Getting and Keeping a Job
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Getting and keeping a job As unemployment rises and the number of vacancies falls, many people will find getting a job difficult. Those who are still in a job will be even keener to hold on to it. Those who have always found it hardest to get and keep a job will find it even harder. So, the partnership will do what it can to help those who have just lost their jobs, or face doing so, while still developing working neighbourhood teams with its partners for those who have been workless for a long time. Action Plan SRTG1 Deliver local support for residents to reduce impact of economic downturn Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 1.0 Enhancements to day 1 offer from June 09 to Ian Marshall June 2009 Enhancements to Day 1 offer - Implemented across Salford include, Local Employment Partnership Jobcentre Plus from April 2009. The enhanced support is discussed enhancements, offer to customers and Pre with customers at their advisory interviews employment Train to Gain including support to executive / professional people.
1.1 Agree information sharing protocol between key Ian Marshall Oct 2009 A package of datasets around benefit claimant figures, agencies (Jobcentre Plus, Learning and Skills Jobcentre Plus redundancies and vacancies notified has been developed Council, Local Authorities, etc), to measure the and is shared with all partners on a monthly basis. impact of the recession and the performance of support interventions Action Plan SRTG2 Utilise the Working Neighbourhoods Fund for the benefit of the residents and businesses of the City Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 2.0 Design services for people affected by the Chris Marsh June 09 Working Neighbourhood Teams are now operational in recession including – skills and work support, Council Ordsall & Langworthy, Eccles and the NDC area and 3 new housing, welfare, debt and financial advice, areas (Little Hulton, Broughton & Blackfriars and Swinton) business support and health support will roll out by Oct. The teams have facilitated enhanced JCP outreach presence in areas worst affected by the recession, enhanced Skills & Work surgeries for those facing redundancy as well as the development of a more holistic multi-agency 'case management' approach to look at the wider individual/family needs.
2.1 Develop bid to ‘Future Jobs Fund’ to enable Chris Marsh Sept 2009 Deliver 150 jobs in Salford by March 2010 through Future individuals to achieve NVQ / Construction Skills Council jobs fund Certification Scheme in all aspects of street works. Successful bid submitted to DWP 8,000 jobs across GM 1 (1,500 jobs first in phase).
2.2 Explore the development of an apprenticeship Hannah Sept 2009 NHS Salford has run an 18 month apprentice scheme scheme with the Primary Care Trust. Dobrowolska starting September 2008 with 8 admin apprentices. All 8 of PCT this intake have now found permanent employment within NHS Salford. A second programme will begin in October with 12 admin apprentices. An opportunity to explore the development of apprenticeships within patient facing healthcare settings within Salford Community Health (NHS Salford’s provider arm) is being explored, as well a potential opportunity to develop direct care delivery apprenticeships in general practice. This second programme is part of the Future Jobs Fund Programme. NHS Salford would be happy to explore any additional opportunities in this area however there are some organisational limiting factors to address (most notably for many roles desk space). The lead for any further contact is Barbara Jackson.
2.3 Work with Salford College on use and Peter Crompton Sept 2009 Salford City College has designed and delivered a range of expenditure of £490k fund to guide people into Salford College courses to meet local employment demands by re–skilling employment. and up skilling those who have been claiming JSA for 6 months or more. A guaranteed interview with a job offer is the desired outcome with the opportunity to continue government funded training whilst in employment through Train to Gain.
2.4 Deliver a series of workshops over the summer Andy Kay Summer 2009 No update provided for new and recent graduates focusing on key University employability skills including: What employers want from graduates and how to give it to them Writing winning applications and CVs Interview skills - tips for success Creative job search - tapping the hidden job market
Additional portfolio of services includes: Continued availability of services to graduates for up to 3 years after graduation. 2 E-Guidance service for graduates. Continued support for the Graduate Vacancy Partnership Website to advertise regional graduate opportunities in conjunction with 12 other NW HE institutions. Extensive information provision via the website, including vacancies, news & news relevant to new and recent graduates.
