blind, Baltimore, MD. The presenter will p rovide highlights of his four years, thus far, as executive director of the As sociation for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AERBVI). Presenter:  Louis M. Tutt, Executive Director, AER

210. How to Use Index-Direct-Braille Direct-Braille is an exciting new feature native to the family of Index Braille embossers. Remove the complexities of editing, translating, and embossing braille at home and at the workplace. Now individuals can easily have access to written material shared with their sighted counterparts. A hands-on demonstration will be included to show how common Word and PDF files can be quickly converted into braille documents. Presenter:  Martin Berrisford, Vice President of Technical Services, Frontier Computing


THURSDAY: SESSION 3 WORKSHOPS 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

301. Get Together with Technology Program: The Power of Peer and Community Support At the Get Together with Technology Program (GTT) it is recognized that no one person can hold all the adaptive technology knowledge but, as a community, our skills and knowledge are never ending. Through the collaboration of existing community organizations such as Canadian Council for the Blind (CCB), CNIB and NECTOR Centre, a network has been built which uses the knowledge of the blind and partially sighted community to support the always changing needs of the assistive technology user. Presenters:  Leona Emberson, Specialist, Independent Living Skills, CNIB  Kim Kilpatrick, GTT Coordinator, GTT Program

302. Writing for the Ear - CANCELLED Writing for the Ear is an accessible, four week, creative writing course for adults. This workshop will give an overview of how to approach the theory and practice of teaching creative writing to adults utilizing audio and braille formats. The course is designed to enable participants to write, engage their critical thinking and edit their work, specifically a memoir piece. The secondary aim is to produce an archive of work cataloging the life experiences of people living with vision loss. Presenter:  Niamh MacAlister, Braille Editor, NCBI Library and Media Centre

303. Clever Uses of Small Appliances and Household Gadgets Have you ever made an omelet in a rice cooker, flipped it upside down onto a plate without it breaking? Come and learn about the various uses of a pasta pot or ice cream scoops; how to add spices to your food; the benefits of induction cooktops; and, how to use an infrared or Halogen oven. This workshop will include discussion as well as resources such as websites and recipes. Most of the small appliances and items will be on display for you to examine. Please bring your tips and tricks. Presenter:  Mary Ann Marchand, Specialist, Independent Living Skills, CNIB


304. Case Study on How New Reading Aids Benefit Seniors for Sustained Reading Although spot reading text can quickly provide useful information to complete daily tasks, extended or sustained reading is one of the most challenging activities when a senior experiences vision loss. This workshop will review a study of 30 low vision seniors conducted by Essilor to understand the preferred reading conditions, for reading print documents, for maximizing efficiency, speed, comprehension and duration. Presenters:  Dominic Gagliano, VP Sales, HumanWare  Michel Pepin, Corporate Key Account Manager, HumanWare

305. OrCam – Wearable Innovation for the Blind and Visually Impaired This workshop will provide an introduction and demonstration of the OrCam device, intuitive wearable assistive technology with a smart camera that mounts onto the user’s eyeglass frames and speaks what it sees. Developed by leading minds in the fields of computer vision and machine learning, powered by proprietary algorithms and a powerful processing engine, the OrCam device translates visual information into audio instantly (on the fly) conveying information to the user. OrCam recognizes text (OCR), products and faces. Presenter:  Bryan Wolynski, Optometrist, OrCam Technologies

306. Teaching Music to the Blind using Braille and Technology Music education for students who are blind can be a frustrating experience. This workshop will provide a sensible approach to learning music using different resources and techniques. Topics covered in this workshop will range from “How Music is Taught”, optional teaching methods, technology and transcriptions, and the role of the itinerant and the music teacher. This workshop will also provide excellent background on how to advocate. Presenter:  Denis Rondeau, Music Teacher for the Blind, W. Ross Macdonald School  Tim Boyd, Music Teacher for the Blind, W. Ross Macdonald School

307. Wearable Technology ... What’s all the Touch, See, Hear about This workshop will provide an up-to-date look at the dynamic area of wearable technology and how the advancements in this area can benefit people who are blind or living with vision or hearing loss and help increase feelings of independence. Presenters: Dr. Ana M. Juricic, Low Vision Optometrist, The Clearview Institute Hugh Montgomery


