Triple P Implementation Working Group
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Meeting Notes Triple P Working Group September 17, 2014, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Brockville Room
Present: Tanis Brown (Coordinator – Chair), Tawnya Boileau (School Health, LGLDHU), Shannon Brown (OEYC), Gwendy Lapp (Triple P Practitioner), Esther Pigion (Children’s Mental Health), Cindy Morrow (CAS), Peter Coughlin (CMHLG), Lynda Earl (Recorder)
Regrets: Margaret Fancy (EKIOC), Keith McPhee (EKIOC), Tom Turner (DSLG), Claire Farella, Mark Heffernan (Brockville Police)
1.0 Welcome Tanis welcomed all present.
2.0 Approval of Agenda Agenda approved with one addition – 6.10 Barriers to Triple P
3.0 Approval of previous meeting notes of June 18, 2014 June 18 meeting notes approved with no changes. Peter would like to see Triple P written out instead of PPP and that we don’t use short- form in the minutes, such as, ct for client.
4.0 Business Arising 4.1 Action Item Review Peter will forward written guidelines for referrals to CMH to Claire & Tanis. Deferred.
Tanis will determine time-line to utilize RRFSS to capture data on Level 1 PPP promotion. Completed. Tanis should have data this fall, and will continue to capture data.
Tanis will forward Jessica’s data collection spreadsheet to team members.
Marg, Tanis, Tom, Peter and Jessica will meet to form the Data Collection task force. Completed.
5.0 Communication 5.1 Practitioner update (attached to meeting notes) Gwendy’s update is available on page 5&6.
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 1 CMHLG referrals are for groups only and not individual. Do get calls from the Lanark area and they are welcome to attend. Tanis reported that we are getting calls from outside of our area, and at this time we refer them to the appropriate Health Unit.
6.0 Coordination of Service 6.1 Working group recruitment Deferred
6.2 Promotional items Tanis has replenished the promotional items. We have mugs, stress balls, play dough, scissors with cutting activities, pens, and bags. Promotional items can be used as an incentive for clients. Tip sheets, workbooks – place order with Jodi Drummond; other items contact Tanis. Items have been given to CHC’s, schools, case managers, teachers, welcome to kindergarten, teachers/principals. Placements have been provided to local restaurants. We are in the final 2nd stage of placements. Tanis will email out the draft as soon as it is available. Shannon suggested King’s Restaurant at South Grenville District High School.
6.3 Gwendy’s role – name change New Name: instead of Practitioner now Community Outreach Gwendy’s role has changed over the last few months, and her current title doesn’t reflect her position as Gwendy doesn’t do one on one with clients, except on rare occasions.
6.4 School Outreach Tanis reviewed the logic model Triple P School Outreach for LGL for 2014 Tanis has been speaking with the schools boards and how to make schools more access to Triple P. Looking at writing a grant proposal to hire someone to deliver the model to the schools. Shannon asked, do we have the capacity to meet the needs? We can offer the seminars (groups) to the schools. At present time we have 2-4 families signing up, and the Health Unit does have the capacity to deliver seminars to the schools. Shannon asked if we are including the French School Board. Tanis has responded to a request for promoting Triple P in the French School Board, and we do have the materials in French. Grant is for Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, we if don’t get the funding for Leeds, Grenville and Lanark we would look at Gwendy’s would only do Leeds and Grenville role.
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 2 Peter is receiving calls from parents with younger children (7 yrs and under). Gwendy stated that she doesn’t want to miss the parents of older children. Increase awareness with principals, teachers, school staff Tanis has spoken with Mark Heffernan and the officers will be targeting and supporting the parents to help the kids to navigate the challenges that the younger population is facing. Gwendy to follow this outreach model and as opportunities arise with schools and families of schools for Leeds and Grenville. Shannon is concern that if we don’t get the funding and the messages have already been given to the schools are we able to meet the demands. Gwendy will be talking to Tawnya and will be connecting with the schools that are already offering Triple P. Shannon is concerned that we are confusing the school principals as they don’t know how to access the program. The school nurses that Tanis works with inform their schools to contact Triple P to call the 1-800 line. It shouldn’t be confusing for principals who to contact for Triple P, we need to engage more principals. Tanis suggested creating a workplan for the next 3-4 months with a target of families of schools. Shannon would rather pick a family of schools and target them instead of the whole group. There is confusion from the school boards as they cover several boundaries.
6.5 Data Collection Tanis reported that we are looking at collaboration between the United Counties and the Health Unit using Survey Monkey.