Head of Service blog to highlight key issues in relation to the economic downturn and graduate employment.
2.5 Deliver bespoke employability courses for Louise Kenworthy Ongoing No update provided graduates: Free master classes, workshops and University training programmes are available to all graduates to help them improve their skills and consider starting their own business as another career option.
2.6 Continue the work of Careers & Employability in Ian Boardman Ongoing No update provided developing relationships with employers to seek University out employment opportunities aimed at students in their final year of study and/or at graduates. These are promoted to students and graduates online, via email, via the physical Careers & Employability centre, via relevant staff in Schools of study and via a series of on-campus employer presentations and recruitment fairs. Action Plan SRTG3 Improve financial capability Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 3.0 Establish pre tenancy work between HCP and local Mike Wright Sept 2009 On target. Initial scoping work completed with the Housing RSLs to better prepare householders for tenancy Salford sub-group of the Financial Inclusion Steering Group. and avoid indebtedness and eviction – include Housing Presentation to next SHP meeting. RSL partners keen to financial capability, household insurance. Partnership take part and on target for the end of September 2009.
3 Work to consist of the development of an information pack, including opportunity for clients to register an interest in receiving support with a range of employment and financial inclusion / capability issues. This to be followed up with targeted support by RSLs and Service providers.
3.1 Pilot pre tenancy programme with 30 prospective Mike Wright March 2010 On target based on progress so far. Confident that target tenants Salford will be met by March 2010. Housing Partnership Utilise ‘Steady Readies’ project to ensure frontline staff are aware of financial inclusion agenda and individuals receive support in budgeting and opening transactional bank accounts. Set targets
4 Supporting new and existing businesses People’s success in getting and keeping jobs depends a lot on demand for their skills from successful businesses. The partnership recognises the difficulties that local businesses are facing, and the increased difficulty of starting new ones. Action Plan SRTG4 Deliver local support for businesses to reduce impact of economic downturn Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 4.0 Deliver an enhanced Financial Advice via a Steve Connelly July 2009 BLNW have developed the 'Access 2 Finance' service to Business Doctor scheme for SME’s and larger BLNW give professional and independent advice to businesses companies. on a one to one basis. To date the service has been accessed by Salford businesses with 10 of them going on to secure over £870k of funding and safeguard 94 jobs. The 10 interventions in Salford have been developed to fund new premises, working capital and finance re- structuring. Business Link is also working with the newly formed ‘Debt Advisory Service’ operated by Business Support Solutions. This pilot service is currently only open to businesses within the Greater Manchester area.
4.1 Hold a business support event for the city region Steve Connelly Aug 2009 ‘Survive and Thrive’ event took place attracting over 200 with public and private sector suppliers including BLNW delegates who where able to gain advice from the public financial sector. and private sector (including mainstream banks).
4.2 Commission personalised face-to-face business Geoff Archer June 2009 Face-to- face support has been commissioned with support Council Salford Hundred Venture (SHV) resulting in 75 support sessions and 20 new business starts since April 09. The Council has co-commissioned a new intensive start up contract with the NWDA which, for the first time will be available for people under threat of redundancy. SHV were awarded the contract and have been delivering since 3rd August.
4.3 Identify funding to support additional export activity Bobbie July 2009 Financial support is now available for small and medium – taking advantage of favourable exchange rates Charleston- sized businesses to help with the costs of overseas trade and developing sectors. Price fairs and missions, international travel and market reports. UKTI
4.4 Agree strategic key account management between Steve Connelly June 2009 SCC and MIDAS have agreed a key accounts list and are partners and ensure these can be flagged up on BLNW conducting joint visits where appropriate – in quarter 1 this 5 Business Link companies at risk monitor to ensure financial year 28 key account visits have been undertaken. more effective interventions at the appropriate Information coming from these visits is shared with time. Partners to include MIDAS, BLNW, Chamber appropriate partners. The Council has now entered into an of Commerce, University of Salford, SCC agreement with BLNW to enable both parties to share information and in particular to access BLNW’s risk monitor.
