RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw Water Project of China 0809

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RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw Water Project of China 0809

RP709 V5

Shanghai Municipal Environment Construction Project ( APL III)

Land Acquisition & Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) on Nanhui Water-Transportation and Associated Engineering of Shanghai Qing Caosha Raw-water Project

Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction and

Development Co., Ltd. RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

September, 2008

2 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Verified and approved by:

Lu Xiaoru, Gu Yuliang, Hu Hongliang

Responsible for Land acquisition and resettlement plan:

Dai Yirong

Compiled by:

Dai Yirong, Lu Yaohua, Ni Jianhua, Cao Yanru, Yang Min, Huang

Wei, Hu Jianyi, Liu Wenrong, Zhou Wei

On-site survey parcipated by:

Dai Yirong, Ni Jianhua, Cao Yanru, Zhang Li, Yang Min, Huang

Wei, Liu Wenrong, Hu Jianyi, Zhou Wei, Xu Keming and etc

RAP compiled by:

Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction & Development

3 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Co., Ltd

Address: No.700 on Jinyu road, Pudong District Telephone: 0086-21-38723188 (telephone exchange) Fax:0086-21-38723188 Post code: 200 120 Email: [email protected] (Ni Jianhua’s) [email protected]

4 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809



1.1 BACKGROUND...... 8 1.2 AFFECTED AND SERVICE SCOPE...... 11 1.2.1 Nanhui Water Transportation Piping Engineering (Nanhui branch)...... 12 1.2.2 Associated engineering...... 12 1.3 NANHUI WATER TRANSPORTATION PIPING ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING...... 14 1.3.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project...... 15 1.3.2 Associated Engineering...... 15 1.4 MEASURES TO REDUCE SIDE IMPACT ON CONSTRUCTION...... 16 1.4.1 Planning and Design Phase...... 16 1.4.2 Construction Phase...... 17 1.4.3 RAP and Implementation Phase...... 19 1.5 LEADER GROUP AND ORGANIZATIONAL INSTITUTION...... 20 1.6 TIME SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND LAND ACQUISITION...... 21 1.7 PRINCIPLES AND AIMS OF RAP...... 21


2.1 SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION...... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED . 24 2.1.1 Nanhui piping branch...... 25 2.1.2 Associated Engineering...... 25 2.2 LAND ACQUISITION IMPACT...... 27 2.2.1 Nan Hui Piping branch...... 27 2.2.2 Association Engineering...... 30


3.1 TARGETS FOR SOCIAL APPRAISAL...... 35 3.2 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT TARGET...... 36 3.3 PRINCIPLES FOR SOCIAL APPRAISAL...... 38 3.4 MEASURES FOR SOCIAL INVESTIGATION...... 39 3.5 BASIC CONDITION OF INVESTIGATED TARGETS...... 40 3.6 IMPACT ANALYSIS WITHIN PROJECT AREA...... 41 3.6.1 Impact on migrants within project area...... 41 3.6.2 Analysis of Income and Expense of Residents (Farmers)in Affected Area...... 52 3.7 ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL INTERESTS GROUP AND LAND ACQUISITION & RESETTLEMENT...... 64 3.7.1 Analysis of related interests group...... 64 3.7.2 Expectation Analysis of the Affected toward land acquisition and Resettlement.....67 3.8 CONCLUSIONS OF SOCIAL IMPACT...... 68


5 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

...... 70

4.1 AIMS AND TARGETS...... 70 4.2 POLICES AND LAWS & REGULATIONS...... 72 4.3 POLICIES OF THE WORLD BANK...... 73 4.4 COMPENSATION POLICIES AND STIPULATION...... 74 4.4.1Right Limit of land acquisition and nature of compensation...... 74 4.4.2 Power Limit of Demolition and Compensation Nature...... 77 4.4.3 Legal and Administrative Procedures...... 78 4.4.4 Stipulations of Compensation...... 80 Compensation on Land Acquisition...... 80 Compensation on Demolition of Premises...... 86 4.4.5 Legal responsibility of Related Institutions...... 89 4.5 RESETTLEMENT POLICIES...... 90 4.5.1 Resettlement Policies on Acquisitioned Land...... 91 4.5.2 Compensation policies for temporarily-using Land...... 93 4.5.3Transfer Policies of State-owned Land...... 93 4.5.4 Compensation polices on auxiliary items on and under Ground...... 93 4.6 COMPENSATION STANDARD...... 93 4.6.1 Land Acquisition...... 95 4.6.2 Transfer of State-owned Land...... 96 4.6.3 Temporarily-occupied Land...... 96 4.6.4 Demolition of Primises...... 97 4.6.5Compensation Standard for infrastructure and other properties...... 98


5.1 AIM OF RESETTLEMENT...... 99 5.2 RESETTLEMENT FOR THE AFFECTED...... 99 5.2.1Resettlement for the Affected...... 100 5.2.2 Income Restoration Plan for the affected...... 102 5.3 RESETTLEMENT FOR DISPLACED HOUSEHOLDS...... 104 5.3.1 Options of Resettlements Method...... 105 5.3.2 Option for Resettlement Location...... 105 5.3.3 Purchasing Capability of Resettlement Apartments...... 108 5.3.4 Assistance to Removal and Resettlement...... 110 5.4 RESETTLEMENTS FOR DISADVANTAGE GROUPS...... 110 5.5 RESETTLEMENT FOR AFFECTED ENTERPRISES...... 111 5.5.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project...... 111 5.5.2 Resettlement for Affected Enterprises for Associated Engineering...... 111 5.6 AFFECTED AUXILIARY PROPERTIES AND INFRASTRUCTURES...... 113


6.1 BASIC EXPENSE FOR LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT...... 115 6.1.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping...... 115 6.1.2 Associated Engineering...... 117

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7.1 TIME SCHEDULE FOR LAND ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION AND RESETTLEMENT...... 123 7.1.1 Nanhui branch piping...... 123 7.1.2 Associated Engineering...... 125 7.2 RESETTLEMENT FOR DEMOLISHED HOUSEHOLDS...... 127


8.1CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION...... 129 8.1.1 Principles of Pubic Participation during Formulation Period of Resettlement Plan ...... 129 8.1.2 Public Consultation and Participation during compiling period of resettlement plan ...... 130 8.1.3 Public Participation after RAP...... 137 8.2 INTEGRATION MEASURES IN RESETTLEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD...... 137 8.3 APPEAL...... 138










7 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Aim of RAP & Definition of resettlement terms

RAP is stipulated in terms of state and local laws of People’s Republic of China as well as a series of guidelines established in OP/BP4.12 for non- voluntary resettlement by the World Bank. The aim of RAP is to provide a resettlement and restoration action plan for the affected to safeguard their benefits, improvement of their daily life, or, at least, their living standard can be restored after completion of the project.

Definition of “The Affected”:

”The affected” refers to people whose living standard has been or will be affected by the project construction or ownership; whose rights or benefit of real estate, land ( including curtilage, farmland and paste land) or other fixed or non-fixed properties have been occupied or acquisitioned for a long time; whose business, jobs or residence has been affected. “The affected” could be both individuals and juridical persons such as enterprises, public institutions.

A. Those whose lands (including cartilage, utilities, farmland, forestry, stockbreeding, fishing and sidelines) and buildings (private houses and auxiliaries, enterprises’ buildings or public buildings etc.), properties or rights have been occupied partially or completely forever or temporarily.

B. Those who used the land, buildings or properties mentioned above, or other workers whose living place or living habit have been affected;

C. Those whose living standard has been affected due to land acquisition;

The definition of “the affected” has not limited the legal position, life style or professions of those who have been affected. Given this, it also should

8 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 include:

A.People whose legal rights will not be taken into consideration or whether he/she is on site when related property is acquisitioned;

B. People without residential permit in specified area;

Given this, all the people mentioned above will be regarded as “the affected” without taking consideration of their property, land or social position.

If the acquisition is more than one household and one individual, the corresponding compensation and restoration should be in terms of suffered loss, benefit and actual living standard. The definition of the affected has direct links with side effects of project without any consideration of legal rights.

Compensation should been given to all the affected, and, at least, their living standard should be improved or restored to the original status and their losses should be compensated. The loss of property will be compensated in terms of replacement price. Any action to reduce the compensation in the pretext of depreciation or others will not be permitted. All the affected should get benefit from the construction of the project and their rights should be safeguarded. In addition to compensation, proper subsidies should be given to restore their life. Those who are mainly working in small business, reclamation or building area without legal right of property and rights or legal residential permit are entitled with the same treatment as those who have legal right of property and rights or legal residential permit. They are entitled to make their life restore and get their due compensation.

Definition of Resettlement

Resettlement refers to make arrangement both in production and daily life for the affected to guarantee their benefits from the construction.

A. To displace living place

B To help those affected to find new jobs

9 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

C To restore (or compensate for) affected land, working place, trees or other infrastructures

D To restore the living standard (life quality) affected by land acquisition (e.g., polluted and poisonous gas and etc)

E. To restore or compensate on affected individual or public enterprise

F. To restore the cultural and common property

Definition of “Restoration”

It refers to restore the ability of production of the affected or to improve, at least, keeping their living standard as original.

The aim of RAP is to safeguard their benefits, improvement of their daily life, or, at least, their living standard can be restored after completion of the project. In order to reach this aim, this plan has provided restoration measures to restore their income. At the same time, the affected business production resources (including enterprises, shops), public properties, infrastructure and cultural heritage will be improved or restored to the existing level.

Definition of “Associated items”

It refers to Qing Caosha reservoir, Water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station, Water-transportation piping engineering in Changing Island, Cross-river piping engineering, Wu Hangout Pressure- added pump station engineering as well as Jinhai sub-engineering on terrestrial water-transportation.

10 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Chapter 1 General Introduction

1.1 Background

Water is the source and guarantee of life and it is irreplaceable. Water is controlling the biological environment and its sustainable usage is an important guarantee to social and economical development in a sustainable manner. Water of good quality has laid a foundation for city’s development. At present, the water resource problem has been a worldwide concern.

It witness abundant rivers and water network in Shanghai with total area of 697 sq.m, which equals to 11% of whole area of Shanghai. Most of the rivers in Shanghai belong to Huangpu River system, including Huangpu River and it branches, such as Suzhou river, Chuan Yang river, Dianpu river and etc. Given this, Shanghai is not short of water, but short of water of good quality. At present, the main supply of raw water in Shanghai comes from upper base of Huangpu river and Chenhang reservoir. The upper base of Huangpu river from Tai river area provides 612 cubic meters per day which covers 84% of residential-use water and its quality classified into level 3 or level 4, just a little bit better than “60 points scores”. Since year 2000, the water supply has been increased by 200,000 cubic meters/day every year and when the summer peak comes, the quantity of water usage has broken record for consecutive years. Up to now, the highest water supply per day has exceeded 9, 70,000 cubic meters. According to authorities, the total water collection from upper stream of Huangpu river has exceeded the average volume by 30 percent. The water collection has already reached the limit. However, since the water quality of earth surface is severely polluted, except Yangzi River, the state qualified water resource at level I and level II is very rare. Given this situation, Shanghai has already been listed into one of 36 cities that are short of high-quality water. Though Shanghai is engaged in

11 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 improving the water quality and developing water sources and diversion works at upper stream of Huangpu river and Chenhang reservoir have been established since 1980s, with the rapid development of Shanghai’s economy and living standard, the urbanization area is increasing dramatically and the demand for water is increasing year by year.

It is predicted that in year 2020, the overall scale of water supply will reach 14,180,000 m3/d and it will have 7 million m3/d water shortage. The existing development and utilization of water resources in Shanghai is far from satisfaction of city’s current development and long-term development. The high priority should be given to look for a new water source. From the perspective of long-term urban development, Shanghai must speed up the construction of new water sources to satisfy the further development of our city. In order to root out the water shortage problem, it is decided to enlarge the raw water supply of high quality to realize the dream of Shanghaiese to have clean water with long-term consideration and multiple –choice.

In order to meet the demanding water supply need for mid and long terms, since 1990s when related experts put forward the suggestion of reservoir development Qing Caosha, under all-round deployment of municipal government, parties and departments concerned have organized several colleagues, universities, design institutes, construction units and water-supply enterprises to have made long-term and systematical basic research and technological reasoning for 15 years, which has achieved a fruitful research development and material. Given this, Qing Caoyuan water source area has already listed into General Planning of Shanghai Municipal( 1999—2020) approved by state council and listed into Professional Planning of Municipal Water-Supply, Municipal Sea Functional Planning and Municipal Water Environment Functional Planning approved by Shanghai Municipal Government.

12 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

In December 2002, it was clearly confirmed in the Professional Planning of Municipal Water-Supply,, approved by Shanghai Municipal Government, that Qing Caosha Water Source area will be developed to form a water-supply style featuring “co-existing of Yangtze and Huangpu river with three pillars”. On January 20th, 2006. “Enlarging exploration and tapping of Yangzi River, construction of Qing Caosha water area to build Yangtze Chenhang Water Irrigation Engineering (III) resource” was officially listed into No.11th five-year plan for national economy and social development of Shanghai, approved by fourth session of 12th People’s congress. On January 27th, 2006, Shanghai Development and Reform Committee, Municipal Water Affair Bureau, Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Environment Projection Bureau, Municipal Port Bureau, Municipal Sea Bureau, Shanghai , Shanghai Industrial Corporation, Shanghai Urban Investment Co.,Ltd, governments of Pudong, Nanhui and Chongming country had conference together to urge the construction of Qing Caosha reservoir to be started as soon as possible to improve the safe ability of urban water supply so that it will be put into operation during the 2010 World Expo. In April,,2006, Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Committee had a conference again with related parties to urge the construction , confirming that Qing Caosha water source engineering is composed of Qing Caosha reservoir and pump station and floodgate engineering for collection and transportation of water ( including Zhongyang Sand Engineering), cross-river piping engineering and terrestrial water transportation piping & pressure-added pup station put forward by Shanghai Urban Investment Co.,Ltd. The capacity of Qing Caosha raw- water engineering in water source area will be 7,190,000 m3/d in 2020. The scheme for each main engineering has been formed into systematical scheme of Qing Caosha water source engineering after multi-parties’ consultation and optimization.

