Annual General Meeting 2012

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Annual General Meeting 2012

Annual General Meeting 2012

1 Agenda

1. Adoption of the Standing orders

2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2011

3. Matters Arising

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Financial Report

6. Games Reports

7. Chairman’s Address

8. Election on Executive Committee & Officers for 2013

9. Consideration of Motions & Resolutions

10. Any Other Business

Standing Orders

1. The proposer of a Resolution or Motion, or an Amendment thereof may speak for five minutes but no more than five minutes.

2. A member speaking to a Resolution or Motion or Amendment must not exceed three minutes.

3. The Proposer of a Resolution or Motion or Amendment may speak for a second time for three minutes before a vote is takes but no other member may speak a second time to the same Resolution or Motion or Amendment.

4. The Chairman may, at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently discussed, call on the Proposer for a reply and when that has been given a vote must be taken.

5. A member may, with the consent of the Chairman, move ‘that the question now be put’ after which, when the Proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.

2 6. Standing Orders shall not be suspended for the purpose of considering any matter not on the agenda, except by the consent of the majority equal to two thirds of those present and entitled to vote.

3 Naomh Mearnog GAA Club

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

1 December 2011

Start time 8.15pm.

All present signed into Attendance Book

Apology read out from Sean O’ Leary.

1. Minutes from previous AGM were proposed by Willie Fallon and seconded by Gerry Harrington.

2. List of officers for 2012 as read out by Secretary were proposed by Gerry Carthy and seconded by Adrian Kavanagh.

3. Secretary’s report was read by Lorinda Kinnane. Proposed by Conor Kavanagh and seconded by Dan Linehan.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Presented and read by Michael Hannon. Overall summary presented to all members present. Overall summary Club in a tight financial position.

Questions asked and answered included increase in Travel Costs, how may outstanding subs at year end and action taken by Club by sending out reminders and ‘No Pay No Play’ approach by the Executive. Where is revenue received from outside activities included in the accounts – answered as ‘within Fundraising Income’.

Going forward re fees it was explained that hardship cases will continue to be handled with discretion, the Executive will work with Managers to chase payment by members and ‘No Pay No Play’ will be enforced.

4 Report proposed by Ned Byrne and seconded by Margaret Linehan.

5.Games Report

Presented and read by Paddy Gorey – Games Promotion Officer at Naomh Mearnog.

Special thanks given to teachers in schools for all their help. Particular mention for Eugene Fitzgibbon and Padraig O’Cearra.

Plea put out by P. Gorey to use the beautifully located pitch at the PSLC to all codes. Thanks extended to Andrew Rittweger for his support as Chairman over the last three years and also a friend in helping Paddy carry out his job at the Club.

6. Juvenile Report

Key points highlighted from report presented on the night by Conor Kavanagh was the success of the U14 andU16s during the year. Thanks extended to all teams, managers, mentors and parents who support the children and young adults throughout the year. Also extended a good wish to Adrian Kavanagh who is taking over the role as Juvenile Chairman for 2012.

7. PRO Report

A few key points highlighted by Tony Owens on the night: Go For Life programme a great initiative for the Club to take part in. Other activities the Club is positively partaking in includes Friday Afternoon Scheme, Hospital Appointment Collection Service.

8. Chairman’s Address

Address given by Andrew Rittweger at the end of his three year term as Chariman of the Club.

5 Thanks to all Committees and those who have attended meeting throughout this year and all other years. It is great to see increased accessibility for all using the Club and it would be great to see more younger people using the Club’s facilities.

If every member attended one function during the year that the Club held it would help to make the Club a financial success

Loyalty Cards: These can now be topped up at the Bar and the Club will introduce member prices in the near future.

Juvenile Committees: All members thanked for their efforts. The Juvenile Structure within the club needs to be strengthened and supported with trained and informed managers. It is very difficult to commit to take a manager role with a team whatever the level so all necessary support to be given to those who take on these roles.

Pre Games Promotions officer in Naomh Mearnog – it was hard for Naomh Mearnog to get into schools. P. Gorey does a lot of hard work behind the scenes as well as everything that can be seen at the Club and within the Schools and thanks is greatly extended to P. Gorey.

Pitch Committee: Thanked for great effort to allow Club to successfully host events like Ladies 7s and GAA for Mothers. As a result of these activities we have fantastic advertising all over the Country as being a great Club with great facilities.

All Weather Committee: Call for all teams to work positively with this Committee who as always have the difficult job of allocating slots to teams.

Thanks to :

Michael Hannon as Treasurer, Lorinda Kinnane as Secretary and Harry Gibson as Registrar, All delegates who attend events on the Club’s behalf.

6 Thanks to Eamon Cosgrove and his staff, Eileen Bernard and the Lotto Committee, the Juvenile Committee and the Rounders Committee. Thanks also extended to those in Committees who have not been individually named and are not regularly thanked. Your hard work keeps the club going.

Golf Classic is again a vital part of the Club’s social Calendar and its success feeds into the Club’s finances so thanks extended to all who take part and good luck for the future.

Mick Kissane and his team who work with the Special Needs Football and the Social Football - thanks is also expressed.

Thanks also extended to the DAA for their continued support and this is guaranteed for another two years, however the Club needs to become as self-sufficient as possible.

Thanks to Gerry Carthy and the Camogie Section and Frank Lynch and the Ladies Football Section for working with Andrew while Chairman.

Games: All codes need to continue to play to a high standard. The Club will continue to support this aim as best it can but co-operation is needed by all concerned.

Finally, being the Club’s Chairman has been a great honour. If the Club could become financially self-sufficient it would help to continue to make this Club a great Club. We need to look at other ways to encourage our Community of Portmarnock and to take part and become members of our Club.

9. Address by Conor Kavanagh, incoming Chairman of Naomh Mearnog GAA Club

Playing days are now over so it is with much pride that he accepts this post. The challenges to come in fulfilling this post will be overcome and Conor is looking forward to facing these challenges.

The Club needs to build on its strengths from underage level all the way to the top. The love of GAA as demonstrated by the U16s report and successes during the year show

7 how this can work. Such passion will ensure success, however the Club needs to have the right structures in place for this to happen. This will be a challenge for the years to come.

All those who work for the Club work for the love of the Club and what it means for the Community.

Election of Officers:

The following officers were elected for the coming year:

Chairman: Conor Kavanagh

Vice Chairman: David Linehan

Secretary: Tim Maher

Treasurer: Michael Hannon

Assistant Secretary: Noel Rooney

Registrar: Harry Gibson

PRO: Tony Owens

Others: Daire Eagney,John Holland, Pat Monaghan,Gilda Smith,Rachel Tarpey, Andrew Rittweger and Thomas McGowan.