4.5 Employer Engagement Project - develop industry / Paul Ward Ongoing No update Higher Education collaboration. (Recently held a University joint conference with the CBI which is leading to bespoke interactions with companies around specific issues related to the recession).
4.6 Continuous Professional Development (CDP) / Renata Eyres Ongoing No update part-time / bespoke training - offer a range of short University course and CPD opportunities and look to expand this with bespoke developments where there is demand.
4.7 Promote NWDA funded Innovation Vouchers to Rachel Martin Several Calls No update offer companies opportunities to conduct University throughout collaborative Research & Development with 2009 universities. vouchers
4.8 Promote Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) Janet Toppin No update & Mini KTPs to offer companies longer term University collaborations with universities around specific business challenges.
4.9 Create and maintain effective working relationships Ian Boardman Ongoing No update with employers and employer support University organisations to seek out and promote work experience, placement and graduate employment opportunities to students and/or graduates.
4.10 Creating opportunities for employers and students Ian Boardman Throughout No update
6 to interact (through a series of on-campus events University 2009-10 and on-line virtual events) that allow students to impress potential employers, allow employers to meet potential recruits and allow the University to build stronger relationships with employers. These include a Work Fair, Law Recruitment Fair, Virtual Graduate Recruitment Fair, Business Placement & Graduate Fair, Built Environment Recruitment Fair and a Languages Recruitment Fair. Examples:
4.11 Work with local employers to identify their Ian Boardman Ongoing No update recruitment / development needs and promote University their employment opportunities to students and/or graduate and explore opportunities for joint working with the University.
4.12 Student Entrepreneurship projects – Maximise the Louise Ongoing No update effectiveness of the Student Enterprise Societies Kenworthy guide the programme of events, workshops and University training programmes throughout the academic year to help improve their enterprise & employability skills. They attend external events to improve best practice, network with peers, entrepreneurs and Company Directors.
4.13 Business Incubation - Encourage students and Louise Ongoing No update graduates to start their own business in Salford via Kenworthy a new incubation space currently in development. University Entrepreneurs in Residence will offer mentoring and investment funds will be available to bid in to.
4.14 Promote Technology Transfer - Technology Andrew Ongoing No update Transfer can take many forms including licensing, Hampson spin out companies and long-term employer University partnerships.
7 4.15 Business Services Website: Ongoing No update Academic Enterprise Website: Action Plan SRTG5 Encourage local economic benefit Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 5.0 Hold procurement seminars to encourage local Geoff Lightford July 2009 SCC in conjunction with various partners has held 6 events suppliers to tender for public sector contracts Council around MediaCity:UK and Building Schools for the future opportunities with 250 business people in attendance. At the end of July Bovis (main contractor for MediaCity:UK) reported that 57% of the work force are from Greater Manchester and £87 million worth of contracts have been awarded to Salford companies.
Salford companies have been made aware of a GM event promoting supply chain opportunities for London 2012 Olympics the 18th September. SCC are holding a meet the buyer event on the 18th aimed at third sector suppliers to the care sector.
5.1 Develop and deliver a buy local campaign that can Joanne Hall Nov 2009 The Council is taking this forward and has set up a small run city wide and be adapted to focus on individual Council project team to deliver a buy local campaign during the run town centres. up to Christmas. Action Plan SRTG6 Support businesses by tackling crimes that impact on them in an economic downturn Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 6.0 Deter and prevent commercial robbery Dianne March 2010 The police Crime Reduction Advisors visit every repeat Errington commercial robbery victim/location to provide target GMP / CRDP hardening advice and support. Businesses can be referred for a business grant to the Economic Development Unit at SCC. Health and safety legislation (see below) is used where appropriate – e.g. when businesses do not put in place measures to protect their staff from future crimes. This has been very successful and is regarded as best practice across GMP.