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The main contents of this systematical scheme are adopting combination of Yangzi River collection pump station and reservoir floodgate to realize collecting water from Beigang of Qing Caosha reservoir of Yangtze river. After adjustment in reservoir, the raw water from Yangzi River is supplying raw water to Shanghai Water Supply Co., Ltd through water transportation pump station and water transportation pipelines (including cross-river piping). At the same time, it will also provide water to Water Supply Co., Ltd of Chang Xin Island. Construction of water transportation system on land will satisfy the demand of existing water companies and potential water companies in planning.

It is different from other reservoirs which are generally dammed on land with a large quantity of land acquisition to be submerged. Qing Caosha is a water source reservoir which is utilizing the existing water area in Yangtze River to form a natural water area. The aim of damming in the river is to avoid seawater encroachment to affect water quality. Since Qing Caosha water source reservoir is located at the gate of Yangtze River, it is likely that water back-flow will emerge in the drought period which will cause salt tide. Salt tide will affect water quality in Yangtze River. The geographic level of reservoir formed by dammed water source is almost the same as land of island which means it will not make any damage to the buildings on the land. During the period of non-drought, the floodgate of reservoir’s dam is open, letting water of Yangtze river floating freely in and out of the water dam. Within 500-meter area of reservoir, there are only partial trees and fruit gardens to be affected. There is no any resident, enterprise or other different building to be displaced.

1.2 Affected and Service Scope

The construction is constituted by Nanhui Water-transportation Engieering (“Nanhui engineering” in abbreviation) and corresponding

14 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 associated engineering. The associated engineering includes: Qing Caosha reservoir, Water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station, water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island, cross- river piping engineering, Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station as well as Jinhai engineering on terrestrial area.

1.2.1 Nanhui Water Transportation Piping Engineering (Nanhui branch)

It belongs to the terrestrial water-transportation engineering. The construction capital is planned to be loaned from the World Bank. It started from Jinhai pump station (belonging to Jianhai branch and located in Tang town of Pudong district), passing Tao town, Chuansha town along Huangdong road to south; passing other area of Tang town from Huadong road to Gao Ke road (east) to west; then passing Zhangjiang town of Pudong area, Zhoupu town, Xinchang town, Xuanqiao town, Da Tuan Town along east of A20, and A2 to north of Dazhi river. It will be ended at a Greenland located on the north of Dazhi river and then be divided into east and west part, stretching to Huinan water supply company in Huinan town, and Hangtou water supply company in Hangtou town respectively. The construction is mainly involving pump station in Nanhui (North) and partial on-the-way well positions. Since the land acquisition is needed for construction, some people will be affected by the construction.

1.2.2 Associated engineering

The detailed engineering is as follows:

 Qing Caosha Reservoir, Water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station: Qing Caosha water source is located on lower reaches of diverting gate of South and North port of

15 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Yangtze River and covers an area that is within north part of Changxing Island, Zhong Yangsha, Qing Caosha within a small portion of water area at north and northwest. The total area of this reservoir is around 66.39 sq.m. (Central line of embankment). The construction of floodgate and water-transportation pump station is conducted for the normal operation of the reservoir. This engineering needs land acquisition, among which is collective-land with affected personnel.

 Water-transportation piping engineering on Changxing Island: This engineering started from the water-transportation pump station which is located on the south bank to southeast of the reservoir. Water-transportation piping starts from water-transportation pump station to start-point of cross-river piping of Changxin Island with transportation capacity of 7,080,000 cubic meters. This engineering needs temporarily using land and the affected are located in Changming village of Changxing island.

 Cross-river piping engineering: The piping is used to transport the raw water from Changxing Island to areas within Pudong, starting from Xinhang village of Fenghuang town in Changxing Island. This construction needs land acquisition in Changxing Island and Wu Haogou area of Pudong with some households affected.

 Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station: When the cross-river piping comes to land in Shanghai, it will transport raw water to related water supply company by means of Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station and connection of transportation lines and branches. The construction needs land acquisition in Lianhe village in Caolu town, Pudong district. Since the acquisitioned land belongs to collectively owned, some of households are affected.

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 Jinhai branch engineering on terrestrial water-transportation: It starts from Wu Haogou pump station in Lianhe village, Pudong district to Jinhai pump station in Tang town, Pudong district, passing Lianhe village, Gusan village, Xingdong village, Qiming village, Shuguang village, Zhiyi village and Xinhua village. The construction of Jinhai pump station needs collective land of Tang town and there are some households affected by the construction.

After establishment, Qing Caosha reservoir will mainly provide raw water to Yangpu, Hongkou, Zhabei, Huangpu, Luwan, Jin’an, Changning, Xuhui, Pudong, Nanhui and etc and partial area of Baoshan, Putuo, Chongming, Qingpu, Minhang and etc. By year 2020, the supply capacity will have been reached 7,190,000m3/d with more than 10,000,000 populations benefited. After its establishment, it will be connected with Chenhang reservoir system to the North, connecting with Yangtze River transportation system to the South. They will be compensated each other and will make water quality in Shanghai better and better.

1.3 Nanhui Water Transportation Piping Engineering and

Associated Engineering

On August 16th, 2005, Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd gathered experts to have consultation for research achievements on problems and difficulties of Qing Caosha water source project. The participating experts believed that, on basis of 15-year research, the water source of Qing Caosha enjoys most abundant surface water of highest quality and the project has outstanding comprehensive benefits and has already qualified for construction.

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On March 15th, 2006, Shanghai Development and Reform Committee submitted report (No. 076, 2006) on speeding up planning and construction of water source at gate of Yangzi river, which was put forwarded by municipal water affair bureau. Shanghai Development and Reform Committee have provided general introduction and related suggestions to our municipal government.

1.3.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project

On August 25th, 2007, Shanghai Development and Reform Committee issued paper (No.035, 2007) concerning the application for feasibility report on Nan Hui Water Transportation piping project. The length of Nanhui piping is 86.91 kilometers, passing a set of pump station, that is, Nanhui pump station (North) which is located to the east of A2 highway. The capacity of this project is 1,280,000 cubic meters per day for transporting raw water.

1.3.2 Associated Engineering

Qing Caosha reservoir, Water-collection and Water-transportation Floodgate Engineering:

The capacity scale and contents are as follows: to build a new reservoir with total area of 66.39 sq.m. The total capacity is 43,500 cubic meters (including zhong yangsha part) and the new water-collection pump station will be 180 cubic meters per second and the new water-transportation pump station will be 11,000 cubic meters per day.

Water-transportation piping engineering on Changxing Island:

The total capacity for transporting raw water is 7,080,000 cubic meters/day, paving two transportation lines of about 5.4 kilometers.

Raw-water Crossing river piping engineering:

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This engineering starts from Xingang village on Changxing Island and ends at Wu Haogou, Lianhe village in Pudong district, passing through the base of Yangtze river.

Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station:

The total capacity for transporting raw water is 7,080,000 cubic meters/day and main content is to build a set of Wu Haogou pump station.

Jinhai branch engineering on terrestrial water-transportation:

This engineering is an important terrestrial water transportation sub- branch to connect Wu Haogou pump station and related water supply companies between Pudong and Nanhui area. The total length of Jinhai branch is 9 kilometer, passing through A30 highway, Jinhai road and ends at Jinhai pump station on Huadong road. Jinhai pump station is also to be built. The total capacity for transporting raw water is2, 080,000 cubic meters/day.

From year 2005 when Qing Caosha Water Source Engineering passed demonstration by experts to December, 2007, Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd, Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co.,Ltd entrusted Shanghai Investigation Design&Research Institute, Municipal Engineering Design&Research Institute to have compiled suggestions, that is, feasibility report on Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Engineering and associated engineering. Each suggestion paper has been submitted to Shanghai Development and Reform Committee and been approved to establish engineering.

1.4 Measures to reduce side impact on construction

In order to lessen side impact on society due to the construction, the construction unit has made investigation for many times with deeper discussion to take the corresponding measures within 3 phases:

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1.4.1 Planning and Design Phase

The following measures are taken to lessen the side impact on local social economy:

1)During the planning and design phase, when the selection of optimized schemes is conducted, more consideration should be given to impact on local economy which should be the core factor;

2) To pave the water-transportation line at side-belt of Greenland, middle of road or fringe belt; and to take another way when it comes to individual houses to avoid demolition;

3) To try non-digging technical during construction when crossing the road; to try inverted siphon when crossing river to avoid damage to roads and bridges;

4) To optimize design and use wasteland and state-owned land to reduce arable-land use;

1.4.2 Construction Phase

1)Transportation Alleviation:

During the construction process, especially in the community of households, since the roads are very narrow, it is very likely that the transportation would be crowded and traffic jam will happen. Given this, design unit and project owner demand the construction unit to take countermeasures on the busy road when peak time comes, such as transportation at night to guarantee road smooth at daytime to alleviate the side impact on surrounding traffic.

2)Measures to lessen flying dust

During construction period, the earth will be piled on construction site until

20 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 completion of construction for several months. The dust brought by dry season and mechanism will cause flying dust which will affect surrounding households and workshops. In order to lessen the side impact on surrounding environment, when it comes to sunny day with wind, water will be sprinkled on the disposed earth to avoid flying dust. The construction unit will dispose the waste earth in time as scheduled and during transportation; it cannot be overloaded, guaranteeing that there would not be any drops on the way. Before the transportation car leaves off construction site, each wheel must be cleaned by high-pressure watergun to avoid dust dropping on the road. Meanwhile, the cleanness system is implemented at front of construction site. Once there is drop of dust, it can be cleaned at once.

3)Control of Construction Noise

The construction noise comes from the transportation and construction process of mechanism and building material, especially during the night, which will have side impact on surrounding households. In order to lessen the side impact, it is demanded that, within 200-meter distance, construction is not allowed during 23:00 to 06:00 next day. At the same time, the construction unit should take priority to choose the mechanism with lower noise when construction equipments and construction methods are taken into consideration. As for the construction field where night work must be conducted, the noise must be eliminated or temporary noise-proof devices must be installed to guarantee the environment quality of surrounding area.

4)Disposal of Domestic Wastes:

During the construction period, eating and accommodation will be arranged in the construction area and if temporary eating, accommodation, water supply, electricity or domestic wastes are not well arranged, it would have serious side impact on environment, leading to unhealthy problem, especially in summer. If the wastes could not be disposed correctly, it will lead

21 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 to emerging of mosquitoes and flies, and what’s more serious is to induce epidemic decrease among construction workers which will seriously affect the time schedule of construction and surrounding local people as well. Given this, the project developer and construction unit will contact with local environment department in time, cleaning domestic wastes on site to guarantee clean environment on site; the construction unit should strengthen health education for construction workers not to throw wastes to guarantee the working environment.

5)Disposal of wastes on site

Project developer and construction unit will contact with local environment department in time, cleaning domestic wastes on site to guarantee clean environment on site.

1.4.3 RAP and Implementation Phase

In order to carry out the principle, trying to reducing the quantity of demolition and resettlement, required by the World Bank, after many times of deep discussion and research, the construction unit has decided to take following measures to minimize the demolition scale in order to eliminate side impact. When the demolition cannot be avoided, the following measures are to be taken to reduce side impact:

1 ) To foster collection of basic material and make further analysis of local economic status and future development, making feasible plan combined with local reality, guaranteeing that the affected will not suffer loss from project construction;

2 ) To actively promote public participation and welcome supervision from common grass;

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3 ) To strengthen internal and external monitoring and establish high- efficiency feedback mechanism and channel to shorten the information processing period to guarantee that different problems occurred in the construction could be solved on time;

4)To make more design schemes of construction implementation and then optimize the scheme by comparison; to adopt non-digging construction method in dense population area to avoid large quantity of demolition brought by the digging.

5 ) To organize parties concerned to make on-the-spot survey and avoid demolition for building if possible; If some building, in fact, can be demolished in part, it must be demolished in partial;

6 ) To give sufficient compensation to the affected households in terms of replacement price for loss caused by the demolition to reduce side impact as much as possible;

7)To choose the resettlement base near the original living area, making the displaced have necessary communication with original community; to avoid increasing distance from resettlement base to his/her original working place on the other hand;

8 ) To inform affected enterprises in advance, arranging well the field for removal, giving compensation for losses, trying to shorten the stoppage period of the production, and arranging well of working position for employees in the enterprises;

9)During the whole process, related functional departments should give due assistance to the displaced households and enterprises, providing them with convenience to make the demolition and resettlement work go smoothly to reduce the losses and burdens to minimum.

10)If land is temporarily used for construction, before demolition of buildings,

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the original owner should try to empty the building or to install transit- building within the scope of original unit. After the construction is completed the original building will be restored which will be used by the original owner.

1.5 Leader Group and Organizational Institution

Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd and Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co.,Ltd is in charge of the concrete implementation for the whole project under leadership of Shanghai Development and Reform Committee, Shanghai Municipal Construction Committee, Shanghai Municipal Financial Bureau and APL office of the World Bank and supervision of Municipal Water affair Bureau.

During the process, support from local government is also needed, including local governments at country, and district level, bureaus, streets, villages.

1.6 Time Schedule for Construction and Land Acquisition

The whole construction is scheduled to last 30 months, from June 2007 to December 2009.

Correspondingly, the land acquisition and resettlement work is scheduled to be started from June 2007 to December 2009.

1.7 Principles and Aims of RAP

This RAP is compiled by Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction and Development Co., Ltd in terms of state and local polices, rules as well as resettlement for non-voluntary migrants. The aim of this RAP is to look for a optimizing scheme to guarantee the affected household, infrastructure and public utilizes could be resettled or re-built on time, trying to

24 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 increase living standard of the affected ,or, at least, keeping it at original level.