308. What Does it Say? Access to Printed Text Timely and accurate access to printed text has long been a significant challenge to many who have vision loss. From stand-alone reading machines to cameras that connect to a laptop, there is a variety of technology available to access print and turn it into braille or speech. Join us to learn about some of the most powerful devices and techniques for accessing print in the classroom or at home. Presenter:  Ryan Jones, Senior Trainer, Freedom Scientific

309. Accessibility in Social Networking Social networking accessibility has come a long way in recent years as the c ompanies behind it realizee the benefits of inclusive design for all their cust omers. This presentation will showcase the ease with which modern screen reading technology interacts with these networks as well as third party appl ications that make their use even easier. We will cover: Facebook's website accessibility, iOS application and messenger, Twitter's web accessibility, po pular third party Twitter applications on Windows and iOS, LinkedIn's ever-i mproving accessibility landscape and a couple of smaller social networks th at deserve some attention. Presenter:  Rylan Vroom, Assistive technology Instructor, Balance for Blind Adults

310. Accessibility of the Apple Watch This workshop will demonstrate how VoiceOver has been incorporated into Apple's newest device, The Apple Watch. The following will be demonstrate d: the different types of screens and what information they convey; gesture s used to navigate the watch; and the functions available with the new forc e touch feature. Information will also be provided on accessible third-party apps and the considerations when choosing an Apple Watch to help when s electing among the available types of watches and watchbands. Presenter:  Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, The Library of Congress

311. UEB Technical Material UEB Guidelines for Technical Material gives transcribers information and examples to produce math, science and computer notation in UEB. This discussion of additional examples will help to clarify the use of indicators and new symbols. Presenters:  Helen McMillan, Volunteer Mathematics Braille Specialist, CNIB  Lorraine Banks, Volunteer Mathematics Braille Specialist, CNIB


THURSDAY: SESSION 4 WORKSHOPS 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.

401. When It’s More than Just Visual Access: How Technology Can Support Individuals with Multiple Diagnoses What happens when an individual’s needs go beyond difficulty accessing visual information? The “Participation and Activity Limitation Survey: Facts on Seeing Limitations” from Statistics Canada showed that, in 2006, 95.5 per cent of individuals with “seeing limitations” also reported other limitations. This interactive workshop will explore some basic strategies to support individuals with other computer access needs (e.g. physical, cognitive). Cases will be used to highlight examples of how technology can support individuals with multiple diagnoses. Presenter:  Julia Foster, Occupational Therapist, Coordinator, Vision Technology Service and SNOW, Inclusive Design Research Centre

402. How Do I Braille ...? As chair of the ICEB Code Maintenance Committee, the presenter receives questions on a weekly basis. This workshop will look at the examples presented in the queries received in the past year. They range from the use of contractions to the application of the standing alone rule to the technical rules on items to the use of braille grouping indicators. Presenter:  Phyllis Landon, Chair, International Council on English Braille (ICEB) Code Maintenance Committee

403. Success in the Classroom with JAWS and Braille Using the JAWS for Windows screen reading software along with a refreshable braille display provides a powerful solution for students using speech or braille in the classroom. JAWS provides a robust set of tools that allows students to create visually appealing materials no different from their classmates. Learn more about these tools and how adding a braille display gives the student the best chance for educational excellence. Presenter:  Ryan Jones, Senior Trainer, Freedom Scientific


404. GUIDINO: Powerful Indoor GPS Solution for the Blind MedeoGroup innovates, creates and introduces new technological concepts that serve as assistive solutions for disabled people all around the world. In this workshop, GUIDINO will be presented. This new technological solution promotes safe travel for people with vision loss (or not) in metro stations, terminals and buildings using GPS. MedeoGroup has developed this technology to help any user find his/her way and to move freely and safely inside and outside complex buildings. Presenter:  Tommy Théberge, Conseiller en accessibilité / Accessibility Counselor, Medeo Group Canada