6.1 Disrupt the market for stolen goods Dianne March 2010 No update provided
8 Errington GMP / CRDP
6.2 Combat robberies in commercial premises with Dianne March 2010 As above – Health and Safety Legislation is used where Greater Manchester Police and partners as part of Errington appropriate the violence at work initiative. GMP / CRDP
6.3 Frustrate the stolen goods markets in conjunction Dianne March 2010 Joint visits are carried out every month with Salford Police with Greater Manchester Police. Errington and Trading Standards. These are to the second hand GMP / CRDP dealers across the city. Dealers are prioritised depending on intelligence. At least 4 visits are carried out each month. Results are recorded in the PDG tactical document.
6.4 Address crime that indirectly affects businesses, Dianne March 2010 Ongoing work with Blackfriars Steering Group. For example e.g. vehicle crimes affecting staff and customers Errington an article published in July’s newsletter to Salford GMP / CRDP businesses advising of the need to be vigilant, to encourage reporting and to prevent staff from becoming a victim of crime. A lot of work with the University - Campus Watch volunteers – ‘eyes and ears’ to encourage reporting of incidents.
6.5 Review business watch schemes. Dianne October 2010 There are a few schemes in Salford – including Chapel Errington Street, Northbank and Quay Watch. NPTs have made GMP / CRDP number of contacts with businesses resulting in observation points being established. Regular publications in Salford business magazine informing staff of need to remain vigilant etc, encourage reporting etc. Ongoing work to extend.
9 Maximising income and managing debt Whether in work or not, maintaining a reasonable income and managing debt is a concern for many people at any time, and the services which the partnership offers recognises this. During a recession, that concern grows and affects more people, with the danger that its effects will reduce people’s abilities to enjoy a decent quality of life now, and to take opportunities in the future. Action Plan SRTG7 Healthy eating Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 7.0 Encourage residents to grow their own vegetables PCT / Schools / Nov 2009 No update provided and cook healthy meals. Pilot a scheme to include Council school pupils and investigate possibility of setting up and running a social enterprise supplying parents and local community with fresh vegetables.
7.1 Review allotment strategy to promote take up of Peter Nov 2009 Salford City College – Eccles Centre Horticulture Scheme – allotments Crompton DLS Centre – ‘Grow it, cook it’ adult classes with allotment Salford City holders. DLS entry-group now growing vegetables to sell / College eat.
Action Plan SRTG8 Promote use of subsided public transport Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 8.0 Promote cheapest fares and concessions. Darren Findley Aug – Dec This has been explored with the GMPTE. Current Salford Travel 2009 concessionary fares do exist however any additional would Partnerships / amount to an increased levy on the Council by the GMPTE Bus to facilitate. Companies
Action Plan SRTG9 Promote sources of affordable credit including credit unions Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 9.0 Promote take-up of Credit Unions across Salford. Anne Beattie Aug – Mar Salix Homes has actively promoted the take-up of Credit Council 2009/10 Unions to all customers and staff. RVCU recently presented at a full staff briefing and encouraged take-up. The summer edition of the Salix customer newsletter (Limelight) contained a ‘Smart Saver Bright Borrower’ promotion in conjunction with RVCU. Both SML and RCVU are scheduled to take an active part in the programme of Money Matters. 10 9.1 Promote take up of DWP growth fund from Anne Beattie Tbc – no No update provided Moneyline GM. Set targets Council update provided 9.2 Support, in partnership, capacity building of local Anne Beattie Tbc – no No updated credit unions to broaden coverage across the city. Council update provided
11 Getting and keeping a home The recession and the credit crunch in particular have created difficulties for people in buying a home to suit them, and for some staying in the one they already have. This is creating greater demand for advice services and for social housing across the city. Action Plan SRTG10 Delivering housing support activities Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 10.0 Implement and promote the Housing Trailblazer Dave Galvin March 2010 On target. Trailblazer Action Plan has been signed-off by initiative. Salford CLG and delivery is on target. Confirmed by recent follow-up Housing visit by CLG. Partnership
10.1 Utilise the Gateway Centres as a means of enabling Council / PCT Sept 2009 – This will be reviewed during the second half of 2009/10. access to the widest range of residents / March 2010 businesses across the City.