In order to realize the principles and aims mentioned above, the following points must be considered when the RAP is compiled:

(1) To improve and perfect the demolition plan and to reduce the side impacts of land acquisition and demolition to minimum;

(2) to guarantee that the affected can get compensation for their all losses and receive reasonable arrangement and well-arranged restoration to make them benefit from each engineering; to give compensation for their temporary difficulties; to evaluate their property in terms of replacement price without deducting depreciation of properties to increase their income, living standard and profit-efficiency of enterprises, or, at least, to keep their living at original level.

(3) As for the collective land, all the losses will be compensated in a reasonable manner and all the compensation will be paid to collectivity to develop collective economy. It must not be used for other purpose;

(4) The process of resettlement will be monitored and evaluated by independent monitoring unit and the representatives from the affected will participate in decision of resettlement work and there are independent institutions to receive appeals from the affected.

(5) During the construction process, if some big and important change happens in RAP due to design change end etc, this report will be revised and sent to the World Bank for approval; or if the physical indication, compensation policies or compensation standard need some big change, this report will also be revised and sent to the World Bank for approval; and if some ordinary and minor changes

25 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 happen during the construction process, they should be indicated in internal and external monitoring report.

26 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Chapter 2 Scope and Impact of Land Acquisition

Both Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Engineering and associated engineering need land acquisition. Since land acquisition will have impact on buildings and farmers on collective land, land acquisition and impact will be classified, calculated and summarized in this chapter.

Impact Collection of Land Acquisition of Nanhui Piping Branch and Associated Engineering

Permanent Land Acquisition Temporary Land Acquisition (during construction) Total Total HH Total # of Total Total HH Total HH # of Detailed list of impacts amount of affected HH/persons businesses amount of affected displaced businesses land displaced affected land affected Component 1: Nanhui Raw Water Conveyor (Bank financed) Nanhui Piping branch Nanhuipump station (north) 36.312 26 67 2 0 0 0 0 Working well 1.077 0 0 0 13.717 0 0 0 Component 1: Associated Engineering (client financed) 1 Qing Cao Sha reservoir 347.841 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 Changxing Island raw water 0 0 0 0 31.968 0 0 0 conveyor 3 Yangtze River raw water 21.9 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 conveyor 4 Wuhaogou raw water 108.616 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 pumping station 5 Yanqiao raw water conveyor 6 Lingqiao raw water conveyor 7 Jinhai raw water conveyor 32.695 0 0 1 7.44 0 0 0 8 Nanhui raw water conveyor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 rehab of raw water system Upper Huan

27 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

2.1 Scope of Land Acquisition

Land acquisition is mainly for construction of pump station and some ventilation places fir water transportation piping. The pavement of piping will adopt piping jetting and working well which is by means of land renting for construction.

Table 2.1 General Impact Collection

occupied Acquisitioned area Rented area area Affected enterprises Affected households (mu) (mu) Affected (mu) Item labor state- state- Affecte Affected Demo- collective collective force Affected Demolishe Affected total sub-total owned sub-total owned d househo lished land land number d area number land land people lds area NanHui piping 51.106 37.389 36.786 0.603 13.717 7.048 6.669 49 2 0 0 26 67 3413

Reservior and collection&transportation 347.84 347.84 42.128 305.712 0 0 0 51 2 0 0 0 0 0 pump station and floodgate

Changxing water- transportation piping 31.968 0 0 0 31.968 31.968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 engineering cross-river piping 106.9 21.9 12.34 9.56 85 85 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 engineering Wu Haogou pump station 108.616 108.616 108.616 0 0 0 0 36 7 0 3000 0 0 0 Jinshan branch 40.135 32.695 25.705 6.99 7.44 7.44 0 54 1 0 1576 0 0 0 Total 686.56484 548.44 225.58 322.86 138.12 131.46 6.67 202.00 12.00 0.00 4576.00 26 67 3413

28 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

2.1.1 Nanhui piping branch

Table 2.2 Land acquisition and Land Rent

Collective land State-owned land Acquisitione Rented Reclaime Rented Categor collective District Location d land land d land(m y property (mu) (mu) Land u) (mu) No.22 and No.24 team, East to A2 Nanhui Zhoupu highway; pump Nanhui town, North to 36.312 0 0 0 station district Nanhui Zhouzhu (North) district highway and No.7 team of Wanan village Tang town, Chaun One side of sha Dazhi 0.603 town, 0.474 7.048 6.669( Nanhui river(North) (Nanhui Zhoupu (Nanhui (Nanhui Nanhui district along west of 0.168、 town, Working 0.261 5.701 1.249、 and Huadong Pudong Xuanqiao well Pudong Pudong Pudong Pudong road,north of 0.435) town, Da 0.213) 1.347) 5.42) district Gaoke tuan road(east),east town, of A2 Xinchang town and Hangtou town Sub-total 36.786 7.048 0.603 6.669 Total: total land-use:51.106mu,among:acquisitioned land:37.389mu; Rented land:13.717mu。

2.1.2 Associated Engineering

29 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 2.3 Land Acquisition and Land Rent

Total Collective Land State-owned Land Cate land Acquisitio Rented Assigned Rented Dis- Collective Item - Location area ned Land( land land(m trict property gory (mu land(mu mu) (mu) u) ) ) affiliated to Guangrong village, Qing changing town, Caosha Chuangjian reservoir village, Tuanjie engineerin village, g, water- Banks Xianfeng collection Em- Of Chong village, pump 347.8 bank- Changxi -ming 42.128 0 305.712 0 Xianjing floodgate 41 ment ng country village, and water- island Jianxing transportat village, Panshi ion pump village, Shisha station village, engineerin hongxing g village, Changzheng village No.13 team, Changm changming Changxing ing Chong Mid- 31.96 village of island village -ming 0 31.968 0 0 well 8 changing piping of country country Changxi ng country locati Xingang on of Xingang village, well Chong village,Changxi cross-river Changxi and -ming ng country of piping ng mana country 106.9 12.34 85 9.56 0 Chongming engineerin country geme and island, Caolu g of nt Pudong town of Chongm buildi Pudong district ing ng East of Dongch Wu Haogu uan Pudon 108.6 Lianhe village pump road 108.616 0 0 0 g 16 of Caolu town station and west of A30 Along Huadon pump g Jinhai statio road(ea branch n and st), Pudon 40.13 Tang town 25.705 7.44 6.99 0 engineerin worki jinhai g 5 Caolu town g ng road well and west of A30 635.4 Total 188.789 124.408 322.262 0 59

30 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

2.2 Land Acquisition Impact

2.2.1 Nan Hui Piping branch

Table 2.4 Impact Collection

Affected labor force Affected Land acquisition Land renting (in term s of households Affected enteprises (m u) (m u) acquisitioned (farm ers) Cater arable land) ogry area of total am ong am ong am ong: No. No. No. dem o No. No. dem o am ong: acquisiti acquisiti :state- rented :collect state- (pop (hou (pop lishe (hou (pop lishe collecti oned Others oned owned area ive owned ulatio seho ulati d seh ulati d ve land arable area land land land n) ld) on) area old) on) area land

Nanh to brick ui chang m aso pum e nry p 36.312 36.312 0 0 0 0 21.943 49 26 67 2 0 0 registe struct statio red ure34 n( locatio 13 North n ) Work ing 1.077 0.474 0.603 13.717 7.048 6.669 0.153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 well Total 37.389 36.786 0.603 13.717 7.048 6.669 22.096 49 26 67 3413 2 0 0

31 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Affected Land

Table 2.5 Classification of affected land for Nanhui engineering

acquisitioned land Rented land (m u) (m u)

am ong:collective land Classific Am ong: am ong: area of area of am ong:c ation arable land state- state- acuqisitio non- rented ollective grain & owned owned ned land dry arable land land s ub-total cotton vegetable land land farm land land field field Nanhui pum p 36.312 21.943 10.788 11.155 0 14.369 0 0 0 0 s tation (north) Working 1.077 0.153 0.036 0.045 0.072 0.924 0.603 13.717 7.048 6.669 well Total 37.389 22.096 10.824 11.200 0.072 15.293 0.603 13.717 7.048 6.669

Total area of acquisitioned land is 37.389 sq.m for construction of new Nanhui pump station (North) and air-entrance well, among which an area of 36.786mu belongs to collective land (an area of 22.096 mu of arable land) rented-land of 13.717 mu, of which an area of 7.048mu is collective land.

Nanhui pump station (North) is located in Qigan village, Zhoupu town in Nanhui district. It used to be irrigated farmland, vegetable land, farm streets, ponds, irrigation, cartilage, idle river and etc.

Working well by piping jetting needs an area of 13.717 mu of land use, among which collective land is 7.048mu. Most of the land is Greenland.

Impact on Employment

Nanhui pump station (North) will acquisition land which used to be irrigated farmland, vegetable land, farm streets, ponds, irrigation, cartilage. According to the local ratio of farmland to labor force, it will cause 49 farmers to lose their farmland. Given this, the owner will make compensation for these affected in terms of policies and each town will provide small-town insurance to them.

Two affected enterprises refer to registered enterprises for Nan Hui pump station (North). However, since the production business is not included, there is no side impact on its employees.

Demolition Progress of Affected Households and Enterprises

The demolition work is mainly concentrating on Nanhui pump station

32 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(North). According to investigation, 26 households of 3413 sq.m should be demolished, which are rural resident buildings with two or three stories of brick masonry structure. In addition, among these to-be-demolished resident buildings, there are two enterprises registered in, which need to be compensated.

Table 2.6 Affected Enterprises

Name Situation This company is registered the resident building, but their Shanghai Rongtuo production is not affected. The compensation is only given for Industrial Co.,Ltd changing registration place. This company is registered resident building, but their production is Shanghai Zhidi not affected. The compensation is only given for changing Package Co.,Ltd registration place.

Affected Infrastructure

Affected infrastructures are mainly roads and Greenland. The construction will take full consideration of daily life and transportation of surrounding households. Nanhui piping branch and associated engineering adopted piping jetting, 20 meters below the earth surface which will not damage the building on the earth. Before construction, construction unit will make compensation for affected property owner and during the construction process, the construction unit will protect the public utilities which are difficult to remove. After construction, the road, greeenland and etc will be restored.

Impact for the disadvantaged

According to investigation, within the scope of Nan Hui pump station (North), there are three Childless elderly people elders and one handicapped who are living in difficult situation. They asked whether they could receive proper consideration or be granted with preferential treatment within polices allowed. Owner indicated that their requirements were accepted and their special conditions would be taken into consideration. Reasonable helps and resettlement would also be provided with. (For detailed contents, please refer to resettlement plan, chapter 5.4)

Impact on Illegal Premises

Within the project scope, there is no demolition or partial impact of illegal

33 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

premises. If there is any demolition of illegal premises occurred, the project owner will grant due compensation to the affected or institutions in terms of replacement price.

2.2.2 Association Engineering

Table 2.7 Impact of Land Acquisition and Land Use

Affected labor force Land acqusition Rented land (in terms of Affected enterprises (mu) (mu) area of acquisitioned Classi- arable land) fication Amon area of Total area Among: Total Demolis Among: Among: g: acuqisiti No. No. No. of state- area of hed collective collective state- oned (popul (house (popul Others acqusitione ow ned rented area land land ow ne arable ation) hold) ation) d land land land (m2) d land land

a small portion reservoir of enbankme 347.841 42.129 305.712 0 0 0 42.1 51 2 2 0 discard- nt ed acuqa field

middle 0 0 0 31.968 31.968 0 0 0 0 0 0 w ell w ell location and 21.900 12.34 9.56 85 85 0 12.34 12 0 0 0 0 managem ent buildings brick Wu masonr Haogou 108.616 108.616 0 0 0 0 16.307 36 7 0 y 0 pump structur station e 3000

34 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Affected Land

Table 2.8 Classification of associated engineering

Acqusitioned land (mu) Rented land ( mu) among: collective land Among: Among: Total Total Among: Item catergory Non-arable state- State- acqusition Arable land rented Collective land ow ned ow ned ed land land: area land Grain and Vegetable Dry land land Sub-total cotton field field land reservior Reserv embankm 347.841 28.051 28.051 0 0 14.078 305.712 0 0 0 ior ent Water- transp middle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.968 31.968 0 ortation w ell piping w ell location Crossi and ng- 21.9 12.340 12.340 0 0 0 9.56 85 85 0 managem river ent buildings Wu Wu Haogo Haogou 108.616 16.307 0 16.307 0 92.309 0 0 0 0 u pump pump station station Jinhai pump Jian hai station 32.695 24.102 24.102 0 0 1.603 6.990 7.44 7.44 0 branch and w orking w ell Total 511.052 80.800 64.493 16.307 0 107.990 322.262 124.408 124.408 0

An area of 511.052 mu (322.262mu is state-owned and 188.79mu is collective owned) will be acquisitioned for setting bank, working well and management building, pump station. An area of 124.408mu will be temporarily used for water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island, cross-river raw water piping engineering.

The reservoir is located on north part of Changxing island which used to be Yangtze course. According to investigation, there is a village which is now engaged in fishing industry. However, the native fishers are not working in this fishing industry; the construction of embarkment engineering needs acquisitioning state-owned land which belongs to Changxing sea pond administration office and Baoshan irrigation administration office. The acquisitioned land includes only discarded aqua fields where no one is breeding aquatics. In addition to these, there will be designated personnel

35 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 who will cut the weeds growing in the banking area. The designated personnel are the employees in Changxing sea pond administration office and Baoshan irrigation administration office. The daily living standard will not be affected by land acquisition.

As for water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island, mid- well will temporary rent a block of vegetable land in Changming village, Changxing country. After completion, the property owner will be in charge of dismantling all temporary utilities and restore it to its original status to Chanming village, Changxing country.

Cross-river wells are located in Xingang village (farmland for grains and crops), Chongming district and Caolu town (state-owned land) of Pudong district respectively.

Wu Haogou pump station is located in Lianhe village, Caolu town, Pudong district. The land used to grow vegetable and some are for enterprises which is rented by Lianhe village, Caolu town.

