Ms. Maize’s Kindergarten General Information

Welcome to Kindergarten! We are very excited about having you join us. This year promises to be action packed and filled with fun! Planned for this year are fun and exciting themes, spirit days, videos, guest speakers, and field trips. Of course, we will also have music, library, P.E., and computer classes.

In this packet you will find an outline of our daily schedule, some of our planned themes, and other important classroom information. Please take time to read through this information. If you have any questions about anything in this packet, or about anything in general, please do not hesitate to ask. The kindergarten team of teachers and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your child’s time here at Conley.

Arrival Times and procedures: Kinders should not arrive before 8:10 a.m. unless they attend Kid’s Express. There is no supervision prior to 8:10 am. All kindergarteners will go directly to the classroom for the first few days of school. After the first few days they will go to the kindergarten playground which is right outside the kindergarten classrooms. Children may not play on the kinder playground until there is a kindergarten teacher “on duty.” Parents are not permitted inside the school gates, therefore, you will need to wish your child a wonderful day at the gate (near the kinder playground), then send them on in. There will be a teacher meeting the school bus each morning to bring the kindergarten bus riders to the kindergarten gate/playground. When the 8:25 bell rings, students will line up outside the classroom door where I will greet them. *** Conley Elementary is a closed campus. If your child arrives late or you need to pick up your child early, you must do so through the office!! You must wear a visitor badge on campus!! Please note that students who are not physically inside the classroom when the 8:30 a.m. bell rings are considered tardy, and therefore will be required to sign in at the office and bring in a “tardy coyote” to me in order to enter the classroom. Of course, this does not apply to buses that arrive to school late. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

***Remind your child to go to the bathroom before he/she comes to school. If a child has an accident (water, mud or bathroom) the health assistant will call you to bring clean clothes. It is a good idea to send a change of clothes to keep in your child’s classroom cubbie. Even though your child may be potty trained for several years, our years of experience in Kindergarten shows us that even those kids will occasionally have an accident. Do not be surprised or upset if this occurs. Please send change of clothes in a clearly marked bag, with each piece of clothing labeled. Also, please tie and double knot your child’s shoes before coming to school as it is impossible for me to stop teaching in order to tie shoes multiple times throughout the day. THANKS!!!

Dismissal proceedures: All Kindergarteners will be dismissed at the front of the school near the parent pick-up area at 2:45. There will be a kindergarten teacher that will take the bus riders to their buses. If you are a parent picking up a Kindie in a car, please have your BLUE name card clearly visible in your windshield. ***Let your kindergarten teacher know of any changes on how your child will be going home. You will need to send a written note, e-mail, or call the office and inform them of any last minute changes. Kindergarteners may not walk home alone and are not allowed to ride a bike to and from school. If you are late to pick up your child, he or she will be waiting in the office. Please hold your child’s hand when walking across the parking lot, and remember to set an example for your child and use the crosswalk!

Language Arts Program: Phonics, big books, poetry, nursery rhymes, songs, modeled writing, class books, journals, and reading groups are part of our daily activities. Harcourt Journeys is our reading program. We will begin ability-based reading groups shortly after fall intersession (usually early/mid-November), and I will be sending home a book weekly for your child to read to you. Combining the strengths of all these components will enable your child to get the most benefit out of the daily reading, language arts, and writing instruction he/she will be receiving. For now, you can help your child get a head start by reading to them as often as possible. Thank you in advance for your support.

Math: Scott- Foresman is our math program. We will use lots of hands-on activities, and because of the hands-on activities and explorations (which I am unable to send home), attendance is critical.

Centers: We will be rotating through centers daily. Again, this will start when the class, more or less, as a whole is ready. This will help develop independent skills, as the children must listen and follow directions, get along with others and work in a group. Centers also help to build responsibility. Literacy centers are a key component of our reading program once small reading groups begin.

Schedule of Specials: We are using a 6 day rotation for our specials. I will help keep you informed each week as to which days our specials fall on, so be sure to watch the class and school newsletters, and calendars. Day 1: Music Day 2: P.E. (tennis shoes and appropriate dress required) Day 3: Library Day 4: Music Day 5: P.E. (tennis shoes and appropriate dress required) Day 6: Computer Lab (won’t begin until September, or so) School rules: (Please refer to the Conley Handbook)

Class Rules: In kindergarten, we try to keep rules simple and to a minimum. The children and I will discuss class rules many times throughout the next couple of weeks. Look for the rules posted on the classroom wall. At home, ask your child to tell you about them! Kindergarten rules for our classroom are as follows: 1. Listen when your teacher and others speak. 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 3. Be respectful of others feelings, bodies and belongings. 4. Choose to have a good attitude each day. 5. Love one another. Please help me by discussing these rules with your child at home. Thanks!