10.2 Promote the Council’s webpage on ‘Tackling the Sue Wildman May 2009 Operating Recession’. Council
10.3 Link-up Council and Partner web-pages enabling a All partners June 2009 Partners’ web pages now largely updated with a link to the no ‘wrong door’ approach to obtaining advice and Council’s Recession web pages. assistance. Salix Homes’ web page updated with a prominent link 10.4 Deliver a series of Money Management Roadshows Rob Wakefield Programme of monthly roadshows being finalised and due to that take advice and assistance into our Salix Homes take place between August 2009 and March 2010. Wide communities. Roadshows to include the Council’s number of partners planning to attend. Welfare & Benefit Advice Service, CAB, Bank, Building Societies, Utility Companies, etc. Action Plan SRTG11 Facilitate continued affordable housing provision Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 11.0 Promote regional importance of Salford in delivering Bob Osborne Ongoing Lobbying continues via the Council to the Joint Economic housing growth and renewal at Joint Economic Council Commission. Bid accepted by the HCA for 100+ new Council Commission Housing Sub-Group. houses to be built.
11.1 Promote the following Affordable Warmth Initiatives Bob Osborne June 2009 – A wide range of affordable warmth initiatives are being with positive media campaign: Salford Mar 2010 promoted through out the year as detailed below. Housing
12 Low Energy Light-bulb distribution Partnership / Free energy saving / monitoring device Council distribution through Decent Homes programme. Home insulation programme fully funded by Eon. Installation of high efficiency products (including boilers, showers, K-glass, dual-flush toilets, spray taps etc). Warm Zone Excess Winter Deaths/Fuel Poverty Campaign “It’s cool to save energy” Art Competition Neighbourhood Energy Saving Scheme Community Energy Saving Programme
11.2 Pilot alternative energy sources to complement Rob Wakefield Dec 2009 As part of this process an application to the Low Carbon existing sources Salix Homes Building Fund (LCBF) was submitted on 9 June 2009. The application processing time is 12 weeks. Therefore, we should hear back from the LCBF by early September if our application has been successful or not. If successful this will allow for a start date in October 2009 and completion by December 2009. The project will only proceed if match funding is secured. The project feasibility estimates generation of 38,000 kwh producing excess energy for resale into the national grid with approx 600,000 kgs of carbon offset. This will produce financial savings for residents and additional income to be recycled into additional energy saving initiatives. Further to this, use of photo voltaic cells will also enable Salix Homes to secure a programme of specialist environmental protection /green issue lessons for local schools to be provided by the contractor. This also ties in to the City Council environmental education programme.
11.3 Pilot retrofit scheme to compliment Decent Homes Rob Wakefield Apr 2010 Potentially delayed by Government decisions on Decent works by bringing in additional energy efficient Salix Homes Homes Funding measures through alternative funding sources.
11.4 Apply to Homes and Communities Agency for “Kick- Bob Osborne Jun – Sept Successful bid to Homes and Communities Agency for start” and “Housing Stimulus” packages. Salford 2009 KickStart resources for Broughton and Ordsall. Housing 13 Partnership / Bid to Homes and Communities Agency to build 140 Council Council houses.
14 Action Plan SRTG12 Reduce and respond efficiently to incidents of domestic violence Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 12.0 Develop partnership working to assess threat levels Dianne Ongoing Included within the PDG tactical analytical document are the in terms of individual domestic violence offences via Errington ‘repeats’ for domestic violence as measured under NI 32 – Partnership Delivery Group. GMP / CRDP i.e. number of repeats to an already identified high risk victim on the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference’ (MARAC). Agencies are tasked through PDG and required to provide updates.