The land acquisition for Jinhai branch is for Jinhai pump station and air- entrance well, which is collective-owned land. The land selected for Jinshan pump station used to be rented to an enterprise to pile up containers.

Impact on Employment

The new establishment of embankment, cross-river piping engineering , Wu Haogou pump station and Jinhai pump station will acquisition partial arable land in Changxing country, of Chongming, Lianhe village of Caolu town, Tang town of Pudong district which will cause 153 farmers to lose their farmland. Given this situation, the property owner will make compensation for them in terms of policies and each town will make pension procedures or small-town insurance for the affected.

Demolition of Affected households and Enterprises

There is no demolition within the scope of land acquisition. The mainly affected land for Wu Hoagou pump station is collective building of 3000sq.m. in Lianhe village, Caolu town, which is rented to 5 enterprises. Jinhai pump station has occupied an area of 1576 sq.m which was used as workshop for enterprises. The demolished buildings are one-storey brick masonry structure

36 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

and cement field. Both Lianhe village committee of Caolu town and Changxing sea pond administration office and Baoshan irrigation administration office will lose partial land for Wu Haogou pump station and Changxing island embankment respectively.

Impact on Illegal Premises

Within the project scope, there is no demolition or partial impact of illegal premises. If there is any demolition of illegal premises occurred, the project owner will grant due compensation to the affected or institutions in terms of replacement price.

Affected infrastructure

The construction will take full consideration of daily life and transportation of surrounding households. Before construction, construction unit will make compensation for affected property owner and during the construction process, the construction unit will protect the public utilities which are difficult to remove. Moreover, after construction, the road, greeenland and etc will be restored.

Impact on the disadvantaged of associated engineering

After investigation, there is no direct impact on disadvantage group within land acquisition scope of associated engineering.

Impact on Illegal Premises

Within the project scope, there is no demolition or partial impact of illegal premises. If there is any demolition of illegal premises occurred, the project owner will grant due compensation to the affected or institutions in terms of replacement price.

Affected infrastructure

The construction will take full consideration of daily life and transportation of surrounding households. Before construction, construction unit will make compensation for affected property owner and during the construction process, the construction unit will protect the public utilities which are difficult to remove. And after construction, the road, greeenland and etc will be restored.

Impact on the disadvantaged of associated engineering

After investigation, there is no direct impact on disadvantage group

37 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 within land acquisition scope of associated engineering.

Table 2.9 Affected Enterprises

38 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Associated Affected Affected No. of person Notes engineering enterprise condition Affected Within scope of acquisitioned land, there is only a small portion of discarded aqua field and no Changxing building is involved. Related sea pond enterprises designate people to Reservoir 303.64mu 0 administration cut wild weeds on a regular basis. office and This income is not a main source for enterprises and there is no side impact on those who cut weeds. Neither building nor people who Baoshan are engaged in breeding aquatics irrigation 2.07mu 0 are involved in land acquisition. administration The income for people who is office cutting weeds will not be affected. Shanghai Hensheng lessee enterprise and some trees Wu Haogou Greenland 23.5mu 0 need to be removed; No side pump station Municipal impact on employees Construction Co.,Ltd Land:108.61 6m Land has been acquisitioned and (one-storey Lianhe village, houses have been demolished. house 0 Caolu town Income for renting has been 3000m2 reduced. field 2500m2) Enterprises with rented land Mingyue Plastics Manufacture factory lessee Haolong enterprise and to reduce rented To reduced Electronic 0 area and one-storey building. rented area pulp company There is no side effect on Textile production or employees; company; Wood company; furniture company; Hongsan village committee, Tang town, (one-storey Pudong house) Jinhai pump collective houses for industrial district 1576m2 0 station use. ( Shanghai field Xinpin 2000m2 Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd) Chapter 3 Investigation on Basic Social Economy Condition

According to the social impact degree of land acquisition and demolition, property owner has made social investigation for Qing Caosha raw-water

39 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 engineering of water source---Nanhui water transportation piping engineering and its associated engineering. Its necessity, social impact and significance have been analyzed and the existing engineering schedule has been evaluated. 3.1 Targets for Social Appraisal

Since Nanhui water-transportation piping engineering is a part of terrestrial water-transportation piping engineering and pressure-added pump station engineering of Qing Caosha raw-water project in water source area , and it has close relation with Qing Caosha reservoir engineering, Water- collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station engineering, water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island, cross-river piping engineering, Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station engineering as well as Jinhai piping engineering on terrestrial area. These engineering are interdependent and cannot be separated from each other. Given this, the social investigation and appraisal will include the social impact of other five- associated engineering. From detailed prospective, the social appraisal has the following targets:  To give detailed construction progress of local water environment, giving appraisal of existing status of infrastructure of water environment, collecting suggestions from the public concerning status-quo of water environment;

 To reflect the status-quo of social economy development of affected area, including income level, employment structure, residence condition and etc; the interrelation of engineering construction and living standard of common people, local economy and social development will be analyzed;

 The project area is only limited in the suburbs and rural areas of Shanghai and during the whole process of on-the-spot investigations and interviews for collecting statistics and information, no minority nationalities are found in the this project;

 To decide the social impact by these engineering and to see which group will be benefited from these engineering and which group will have side effect;

40 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

 To provide reference to engineering scheme; to balance the willingness and requirement of parties concerned and let both individuals and organizations to give full play of their advantages within reasonable frame to take part in the formulation and implementation of engineering construction;

 To value whether the existing scheme is reasonable and its feasibility, on base of which the social risk analysis will be made;

 To put forward suggestions in order to realize sustainable development and reduce side-impact on society; 3.2 Social Development Target

Corresponding to engineering, the social development target has four aspects:  To improve quality of raw-water and drinkable water in Shanghai: this engineering will be further benefit to the health of citizen physically and mentally to improve living standard. Since establishment of Qing Caosha water source area, it connects Yangtze River Chenghang reservoir system to north and water-transportation system of Huangpu river to south, which are compatible with each other and will make contribution to general improvement of water quality in Shanghai.

 To guarantee raw-water supply in Shanghai to promote local economic development: The engineering can solve the problem of water supply and demand to improve investment environment of affected area to promote local economic development. For example, the construction of pump station and water-transportation piping engineering of Nanhui water transportation piping engineering will enlarge the scale of raw-water transportation in Pudong, Nanhui and other districts in order to realize the planning target, that is, in year 2020, it will witness the capacity of water-transportation of 14,280,000m3/d. On the other hand, Nanhui district is an agriculture- friendly zone and Pudong district witness the fastest growing of population in Shanghai and, with increasing investment capital from our government to improve the raw-water supply ability, the industrial

41 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

and agricultural economy will be further promoted which is benefit for turning agriculture of Shanghai to a modern face.

 To improve local planning and promote urbanization construction: NAnhui water transportation piping engineering is located near Dazhi river where sewage treatment work has been conducted for many years which are in the construction of riverbank protection. This engineering will be compatible with the sewage treatment of Dazhi river and other development projects which are helpful to promote water quality in Dazhi river, surrounding water environment and air quality.

 To promote adjusting industrial structure of Changxing island by means of implementing this project: Land acquisition cannot be avoided for reservoir engineering and cross-river piping engineering and the affected need resettlement. Changxing Island is located at the entrance gate of Yangtze river which is a component of the second biggest island, Chongming Island. In recent years, projects of channels and bridges cross Yangtze river is under construction. Channels and bridges connect Chongming and other island with terrestrial land of Shanghai and Yangtze river is no longer an obstacle for smooth transportation. Changxing Island, nearest island to Shanghai downtown area, starts to become the key area of the new- round development of Shanghai. Changxing island used be engaged in agriculture and it has its new development target in 21 century. In November 2005, the general planning for three Chongming island clearly indicated that Changxing Island would be developed into top international shipping manufacture base and to make Changxing island featuring latest shipping equipments. A series of large-scale shipping equipment manufacturing enterprises came to Changxing Island to establish production base, such as China Shipping Manufacture Co., Ltd, Zhonghai Container Transportation Co., Ltd, and Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd. Since many enterprises came in Chagnxing Island, more and more employment emerged, especially for those who were affected by land acquisition and resettlement, which makes many labor forces changing their

42 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

employement to service sectors and other non-agriculture filed. Besides, the construction will be helpful to adjust the industrial structure in Changxing Island to realize the general planning of Changxing Island. 3.3 Principles for Social Appraisal

 Objective and Truth: During the process of investigation and compiling report, related personnel should get information of living standard, existing social network and their needs of the affected with value neutral stand.

 Reduction of non-voluntary Resettlement: The real living status, especially the disadvantage group, should be investigated. Their needs and requirement for land acquisition and demolition should be paid attention to. The standard of reasonable resettlement scheme must be higher than their existing living standard.

 Participation of the affected: The affected will receive sufficient information concerning construction targets, construction scheme and their suggestions will be collected. As for the affected who have suffered big impact, their suggestions must be heard and put into consideration into optimization of and construction of the project.

 Elimination of potential contradiction: On-site investigation will be conducted to know suggestions from the affected to strengthen the communication to find a joint-point for maximum benefit for both parties to eliminate contradictions. 3.4 Measures for Social Investigation

The social investigation covers service area, especially affected households who have experienced whole process of construction. The investigation contents include requirement and needs for Nan Hui water transportation piping engineering and its associated engineering, acceptance degree of existing implementation scheme and suggestion and opinion for construction. The social investigation work has adopted sociological investigation measures, that is, direct investigation, interview, discussion, questionnaire and second-reference material, to select and appraise

43 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 information. The questionnaire is used to collect basic conditions and suggestions from the households in service area. 250 pieces of questionnaires have been handed out, among which 234 pieces are valid with validity 93.6%. The target of questionnaire are focusing on the affected households and enterprises by projects, including households from Changxing island, Pudong district, Tang town, Zhoupu town, Xinchang town and Xuanqiao town of Nanhui district. The age of interviewees is more than 18 years old with resident permit who is living in Shanghai for more than half a year. The questionnaire contents include personal information and family information as well as appraisal and suggestion for construction (the detailed contents can be seen in Annex III)

Except questionnaire paper, the social investigation group has also made key investigation on people in mainly affected area by means of interviews and discussions. The targets of investigation are representatives from parties concerned, including town’s government and related department, enterprises and village committees from affected area, such as village committee of Xingang,Changxing island, demolition and resettlement office, Fenghuang town, Changxing island, sea pond administration office, Changxing island; Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd of Tang town, Pudong district,; Lianhe village committee for Wu Haogou pump station, village construction office from governments of Zhoupu town, Hangtou town, Xuanqiao town, Xinchang town, Qigan village committee, Zhoupu town, Nanhui district, agriculture service center, Xuanqiao town, Nanhui district and etc. Detailed information, including contents of affected society and affected area their related compensation. (Detailed contents can be seen in the Annex 2)

In addition to representatives from each party concerned, the social investigation team has been to many different kinds of groups to get their suggestions and opinions for the construction, on basis of which the feasibility and potential impact are appraised. The investigation on individual case targeted civil personnel from government, leaders from villages, principal of enterprises, common people. A lot of material has been collected and been taken note. For some detailed problems, further interviews have been conducted.

44 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

3.5 Basic Condition of Investigated Targets

General introduction of sample: From prospective of sex, 61.1% are male and 38.9% are female; from the prospective of residence, 10.3% are commodity house and 15% are newly ordinary house, 18.4% are aging ordinary houses, 1.7% are shabby houses and 46.6% self-established and self-owned houses or others; from the prospective of education background, the interviewees are focusing on the middle school and senior high school( 44% middle school and 38.5% senior high school), 8.12 primary school and 0.4% below primary school and post-graduate respectively; From the prospective of professionals, most of interviewees are farmers, ordinary employees in enterprises. Detailed information can be seen the following Table 3.1. Their incomes are focusing on in the range of RMB1000—3000, 55.3% having RMB1001—2000 and 11.7% having RMB2001—3000. There are still 23.4% having their monthly income less than RMB1000. From the income prospective, it mainly focuses on RMB841--2000/month (44.02%) and RMB2001—5000(37.61%); income more than RMB5000, annual income more than RMB60, 000(8.54%) and annual income less than RMB10, 000(9.83%).

45 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 3.1 : Professional Structure of Interviewees(N=234)

Accumu- Frequ- Percen- Valid Professional lated ency tage percentage percentage civil servants and employee 37 15.8 16.9 16.9 in pubic utility employees in enterprises 42 17.9 19.2 36.1 temporary workers 20 8.5 9.1 45.2 self- 10 4.3 4.6 49.8 employment/businessman student/military man 1 0.4 0.5 50.3 employee with pension 37 15.8 16.9 67.2 Laid-off workers 2 0.9 0.9 68.1 farmers 49 20.9 22.4 90.5 Others ( village leaders/non-formal 21 9.0 9.6 100.0 employees/ non-civil servants) Sub-total 219 93.6 100.0 N.A 15 6.4 Total 234 100.0

3.6 Impact Analysis within Project Area

3.6.1 Impact on resettlement within project area

The areas, which is mainly affected by Qing Caosha raw-water project in water source area, include Chongming country, Pudong and Nanhui district. Some complicated construction for pump station and working wells are mainly conducted in rural area. The analysis on affected households and enterprises will be given in terms of the nature of land use for construction:

■ Impact Analysis on permanent land acquisition

Qing Caosha reservoir engineering & Water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station engineering: An area of 347.84mu is acquisitioned, among which 305.712mu is stated-owned land while 42.12 is collective land. There is no building which needs demolishing within this land acquisition.

Qing Caosha reservoir engineering & Water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station engineering acquisitioned both some state-owned land and some collective land. The acquisitioned state-owned land belonged to two enterprises, that is, Changxing sea pond administration

46 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 office and Baoshan irrigation administration office. These two enterprises are state-owned ones and acquisitioned land is state-owned. The acquisitioned land used to grow some wild weeds with a small portion of discarded aqua field. Since this land belongs to municipal planning for future construction use, there is no building on the land. Given this, there is little impact on these two enterprises.