10. AOB

Willie Fallon extended thanks to the outgoing Chairman and Committee and good luck to the new Chairman and his Committee.

Pat Tobin thanked the Club and its members for the support he and family received in dealing with their loss during the year. This is another characteristic of the family that is the GAA. Also thanks to the County Board Committee.

Motion put by the floor: Dan Linehan re Membership:

Proposed that Senior Family members to notify the registrar if there are those included in Family membership who should have their own membership.

8 Harry Gibson Registrar spoke in reply to this confirming that this will be followed by the club.

Motion passed by show of hands.

Mick Kissane: Defibrillator Training – will courses be re-run. This is being taken on board by Club and training will be planned. Defibrillators are being recharged at the moment. One Manager for each team should know how to use these machines.

Gerry Carty: Thanks to Eamon Cosgrove and staff for work undertaken to facilitate Dublin Camogie Matches over the year. Thanks for organisation to Willie Fallon, Pat Monaghan, Dan Linehan. Thanks to Paddy Gorey as the Nursery is now thriving and finally thanks to Andrew Rittweger & Lorinda Kinnane.

Donie Power: Thanks to Michael Hannon for managing Club’s finances.

Frank Lynch : Discussed what was happening with the Land Swap.

Meeting ended: 9.45pm

9 AGM Secretary’s Report 2012

Is cúis áthais dom mo chéad turascáil mar rúnaí a chur os bhur gcomhar anocht. Bhí bliain an-gnothach againn agus ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil le gach éinne a chabharaigh liom i rith na bliana.

The Executive met once a month during the year for its regular meetings and also met on several other occasions for discussion on specific subjects and events.


It was, as always, a very busy year on the playing front. The various teams’ activities, adult, juvenile, ladies football and camogie are dealt with comprehensively in the games reports which follow and can be discussed later. I would like to thank all players and mentors in all codes for their hard work and for representing the club as best they could irrespective of success or otherwise. In today’s world, it takes huge commitment and dedication to line out for your club in any grade and that effort should be acknowledged and appreciated.

As outlined in the games reports, we had some outstanding achievements; especially with Kevin O Brien captaining the Dublin u/21 All Ireland winning team. Michael Gibbs was also a member of that panel and of course further All Ireland success came with Shane Carthy playing a prominent role with the Dublin Minor winning football team. The Club took great pride in honouring their great achievements at a function recently. Well done also to Stephanie Carthy and Sinéad Rowe on being part of the Dublin League winning Junior Camogie team.

Thanks to the Adult and the Juvenile Committees for their hard work in promoting our games.


It was a very successful year for the St. Helen’s and St. Marnock’s Primary Schools as they both featured in Cumann na mBunscol finals in Croke Park. It is always a huge achievement for primary school players to reach finals in Croke Park and great thanks is due to the teachers in the schools who continue to promote our games so successfully.

Thanks also to all in the Community School for their continued promotion of Gaelic Games in an era when so many demands are placed on teachers and pupils alike.

Games Promotion Officer: When mentioning the schools, the role played by our Games Promotion Officer, Paddy Gorey, comes immediately to mind. When you read Paddy’s report, you will see the huge amount of work he does. A vital part of that work is

10 getting the young school players to become part of the club and play for the club juvenile teams. This Paddy does with great success and I would like to thank him for all his hard work.

Ladies Football and Camogie: We can be very proud of the roles played by Ladies Football and Camogie within the club. It is very important that the idea of one club for all be recognised and that we are all working closely together for the betterment of that one club. Of course the All Ireland Ladies Sevens and the Gaelic for Mothers are two of the highlights of the club each year when we get a chance to showcase our facilities to people from all over the country and beyond.

Grounds: It is widely acknowledged that we have facilities as good as anywhere in the country and it takes a lot of hard work to maintain them and ensure that they are in excellent condition for all games and events. This is ensured by the hard work of the voluntary ground force, led by Pat Monaghan, which does such an excellent job.

Well done to Willie Fallon also who has the thankless job of allocating the pitches and to Mick Kissane and Pat Monaghan who have an equally thankless job of allocating slots for the All-weather pitch. Mick has informed us that he will be stepping down from this position shortly and I would like to thank him for all his work over the years. Mick will of course continue with the many other roles he plays within the club.

Finance: Our Treasurer, Michael Hannon, will present his Financial Report shortly and Michael deserves our thanks for the way he deals with our finances in very difficult times. There is no need for me to mention the financial difficulties which exist presently in all walks of life and our club is no exception. However, Michael carefully manages our finances and with the help of some fund raising activities throughout the year, the situation is certainly not at crisis point. However, serious efforts on the part of all members to support fundraising activities is essential if the club is to continue to be in a position to ensure that our teams are looked after in the best manner possible.

Among the fund-raising activities throughout the year was the while collar boxing which was a huge success. Sincere thanks to all who participated on the night and who put in so much preparation and to Ritchie Fitzmaurice and Kate Moran who co- ordinated the event.

Another new venture in fund raising was the sale of Christmas Cards. This too was very successful and many thanks to the hard working group of people who went door to door each night. A special word of thanks to Jim Carroll whose idea it was and who pursued his idea with amazing dedication.

The Golf Classic was again very successful and thanks to the committee who have organised the event for so many years now.

As always, the Club Lotto is a major source of income for the club and the continued efforts of Eileen Bernard in making it so successful is very much appreciated.

11 A special word of thanks is due to Harry Gibson who works tirelessly as registrar to ensure we receive all fees due. It is a very difficult job and one which continues all year long. Harry undertakes this work diligently and with good humour at all times. It is unfortunate that all members do not pay up their fees as promptly as they should.

Other important sources of revenue are the club shop, our thanks to Eileen Bernard for her continued work here and the coffee shop on Saturday mornings.

A submission has been made to Leinster Council seeking funding to improve our facilities and a very detailed submission was made by Pat O’ Leary on behalf of the executive seeking National Lottery funds. Unfortunately, Pat’s submission was not successful on this occasion.

Sponsorship: I would like to thank all our sponsors who support the club in anyway, be it sponsoring teams, events, pitch advertisements etc. That sponsorship is very much appreciated and vital to the club.

A special word of thanks to the Dublin Airport Authority which has been our main sponsor for many years now. Considering the very generous sponsorship which they give, they ask for very little in return and we are extremely grateful to them.