12.1 Prepare and deliver a Domestic Violence Dianne Ongoing A DVEC campaign is currently in place with two plain clothes Enforcement campaign ensuring sufficient Errington staff working Sat/Sun night. Key objective is to prevent resources are available at weekends and public GMP / CRDP repeat victimisation and potential victims are proactively holidays and at time of threats identified from visited during the evening. This is ongoing and identified previous intelligence such as European Cup Final threats from intelligence will result in additional resources in key areas.
12.2 Effective use of the MARAC process to address Dianne Ongoing MARAC meetings are held fortnightly. The NI 32 target is the repeat victims. Errington number of repeat incidents of DV going to a MARAC. We are GMP / CRDP just slightly over target in Quarter 1. There has been a reduction from 1536 DV crimes in 2007/08 to 1129 2008/09.
Action Plan SRTG13 Reduce serious violent crime Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 13.0 Procure additional resources to combat serious Dianne November Problem profile has been produced. A Violent Crime violent crime Errington 2009 Strategic Group meeting has been held with key partners GMP / CRDP (end July), this generated a number of recommendations which will result in an action plan with resource requirements attached.
13.1 Continue to deploy a SVC car each weekend Dianne Ongoing till Mar This is ongoing – known as Operation Perch, a crime car staffed with a detective resource to the scene to Errington 2010 with a detective and uniformed officer – Fri/Sat/Sun evenings maximise detection opportunities. GMP / CRDP 1700hrs – 0300hrs. This is heightened investigation of serious violent crime – Section 20/18 offences. Best practice at scenes to ensure maximum investigative opportunities at early stage.
13.2 Continue to deliver Operation Etna to deploy extra Dianne Operation is run every weekend in Eccles town centre 15 resources into hotspot areas such as Eccles town Errington 2100hrs – 0300hrs structured visits to licensed premises, centre each weekend GMP / CRDP proactive policing in key hotspots, stop searches etc. Intelligence led. Action Plan SRTG14 Reduce acquisitive crime Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 14.0 Deploy daily and weekly tasking processes to Dianne Ongoing Daily/weekly tasking meetings are held which are intelligence enable proactive and reactive policing. Errington led. This is in addition to the monthly Tactical and Co- GMP / CRDP ordinating Group. Actions are tasked and followed up through each of these meetings.
14.1 Develop a protocol with Trading Standards to Dianne Ongoing This is firmly embedded- monthly visits are carried out by manage joint visits to second hand dealers etc. Errington police and Trading Standards to second hand dealers across GMP / CRDP the city (see point 7 above).
14.2 Utilise proactive target hardening operations with Dianne Ongoing The take up rate for Selecta DNA is 32% in Eccles. This is now the Community Safety team such as the use of Errington being extended to other hotspots areas for example Irwell Select DNA in the Eccles area. GMP / CRDP Riverside and the NPTs are visiting dwellings offering this product.
14.3 Deploy targeted Policing/ Partnership activities in Dianne Ongoing These are numerous and tasked from the TCG/PDG. For response to threats. Errington example, a joint media campaign to address the seasonal GMP / CRDP threat of insecurity burglaries.
Action Plan SRTG15 Promote local employment through contractor partners Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 15.0 Performance targets for the employment of local Rob Wakefield Apr 08 - All 11 trainees on the B4Box scheme are due to graduate in people Salix Homes onwards September 2009 with NVQ qualifications. All trainees are likely Performance targets for the development of to secure a work placement or remain with B4Box as apprentice and training places operatives or trainers of the new trainees. Promotion of initiatives to get people back to work (B4Box)
16 Knowing where to turn – publicity about resources to help The partnership knows that many people are not aware of the help and advice that is available to them, and that for others the sheer volume of it is off-putting. So, a major part of its help for residents is to help them to find their way around what is on offer so that they can make the most of it. Action Plan SRTG16 Promote sources of recession help available Activities Lead Officer Deadline Comments 16.0 Promote Salford Young People’s University to Louise Ongoing No update provided allow children an experience of university with the Bannahene long term impact of encouraging progression University routes into Higher Education, ultimately leading to increased economic output for the city.
