18Th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

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18Th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

DATE: August 2, 2015 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)


We gather to give God thanks and praise, to be fed and strengthened by the bread of heaven, to renew our faith in God’s kindness.

FIRST READING: Exodus 16: 2-4. 12-15


Response: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

The things we have heard and understood, the things our fathers have told us, we tell to the next generation: the glories of the Lord and his might.

He commanded the clouds above; and opened the gates of heaven. He rained down manna for their food and gave them bread from heaven.

Mere men ate the bread of angels. He sent them abundance of food. He brought them to his holy land, to the mountain which his right hand had won.

Response: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

SECOND READING: Ephesians 4: 17, 20-24


Alleluia, alleluia! No one lives on bread alone, But on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Alleluia, alleluia!

GOSPEL: John 6: 24-35

REFLECTION In many ways the Exodus story of the bread from heaven is very similar to last Sunday's accounts. However, the focus today is on our total dependence on God. The bread comes from heaven, not merely because the food seems to come down from the sky, but because it comes from God. The restriction about collecting it was meant to emphasise this point. Our survival is in God's hands, not ours. Jesus insists that he is the true bread from heaven; he is the real basis of our survival. The people followed him because they saw him as a source of bread; they did not realise that he is really the source of life. If we fill ourselves with all that the world provides as nourishment we will still hunger. Only faith in Jesus can satisfy our deepest hungers, and we will not be able to survive apart from him. Acceptance of Jesus as the source of our life and the very nourishment of our spirits effects a total transformation in us. We will no longer be content to live with full bellies but empty minds. We will put aside our old selves steeped in ignorance and self-interest and put on a new self, created in his image. Having fed on the bread from heaven, we will be mysteriously transformed into it. The spirit of our minds will be renewed by his teaching. As a result, we will be able to launch out into a way of living that witnesses to our new understanding, our new life. the Offertory is truly transformed: no longer short term food like manna in the desert, but ‘the Bread of Life’, the Real Presence of the One who nourishes our humanity, indeed who gives Life © Dianne Bergant CSS

MESSAGE FOR ALL PARISHIONERSSr. Margaret will be away from the parish from Wednesday July 8 and return on August 8 or 9.In her absence if there be any issues or concerns please contact Peter McKay (4997 1504).Should there be a death within the Parish please contact Raymond Terrace parish Office (4987 1888). ST BRIGID’S– BULAHDELAH 9/8/15 Church Cleaning: Margaret Pile & Rosie Newton; Readings: Trish Matheson; Prayers of the Faithful: Pam Richardson; Presentation of the Gifts: Barbara & Philip Mason; Altar Server: Brendan; Eucharistic Ministers: Terry & Mike;

ST STEPHEN’S – TEA GARDENS 8/8/15 Church Cleaning: Group 1; Welcome: Pamela Eades; Readers: John Beatty & Florence Beatty; Ministers of Communion: D.Martin, Sr Margaret & Pat Marr; AV: Bev Knight; Organist: Helen; Flowers: Cecily;

OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY – KARUAH 9/8/15 Church Cleaning: Aireen & Julie-Gai; Greeters: Lorraine & Lyn; Reader: Marianne & Brooke; Preparation of Gifts: SCAE; Minister of Communion: Rose & Julie-Gai;

LEADERSHIP PRAYER Once again we take the opportunity to publish this special prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us find a new leader capable and willing to lead us from early next year. PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT O Holy Spirit of God, source of all newness and vitality, and bearer of God’s love to us, look upon the present needs of our parish and raise up for us a new Leader who, under your wisdom and guidance, will journey with us into the future and lead us to where God wants us to go. Breathe your breath and life into us each day. Enable us to live as Jesus taught us – lives of love, compassion and service to each other and to trust in your ever present guidance and care for us. We ask this in union with Jesus and the Father of us all. Amen.

SISTER MARGARET UPDATE Sister Margaret leaves Dublin on Friday July 31st for a few days in London and departs for Sydney on Tuesday August 4

MINISTRY ROSTERS: New rosters for Readers and Communion Ministers are on the notice board at St Stephen’s. If there are problems with these arrangements please see Mary Leafe. If you are away on a particular day please arrange with others to take your place.

HOSPITALITY DINNERS / LUNCHES Rosters are soon to be prepared for our Spring Dinners / Lunches. We will roster those who participated in the Autumn session unless we are advised of your lack of availability. We would also welcome anybody else who would like to be included in this program. For information, please contact Kath Jones (4997 1529) TONTINE RESULTS 1ST. – Ariadhne Labour 2nd. –

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH?↙ Sunday 2 National Vocation Awareness Week begins Monday 3 National Homeless Persons Week begins Tuesday 4 Anointing Mass at the Manor at 10am Tuesday 4 Ministers Fraternal 11am Wednesday 5 Wrap with Love Knit-in 1pm Wednesday 5 Men’s Discussion Group at 4.00pm

ST STEPHENS TEA GARDENS COLUMBARIUM The Columbarium offers the opportunity for one of two things:  That the deceased’s ashes be placed in one of the Niches in the wall with an accompanying plaque.  A memorial plaque, be placed on the wall where the deceased’s remains are elsewhere and there has been some link with the Parish. Niches and Memorial plaques may be reserved. For further information regarding the Columbarium please contact Roger Chivers (Manager) – 4997 2667. NAME BADGE Do you have one? Do you wear it when you come along to church? I encourage Parishioners who do not have a name badge to speak with Rose Smith, Barry Jones, Bernadette Newton or Sr Margaret who in turn will order one for you. Cost $5.50

ST JOSEPH’S PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL This week we have five children attending the Maitland Newcastle Diocesan Athletics Carnival. Four children will go as a relay team and three will be competing in the one hundred metres. We wish Seren Everingham, Ella Howarth, Sophie Howarth, Monica Moore, Anthony Abdullah and Riley Kerry all the best. I am sure they will make us proud. Next Tuesday St Joseph’s Bulahdelah will be hosting the Manning Regions Debating Competition. The debating team will be competing against St Joseph’s Gloucester, St Joseph’s Taree and Holy Name Forster. The week will then finish with a netball gala day at St Joseph’s Forster. All children are fit and fantastic at St Joseph’s Bulahdelah. With Every Good Wish Joanne Trotter Principal WORLD YOUTH DAY World Youth Day will be held in Krakow, Poland in 2016. The Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016 will be an intergenerational pilgrimage where we will follow “In the Footsteps of Saints” commencing in Venice and travelling to Milan, Padua, Siena, Assisi, Rome, then on to Krakow, Poland and finishing in Vienna. Further information on our pilgrimage to WYD in Krakow will be available at the Diocesan launch. For more information please contact the Diocesan World Youth Day Coordinators Sue Lacy at [email protected] or Brian Lacey at [email protected] JOKE 1: The two boys were discussing their ailments together in the children’s ward. “Are you medical of surgical?” asked the first, who had been in the ward for a week. “I don’t know what you mean,” replied the second. “It’s simple,” replied the first. “Were you sick when you came in here? Or did they make you sick when you got here?” JOKE 2: To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be!

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