Social Games: Social football and hurling continue to be very successful and give the opportunity to those who no longer wish to play competitively to continue to keep active. Well done to all involved.

Social Rounders has now become part of our activities also, and our thanks to Michael Geoghegan for this initiative. Michael continues to promote the game generally throughout the club and schools.

Special Needs: The Special Needs Games is a tremendous concept, giving those who are not in a position to play on mainstream teams the opportunity to play and be a part of the club. Great thanks is due to Mick Kissane and his team of helpers for continuing with these games and for giving such joy to the young people involved.

Social Initiative: Thanks to Tony Owens for involving the club in the GAA Social Initiative Scheme. This is an important concept giving an outlet to older people and bringing the club to the wider, elderly community. Tony organised a number of events throughout the year and he has outlined these in his report. Tony is an exceptionally hard worker and takes his role as PRO very seriously indeed and is so successful at it. He is also leading important work in reorganising the club website at the moment, which is so important for communication.

12 Irish Language and Culture: We again participated in Junior and Senior Scór during the year. Our junior musicians reached the Dublin final while our senior musicians, ballad group and drama group reached the Leinster final. A new departure in this area was the formation of the Clann Mearnóg Céilí Band which got as far as the Leinster Final of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann. Comhghairdeas do ghach éinne a ghlac páirt sna comórtaisí éagsúla agus dóibh siúd a chabhraigh leo. On the music and singing front, our Monday night session continues to go from strength to strength. Congratulations to all involved and a big thank you for making it such a great night in the club each Monday.

Coiste Seana Ghael: Congratulations to Jackie Hughes who was our nominee for this year’s Coiste Seana Ghael award in recognition of his great work over many years in the club. He was a very deserving recipient. The executive has decided to nominate Patsy Haran, our club vice-president, for this coming year’s award. Patsy will be presented with his award soon and he too is of course very deserving of the award.

Strategic Plan: On his election as chairman last year, Conor Kavanagh decided that all aspects of club activity should be looked at in a comprehensive way. Accordingly, workgroups have been set up and have been working away at their respective areas. The groups will report later in the year at a special meeting of members. A word of thanks is due to John Holland who is coordinating the work.

Buíochas: I would like to thank all club members who have assisted me in so many ways in my work as secretary over the last 12 months. Our club president, Gerry Harrington, has been a great help throughout the year and is always available for advice and assistance. Our bar manager, Eamonn Cosgrave, continues to play an important part in club activity and I want to thank him for his courtesy at all times. Thanks also to Willie Fallon for his work with the club notes each week and to Gerry Harrington and Jackie Hughes who represent the club at County Committee meetings. To all volunteers who give up their time in so many ways, a big word of thanks. It is not possible to mention everyone so huge is the number of workers who do so much for the club.

A big word of thanks goes to all members of the executive who have worked so hard all year.Noel Rooney, who has been an outstanding member of the executive for the last number of years,is stepping down at this AGM and I want to thank Noel for his work over the years and wish him well. We will miss his valuable contributions at executive meetings. Also stepping down is David Linehan who has been on the executive for the last two years.I would like to thank David for his input and wish him well also.

Finally, a special word of thanks must go to our chairman, Conor Kavanagh. Conor has put in a hectic year as club chairman, involving himself in all aspects of club activity and

13 leading by example. He has an amazing capacity for hard work and it has been a pleasure working closely with him all year. Go raibh míle maith agat Conor.

Tim Maher (Rúnaí)

14 Treasurer’s Report to the AGM – 10 January 2013

Key Points in Relation to the Club's Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 August 2012

The Club's financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2012 show a deficit for the year of €34,756. This compares to a deficit for the prior year of €7,151.

The increase in the Club’s deficit can be attributed to the fall off in the Bar’s

Gross Profit.

Bar Result (See Schedule 3 on Page 8)

The financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2012 show that the Bar made a loss of €28,292. This compares to a smaller loss for the prior year of

€2,698. The key points to note are as follows;

• It should be noted that the Bar Loss is overstated as the full costs of utilities, telephone costs, rates, cleaning and office expenses are being fully allocated against the Bar.

• Bar turnover amounted to €221,043 for the year compared to €256,390 in 2010/

11, €276,059 in 2009/10 and €301,898 in 2008/09. The decrease in turnover from the prior year of 14% reflects current economic conditions.

• The margin earned in the Bar was 54.26%. This compares to the actual margins achieved in 2010/11 of 57.4% and 2009/10 of 55.9%. The fall in the bar margin can be attributed to the increase in VAT in January 2012 which was not passed on and the effect of the various drinks promotions that were run in the year

15 (such as the beer of the month and 3 bottles of beer for €10.00).

• The fall in the Bar’s gross profit of €27,247 can be attributed to the fall in turnover bar turnover (75%) and the fall in the bar gross margin (25%).

• Overheads were kept under control during the year and total overheads fell by

€1,543 to €148,332. Increases in office and cleaning costs were more than offset by reductions in wages, utility and entertainment costs.

• The increase in the overall deficit for the year of €27,605 can be almost fully attributed to the fall in the Bar’s gross profit of €27,247. If we can manage to increase bar turnover to just €22,500 per month on average the impact on the

Club’s finances would be significant and would result in additional annual gross bar profits of €26.5K (assuming no change in the gross margin).

Shop Result (See Schedule 4 on Page 9)

Shop sales for the year amounted to €17,736 (€17,355 in 2010/11 and €18,329 in

2009/10). The sales figure includes the sales from the coffee shop that is open on

Saturday morning in the Function Hall. The gross profit from the shop decreased by €2,010 to €5,888 from €7,898 in the prior year.

The stock held at the year end amounted to €13,628 and while the amount is down by almost €4K on the prior year this needs to be further reduced in order to free up cash.

Income (See Schedule 1 on Page 6)

Excluding the net losses/income from the Bar and Shop, Other Income increased

16 by €7,693 to €232,463 from €224,770 in 2010/11 and this is due mainly to the following;

• An increase in subscriptions (net of loyalty card payments) received during the year of €3,124.

• An increase in the net income from the Easter and Summer camps of €3,815. The increase reflects an increase in the number of children attending the camps run during the year.

• A fall in loyalty card income of €2,289.

• Income from the Christmas 2011 raffle raised €13,170.

• Net income from the Club Lotto fell by €4,969 reflecting a fall-off in sales coupled with an increase in the number of jackpots won during the year.

• A decrease in other fundraising of €4,427.