16.1 Develop partnerships with schools & colleges to Ruth Bradbury Ongoing No update provided offer coherent progression routes through the University education system.
16.2 Identify additional demand placed on the primary Hannah July 2009 Complete. Initial estimates of a 10% increase in demand for care GP service. Dobrowolska primary care services has been followed by a “rough and PCT ready” audit in July showing a 3% increase. Current demand on services is now more focused on swine flu.
16.3 Continue to monitor demand to Improve Access Hannah Ongoing Current sample information shows that of those patients who to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) including the Dobrowolska / are unemployed referred into this service since April employment status of patients (via existing SHA Tony Marlow approximately two thirds have been unemployed since before returns) PCT September 2008. The service is new so no comparative information is available.
16.4 Explore local needs due to the recession through Janice July 2009 The health action plans in each of the eight neighbourhoods the neighbourhood health improvement teams Lowndes have increased the level of emotional health and wellbeing (e.g. cost of fresh food impacting on childhood PCT activities which includes establishing support groups, obesity, self esteem issues, stress relating to developing work placements and volunteering with the debt management). employment and skills services, developing social support activities and activities of support for people using drugs and alcohol.
Health Improvement staff have referred local people to welfare rights advice services and CAB relating to management of finances and debt. 17
Stress management has been built into the health programmes where possible. For example in the weight management programmes.
16.5 Consult with PCT main providers regarding any Hannah June 2009 Complete. No specific additional needs identified by Salford impact they may be feeling relating to the Dobrowolska Community Health or Salford Royal Foundation Trust as a recession (e.g. people wanting care provided PCT result of the recession, though it was accepted that it is difficult closer to home as the cost of going to hospital to identify a definite impact and that the impact may be felt may be prohibitive). longer term.
16.6 Add existing information to PCT website (health Karl Brookes Aug 2009 There is information on the PCT website under the mental and link to SCC recession web page) PCT health section on “managing stress and job loss”, links will shortly be added to the NHS national credit crunch stress line as part of NHS Choices and the Council’s recession web page.
16.7 Consult staff and patients regarding additional Karl Brookes Aug 2009 Complete. Information included on webpage based on leaflet sources of information that would be useful to PCT details from Bristol. patients being impacted by the recession (e.g. Bristol leaflet, website, staff knowledge). Liaise with partners regarding action in this area.
16.8 Coordinate and/or run activities in local Janice Aug 2009 Referral to stress and debt advice in the neighbourhoods is communities as required and linked to the work of Lowndes being provided. our health improvement teams PCT Activities in the neighbourhood health plans link to advice on emotional wellbeing and financial support.
16.9 Explore opportunities to speed up recruitment Hannah July 2009 This work is ongoing and the board is regularly informed of the and encourage greater recruitment from within Dobrowolska proportion of new staff who live in Salford. The PCT is actively Salford – specific actions to be agreed. PCT involved in apprenticeship schemes
16.10 Continue to pay SMEs within 10 days of invoice Louise Timms Ongoing Complete (been in place since Dec 08) PCT
16.11 Explore opportunities to encourage local Hannah Aug 2009 Meet the commissioner event planned for November, further businesses to bid for NHS contracts (limited Dobrowolska work ongoing associated with non patient service suppliers. flexibility due to tendering rules but may be PCT
18 actions such as publicising NW wide supplier events to local businesses, supporting local businesses in using the electronic tendering system, encouraging managers to focus on local companies when obtaining quotes for work within the £5-50k bracket, and using local suppliers for items less than £5k wherever possible and economical) – specific actions to be agreed.
16.12 If the situation arises, oblige large contractors to Louise Timms Ongoing Linked to 16.10 pay any subcontractors promptly through PCT contractual arrangements (currently no work is subcontracted as the current contracts oblige suppliers to inform NHS Salford of any subcontracting)