6.6 Practitioner Day Monday, November 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Health Unit in Brockville; lunch is included Save the date email has gone out to all the practitioners of Triple P. Registration packages will be going before the end of September. Registration will be through Eventbrite. Discussion of the how the day will be run and that the information will be based on strength based practices. Sharing our knowledge of Triple P and asking agencies to share their experiences with Triple P and how they use Triple P in their practices.
6.7 Update on media Tanis reported that we have media releases each month – radio, print, and social media over the summer. New opportunities with Eastern Ontario Network. Would like to host parenting tips that would be promoted for two weeks. This information could be included in the email “Buzz” from Gwendy. This is a good way to showcase who is supporting Triple P in the community.
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 3 Media opportunities for partners to be included in the email “Buzz”. Mark from community police will be starting a community tweets. For community partners that have a tweeter feeds, we can email them bits to be included in their feeds. Only 140 characters for tweeter feeds.
6.8 Communication with Community Quarterly/Semi-annual Sending updates, reminders of resources that are available out to participating agencies
ACTION: Gwendy to email “Buzz” of Triple P to partners.
6.9 Training opportunities Tanis has emailed out the training opportunities. Registration is by September 29th. Peter has staff interested in Stepping Stones 2 seminars coming up in September and October and is on the Triple P calendar Training budget is $12,000 Gwendy is attending the level 3 training Have potential to send 3 more people for training If you have training needs let Tanis know and she will forward that information onto the Ministry. Triple P Baby is finishing their data collection, and have done a trial on the program, group of 4 sessions. New - Healthy Lifestyle seminar, level 5, not as clinical base, 3 session on how to promote healthy lifestyles in your home Email out the link to see all the triple P research projects are.
6.10 Barriers to Triple P Peter stated that clients are saying there are barriers to accessing Triple P – access to safe transportation, childcare Peter would like to know, what are the strategies we have to deal with these barriers? Tanis stated that we have access to transportation and childcare for the Café Nights. Tanis reported that the auditors stated that we had to spend the money, and now has gone to resources. We offer transportation (system in place with local taxi companies) but clients don’t want the service.
7.0 Next Meeting Date & Adjournment
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 4 Meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday morning of each month. The next meeting date is Wed., October 15, 2014 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 5 Report submitted by Gwendy Lapp – Triple P Practitioner Opportunities: Awareness Interval House – dropped off promo materials for Robyn; discussed challenges and strengths as a Practitioner; promoted upcoming Practitioner Day Westport FM Church - dropped off promo materials and discussed challenges and strengths of delivering Triple P program Spencerville Library – of the promotional items offered, Emily requested tubs of play dough; has a number of parents with infants attending newly created Baby Time; will contact Triple P in fall to build further awareness of parenting resources in L&G North Grenville Library – requested numbers on donated resources; provided samples of promo items for Sue, Children’s Librarian to order Social Housing event, Prescott – provided positive parent messages with parents involved in the project Social Housing event, Brockville – provided positive parent messages with parents involved; Case Manager is interested in exploring Triple P workshop for social housing clients in fall; Transition to Kindergarten, Gananoque – supporting parents in sending their child to K through conversation and positive encouragement OECY, Prescott – supporting parents in the topic of “planned activities” and supporting Triple P Practitioner Prescott Youth Center – met with the ED, Tracy to discuss Triple P and what it can offer the parents they are involved with as many of their participants come from Wellington Public School Delivery 5 Client meetings at Level 3, 0-12 all serviced in-home or over the phone 5 client meetings for Select Seminar, provided one-to-one and in-home due to family circumstances initial meeting with client who is deaf for one-to-one provision of seminar Partnerships Youth Justice Table Triple P Ontario Teleconference – shared information on our use of on-line codes and increased uptake Practitioner Day – planning together with Shannon, OEYC for all Triple P Practitioners throughout Leeds/Grenville Touch-a-Truck event, Brockville –providing support to parent/child engagement opportunity CMH – meeting with Trina to better understand their intake process as a Triple P partner Interval House – meeting with Robyn to better understand their process of client intake and what they provide as a Triple P partner Social Housing event, Brockville – networking opportunity with Big Brothers, Big Sisters, OEYC, Social Housing and Brockville Library Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 6 EKIOC – networking opportunities with Sherri, NP regarding upcoming Practitioner Day; with Mark Heffernen, Brockville City Police who is looking to form stronger partnership; with Michelle Neville, CDSBEO Mental Health Lead who is working on obtaining more formal support for Triple P for parents of their students; with Sue Poldervaart, RNJ and exploring parenting sessions that coincide with Rebound; with Russ LaRoque, UCDSB Mental Health Lead and how to engage Triple P in the school setting Best Start UCDSB meeting with Russ LaRoque and Tanis – building support for school outreach focus
Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2014 7