405. Coping with the University Challenges for Students with Disabilities: The Reasons for Going to University Matter Students have difficulties managing their time and time-management is influenced by the reasons students choose to attend university. The presenter examined the self-perception of students with disabilities, including those with visual impairment, of their school/life balance and reasons for attending university and related these perceptions to the students’ academic self-efficacy and coping, as well as their university adaptation. Presenter:  Maureen Reed, Associate Professor, Psychology, Ryerson University

406. Braille Literacy Canada: The Brailler Bounce and Other Initiatives to Promote Braille Literacy This workshop is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about Braille Literacy Canada or to anyone who would like to get involved. An update on current activities, including the Big Brailler Bounce Initiative, will be provided. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions, give feedback and discuss future projects. Presenters:  Betty Nobel, Past Chair, BLC and Teacher of the Visually Impaired for the North Vancouver School District  Jen Goulden, Chair, Braille Literacy Canada


407. UEB’s Guidelines for Tactile Graphics The Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2011 requires a major revision to align the contents with the Unified English Braille Code. In light of the retention of the Nemeth Code for technical materials in the United States, BANA has approved the Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts. This workshop will highlight some of the questions and will provide possible solutions that will be incorporated into the revised guidelines currently being developed. Presenter:  Aquinas Pather, Tactile Graphics Specialist, T-Base Communications

408. Proprioceptic Techniques to Improve Cane Technique This session will be an interactive presentation demonstrating a technique called proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation that can be used to facilitate proprioceptive awareness and the student’s ability to perform and improve cane technique. A video will be shown demonstrating these techniques and participants can practice these exercises. Presenter:  Karen Wood, Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist, Private Contractor with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

409. What’s New in Windows 10 for Accessibility In this workshop, Windows 10 and its new features will be demonstrated. The level of support provided by various screen reading and screen magnification software will also be discussed. Presenter:  Jason Fayre, Accessibility and Adaptive Technology Specialist, CNIB

410. Universal Access to Alternate Media Individuals living with a print disability require material in alternate formats such as braille, audiobooks, large print and e-books. Converting printed material into alternate formats can be time-consuming and cumbersome. SensusAccess is a cloud-based self-service solution for alternate media conversion. This workshop will illustrate how SensusAccess can be used to support inclusion and self-sufficiency in education, the labour market and socially. Presenters:  Lars Ballieu Christensen, Adviser and Accessibility Consultant, Sensus ApS and Synscenter Refsnaes - Danish National Center for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth  Tanja Stevns, Sensus ApS and Synscenter Refsnaes - Danish National Center for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth


FRIDAY: SESSION 5 WORKSHOPS 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

501. Youth Programming Opportunities The workshop will provide an overview of the youth programming opportunities that have been developed between CNIB’s Hamilton and Niagara offices. Programming activities and teaching strategies will be reviewed and descriptions will be provided of all of our youth programs in Hamilton/Niagara such as, cooking groups, Saturday outings, March break camp, summer camp and youth peer support and college/employment prep programs. Testimonials from our youth and their parents will be included. Presenters:  Andrea Byers, Specialist, Orientation and Mobility, CNIB  Adam Dupuis, Specialist, Orientation and Mobility, CNIB  Daiene Verissimo, Specialist, Orientation and Mobility/Independent Living Skills, CNIB

502. The BrailleSense U2: A Vital Tool in the Classroom The BrailleSense U2 offers many essential features for students and teachers including a built-in LCD display, an app for downloading CNIB books, function-lock feature which allows for features to be locked out for testing, easy connectivity with tablets and computers, support for Excel spreadsheets, a virtually silent keyboard, built-in GPS receiver and compass, and other features that make the BrailleSense U2 a vital classroom tool while comprising a small footprint. Social apps such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube make the U2 an integral part of students’ online social presence outside of the classroom. All of these features and more will be demonstrated at this workshop. Presenter: Dave Wilkinson, Business Development Manager, HIMS Inc.