• Decrease in income from the rental of facilities including the all-weather pitch of


• Increase in sponsorship income of €1,800. The DAA continues to be the Club’s main sponsors and they account for 90% of the sponsorship income earned during the year.

Expenditure (See Schedule 2 on page 7)

Expenses (which excludes the expenses in relation to the Bar and the Shop) of

€244,715 were incurred during the year were €7,794 higher compared to the prior year. The key movements are as follows;

• Equipment costs increased by €5,283. The increase relates mainly to the

17 payment of old equipment invoices to O’Neills.

• Pitch and other maintenance costs decreased by €2,149 from last year. Most of this cost relates to the maintenance of the Club’s playing pitches, training areas and the surrounding areas. The continued fall in such costs can be directly attributed to the work carried out by the “Groundforce” teams which has significantly reduced the level of maintenance work being carried out by third parties.

• Registration fees fell by €4,648.

• Miscellaneous costs increased by €4,488.

• Bank charges and bank interest costs increased by €2,537. This mainly reflects increases in bank charges and in the interest paid on the Club’s overdraft facility.

Balance Sheet

The main points to note in relation to the year end Balance Sheet are as follows;

•The additions to fixed assets of €2,702 include the purchase of a new TV for the bar.

• The Club’s net borrowings increased by €5,690 over the year and amounted to

€487,089 at the end of the year. The fall in the Club’s bank loan has been more than offset by an increase in the balance on the Club’s overdraft.

• Our current cash resources are very tight at the moment with Club's main operating account being overdrawn by almost €60,000 as at 4 January 2013. The current overdraft limit is €75,000.

18 Adult Games Report

The following is a high level summary of the performance of the adult teams during the year.

Senior Football Team (AFL2) Management Team: Conor Deegan, John O’Boyle, Ciaran OCallaghan League: Played 15, Won 8, Drawn 1 and Lost 6.. Championship: Played 3, Won 1 and Lost 2 – maintained senior status. Junior Football Team (AFL5) Management Team: Cormac Doherty League: Played 15 games, Won 6 and Lost 9. Maintained league Status Championship: Played one & lost one in Junior A championship Junior Football Team (AFL 9) Management Team: Seamus Kiernan League: Team withdrawn after 4 league games Championship: Lost in second round of C championship U-21 Football Management Team: Mike Doyle(Jnr), Ciaran OCallaghan, Eoin Byrne Championship: Team entered in the ‘C Championship and lost in quarter final Minor football team Management Team: Dave Kileen, Dave Storey, Damien Kenny & Taidhg Dennehy League: Division 2. Won 6 lost 3 and drew 2 Championship: Won 1 and lost 2 in A championship

Senior Hurling Team (AHL1) Management Team: Rory Breen,Pauric Doherty, Brian Foy, Paul DeLoughry League: Played 11 Won 2 , Drawn 2 and Lost 7, Relegated to Division 2 Championship: Maintained senior B championship status Junior Hurling Team(AHL5) Management Team: Willie Fallon, Dan Lenihan League: Played 8, Lost 8 & conceded 3 games. Relegated to Division 6 Championship: Played 5 round robin games, won 3 lost 2 in junior C Championship Junior Hurling Team(AHL8) Management Team: Tony Larkin, Jackie Hughes, Frank Lynch League: Team withdrawn from League Championship: Did not enter championship

On behalf of the Adult Games Committee we would like to thank the management, mentors and coaches of all the teams for their time, dedication and commitment during the year. Football Summary

Senior Football Our aim for the year was to gain promotion to Div 1. While there was a poor start to the league campaign in terms of results, the team finished the league campaign with a very

19 strong run and indeed were very unlucky not to beat Ballyboden St Endas in the championship. The team only missed out on a promotional playoff spot by goal difference. As with previous years lost a few games by the odd point and really not far from pushing for a playoff place

Junior 5 footballers Again after an indifferent start the team rallied with a couple of good wins. It was a tough year from a players point of view for the second team. It was very encouraging to see so many players able to step up to the first team and hold their own at senior level. This team should be bolstered next year with some good minor footballers coming through Junior 9 footballers Unfortunately this team suffered as a result of a shortage of players & injuries. They ultimately were unable to field teams and were forced to with draw from the league. It is unlikely that we will have a third adult team for some time Minor Footballers After a great start in the league, winning 5 out of 6, the break for exams & holidays proved costly and was a disappointing end to a league campaign that started so brightly. The championship games however provided great encouragement for next year and indeed many years after that.


Senior Team had a strong start to the league and were very unlucky to lose a few games by a point or two. Lost a lot of key players during the summer. While they have been relegated to Div 2, we feel they will provide a strong challenge for promotion again next year Junior 6 As with footballers, the second team suffers with such a shortage of players and ultimately this led to a disappointing season and relegation to Div 6 Junior 9 Again as with the footballers this team had to be withdrawn due to lack of players. It is unlikely there will be a third team for some time as there is still a shortage of hurlers coming through to adult level

Overall summary Overall the AGC feels that we have had a reasonably successful year under what was at times, very difficult circumstances, for mentors and players due to the current economic state of the country. Teams in both football and hurling were at times down to the bear minimum and again we would like to thank mentors who take our team’s week in week out and to the players who represent our club. While we would like to see more resources made available to our senior teams we

20 appreciate the financial situation the club is in and look forward to working closely with the executive. The AGC would also like to congratulate Kevin O Brien, Michael Gibbs and Shane Carthy on their all Ireland success’s during the year. We would also like to acknowledge the massive contribution Shane Ryan has made to Dublin Football and hurling and while he will be loss to the county we hope his retirement from this level will be benefit to the club for many more years

Adult Games Committee

The role of the AGC is to provide support to Adult Team Management in the club and provide a link between them and the Club Executive. We meet on a regular basis with the mentors from the adult teams to review results and performance and provide a forum to raise and discuss issues. Agenda items are wide ranging but typically include issues in relation to fulfilling fixtures, calling off or refixing games, communications with the County Board, GAA rulebook and Dublin CCC rules, club registration and membership, regarding, transfers, disciplinary issues, injured players, use of pitches for training and matches, players moving between teams, etc. Reports are compiled and sent to the Executive.

21 U 8s

Players 30

Management team :

Brendan Kennedy, Simon Archer, Dave Madden

Play in the Go Games leagues with 3 teams .

Team progessing very well in both football and hurling.


U 9s

Players 24

Management team :

Harry Dunne, Gerry Cotell, Dermot Kelly

Play in Go Games leagues with 3 teams.