According to the investigation, since the land used to grow some wild weeds, these two enterprises can receive some incomes from cutting these weeds on an irregular basis, there will be no longer any income of this kind to receive after land acqusitiion. In terms of feedbacks from these two enterprises, since we are state-owned enterprises, their income is mainly from government financing and income from weeds is not their main income source, there will be no impact on their daily living and income level in the future. The following is selected from the interviews for status-quo of these two enterprises:

Interview 1:

Interviewee: administrator of Changxing sea pond administration office Interview location: Changxing sea pond administration office Interview timing: on the morning of December, 28th, 2007 Interview contents: Qing Caosha Project Raw-water Project in Water Source Area will acquisition more than an area of more than 300mu land where along Yangtze river. The acquisitioned land is state-owned and since this land belongs to municipal planning for future construction use, there is no building on the land. Given this, there is little impact on these two enterprises. We are taking responsibility of administration of sea pond and there is little impact on enterprises. As far as some aqua fields are concerned, almost of them are discarded without any one breeding aquatics. As for the wild weeds, we designate people to cut them when harvest comes because it is also a kind of resources which needs cherishing. Though the construction of reservoir needs acquisitioning land, it will not affect either management of enterprises or income of enterprises. The reservoir is one of the key municipal engineering which needs full support from our enterprises.

In addition, partial construction is acquisitioning collective land which involves 10 villages (for detailed information, you can see in Chapter 11). Since land is acquisitioned in terms of different degrees in these 10 villages and it is for agricultural use, the affected are local farmers. In terms of

47 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 management methods of employment and social security for farmers on the requisitioned and collective-owned land issued by Shanghai Municipal Government and other related documents, the affected farmers will receive compensation and resettlement in line with Shanghai Small Town Social Insurance. Before land acquisition, the average income from arable land was around RMB300yuan and since they belonged to rural domicile, their social security is at a lower level; after land acquisition, local government will implement different social securities for them, including pensions, medical insurance and unemployment insurance. Given these, their general living standard and condition will not be lowered but be improved to some extent.

Shanghai Small Town Social Insurance, an integration of social comprehensive arrangement and individual account, is a basic social insurance system, including pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, bearing insurance, injuries for working purposes and supplementary social insurance.

The main body of payment is enterprise, which is a compulsory obligation enforced by local government. Comprehensive arrangement is implemented to guarantee the basic living standard of the affected.

Raw-water Crossing river piping engineering: An area of 21.9mu is acquisitioned, among which 12.34mu of collective-owned is located in Xingang village, Changxing country while 9.56mu of state-owned is located in Lianhe village, Caolu town, Pudong district.

The acquisitioned land in Changxing country is collective-owned with local farmers affected. According to the acquisition scale, there will be certain quantity of the affected to be resettled. (For detailed information, you can see RAP 2.2) The affected will receive same resettlement method as that of reservoir construction. After investigation, the affected are not worried about their living standard. We can see their understandings towards this project from the selected discussion:

Interview 2:

48 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Interviewee: affected farmers in Xingang village, Changxing country

Interview location:Xingang village committee of Changxing country

Interview timing: on the afternoon of December, 28th, 2007

Interview contents:

Some collective-owned land has been acquisitioned for Qing Caosha reservoir construction, which is a key municipal engineering to improve drinkable water quality and will be benefit for all citizens in Shanghai, including myself. Though I was a little bit affected by the construction, I should put public interests into priority and make my own contribution to it.

Besides, we believe that our local government will make sound resettlement for us. According to existing practice, local government is granting securities, including pension, medical and employment insurance in terms of related policies in order to restore, or even improve, their original living standard. Meanwhile, though the area of Changxing country is not big enough, it will be built into marine industry base where more and more enterprises will emerged with more and more employment opportunities coming into being. As we know, there are some villagers who have been already well resettled in Changxing country and we believe that local government will make active and sound resettlement for us too.

As is mentioned by farmers just now, Changxing country is witnessing an unprecedented development opportunity.

In line with development planning of Changxing Island, Changxing Island is confirmed as one of key water resource areas, one of six industry-bases, that is top international modern shipping manufacturing base, as well as pilot and demonstration area featuring harmonious co-existing of social and ecological construction. In November 2003, Jiangnan shipping manufacturing Co.,Ltd with 139 years changed location to Changxing Island and the whole construction will be completed at the end of year 2008. Changxing Island will be built into world biggest shipping manufacturing base and it is seeing unprecedented opportunity now. One of a dean of affected village said, “The ongoing development of Changxing Island is providing various resettlement choices for the affected.”

49 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 1: The project owner is learning resettlement progress in Xingang village committee office of Changxing country about land acquisition and resettlement.

Wu Haogou pump station engineering: this engineering needs acquisitioning an area of 108.616mu of collective-owned where Lianhe village, Caolu town is located in Pudong district. On December 3rd, 2007, the project owner came on site of Wu Haogou pump station and learnt the following information: within scope of land acquisition, a building area of 3000 sq.m. will be demolished for land acquisition. The affected building is not for residential use but for business or production use. (For detailed information, you can see table 2.9). There are five enterprises conducting their business and production to be displaced completely or partially on the acquisitioned land. The affected enterprises will continue their business and production in Lianhe village. The dean of Lianhe village does not think it will have a big impact on their village. The following is the discussion notes from the dean.

50 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Interview 3: Interviewee: dean of Lianhe village, Caolu town of Pudong district Interview location:Xingang village committee office of Lianhe village Interview timing: on the morning of December 3rd, 2007 Interview contents: The land acquisition is concentrated on our village and we are mainly affected including some buildings we used to lease them to enterprises. We used to get some revenues from leasing but these buildings will be demolished for land acquisition in the near future. Given this, if these enterprises are unwilling to rent building within our village, we will lose this revenue. Since you had informed us of this project in advance, we have already got some pre-preparation. We have discussed with these affected enterprises concerning building demolition and removal issues. Since there are some buildings available for leasing, these enterprises are willing to continue their business and production in our village. Besides, since the new location is just near original area, there is no big side- impact on their daily production and business. Given this, their decision to continue their business and production in our village has minimized side impact on our revenue, at least, we are still having leasing revenue. Their dean indicated that this land acquisition was for key municipal engineering and is also for World Expo with international influence and our village could also get benefit from the project, for example, around 150 farmers could receive Shanghai Small Town Social Insurance, with which these affected can have permanent living security. We should give full support for this construction.

An area of 32.695mu is acquisitioned, among which 25.705mu is collective-owned while 6.99mu is state-owned. The affected is a building of enterprise of collective-owned managed by village level in Hongsan village, Tang town in Pudong district with an area of 1576 M2 and fields. At present, this enterprise stopped production and the field has been rented to other enterprises as piling field of containers.

On November 5th, 2007, the project owner came on site to discuss with superior unit of the affected enterprise managed by village level concerning status-quo of this enterprise and related resettlement. From discussion, it is known that local government of Tang town has already restructuring the enterprise at village level 2 years ago and formed another one at town’s level

51 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 which is located in Tang industrial zone. Given this, this land acquisition will not cause impact on the enterprise of Hongsan village; the leasing period will be expired at the end of year 2008 for other enterprise on this field. The land acquisition will not make side impact on these enterprises.

Interview 4: Interviewee: administrator of leasing enterprises in Hongsan village, Tang town, Pudong district Interview location: construction site for Jinhai piping engineering (enterprise at village administration in Hongsan village, Tang town) Interview timing: on the morning of December 5th, 2007 Interview contents: We are lessees of Hongsan village, Tang town and are mainly engaged in container transportation business from June, 2006 upon receipt of information. We have signed contract with Hongsan village for leasing and it will be expired by the end of year 2008. Since it starts to acquisition land here, we should rent new field. With sufficient time duration, we can arrange new field. We have already found new field and related discussion is ongoing which will be a guarantee for affected enterprises. Given these, it will not cause side impact on us.

Picture 2: Site of lessee enterprise in Hongsan village, Tang town as piling field for containers (construction field for pump station of Jinhai piping engineering)

52 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 3: personnel from project owner is discussing with affected individual on site

An area of 37.389mu is acquisitioned, among which 36.786mu is collective-owned while 0.603mu is state-owned. The acquisitioned land, collective-owned for Nanhui pump station engineering, is located in Qigan village, Zhoupu town, Nanhui district. 26 households are involved in acquisitioned land with 67 populations affected. The total demolished area of rural residence is 3413M2, among which 3062M2 is of masonry-concrete structure while 351M2 is of brick-wood structure. In addition, there are two enterprises who have been registered in industrial and commercial departments should alter their registration address. Besides, there are 49 labor forces on the acquisitioned land are affected. From the prospective of impact from land acquisition, these affected households, enterprises and labor forces need compensation and resettlement. (The detailed measures for compensation and resettlement can be seen in this RAP 5.3)

The project owner came on site for Nanhui pump station engineering to get updated information about affected households and enterprises during October 2007 to February 2008.

Nanhui district, suburb of Shanghai city, occupies an area of 809.5 km2. Nanhui district is a traditional and agriculture-friendly district, featuring high-

53 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 quality watermelon, fruit tree, special flower, eatable fungus and special fruit in the recent year. The affected area, Qigan village of Zhoupu town, is engaged in growing vegetable, grains and cottons. Compared with that of other countries and towns, their monthly income is relatively lower, ranging from RMB841 to RMB2000. The income source is mainly coming from employment in enterprises managed by village or town while the income from agriculture accounts for only 1/5 of total family income. Since the notification of land acquisition had been publicized in advance, villagers indicated their understanding when asked by related personnel concerning side impact on their future income and daily life because they could receive sufficient compensation and sound resettlement for land acquisition in terms of state compensation policies. Besides, with rapid development of infrastructure construction in Nanhui district, land acquisition is known by many villagers and some relatives have already been moved into new resettlement residences planned by Zhoupu district with sufficient compensation and sound arrangement. Given this, they believe that this land acquisition will not make side impact on them.

When asked about resettlement for labor force in Qigan village, their dean said, “Almost all the labor forces on acquisitioned land have jobs. Some are working in enterprises managed by villages and towns and others are working in downtown area, which means land acquisition has little impact on their income. At present, the acquisitioned land is used by some elders and youngsters are no longer working on the farm. As far as the income from agriculture is concerned, it is only a supplementary to family income instead of being a main source”. This opinion is echoed by affected local people.

 Impact Analysis on temporary land use

The total area for temporary land use is 138.12mu, among which 131.46mu is collective-owned and 6.67mu is state-owned. There are three engineering involved in temporary land use, that is, Nanhui water transportation engineering, cross-river piping engineering, as well as Jinhai sub-engineering on terrestrial water-transportation. The temporary land use is occurring at the same time with each construction with time period of 6 to 12 months. Upon completion of construction, it will be restored into its original style.

54 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

An area of 131.46mu of collective-owned land has been temporarily used, among which 124.02mu is agricultural farmland without any building on it and 7.44mu is greenland. The greenland will be restored to original style and function without big side effect.

An area of 6.67mu of state-owned land is temporarily used and it is composed of roads and greenbelts which can be restored to original style and function without big side effect.

 Analysis on affected enterprise

There are 13 enterprises affected, including 2 local enteprises who need altering their registration address, 2 state-owned enterprises whose land needs acquisitioning and another 2 emprises managed by village’s collective economy, that is, these two enterprises are not engaged in production themselves but leasing their buildings to 6 lessees. Before demolition, these six lessees have received sound arrangement and resettlement which lessen side impact on them. The production or business of all affected enterprises will not be impacted and employees can still work in its original enterprises.

There are three conditions for affected enterprises, firstly, enterprises whose building are not affected need to be demolished; secondly, enterprises who used to lease their buildings to others for production or business and their buildings now should be demolished completely or partially; enterprises who are lessees of others’builings to conduct their production or business and these enterprises need resettlement. The detailed information can be seen in the analysis on affected condition and degree of affected enterprises.

55 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 3.1 General Introduction of Affected Enterprises and Institutions

Item Impact Analysis Item Of of Affected Affected Affected affected Affected condition engineering population buildings degree enterprises A little bit side It used to be registered in Shanghai impact happens. to demolish self-owned buildings and Rongtuo After 1 self-owned after land acquisition, it Industrial resettlement, it buildings should find new Nanhui Co.,Ltd can register in registration land. water trans- new builing. portation A little bit side It used to be registered in engineering Shanghai impact happens. to demolish self-owned buildings and Zhidi After 2 self-owned after land acquisition, it package resettlement, it buildings should find new Co.,Ltd can register in registration land. new building. No side effect happens. After Changxing There is no building in No building land allocation, sea pond acquisitioned land and 0 is to be there is no side administratio wild weeds are not main demolished impact on daily n office source of enterprises. reservoir administration embankmen work t No side effect engineering happens. After Baoshan There is no building in No building land allocation, irrigation acquisitioned land and 0 is to be there is no side administratio wild weeds are not main demolished impact on daily n office. source of enterprises. administration work Wu Haogou No building pump station Shanghai is to be Lessees in acquisitioned engineering Hensheng demolished land and some crops Greenland but some A little bit side 0 should be removed and Municipal plants impact happens. there is no side impact on Construction should be employees Co.,Ltd removed

Lianhe 0 Buildings Land is acquisitioned and It is affected to village, on buildings are to be large extent, but Caolu town acquisition demolished, which will with prompt land should have side impact on compensation be collective economy and and demolished leasing income. resettlement, and some the side impact of them are can be partially eliminated. demolished

56 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Enterprise s with rented land Mingyue These A little bit impact Plastics enterprises happened. The Manufacture are lessees lessees and factory in Lianhe They are lessees and lesser consulted Haolong village and some leasing area will be with each other Electronic 0 the reduced without impact on in advance pulp property production. There is no concerning company right impact on employees. whether Textile belongs to continuation of company; Lianhe lease is Wood village. possible. company; furniture company Hongsan village A little bit impact committee, happened. The A small It is production field for Tang town, leasing period is Jinhai pump portion of collective use and now it Pudong( Sh almost at the station 0 buildings is piling field and leased to anghai end and they engineering will be other enterprises with no Xinping should find other demolished impact on employees Industrial place to have and Trade production. Co.,Ltd)

3.6.2 Analysis of Income and Expense of Residents (farmers) in Affected Area

According to samples by random, it can be seen that the income and expense in affected area is equivalent to general level in Shanghai. The detailed information can be seen in the following analysis. 1)Engel's Coefficient of rural family is 37.8( wealthy living standard) in Shanghai

With steady and rapid development of national economy in Shanghai, the living standard of common rural family is obviously increased. In year 2006, according to the investigation on 600 households, there were 3.20 members in each household with 2.24 members on job, that is to say, one-employment should support 1.43 members. The annual per-capita disposable income was increased from RMB 8342 in 2005 to RMB9213 in 2006, increased by RMB 871, that is, 10.44%. In terms of this calculation, the average annual income for common rural family was RMB 29482. It was also indicated that, in year 2006, the per-capita annual expense of urban residents was RMB8006 (86.9% of income); Engel's Coefficient was 37.8, increased by 1 percent compared with 36.8 in year 2005. Generally speaking, Engel's Coefficient is

57 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 used to check living standard in a region or in a country. According to the standard put forward by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, if the Engel's Coefficient is more than 59%, it is called poverty; if Engel's Coefficient is between 50%-59%, it is called warm and sufficient life relatively comfortable; if Engel's Coefficient is between 40%-50%, it is called relatively comfortable; if Engel's Coefficient is from 30-40%, it is called wealthy; if Engel's Coefficient is less than 30%, it is called most wealthy. Given this, the living standard of Shanghai rural family is wealthy.