503. Readasaurus Literacy Kit This workshop will provide an update on the new early literacy kit developed and distributed by the CNIB Library. Presenter: Karen Brophey, Content & Program Coordinator, CNIB Library


504. Touch, Feel and "See" Art Show - CANCELLED The presenter is a local Toronto artist who has created a series of abstract textural paintings specifically for the blind to feel and touch. The presenter is interested in "hearing" what they "see" with their hands instead of their eyes. The non-seeing world can "see" something the seeing world can't. Presenter:  Peace The Artist, Abstract Textural Artist

505. Breaking the Barrier of Inaccessible Music Softwares This workshop will discuss the accessibility of mainstream music softwares on the Mac, and PC, the possibility for someone with vision loss recording a demo to gain self-employment and creation and communication through music. Presenter: Michael Ciarciello, Computer Educator, Mab-Mackay

506. Sighted Parents Raising Blind Kids In this workshop there will be a panel of parents who have raised or are raising blind children. Ask questions and get advice on topics ranging from advocacy to family dynamics to teaching your child to cook. Presenters: Jen Goulden, Chair, Braille Literacy Canada Ann Breen, Parent  Anne Goulden, Parent  Cheryl Hampson, Parent Linda Liard, Parent

507. Path to Change CNIB launched its new strategic direction, The Path to Change, in 2014 with the goal of ensuring that all Canadians have access to publicly funded healt h services that address their vision rehabilitation needs. This session will up date attendees on progress made so far with a focus on the Government of Ontario, and discuss how participants can advocate for change in their own communities. Presenter:  Christopher McLean, Director of Public Affairs (Ontario) and Regional Director (GTA Region), CNIB


508. Harmonizing UEB and BANA Format Guidelines This workshop will focus on three areas of format: tables and related columns, notes, and emphasis. Where there are proposed changes to symbols they will be shown in UEB as in the draft revision of the BANA Format guidelines. A feast for the fingers and interesting to the eye. Presenters:  Debbie Gillespie, Coordinator, Accessibility and Braille Promotions, CNIB  Darleen Bogart, National Braille Convenor, CNIB

509. Introduction to the International Association of Accessibility Professionals The mission of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is to define, promote and improve the accessibility profession globally through networking, education and certification in order to enable the creation of accessible products, content and services. Launched at CSUN 2014, it now has about 800 members. Come and discuss the mission of IAAP, get an update on plans for certification, get an update on the first IAAP conference and find out how to get involved. Presenter:  David MacDonald, President, CanAdapt

510. Using an iPhone to Scan Text This workshop will thoroughly cover all aspects of scanning text with an iPh one. Topics include: how to manipulate the iPhone's camera; which apps w ork best for what types of documents; and strategies for improving the qua lity of your scanned results. In addition, several accessory devices will be d emonstrated that can make the scanning process easier and more reliable. Presenter:  Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, The Library of Congress

511. Visualizing Pre-calculus Concepts In this workshop, suggestions and solutions will be presented to help undergraduate students, with no or minimal vision, tackle visualizing pre- calculus concepts. This will represent part of the presenter’s research about making advanced mathematics tangible for students living with vision loss. Presenter:  Mina Sedaghatjou, PhD Candidate of Mathematics Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education


FRIDAY: SESSION 6 WORKSHOPS 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

601. An Introduction to Braille for Parents - REMOVED Whether it’s reading a book with your child, helping with homework, writing a note or creating a birthday card, many parents wish they could learn braille. This presentation will give parents the opportunity to find out the basics and direct them to resources that will allow them to continue the process. The reasons for learning braille will be discussed and there will be a hands-on component. Presenter:  Cheryl Hampson, Parent

602. Roundtable: Switch Access and Software for Our Students A roundtable discussion looking at different types of software and switch access being used with our students who have severe, profound, multiple challenges in the classroom (blind/low vision combined with physical, intellectual, communication and other challenges). Please come and share your experiences, successes and challenges with others. Presenter:  Cheryl Worboy, Vision Resource Teacher, Durham District School Board

603. Vision through Digital Communications Emerging GPS, WayFinding and Crowd-Sourcing technologies are changing our lives and giving independence and confidence to persons with vision loss. Come learn how BlindSquare and iBeacon services can expand your world with new possibilities. Explore the new frontier through digital communications and enjoy the freedom of travel as a participant in an increasingly mobile society. Presenters:  David Best, Accessibility IT Specialist, BEST Consulting  Rob Nevin, Principle Owner, U-R-Able