Team very competitive in both football and hurling


U 10s

Players 24

Management team :

Derek McKeever, Tony Philips, Shane Healy


Played in two team legaue , only losing one game throughout the year


As with football, played in two team league and again only losing one game.


22 Very good year for team. Big improvement in all players , especially some of the weaker players.


U 11s

Players 30

Management team Gilda Doyle , Ciaran McCurtain, Tadgh Dennehy , Adrian Kavanagh


3 teams(max 11 a side)

Finished Mid Table in Div 1a

Finished Mid Table in Div 1 b

Finished Mid table in Div 5


Players 24

Finished bottom half of Div 1 a(All Dublin)

Finished bottom half of Div 1 b(All Dublin)


Disapointed with league postion in both football and hurling but main focus on the year was about developing skills in both codes .

Thanks to David Aston ,Ciaran Waters and Con O’Sullivan for help with hurling.


U 12s

Management team: Ray O’Sullivan, Lorinda Kinanne, Cillian ODriscoll, Jack McDonnell


Excellent year only losing one league match and then league final to Ballymun (Div 2)

Players 24

23 Hurling

Held their own in division 2 , finishing mid table.

Players 20


Very good year in football . lot of work has been done in the hurling and many thanks to Niall Feeney and Brian Powell for helping through the year.

U 13s

Management team Mick Hoban, John O’ Boyle, Con O’Sullivan, Conor Kavanagh

Football: Finished 3rd in league Division 2

Panel of 25 players, will be hoping for a good showing in Feile and promotion to Divison 1 next year

Hurling: Finished 3rd in Division 2


Panel of 24 players, will be hoping for good showing in Feile and will push for promotion to

Division 1 next year

- Footnote……Did this Team create a bit of history for the Club??

- They travelled to play Portumna of Galway last March, and now have travelled to play challenge matches (football and hurling) in all four provinces.

U 14s

Management team Patrick Kinnane –Hurling, John Holland Football


Team started well but were eventually removed from the league due to failure to fulfil fixtures


24 Finished mid table in Division 4.


Disapointed that football team did not finish league.

Hurlers held their own to maintain league status with some of this team also playing with U15s.


U 15s

Mentors :GarO’Driscoll, Peter O’Donovan, Colm O Driscoll, Pat O’Callaghan, Frank O’Daly

Hurlers finished 3rd Div 1 League, lost 1st round championship to Cuala

Footballers finished 5th Div 3 lost 1st round championship Clontarf



Pleased with league position in hurling ,finished 3rd in Div 1.

Disapointed with championship.

Football held their own in Div 3

Two trips away, 1 overnight in Feb to Dungarvan playing Abbeyside in hurling /football and 2 overnights hurling training weekend again to Dungarvan in Sept


U 16s

Management team: Michael Shorthall, Gary O ‘Connor, Adrian Kavanagh


Team were beaten in the semifinal of the league play off

Team reached final of B Championship where they lost to Ballymun Kickhams.


25 An outstanding year in that at the start of they year it didn’t look like this team would field. Team reached clubs first Championship final in years and the core of this team a very talented group of players.

The team was assisted by U15s throughout the year

About six players contributed to the minor squad and Aodan Fee was picked to start in Dublin U16s tournament matches.

Feile Na Gael

This years national Feile was held in Dublin for the first time since 1983.

The club entered Division 3 in both the national and Dublin feiles.

In football we were also in Division 3.

We were beaten in the Semi Final by Thomas Davis in the Dublin Feile and I do feel injuries to key players made a big difference in us not getting to the final.

In the National Feile we hosted Tuairin from Mayo but failed to get out of the group

The football was disappointing in us not winning a match.

Mentors: Andrew Rittweigger,Patrick Kinnane, John Holland(football)

Over all Summary of Juvinelle Games 2012

I feel that the club is in a very strong position within it’s the juvenile section in both codes and with the continued growth of our academy and the continued work in the schools by our GPO Paddy Gorey, I feel the future is indeed bright for the club. I would like to personally thank Paddy for not only his support throughout this year but indeed , for all his work over the years.

I would like to also thank all our mentors for the hard work and effort they put into their respective teams each week , both in training and at matches. I think the quality of the juvinelle section is reflected in the high level of coaching we now have and feel that slowly we are building foundations that will ensure we have talented , committed players for all our adults teams. A lot of the hard work on this began a number of years ago and is now bearing fruit on the playing pitches.

26 I would like to ask that any former players, parents or indeed former mentors that if you feel you can give an hour a week to help in coaching to do so. While we are very fortunate with the coaches we currently have we can always do with more help .

I would also like to thank Lorinda Kinnane Pat McCabe and Conor Kavanagh who help each week in running our Coffee shop. This is providing a great way for parents , coaches and players to sit down after games to discuss the finer points of games and also to help people to get to know each other and is now part and parcel of our Saturday Mornings in the club.

I would like also to thank both Aidan Mullin and Frank O’Daly who were our CCC delegates during the year .


By Paddy Gorey

School & Juvenile Coaching


• Four days a week in schools during school term in St Marnocks National School,

St Helens Junior & Senior Schools & St Nicholas of Myra. This covers twenty five different classes as well as the autistic unit in St Helens Junior School.

• Coaching of primary school teams

• Providing coaching support on match days and training of GAA teams in Community


• Tutor transition year students in foundation level coaching

• Tutor team coaches in foundation level coaching

27 • Attend primary & secondary school matches.


• Activities already described extends to at least 700 children weekly

• Over 260 club and transition year students have completed Foundation Level


• 11 coaches from Naomh Mearnog have completed the Code of Best Practice

• 15 coaches from Naomh Mearnog completed the Award One Youth Adult coaching course for football

• St Marnocks NS boys football team won the Junior League

• St Marnocks NS girls football were runners up in the schools final in Croke Park

• St Marnocks NS hurling team were runners up in the schools final in Croke Park

• St Marnocks NS camogie team competed well in the School Leagues

• St Marnocks NS senior football team were league winners in Parnell Park

• St Helens NS senior hurling team were winners in the Senior Hurling Schools League in Croke Park

• St Helens NS senior football team were winners in the Senior Football Schools

League in Croke Park

• St Helens NS girls football were winners in the schools final in Croke Park

• St Helens NS camogie team were runners up in the schools final in Croke Park

• Nicholas of Myra girls football team were runners up in the schools final in Parnell


• Nicholas of Myra boys football team competed well in their league

• Portmarnock Community School teams participated in all Gaelic Game codes during

28 the year with the highlight being the Under16 hurlers winning the final of their league.

• Improved skill levels in schools.