The main income sources of disposable income of rural family in Shanghai are: Employment RMB6892 (74.81%); family business net income RMB766 (8.31%); property income and transferring income RMB1555 (16.88%).

Picture 1: Distribution of Income Sources of Shanghai Rural Family in 2006 transferring and property income 16.88%

family business net income 8.31% employement income 74.81%

The main consumption structure for rural family is mainly focusing on: RMB3024 for food (37.77%); RMB418 for clothing(5.22%);RMB481 for home appliances and services(6.01%); RMB549 for medical care(6.86%); RMB780 for transportation and communication(9.74%); RMB920 for education, culture & entertainment(11.49%); RMB1658 for residence(20.71%); RMB176 for miscellaneous and other service( 2.2%).

Picture 2: Components of per-capita consumption of Shanghai rural family in year 2006

58 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

other commodies and services 2.20%

residence 20.71% food 37.77% goods and services of education, culture &entertainment clothing 11.49% transportation& 5.22% communication 9.74% medical care 6.86% home appliances and services 6.01%

2)Income Distribution of different rural households in Shanghai

According to levels of annual per-capita disposable income, 600 investigated households can be divided into 7 categories, that is, less than RMB4000, RMB4000~RMB5000, RMB5000~RMB6000, RMB6000~7000, RMB7000~8000, RMB8000~10000, and more than RMB10000.

In the category of less than RMB4000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB2828, which is equal to RMB 9050 of annual per-capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB3626, including RMB1983 for food expense which amounts for 54.7%. Given these, it is can be called warm and sufficient life in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

59 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 3: Distribution of income Sources of Shanghai rural Family(less than RMB4000) in 2006

transferring property income income 13.01% 6.15%

family business net income 16.58% employment income 64.25%

Picture 4: Components of per-capita consumption of rural family(less than RMB4000) in 2006

goods and service of Residence others education,cultur 9.29% 1.46% e and entertainment 10.59% transportation &communication 8.38% food medical care 54.69% 6.65%

home appliances and services Clothing 4.44%

In the category of RMB4000~RMB5000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB4513, which is equal to RMB14442 of annual per- capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB5925, including RMB2201 for food expense which amounts for 37.1%. Given these, it is can be called wealthy in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

60 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 5: Distribution of income sources of Shanghai rural family (RMB4000~RMB5000) in 2006 transferring income 9.62% property income 2.13%

family business net income 11.52%

employement income 76.73%

Picture 6: Component of per-capita consumption of rural family (RMB4000~RMB5000) in year 2006

Others residence 1.38% food 26.33% 37.15%

goods &services of education, culture and entertainment 10.95% clothing 3.32% transportation& home appliance communication and services 10.89% medical care 6.38% 3.59%

In the category of RMB5000~RMB6000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB5519, which is equal to RMB 17661 of annual per-capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB5069, including RMB2466 for food expense which amounts for 48.6%. Given these, it is can be called it is called relatively comfortable in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

61 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 7: Distribution of average income sources of Shanghai rural family (RMB5000~RMB6000) in 2006

Transferring income 13.66% property income 4.28%

family business net income 8.04% employement income 74.02%

Picture 8: Component of per-capita consumption of rural average income family (RMB5000~RMB6000) in year 2006

goods and residence services of Others 9.02% education, culture 1.83% and entertainment transportation&13.45% communication food 9.98% 48.65%

medical care 7.04%

home appliances and services clothing 4.14% 5.88%

In the category of RMB6000~RMB7000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB6488, which is equal to RMB 20762 of annual per-capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB6845, including RMB2596 for food expense which amounts for 37.9%. Given these, it is can be called it is called wealthy life in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

62 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 9: Distribution of above-average income sources of Shanghai rural family (RMB6000~RMB7000) in 2006

transferring income 21.86%

property income employment 4.82% income 64.70%

family business income 8.62%

Picture 10: Component of per-capita consumption of rural income family (RMB6000~RMB7000) in year 2006

others food 1.77% 37.93%

residence 22.31%

goods and service of education, culture and entertainment 12.93%

transportation and clothing communication 4.95% 8.22% home appliances and medical care services 6.38% 5.51%

63 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

In the category of RMB7000~RMB8000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB7493 which is equal to RMB 23978 of annual per-capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB5729, including RMB2694 for food expense which amounts for 47%. Given these, it is can be called it is called relatively comfortable life in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

Picture 11: Distribution of high-income sources of Shanghai rural family (RMB7000~RMB8000) in 2006

transferring income property 9.65% income 3.34%

family business net income 10.49%

employment income 76.52%

Picture 12: Component of per-capita consumption of rural income family (RMB6000~RMB7000) in year 2006

residence others 2.16% goods and11.07% services of food education, 47.02% culture and entertainment 13.06%

transportation and communication 11.69% medical care 4.29%

home clothing appliances 4.21% and services 6.49%

In the category of RMB8000~RMB10000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB8973 which is equal to RMB 28714 of annual per- capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption

64 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 expense is RMB7647, including RMB2975 for food expense which amounts for 38.9%. Given these, it is can be called it is called wealthy life in terms of Engel's Coefficient.

Picture 13: Distribution of income sources of Shanghai rural family (RMB8000~RMB10000) in 2006

transferring income 11.28% property income 6.79%

family business net income 7.95% employment income 73.99%

Picture 14: Component of per-capita consumption of rural income family (RMB8000~RMB10000) in year 2006

others residence 2.64% 16.56% goods and food services of 38.90% education, culture and entertainment 10.98% transportation and communication clothing 10.19% 5.35% medical care home appliance 7.23% and services 8.15%

In the category of more than RMB10000, the annual per-capita disposable income is RMB14786 which is equal to RMB 47315 of annual per- capita disposable income per household. The per-capita consumption expense is RMB11935, including RMB3944 for food expense which amounts for 33%. Given these, it is can be called it is called wealthy life in terms of

65 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Engel's Coefficient.

Picture 15: Distribution of income sources of Shanghai rural family (more than RMB10000) in 2006

transferring income 9.07% property income 6.82%

family business net income 7.48%

employment income 76.63%

Picture 16: Component of per-capita consumption of rural Income family (more than RMB10000) in year 2006

others 2.33% food residence 33.05% 25.45%

goods and services of education, clothing culture and 5.52% entertainment 11.07%

home transportation appliance and and services communication medical care 5.58% 9.48% 7.52%

3) Analysis on Distribution of Income and Expense of affected family in Qing Caosha Project

There are total 234 pieces of questionnaires involved, that is, 3.2 population in each household: 23 pieces are below RMB10,080(9.83%) on an annual basis with per capita income of RMB3150 which is classified into group of less than RMB4000; 103 pieces are between RMB10,080 to RMB24,000(44.02%) on an annual basis with per capita income of

66 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

RMB3150~RMB7500 which is classified into group of RMB4000~RMB8000; 88 pieces are between RMB24000 to RMB60000(37.61%) on an annual basis with per capita income of RMB7500~RMB18750 which is classified into either group of RMB8000~RMB10000 or either group of more than RMB10000 ; 15 pieces are between RMB60000 to RMB120,000(6.41%) on an annual basis with per capita income of RMB18750~RMB37500 which is classified into group of more than RMB10000 ; 5 pieces are more than RMB120,000(2.14%) on an annual basis with per capita income of 37500 which is classified into high income group; The general income and expense of affected families can take reference from analysis of last chapter. Since the incomes of investigation sample and Shanghai urban resident income are similar, the reference is more reasonable.

Generally speaking, Qing Caosha will bring positive impact on 90% of households to improve their life quality as well as living standard.

Table 1 Questionnaire divided by income

Maximum Minimum of Number Of Ratio of Item annual questionnaires (%) annual income income

Below RMB840 23 9.83 < 10080 RMB841~2000 103 44.02 10080 24000 RMB2001~5000 88 37.61 24000 60000 family RMB5001~8000 12 5.13 60000 96000 income/ month RMB8001~10000 3 1.28 96000 120000 RMB10001~15000 2 0.85 120000 180000 RMB15001~20000 2 0.85 180000 240000 More than RMB20000 1 0.43 > 240000 Total 234 100.00

Notes: The piece of information origins from Shanghai Annual Statistics and investigation questionnaires in project area.

4)Analysis on Income and Expense of Affected Family in North Pump Station of Nanhui Piping Branch

The land acquisition involves partial area in Qigan village of Zhoupu, Nanhui district with 26 households displaced (67 populations). According to the special survey on incomes of the affected, there are 7 households( 18 populations) are unwilling to provide their income and expense condition

67 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 which accounts for 26.9% of total displaced households; the total income amount of remaining 19 households (49 households) is RMB816,000yuan with average annual income of RMB16,653yuan. The total amount of expenses is RMB455, 200yuan which accounts for 55.78% of total incomes. Among RMB455, 200yuan, the expense on the food is RMB146, 800yuan which accounts for 32.25% and equals to Engel's Coefficient 32.25. In general, the investigated targets are living wealthy.

From further analysis, it is indicate that 11 out of 19 households have their per capita annual income more than RMB10, 000, which accounts for 42.3% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of more than RMB10, 000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 15 and Picture 16;

3 out of 19 households have their per capita annual income between RMB8, 000 and RMB10, 000 which accounts for 11.5% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of RMB8, 000—RMB10, 000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 13 and Picture 14;

2 out of 19 households have their per capita annual income between RMB7, 000 and RMB8, 000 which accounts for 7.7% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of RMB7, 000—RMB8, 000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 11 and Picture 12;

1 out of 19 households has their per capita annual income between RMB6, 000 and RMB7, 000 which accounts for 3.8% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of RMB6, 000—RMB7, 000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 9 and Picture 10;

1 out of 19 households has their per capita annual income between RMB5, 000 and RMB6, 000 which accounts for 3.8% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of RMB5, 000—RMB6, 000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 7 and Picture 8;

68 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

1 out of 19 households has their per capita annual income below RMB4, 000 which accounts for 3.8% of total affected households. They can be classified into category of less than RMB4000 of per capita annual disposable income for analysis and related income and expense can be taken reference from Picture 3 and Picture 4.

3.7 Analysis of Social Interests Group and Land Acquisition & Resettlement

3.7.1 Analysis of related interests group

 Groups with positive impact

Shanghai residents (farmers): Improvement of raw-water supply capacity and its quality will create better condition for people’s daily life in its service area and even the whole city; it can also reduce reproduction of virus to control disease, improving health condition and reduce expense on medicine.

Farmers in suburb: Most of the affected households are located in the combination area of the city and suburb. They are self-property and built by farmers themselves and its structure is brick masonry. However, business network is not perfect and most of the public facilities, such as hospitals, schools, telecommunication office, are far away from home. If the affected households are resettled in designed resettlement apartments in downtown area, such as Fanrong neighborhood and Sigao neighborhood in Zhoupu town, Nanhui district, it’s much easier to find kindergartens, nurseries, schools, hospitals and quality of public facilities can be improved a lot. As for many displaced farmers, demolition can bring them convenient and comfortable life.

Governments at all levels: The construction of project and related engineering will bring every related-industry to develop quickly to increase GDP; at the same time, it will be helpful to improve investment environment, attracting more and more investment in order to realize regional planning targets. The tax revenue of each government will be increased. Besides, the construction will promote economy of villages to speed up the process from

69 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 rural villages to towns.

Enterprises: The improvement of raw-water supply will ameliorate investment environment and promote development of enterprises. Enterprises who were directly affected will receive compensation for partial land acquisition and demolition, which is also to promote industrial optimization.

 Groups with negative impact

Project affected persons who needs land acquisition or renting land: An area of 548. 44mu will be permanently acquisitioned, including 37.389mu for Nanhui water-transportation piping engineering and 511.052mu for associated engineering. The land property involves state- owned land, farms (water farms and vegetable land), and garden. The construction scope is located in the combined area of suburb and downtown. In the past few years, the urbanization process is very fast, and most of the displaced farmers will resettled in downtown area. Most of the farmer used to the life on farms and they could sell their crops and other harvests on the market to subsidize daily expenses at home. The value of affected production material accounts for 10% of annual income which is small percentage. Though some populations are affected, they can get sound arrangements in terms of municipal social insurance of small town as well as due compensation. In addition, as far as drinkable water is concerned, the affected used to get water from deep wells which are very convenient and free of charge. Given these, there are some differences between original life style and future life style. It must be admitted that giving up some benefit from their original life style will bring them some side impact.