604. CNIB Toronto Parent Peer Support Group This workshop will include information about the CNIB Toronto Parent Peer Support Group. The group is for parents with vision loss that have young children. The group, an 8 week program, is facilitated by CNIB volunteers with some guest speakers. The goal of the group is for parents to attain new skills, adaptive techniques to enhance independent and to share and problem solve with other group members. Presenter:  Despina Salassidis-Jackson, Specialist, Orientation and Mobility, CNIB


605. On the Go with eBot The eBot is the first near/distance viewing video magnifier with Optical char acter Recognition (OCR) that can wirelessly connect to virtually anything with a screen including your iPad, Mac and PC or to any monitor connected by HDML. Its compact size, long battery life, and intuitive controls make it a natural for students anytime, anywhere. The presenter, who has low vision, will demonstrate the versatility of the eBot for looking at presentations from a distance and keeping up with materials on a desk. He will also discuss when to read with magnification versus when to “read” via eBot’s OCR text-to-speech based on various types of school or work related documents and materials. Presenter:  James McCarthy, President, HIMS Inc.

606. Using Theatre as a Tool for Advocacy in Youth - CANCELLED Theatre can inspire confidence, independence and social skills in youth while they’re having fun. A theatre workshop can encourage youth with low or no vision to explore a variety of skill sets. This workshop will be a tool to motivate youth with vision loss to participate in the arts and to also engage participants in an empowering way that focuses on an individual’s ability to be social, to be strong and to advocate for themselves in the sighted world. Presenter:  Jessica Watkin, Coordinator, Theatre Workshop, CNIB

607. Treasure Box Braille - Learning for Children Thirty-five million people worldwide are blind. Only 10 per cent can read braille. A crisis in literacy. Market failure: learning software technology for blind children sorely lags behind mainstream. For example, millions of sighted children enjoy digital learning games like LeapFrog and Disney programs. The presenters are a team of students (age 11-14) who have been working for several months on developing software and pairing it with a braille simulator to teach the braille alphabet to children and to offer blind children an “entertainment learning experience”. Presenters:  Lisa Andrade, Parent and Coach Chaperone  Linar Smigalob, Mechanical Engineering Student at Lassonde School of Engineering, York University  Nicolas Casali Mechanical Engineering student at Lassonde School of Engineering, York University  Classy Cyborgs Team: Logan Maier, James Andrade , Disha Prashar, Isabel Neufeld , Jenna Pezzack, Sean Lloyd, Sammay Emamian, Sebastian Villate, Vera Cotturo, Rhys Binnie


608. iPad + Assistive Technology = Growing Student Success in the Classroom Apple’s iOS devices changed the way technology is used today. Apple’s ecosystem gives teachers and students an abundance of applications which can focus on individual learning concepts. The advantage is a Swiss Army knife solution for daily classroom challenges faced by students with vision loss. However, certain concepts prove difficult to some users depending on the student’s technical capabilities. Presenter:  Dominic Gagliano, VP Sales, HumanWare  Michel Pepin, Corporate Key Account Manager, HumanWare

609. eBrailler Cosmo for Education This workshop will provide an overview of the eBrailler Cosmo and Braille Education Remote Tool (BERT). The eBrailler Cosmo is a multi-function braille device which is easy for children and adults to use. It can be connected to a computer and used as a quiet braille embosser or as a braille input device when using the Duxbury Braille Translation application. It can also be used individually as a braille writer. BERT allows for remote training between the teacher and student. Presenter:  Victor B. Lajeunesse, Sales Manager, MICROCOMPUTER Science Centre, Inc.

610. Revolutionizing PDF Accessibility Make accessible PDF documents with the click of a button. Accessibil-IT, the leader in PDF accessibility solutions will introduce a revolution in creating the most accessible and compliant PDF documents under the global PDF/UA standards. Presenter:  Adam Spencer, Head of Document Accessibility Services, Accessibil-IT

611. My How You Have Changed! Join me on the journey of braille over the last half century - think about no computers, no translation, no paper copies, no erasers! How did braille get to be like it is today? Presenter:  Darleen Bogart, National Braille Convener, CNIB


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