Club Coaching


• Two evening working in the Club

• Oversee Academy on Saturday morning

• Attend juvenile club matches

• Set-up and co-ordinate Summer,& Easter camps

• Set-up and co-ordinate the annual mini leagues.


• Increased number of coaching courses run throughout the year

• Significant increase in numbers in the Academy (in excess of 180)

• Increased numbers for Under 8 football & hurling (avg 45 children)

• Separate girls football academy established with strong attendance

• Juvenile hurling, football and camogie making significant progress through foundation work from the two academies

• Successful mini leagues held in May with over 150 children

• Easter camp held with 100 children

• Summer camp attended by 200 children for multi sports over three weeks

• Advanced 1 week Summer Football ( boys & girls) camp attended by 65 children

29 • Advanced 1 week Summer Hurling/Camogie camp attended by 70 children

• Increased number of coaches working in all juvenile sections

• Promotion of the club and its sponsors, DAA in local and national newspapers

All of the above activities and achievements could not have been possible without the continued support and help of:

Our Chairman, Conor Kavanagh and the Executive, Dave Aston and the Steering

Committee, Adrian Kavanagh and the Juvenile Committee, Frank Lynch from girls football and Gerry Carthy from the camogie section.

All of the juvenile coaches and mentors who give up their personal free time to work with the juvenile teams as well as the principals and teachers in the primary and secondary schools that I work in.

30 Camogie report 2012

It's been another very busy year for the camogie girls with 10 teams participating in leagues and various other competitions, from u8 right up to senior 1, and a thriving nursery section. Yet again, this year we've had amazing support and dedication not only from our committee and mentors, but also from the players, parents and many other members of the club and community and we look forward to another great year in 2013. 2012 saw Naomh Mearnog well represented on the inter county scene with 4 of our girls on the Dublin senior panel, Catriona Power, Laura Twoomey, Miriam Twoomey and Sarah Ryan, and Stephanie Carthy and Sinead Rowe on the national league winning Dublin junior team. Stephanie was awarded player of the match in the final. 2013 will also see our club featuring well with no fewer than 5 players on the Dublin senior team, with the addition of Andrea Fitzpatrick to the squad. Stephanie and Sinead will again be featuring on the junior team and we will also have 6 of our u14's and 4 u13's on the Dublin development squads. It's really very encouraging for our club to see so many of our players achieving inter county status. 2013 will also see some changes to our committee. After 25 years as registrar, Eileen Bernard has finally called time, and will be handing over the reigns to our newest committee member, Mary Murphy. Eileen was one of the founders of Naomh Mearnog camogie, and it's safe to say that without her hard work and dedication, we wouldn't be where we are today. Our u16 mentors, Lisa and Frances are also taking a well deserved break after nearly five years. Lisa and Frances, without a camogie playing bone between, stepped up to look after the then u11 team when it looked like the team would be unable to continue. They've done a fantastic job in mentoring these girls, so much so, that the numbers in the squad have increased to new levels at an age when, traditionally, numbers fall. Also, Noel and Padraic will be handing over the coaching of the senior 1 girls to PJ. Noel and Padraic have also very appreciatively agreed to assist PJ in his new role. One of the highlights of 2012 was hosting the Dublin and national Feiles. In may, Naomh Mearnog hosted the qualifying games of the Dublin division 3 Feile and the team went all the way to the final in Parnell park, where they put on a great display of courage and skill to finish as runners up. In July, our guests from Donegal were welcomed with open arms and a hugely enjoyable experience was had by all. None of this could have happened without the huge amount of time and effort put in by a lot of people, particularly Frances Gaynor, who was our hardworking Feile officer. As a camogie club, Naomh Mearnog are the envy of many other camogie clubs. We have superb facilities, maintained by a very dedicated grounds crew. In 2013, we would hope to showcase our grounds and hospitality more widely by hosting more camogie events and inter county games. These events not only raise and improve the profile of our club, but can also be the source of much needed revenue. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the executive and chairman for their support in 2012 and we look forward to another great season in 2013.

31 Below is a short report on each of our teams in 2012.

Senior 1( Padraic Gilligan, Noel Rooney) For senior 1, it has been a difficult year. Our main objective has been to remain in div 1 league and championship, which we did. With 6 of a panel of 18, playing and training the Dublin senior and junior teams, it meant our training numbers were down. However, the dedication of the players was fantastic and we had some good days and some very good days, having mastered the eventual championship winners for 50 minutes in our championship on their home pitch. I would like to thank the girls from the senior 6 team who fogged out and stood on the line at each match. I would like to congratulate Andrea Fitzpatrick on winning Dublin senior player of the year and Stephanie and sinned on winning all Ireland medals. Thanks to Noel Rooney and Donie Power for all their help and expertise during the year, also Gerry Carthy, Brenda Bradley and Eileen Bernard who were always there to help. In all, a number of players retired this year. Could I thank them for their many years of dedication they gave to the club and never forget they can always return.

Senior 6-junior(Damien Ford) A good season overall, peppered with some disappointments, but with plenty of positives going forward. In championship, after emerging from a tricky group phase, we suffered a narrow defeat in a tough semi final to the eventual winners. Our summer cup also ended at semi final stage, a result we reversed against the same opposition in the league semi final. A shaky start to the league campaign saw us with a win, a draw and a loss in the first 3 games, but this was followed by 7 straight league victories, leading to the aforementioned semi final win, and now look forward to a keenly contested final in the near future. This year, the team has produced some fine displays of camogie, coupled with heart, determination and above all, team spirit. This is team anyone would be proud to be a part of. Roll on the league final and hopefully senior 5 camogie in 2013.

U16 camogie(Frances Gaynor, Lisa Kiernan) The u16 team had a busy year in 2012. They played 22 matches including 5 challenge games. The finished 4th in the div 2 league, behind 3 very strong teams. In a tough championship draw this year, their campaign ended in the shield final where they put up a brave fight in the Phoenix park against faughs. The addition of 3 returning players and 2 brand new camogie players brought the squad to a total of 20 girls at the end of the year, which is the highest it's ever been. This is fortunate as, next year, the girls will be playing minor and won't be ale to avail of the super subs from this years u13s.

32 10 girls are coaching in the camogie nursery as part of transition year activities and almost all of the girls participated in bag-packing fundraising for the end of season day out is planned for dec 8 when the girls will go paint balling. The 2 mentors have indicated that, after 5 years with the team, they unfortunately won't be in a position to mentor the girls in 2013 due to work and family commitments.