To-be-displaced persons: According to the investigation, there are 26 households, 67 people affected by the construction. The demolition and resettlement will force farmers to leave their houses where they lived for many generations and to leave their harmonious community. Furthermore, they will lose contact with each kind of activity of original community and increase the communication difficulties with former surrounding neighbors and relatives. Most of them have very deep feelings towards each other. After resettlement,

70 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 they will be separated from their neighbors and relatives. Most of the elder people preferred living in their own house and their only entertainment method is chatting. Separated from original neighbors will make them feel lonely and disappointed.

Within this demolition scope, some farmers used to work near their home, but now, since the distance between new resettlement houses and demolished area is around 8kilometers, it will increase the transportation distance. It will cause inconvenience to them in crowed Shanghai.

After moving to the new apartments, farmers will make decoration of houses and during process of demolition and decoration, a large quantity of manpower and physical materials will be consumed.

Enterprise in the directly affected area: There are 12 enterprises affected. 1 out of 12, Lianhe village committee, will lose the leasing income of 3000sq.m for workshop of enterprises. 8 out of 12 are lessee companies and they will choose other places to continue their business. 1 out of 12 is affected by partial buildings. 2 out of 12 need only changing registration. It is possible that these enterprises will face shrinking area of production, adjustment of production, which will cause stoppage of production or business.

Employees who faces land acquisition and demolition: According to statistics, there are 127 employees affected by demolition. Though their employment is not a problem with the guarantee from policies and resettlement scheme, reduction of production will cause stoppage of production and their income will be affected.

Affected residents (farmers) by other side impact: this group is also included in the directly affected area. Noisy, flying dust, traffic jam and other side impacts will bring inconvenience to their working routines and daily life.

Vulnerable group: the construction will involve 3 households of elders and 1 household of the disabled. Demolition and resettlement for these families are more difficult than ordinary ones, which will bring more side impact on them.

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3.7.2 Expectation Analysis of the Affected toward land acquisition and Resettlement

 Psychology of the affected towards compensation

Whether land acquisition and demolition can realize the target to provide development opportunities to farmers depends on whether the resettlement is well arranged. Otherwise, it will bring to new poverty population or bring uncertainty to society. One of leaders of village committee said, “The construction will benefit local environment. If the affected benefit from demolition, they will give their thankfulness to government and if not, they will not satisfied with government. Given this, they hope the construction has sufficient capital in order to guarantee that each affected persons can receive sound arrangement and the prestigious reputation of our government can be remained”

If the land acquisition and demolition work are done well, it will improve living standard of farmer, and even bring development opportunity. Since the demolition compensation for Shanghai World Expo is higher, most of Shanghai residents (farmers) have high expectation on compensation fee. The construction for this project is in suburb of Shanghai and most of the affected are in support of compensation for land acquisition and demolition. However, making resettlement work well is still the most sensible social problem during process of construction.

 Ideal Compensation Measure for the Affected

Since the real estate price in Shanghai is soaring quickly, they are worried whether they could buy a new house after demolition. Given this, most of the interviewees prefer getting physical compensation, that is, resettlement houses with preferential price.

More than 90% of the interviewees believe that the property owner unit should, at first, give compensation on demolished houses and then, on the basis of compensation, give resettlement house with preferential price which is in line with the requirements of municipal engineering construction. 3.8 Conclusions of Social Impact

Nanhui water-transportation piping engineering and five associated

72 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 engineering are expected to be people-oriented by means of above-analysis. For example, since construction will bring to land acquisition risk, one of the most essential points is to make resettlement work well. In addition, the most possible factors to make the affected angry are noise, flying dust and inconvenience brought by construction. If these risks cannot be paid by high attention to or be solved in a proper manner, a series of social problem will be occurred. These risks should be given full preparation in advance and be eliminated by reasonable policies and systems.

According to the investigation, this project and related engineering can realize its social targets to make residents (farms) benefit from it. At first, it will transport raw-water in Yangtze river to Nanhui district by establishment of pressure-adding pump stations and pavement of water-transportation pipes, which will improve the quality of drinkable water and health condition of common people; secondly, with the increasing capacity of water supply, this project and related engineering will speed up the process of urbanization, improving local production structure, urban planning, and improvement of all- round development of citizens.

According to the social investigation analysis, this project and related engineering has good feasibility. Though construction will have certain side impact on some residents (farms) and enterprises, these side impacts are under control, which will not interfere in the normal life of residents (farmers). As far as the impact of land acquisition is concerned, if construction unit can provide the affected with proper, reasonable and prompt compensation of economy and well-arranged resettlement in terms of state regulations and the World Bank’s policies, the living standard and economic income, after completion of construction, will not be decreased, and its general living standard will be improved due to improvement of water environment. Furthermore, since the social security system is relatively perfect and different social insurances are available in Shanghai, the construction will not bring to vicious problems of society, such as unemployment, poverty, which laid a sound foundation for implementation of the project and related engineering,

In general, the implementation of this project has following advantages:

 Common people have urgent need to improve the quality of drinkable

73 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

water and they are in support of this project and related engineering.

 Residents (farmers) have big confidence in municipal engineering and World Expo and they are in support of land acquisition and demolition.

 The education background of affected residents (farmers) is relatively good and they have willingness and ability to communicate with working personnel.

 The resettlement is still in the administration of original living area, which means there is no cross-cultural problem.

 There are only a small portion of vulnerable group, including the disabled, elders without children and husband/wife.

 The support network for poverty population is available and since the social security system is relatively perfect, it is easy to make resettlement for them.

 The demolished area of affected enterprises is relatively small.

In summary, on precondition that it is in strict line with state rules and policies required by the World Bank, Nan Hui Water-transportation piping engineering and five associated engineering are making contribution not only to the economic development of the whole city but also to the improvement of living standard of urban and rural residents. It is a “people-oriented” project which has great significance to economic and social development of Shanghai.

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Chapter 4 Framework of Aims and Policies and Compensation Standard

4.1 Aims and Targets

The aim of this resettlement plan is to ensure that affected people will benefit from the project, or at least, restoring their living standard, incomes standard, productive scale and etc. The need of the disadvantage groups must be attached great importance to.

Aims of this resettlement plan are: (1) To make good arrangements for affected individuals, such as their daily life, residences, to ensure that their incomes standard will be improved rather than be decreased, or at least, maintain at existing standard. (2) To perfect the demolition plan and alleviate the adverse effect as fully as possible, thus reducing the number of affected people to the minimum. (3) To ensure that affected people will receive full compensation for their lost asset, reasonable resettlement, and sound restoration so that they can benefit from the project and will receive compensation for their temporary difficulties. Their assets will be estimated in line with the replacement price, which helps individual improve their incomes standard, living standard and help enterprises increase their profit as well, or at least, maintain their original standard. (4) to perfect the supporting facilities and make comprehensive plan for the resettlement in order to make people live in a convenient and comfortable environment. (5) To try best to make affected people adapt to the new resettlement environment so that they can live a stable life. (6) to make the displaced mix together will existing residents there and to make displaced be accustomed to the new living environment;

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(7) to offer preferential policies to the disadvantageous groups, such as policies of housing and employment; (8) Factories, enterprises and shops should maintain the scale, function of the existing houses, and make efforts to restore the former business environment and give compensation for the owner’s loss caused by suspension of dong business; (9) As far as collective-owned land is concerned, all loss will be compensated reasonably, which will later paid to the collective to develop collective economy that cannot be diverted to any other purpose; (10) In the principles of public participation and publication of policies, the representatives from affected people will take part in the decision-making process of resettlement and there is a special agency to accept appeals from the affected; (11) To establish a long-term monitoring mechanism. A monitoring team, which consists of professionals who are specialized in social survey and appraisal, should be organized and, at the same time, a material base for the affected should be established. Besides, parties concerned should keep in touch with them regularly in order to update the material in database. Giving effective social control on the implementation of the project, by means of reflecting the social changing situation in construction, can enhance the sense of responsibilities of parties concerned to ensure high quality of construction, safeguard affected people’s interests, and, to some extent, avoid the social adverse effects. (12) After completion of construction, it will greatly improve the quality of drinkable water for residents (farmers) in some area, which will effectively improve the health condition of the affected and surrounding people. It will also promote the social development of our city and welcome Shanghai Word Expo with high quality of water supply.

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4.2 Polices and Laws & Regulations

RAP in this project and related associated engineering is in line with corresponding policies, state, local regulations, and rules. The contents are taken as follows:

 state laws & regulations: Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China ( executed from January.1st , 1999)

 ordinances of compensation on land acquisition and resettlement for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering: ( No.47 ordinance by state council, issued on July, 7th, executed from September 1st )

 Urban real estate administration law of People’s Republic of China ( executed from January 1st , 1995)

 Administration ordinance of demolition of urban premises (( executed from November 1st , 2001)

 Instruction suggestions of perfecting compensation on land acquisition and resettlement ( No.238 paper issued by state land resource bureau, 2004; executed from November 3rd ,2004)

 temporary ordinance of Sales of use right of state-owned land and its transfer in urban and towns of People’s Republic of China ( No.55 ordinance of state council issued on May 19th, 1990 and executed from May 19th, 1990

Local regulations and policies:

 Implementation method of Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China in Shanghai ( February 4th, 1994) passed by No.7 session of Shanghai People’s congress, revised of implementation method of Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China on No.36 sesssion of Shanghai People’s congress on May 27th, 1997 and revised again on No.23 session of Shanghai People’s congress on Nov.17th, 2000  Detailed regulations on urban demolition administration, Shanghai(No.111 paper ordinance by Shanghai Municipal

77 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Government on October,29th, 2001)

 Some regulations on land acquisition of collectively-owned, compensation and resettlement( No.13 ordinance by Municipal Government on January 10th, 2002)

 No.55 document of management methods of employment and social security for farmers on the requisitioned and collective-owned land issued by Bao Changfu of people’s government of Changxing country

 Suggestions on land acquisition of collectively-owned, compensation and resettlement( No.54 paper by Bao Changfu of people’s government of Changxing country)

 No.66 document of management methods of employment and social security for farmers on the requisitioned and collective-owned land issued by Shanghai Municipal Government in November 2003 4.3 Policies of the World Bank

During the process of drawing resettlement plan, our project has been in line with the related principles and policies of involuntary resettlement issued by the World Bank and related principles will be followed in the whole project. The brief contents about the policies for involuntary resettlement are as follows:  To avoid involuntary resettlement if possible.  If resettlement cannot be avoided, the best project scheme must be sought. It is necessary to reduce the resettlement to minimum and propose a resettlement plan.  To provide timely and effective compensation and help for persons whose loss is caused by project construction in line with the replacement price in order to make their economic, social conditions improve, or at least, equal to that of former time in general.  The construction unit should provide help and support on resettlement for the affected during the period of suitable transition after demolition. (i.e. short-term work, basic living security or maintaining former income standard).

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 In addition to necessary compensation, supports on sustainable development should also be given, such as preparation of land, credit institutions, training and job opportunities. The objective is to improve, or at least, maintain living standard of the affected people after demolition.  The affected should participate in the consultation on the scheme, which includes resettlement and compensation, and should have a good knowledge of information about it.  The current social and cultural organizations of the resettlement population and residence should be given full support. In this way can they mix themselves with resettlement communities and organizations economically and socially.  The affected who have no legal right of their housing land, houses, mode of business also can get compensation from parties concerned. Families whose heads are females and vulnerable groups, such as aborigines or minorities, should get proper help to improve their living standard.  Involuntary resettlement should be considered a component of the project to implement.  Resettlement and compensation should be included in the total amount of project cost and accounting of profits.  Establish internal and external monitoring mechanism to ensure the affected will receive resettlement and compensation. 4.4 Compensation Policies and Stipulation

4.4.1Right Limit of land acquisition and nature of compensation

Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China stipulates:

No.43 Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China stipulated that every unit, enterprise or individual who need using state-owned land, he/she must be apply to use the land in terms of law.

No.44 If the acquisitioned land is agriculture use for construction, related procedures must be made to transfer agriculture use to construction use. Any projects, including road, piping engineering and large-scale infrastructure

79 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 construction approved by provincial, autonomous regional and municipal government or construction approved by state council must be submitted to state council for transfer from agriculture use to construction use. In cities, towns and villages where the general land utilization planning is confirmed, the transfer procedure ( changing from agriculture use to construction use) will be approved by authority which has approves the general land utilization planning in terms of annual planning of land utilization phase by phase. Within approved scope where the land is transferring agriculture use to other use, the detailed construction projects can be approved by people’s government at municipal and country’s level.

No. 45 if the acquisitioned land is belongs to the following nature, it will be approved by state council 1) basic farmland 2) beside basic farmland, there are more than 35 hectares of arable land 3) more than 70 hectares of other-kind land…

No.47 The compensation should be in terms of the original usage of acquisitioned land

No.58 The following cases can retrieve the right of use of state-owned land after approval from authorized people’s government which first approved land use submitted by the land administration department of people’s government:

1. land used for public interests

2. Renovation on old cities in terms of urban planning and adjustment of land use.

Ordinances of Compensation on land acquisition and resettlement for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering

No.20 the construction of large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering approved by laws should be included in general land utilization planning.

After large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering is verified and approved or the feasibility research report is approved, the land for construction will be included in the general land

80 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 utilization planning. As far as the large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering which is greatly supported by state is concerned, the land for construction can be realized by allocation. No.21 The construction land for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering should make application and handle with approval process, that is, one time for approval and payment by installment for compensation fee for land acquisition. As for urgent engineering which is cope with emergencies, such as floods and, it can be decided by authorized people’s government and land can be sued at first and then related procedures can be handled with.

Urban real estate administration law of People’s Republic of China stipulates

No.22 Allocation of use right of land means, he/she can use land after paying compensation and resettlement fee approved from people’s government( higher than country’s level)or he/she get the use right of land for free.