Attendance: Attendance is very important! In kindergarten, we do lots of hands-on teaching that can’t be made up at home. Moreover, the funds the school receives are provided by the state according to attendance. Please call the office to let them know why your child is absent. 480-812- 6200.

Homework: Will be sent home on Fridays in a homework folder, and should be returned, in the folder, on Tuesday. The homework is not labor- intensive, but helps students develop good study habits and provides practice of a learned skill at home. The homework is intended to be done together as parent and child, and may often contain a game to be played together.

It is important that your child develop a positive attitude towards homework, as it is intended to help build responsibility skills in children. Please approach this task enthusiastically, remembering to stress the importance of taking the time to do his/her personal best. Learning to be a responsible person starts in kindergarten! Coupon Books: There are many skills that need to be taught and individually tested in kindergarten. We have put most of these skills into three books that we call our “coupon books”. We use the coupon books to help with management of the testing process and to help parents know exactly what we are working on in the classroom. The first book will be sent home at parent conferences in August. Return the coupons to school as soon as your child can do them.

Kinder Totes: Kinder tote bags are an important organizational tool that needs to be utilized by all students and parents. It must come to school with your child everyday. I will send home important messages, notes, papers, and homework each week in your child’s PURPLE Responsibility Folder. Please check the contents of your child’s backpack and empty daily. Let your child know when you put something inside that needs to be given to me. Please note that I DO NOT look for items you send to school in your child’s backpack; it is his/her responsibility to take out those items (especially lunch money). Learning to be responsible and accountable begins now in Kindergarten! Totes will be kept on the hooks in the back of our classroom.

Birthdays: The day your child was born is a very important day, and we want to be sure to celebrate in our classroom. For health reasons, edible birthday treats are prohibited from being brought to school. Students may bring a non- edible treat to share (ie: pencils, small containers of bubbles, books, coloring books, etc.) Please keep birthday treats simple – no goodie bags, balloons, etc. Please let me know ahead of time if you plan to send a treat. On your child’s birthday, I will provide them with a birthday crown to wear for the day!

Field Trips: We hope to go on several field trips this year. In past years we have gone to a farm, Sea Life Aquarium, and have seen various plays and concerts. The number of trips depends on Tax Credit funds. We also try to bring in guest speakers (AZ Puppet Theater, firefighters, etc.) Drinks and Restroom: Our class will take 2 bathroom breaks each day (one in the morning, and one in the afternoon). Children who need additional breaks are allowed to leave to use the restroom after asking for permission. Please remember that nearly all children experience an "accident" at some point during the year. This is normal and is not cause for alarm. For this reason, we ask that you send in a complete spare set of clothes to keep in your child’s cubby. Please label all articles of clothing with your child’s name. I encourage students to bring a water bottle labeled with their name to school. We have a designated spot near the sink where we will keep water bottles. We will also take drink breaks throughout the day; and oftentimes, the entire class takes their drink break from the water fountain outside the kindergarten playground, as opposed from their water bottle inside the classroom.

Lunch: School lunch is $2.50, breakfast is $1.00, milk/juice is $.50. Students are welcome to pack at lunch to bring from home as well. Please be mindful of what is being packed in lunch boxes. Our brains and bodies need fuel to help us get through the busy school days. Fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, whole grains and lots of water are great choices! Kindergarten lunch/recess time is 11:15-11:35 (lunch) and 11:35-11:50 (recess, weather permitting).

Donations: Donations to our classroom are always accepted and appreciated. For the first week of school, I have a “Giving Tree” on our white board. Please feel free to take an apple from the tree and donate the items listed on the apple. As the year progresses, I will include a section in our classroom newsletter with specific information related to the needs of our classroom. Throughout the year, donations of Clorox wipes and gift cards (any amount) are always appreciated, as there are many times extra supplies for lessons and activities are needed. Suggested stores are: Walgreens, Target, Fry’s, Dollar Tree, Big Lots. Student of the Week: One student each week will be randomly selected to be “Star Student of the Week.” I will send home a slip to tell you when your child will be the “Star Student.” When it is your child’s turn to be the Star Student, they will have an information poster to complete, and should include a few photos of their loved ones and favorite things. Please help your child complete their Star Student form and select appropriate pictures. During your child’s Star Student week, they will bring home our “Show and Share Bag”. They may bring 3 items that must fit into the bag to share with the class. Please help prepare your child by practicing what they will tell the class about each item. Thank you!

If you need to contact me, you are welcome to send a note with your kinder or leave a message at the office or on my voice mail. You are also welcome to contact me through my email address: [email protected] I will check my e-mail throughout the day; however, because I am with students for the majority of the day, please allow me a 24 hour turn-around time to respond to your e-mails. I will respond to you as quickly as I am able. My voice mail number is 812-6233.

Thank you for your patience and support. I feel that it is so important that we work together as a team, and together we can help make your child’s kindergarten experience one your child’s best memories.


Ms. Maize