U13 camogie(Brenda Bradley, Colum Delaney, Aidan Fidgeon) While there we no trophies won his year it is felt that the squad improved greatly and shows definite promise for he future. The are now 4 divisions in Dublin u13 camogie and this squad finished in the top 3 in division 1, which was no mean achievement in view of the current high standard among teams at this level, and the limited pool of players available. The team reached the final of the Dublin Feile, which is at the u14 age group, despite the fact hat all our players were still at least under 13. In the final, they lost to a strong Castleknock team despite giving an exemplary account of themselves. Later in the summer, we hosted div 3 of the national Feile, and despite winning two out of threes games, we were unfortunate not to progress to the final. However, the more important aspect of this competition was hosting of a team and mentors from mac cumhaills GAA club from Donegal. Many bonds were formed amnesty the girls during the is it and there was a genuine festival atmosphere at the club during those few days. Tribute must be paid to the many parents who actively helped in the runningof these events, in particular Frances gay nor who was our camogie Feile officer. It is good to report that there is now an invitation to journey p and sample Donegal hospitality at a later date. At season's end, he tam were unfortunate to loose hevshield final by a solitary goal. This game was only taken to extra time in the dying seconds of normal time and the entire game ewas keenly fought with very little between the games throughout. It is hoped that this team will continue to grow in the coming season. There are now 10 players from this squad involved with Dublin development squads, which shows the standard in this team at present.

U12 camogie (eamon Crosbie) The u12s had another successful season, finishing 4th in heir league. Despite getting off to a slow start by loosing to erins isle, they quickly flung their form and rattled off good wins against Naomh barog, skerries, Oliver plunkets and Naomh Olaf's. We finished the campaign with defeats to Castleknock and faughs. Throughout the league, both in games and training, the girls gave a very good account of themselves and have shown great improvement in the skills of the game. Some of the girls also participated in the Feile. Finally, several of the girls were also involved in the cumann na mbunscoil final at Croke park, for St. Helens. All in all, a very good year with, no oubt, more to come in 2013 at u13 level.

U11 camogie( Ann Brennan, Amy Brennan) This team was made up of players from the u10's and 11's. They played in 4 blitzes and

33 a league. The league consisted of 7 games and we won 4 and lost 4. The girls all played with great skill and finished mid table. Next year, the u11s will be joint eamon and the u13 team due to a shortage of players at this age group.

U10 camogie( Ann Brennan, Greg skeleton) The u10 girls played in 8 blitzes over the season. They are a strong team who battle with passion. They continue to improve and their skills are getting better and better with every training session. We are looking forward ro another great season next year.

U9 camogie (Siobhan Crean lynch) The u9 squad had a super year fielding 2 teams in 10 o-games blitzes with wins in the majority of their matches. The highlight was an end of season gala blitz, at home, with medals presented by Dublin stars, Stephanie, Carthy and grainne free, to all players. The panel consists of 25 players with an average of 20 attending training sessions twice a week. Priority or 2013 is to maintain numbers and continue to improve the skill level of this enthusiastic bunch of players.

U8 camogie (Andrew Crean-Lynch, Tina ) It has been a great year for our u8 camogie girls. They participated in upwards of 10 go-game blitzes, fielding an average of 20 players per blitz. The numbers are very strong and up to 15 u 7 train them and have played their first friendly fixture this season. The schools have been very helpful in feeding in numbers. The parents of the title have contributed enormously and their support for the girls is something we value and look to foster at all times.

Nursery( Damien Ford) Nursery u's going well with numbers in the 35-40 range. Working well with ladies football section with he girls doing 45 mins camogie and 45 minutes football in each session. This has helped to alleviate some of the equipment problems experienced in previous years. Transition students are doing good work helping with the coaching. As always, need to get more adults/parents involved and someone in a 'nursery coordinator role would be a real help.

34 Naomh Mearnog Ladies Football Report 2012

Senior Ladies Football 2012 has been a very difficult year for ladies football at adult level. We managed to win three games during the season which represented a 20% success rate. The main reason for this has unfortunately been the lack of commitment on the part of some players in terms of both training and games. The team in the year ahead will be dropping down one division and we hope that with the addition of at least two new players and also some girls moving up from under age that we will find ourselves in a much better position. It is vitally important that we maintain a ladies adult team in the club as we have some excellent talent coming through with our current Under 13 team having been promoted to Division 1 and a very good team also coming behind that. Our year was not helped by the debacle at Dublin level which saw Dublin’s All Ireland captain of 2010 being dropped from the squad for a still unexplained reason and also the subsequent treatment of Cliodhna O’Connor when she dared to offer an opinion on the Dublin Senior team. Fortunately all of this has led to the mass resignation of the Dublin County Board and we hope that with a new Executive in charge next year we will see a change in direction. Nursery This is only our second year with a properly organised nursery and the good news is that in that time we have seen our numbers more than double from 25 to 54. Also this year we have come together with the camogie section in organising the nursery and this has worked very well for both of us. We have our nursery from 10am to 11.30 and for the first 45 minutes have of the girls do football and the other half do camogie and for the second 45 minutes they swop roles. This has worked well and there has been very good co-operation between ourselves and Damian and Brenda in the camogie section. The only possible downside for this is that 4-6 year old girls sometimes find it difficult to keep going for 90 minutes which is something we will look at for the year ahead. As a result of the way this is operating we are examining the possibility of an additional team to take account of the older girls, but as in many other areas our main problem is manpower. It is necessary to acknowledge the efforts of our Transition Year students who act as coaches in the nursery – they can only be described as magnificent and their ability to relate to the children has been fantastic. So a very big thank you must go Katie Jones, Ellen Rogan, Alannah O’Brien, Becky Bruen, Rachel Johnston and Aoife O’Reilly. The latter two girls travel from Killester each Saturday morning for the nursery. The parents have fulsome in their praise of the girls and every Saturday they are getting home made cards or some other little item from the kids. A special word thanks to Paddy Gorey who organised the girls and who also sets up the pitch for us each Saturday morning.

35 Schools Primary 2012 was a historic year for girls football in the two primary schools in the parish when on the 26 November they reached their respective finals in Croke Park. St Helens Boys were also there to make it a treble. In the first match for the girls St Helens fought a thriller with St Pauls, Ayrefield before emerging victorious and there was uncontrolled joy when Ciara Holland led her team forward to pick up the trophy. The girls were fantastic and were a great tribute to their parents, school and club. A special word of thanks to Ms Curran and Mr Kelly for their great work with the team. At 2pm St Marnocks took to the hallowed turf to face Scoil Olibhear, Coolmine in their final and in another pulsating game they lost by the narrowest margin to a very strong team. It was with great pride that we watched Claire McGowan (Niece of former Dublin great David Hickey who is now about to become part of our club) lead her so disappointed for pick up their runners up awards. Again the pride in everyone’s face at what these girls had achieved was very evident. A special thank you to Ms Phillips and Mr Scallan for their great work in getting their team to Croke Park. We must also express our thanks to the principals of both schools for their ongoing support of gaelic games in the schools. Community School This year we have succeeded in getting two teams entered by the Community School in to competitions. The senior girls were entered in a very tough group with teams from Swords, Rush and Oldcastle (Co. Meath) who were the eventual winners. It was left to our girls to put up a real test to Oldcastle and this they done with a great performance. Their competition is now over for the season. The Junior team will start their season after Christmas and we are hopeful that with the bulk of the Clubs under 13 team and players from Ballyboughal and Clontarf that we can give a good account of themselves. Unfortunately manpower in the school is very thin on the ground and Mr McDermott (Soccer coach) has agreed to take the girls and I am helping him out. So a special word of thanks to Paul for his efforts and we are having an impact on him as he has now brought his young girls to the girls nursery in Clontarf where he lives. U 14 & U 16 teams have also had a competitive year both reaching their repective shield Finals in championship. We plan to work on & develop these teams going forward but again more manpower & involvement from parents needed.

U13 This team had another successful year winning the league and losing in the shield semi final. After finishing top of the league they played in a top 4 playoff having lost the first

36 game they went on to win their last 2 beating nearest rivals Fingallians and Naomh Barrog. This is the team’s second promotion in 3 years and next year will play in Division 1. We also had 2 girls play on the Dublin U13 Development squad. This team’s success is built on the commitment of the girls and the continued support given by their parents. Next year will see us take part in Feile and we hope we will continue to play good football but most of all continue to see the girls enjoy playing ladies Gaelic football and being part of Naomh Mearnog GAA Club

U11 Under 11 girls had a strong season on many levels.They showed good improvement as the season wore on. Our biggest problem was some girls availability on Saturdays. The results for the season were as follows. League played 14 Fingal Ravens blitz lost final Won...... 7 Lost...... 7 Sunday fixtures should take care of loss of girls on Saturdays. I feel, with all of our stronger players available we would be well able to play at a higher level.

Ladies Football has once again brought some great occasions to the club hosting both the 7’s & the Gaelic for Mothers which is now proving to be a date for the calendar, None of this would be done without the hard work of Kathleen Colreavy & all those who rally behind her to give of their time to make these occasions the success they are. Thanks to all involved

37 Naomh Mearnóg Social Initiative Connecting with the Community.

As a group of retired men from Portmarnock, we are privileged to be involved in the G.A.A. Social Initiative. We are grateful to have the support of the Chairman and Executive of Naomh Mearnog and have the use of the Club’s facilities for meetings and activities, where our group can come together for friendship, to feel valued, gain respect, set goals and achieve targets. Having a very busy social calendar in 2012 and, in addition to the regular men’s sheds activities, themed events and re-unions:

 We entered the Drama Scór Competition  Arranged Digitise the Nation workshops  Held a Men’s Health Discussion Night hosted by Dr Madden and Donnelly’s Pharmacy.  Participated in a Historic walk, where both men and women from the community attended in great numbers.  And finished off the year with an outing on December 12th to Collins Barracks and Jameson’s Distillery, with a meal, where 33 men attended.  We were presented with a Certificate of Participation in the G.A.A. Initiative signed by Senator Martin McAleese, Director of the G.A.A. Social Initiative Advisory Board.  Chambers Ireland also awarded us with a certificate for Social Responsibility. We encourage all our participants to become members of Naomh Mearnóg and we were successful in applying for Community Grants in 2012, such as

 € 100 from Ulster Bank,  € 500 from Grassroots Foundation  € 400 from Go for Life Age and Opportunity. As per club policy all these grants were entrusted to the Club Treasurer for lodgement to the Naomh Mearnog Operating A/C. Our group also aided with fundraising thru Raffles, Afternoon Tea-Dance, Jewellery sale, Golf Classic. Plans for 2013: Historic Walk (Lower Portmarnock); Themed Talks; Manual Handling, Back Care programme; social outings [for example: St Patricks Cathedral, Fore, Titanic , Ploughing Championship, National Stud, etc.]

The Social Initiative Committee

38 Election on Executive Committee & Officers for 2013

Chairman Conor Kavanagh

Proposer: Tim Maher Seconder: Con O’Sullivan

Vice-Chairman Thomas McGowan

Proposer: Conor Kavanagh Seconder: Tim Maher

Secretary Tim Maher

Proposer: Pat Monaghan Seconder: Ned Byrne

Treasurer Michael Hannon

Proposer: Jim Carroll Seconder: Tony Owens

Registrar Harry Gibson

Proposer: Michael Hannon Seconder: Conor Kavanagh

P.R.O. Tony Owens

Proposer: Michael Hannon Seconder: Don Powell

Officer for Irish Language & Culture Pat Monaghan

Proposer: Seán O’Meara Seconder: Tony Larkin

Children’s Officer Dáire Eagney

Proposer: Noel Howley Seconder: Paddy Gibbons

Players’ Rep./Assistant Secretary Adrian Kavanagh

Proposer: Con O’Sullivan Seconder: Willie Fallon

Other Members John Holland

Proposer: Anthony Brennan Seconder: Conor Kavanagh

Anthony Brennan

Proposer: Frank Lynch Seconder: Eilis Waters

Gilda Smith

Proposer: Adrian Kavanagh Seconder: Lorinda Kinnane

39 Colin Delaney

Proposer: Gerry Carthy Seconder: Brenda Bradley

Andrew Rittweger

Proposer: Mick Foy Seconder: Tony Larkin

40 Motions & Resolutions

Motion: That the: ‘Naomh Mearnog Club Constitution 2012' (which is attached) be adopted, in its entirety, at the next Naomh Mearnog Annual General Meeting, in place of the existing 'Naomh Mearnog Club Constitution 2000’.

Proposer: Gerry Harrington Seconder: Pat Tobin

Recommendation: The following membership fees will apply for the coming year (2013):

Full Playing Member - €170

Full Non-Playing Member - €120

Youth Member - €120

Social Member - €50

Special Family Rate - €120 + €50 per Playing Member

€50 Loyalty Card Fee will remain unchanged.

Recommended by The Executive Committee.


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