No.23 Under following conditions, people’s government (higher than country’s level) can approve the allocation:

Land for urban infrastructure and public utilities large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering which is greatly supported by state

Implementation of Urban real estate administration law of People’s Republic of China

No.26 If existing construction-use land or newly-added construction-use land is needed, municipal land administration department will check and verify to have a land scheme which is finally submitted to people’s government under following conditions:

1. Construction-use land on either side of key road or in key area, which is confirmed in the urban planning;

2. Construction project approved by state council, corresponding departments of state council, institution and units who are under direct

81 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 supervision of state and municipal governments;

3. Construction project cross district (or country)

4. Others construction-use land which needs approval from people’s government

Except the conditions mentioned above, the land administration department will check and verify related documents and propose a land- supply scheme which will be later approved by people’s government at district or country’s level. It should also be filed for municipal land administration department.

Non-voluntary Resettlement in OP4.12 by the World Bank:

Standard of compensation qualification. Non-voluntary resettlement can be divided into 3 categories:

A person who has legal property right of land (including consistent and traditional right which is certified by state law)

Before census, a person has no official legal right of acquisitioned land, but he/she has some requirements which is approved by state laws or acknowledged by resettlement plan;

Others who has no acknowledged legal right or requirements from related land.

4.4.2 Power Limit of Demolition and Compensation Nature

Some regulations on land acquisition of collectively-owned, compensation and resettlement:

No.2 resettlement for the displaced is a component of land acquisition, compensation and resettlement work. The compensation standard for demolition should be included in the resettlement scheme for publication and related resettlement compensation should be managed in expenses of compensation for land acquisition.

No.3 the construction unit will be in charge of the compensation resettlement after the resettlement scheme is approved by people’s government at district (country) level. The construction unit has entrusted unit who has already had demolition

82 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 certificate certified by Shanghai Real Estate & Land Resource Administration Bureau

No.4 Compensation resettlement should be granted to all the affected in the acquisitioned land; the displaced should finish removal within due period. The compensation resettlement will be calculated in terms of the number of registered domicile with legal and effective property right certificate, certificate of rural-base land or related approval documents for establishment of houses.

4.4.3 Legal and Administrative Procedures

Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China

No.46 If land is acquisitioned by the state, local people’s government above country’s level will make it publicized and organize implementation work after legal procedures and approval. The property owner and user of the acquisitioned land should take property certificate to local government to make compensation registration in local land administration department of people’s government.

Ordinances of Compensation on land acquisition and resettlement for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering:

No.23 Temporary use for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering should be approved by people’s government (higher than country’s level)

Regulations on land acquisition of collectively-owned, compensation and resettlement in Shanghai

No.14 the implementation procedures of compensation will be in line with stipulations in detailed regulations on urban demolition administration

Administration ordinance of demolition of urban premises:

No.8 When demolition administration department is handing out demolition license, related information should be publicized by means of publication, including the names of displaced, demolition area and deadline of demolition. Demolition administration department and demolition company should explain well to the affected about demolition well in time.

Detailed regulations on urban demolition administration, Shanghai:

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No.12 The construction unit which is in charge of demolition work should make application to local real estate bureau in district or country to get the permission license of demolition, only with which the construction unit can start demolition work. If demolition work is for key municipal engineering, the construction unit should apply to municipal real estate resource bureau.

The following documents should be submitted when applying for demolition license

1. Approval document for construction

2. License of construction-use planning

3. Approval document for using state-owned land

4. Demolition planning and scheme

5. Saving certificate of resettlement capital issue by municipal bank

6. Certificate of resettlement houses with clear property right and other burden of rights

The saving mentioned in (e) should not be less than 30% of total resettlement capital. If the sum of saving in account and value of resettlement premises is less than total compensation on resettlement, the construction unit should clearly indicate the date when the capital can be available in the demolition scheme.

It is also required that the resettlement premises should be in line with the state quality & security standard as well as supporting requirements of municipal public architecture and facilities.

4.4.4 Stipulations of Compensation Compensation on Land Acquisition

Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China

No.47 Compensation on arable land includes compensation on land, resettlement subsidy and auxiliary items on the ground and young crops. The compensation for arable land is 6—10 times as much as average annual output of the past three years. The resettlement subsidy for requisitioned cultivated land is calculated in line with the agricultural population who need resettlement. The number of agricultural population who needs resettlement

84 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 equals the number of requisitioned-arable land divided by the number of per capita possession of cultivated land that belongs to requisitioned enterprises. Each resettlement subsidy for an agricultural population who needs resettlement is 4—6 times as much as average annual output of the past three years. However, maximum resettlement subsidy for every area (mud) of requisitioned arable land cannot be 15 as much as average annual output of last three years.

For other kind of land, Standard of compensation on its acquisition and resettlement subsidy can take reference from standard of arable land by different provinces, autonomous region and municipality.

Standard of compensation on auxiliary items on the ground and young crops should be stipulated by different provinces, autonomous region and municipality.

If the paid compensation on land acquisition and resettlement subsidy still cannot keep farmers their former living standard, their resettlement subsidy could be increased once approved by different provinces, autonomous region and municipality. However, the sum of compensation on land acquisition and resettlement subsidy could not exceed 30 times as much as average annual output of last three years.

State council will increase the standard of compensation on acquisitioning arable land and resettlement subsidy in special condition in terms of social and economic development.

No.54 construction unit could get the state-owned land with physical payment; and however, the construction unit could get the land by means of allocation after getting approval from People’s governments (above country’s level):

1. For state office and military bases

2. for urban infrastructure and pubic utilities

3. Energy, transportation and hydraulic industry greatly supported by state

4.Land of other-use stipulated by law and administrative regulations

No.57 If construction and geographic investigation need temporarily

85 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 renting state-owned land or rural collective land, it should be approved by land administration department of people’s government (above country level). If the temporary-use land is in urban planning district, it should be applied to administrative department of urban planning for approval before submission to government. According to the property right of land, the land-user should sign contract for temporary use with local land administration department, rural collective economic organization, or village committee and pay compensation on temporary use in terms of contract.

Ordinance of Compensation on land acquisition and resettlement for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering:

No.22 If large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering need acquisitioning arable land, the sum of compensation on land and resettlement subsidy is 16 times as much as average output of this arable land in the past 3 years. If this compensation still cannot keep the affected in their original living standard, it should be applied to verification departments submitted by project owner or supervision department of project to increase their compensation standard. For other kind of land, standard of compensation on its acquisition and resettlement subsidy will be carried out by related standards of provinces, autonomous region and municipality.

Instruction suggestions of perfecting compensation on land acquisition and resettlement ( No.238 paper issued by state land resource bureau, 2004)

The united multiple of annual output of compensation on land resettlement subsidy should be confirmed in the lawful framework in the principle of keeping farmers’ living standard as original level on acquisitioned land; if the compensation which is confirmed by the legal multiple of annual output on acquisitioned land can not keep farmers in its original living standard, or can not pay off the social security expenses for farmers without land, the multiple can be increased approved by people’s government at provincial level; if the compensation on land and resettlement subsidy is confirmed by multiple, 30 and still can not keep farmers on acquisitioned land in its original level , it should be arranged by local government in a

86 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 comprehensive manner and be subsidized by profits from state-owned land which is used by others with compensation. If the basic farmland is acquisitioned in terms of related law, the compensation on acquisitioned land should be paid in line with the highest price publicized by local government.

Temporary ordinance of Sales of use right of state-owned land and its transfer in urban and towns of People’s Republic of China:

No.20 Transfer of land-use should sign transfer contract.

No.21 When the use right of land is transferred, the right and obligation stipulated in the transfer contract and registered document will be transfer simultaneously.

No.25 the transfer of the right of use and property right of buildings and other auxiliary items on the ground should be registered to change user in terms of stipulations.

The transfer of the right of use and property right of buildings and other auxiliary items on the ground should be registered to change user in terms of stipulations.

No.26 If the transfer price of land-use right is obviously lower than the market price, people’s government at municipal and country level has priority of purchasing.

If the market price of land-use transfer is increasing in an unreasonable manner, government at municipal and country’s level could take necessary measures to deal with.

No.27 If the land-use right is transferred and it will be sold to others, the procedures will be dealt with in terms of No.18.

Implementation method of Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China in Shanghai:

No.16 If units and individuals are authorized to occupy arable land to conduct non-agricultural construction, related party should make reclamation scheme which is equitable to occupying area and its quality and put it into implementation when dealing with approval procedures; or related party can pay reclamation fee of arable land to municipal and district’s land administration department for organizing reclaiming new arable land.

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No.32 If the rural collective land is acquisitioned, the following standard for land acquisition should be obeyed:

1. To pay compensation on land to village committees or village teams

2. To pay related compensation to owners of auxiliary items and young crops on the acquisitioned land

3. To pay resettlement subsidy to villagers on acquisitioned land

The compensation should be paid in terms of standard, time limit and method stipulated in the resettlement scheme. No party, including units and individuals, is allowed to embezzle, keep or convert this compensation fee. People’s government at district or country’s level, together with related departments, including land, labor and social security departments, should strengthen the monitoring and supervision of payment of land acquisition and its usage.

Besides the stipulation mentioned above, if arable land is acquisitioned, the construction unit and individual should put forward reclamation scheme of arable land or pay reclamation fee; if vegetable land is acquisitioned, the construction unit and individual should pay for development & construction fund of vegetable.

Management methods of employment and social security for farmers on the requisitioned and collective-owned land issued by Shanghai Municipal Government:

No.5 In the principles of integration of social security, disposal of land and alteration of from agricultural residents to urban residents, if land is acquisitioned or it is necessary to change agricultural domicile to non- agricultural one, it is priority to implement the social security for the farmer who lost their land, and then the procedures of land disposal and alteration of from agricultural residents to urban residents.

In the principles of security implementation and employment of market- oriented, the compensation on acquisitioned land paid by acquisitioner should be used as resettlement subsidy for the displaced. The resettlement subsidy will be used to implement social security. The labor force on the acquisitioned land will realize employment according to employment of market-oriented.

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No.6 The affected who need employment and security in terms of these measures should be qualified with permanent agriculture domicile and elder than 16 years old with the scope of acquisitioned land. The detailed qualification should be stipulated by municipal labor and security bureau.

No.7 The affected, who need employment and security, on acquisitioned land can be divided into:

1)Both men from 16 years old to 55years old (55 years old is not included) and women from(16 years old to 45 years old (45 years old is excluded) have the capacity to deal with ordinary production. 2) Men are not less than 55 years old and women are not less than 45 years old. No.8 The labor force on the acquisitioned land is included in urban and town’s employment service area in their principal of market-oriented employment.

The affected labor force can enjoy professional introduction, guideline and other kind of employment service provided by public employment service institutions at different levels; and they can take part in the job training courses subsidized by our government.

Once the labor force on the acquisitioned land wants to create job on his own, he can enjoy many supporting policies, including instruction of starting business, job-creation training, business warrants or interests and non-normal employment.

Once the labor forces are recognized as exceptional poverty by the labor security department of district and country, the public employment service organizations at all levels should give them employment assistance to help them realize employment in terms of related stipulations.

No.9 The subsidy should, at first, be used to pay the rate of social insurance of small town. The detailed standard of the resettlement subsidy is stipulated by the government of country.

social insurance of small town includes: A.Social basic endowment and medical premiums for more than 15 years(including 15 years) B.Supplementary social insurance premiums for endowment, medical and

89 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 living subsidy which is given for more than 24 months (24 months are included). The detailed standard of basic pension, medical social insurance premiums is executed in line with stipulated rules. No.10 The resettlement subsidy paid by the party who requisitioned the land should be used to pay the pension of requisitioned land. This kind of pension includes living cost, medical expenses, subsidy and so on. The fixed years for this payment are as follows: 15 years for men and 20 years for women. Municipal Labor Security Bureau stipulates the measures which are used for calculation of the pension for persons whose land has been requisitioned. The calculation measure of pension for the retired on the acquisitioned land will be stipulated by municipal labor and security bureau.

The retired persons, whose land has been requisitioned, including men from 55 years old to 60 years old (60 years old is excluded) and women from 45 years old to 55 years old (55 years old is not included) can participate in social insurance of small town in manner of the above. If persons take part in such insurance, their resettlement subsidy should, at first, be used to pay social insurance premiums of small town. The land-requisitioned person who is also identified as the absolutely disabled should be included in the scope of endowment. These people can have endowment insurance in advance. The fixed years of the insurance should include the years of advanced retirement.

The institutions for pension on acquisition land should serve will for the retired on the acquisitioned land.

OP4.12 for non-voluntary migrant resettlement of World Bank

No.11 As far as the migrants who used to live on farm and land are concerned, the priority is to have a resettlement strategy featuring land- dependent. These strategies stipulate that the resettlement for the migrants should be on the public land or on the private land which is acquisitioned by individuals. No matter when the land is provided to for acquisition, sufficient information should be given, including production potential, geographic advantages and other comprehensive factors which must be equal to the

90 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 advantages of original land. If the migrant hasn’t taken getting land as his/her priority and the provided land will cause side impact on sustainable development of parks and protection zone, or he can not get enough land in terms of reasonable price, the resettlement plan featuring leaving the land should provide employment opportunities or chances to creating job by himself in addition to currency compensation on land and other properties. If it is short of sufficient land, it should be written down into document in terms of requirement by World Bank. Compensation on Demolition of Premises

Administration ordinance of demolition of urban premises:

No.23 the compensation for demolition can be divided into 2 options: 1) Currency compensation 2) Exchange of property right No.24 The amount of currency compensation will be confirmed by appraisal price of real estate market in terms of many factors, including location of demolished premise, usage, building area and etc.

Detailed regulations on urban demolition administration, Shanghai:

No.32. The compensation on demolition can be divided into 2 options: 1) Currency compensation 2) Housing Exchange of property right (the value is the same as currency compensation); If the auxiliary items on the demolished premises are not for public facilities use, they can not be exchanged for new premises but the demoltioner should give currency compensation on them.

The compensation on demolition and resettlement measures should be confirmed by both the displaced and leaser of premise in terms of regulations stipulated in this chapter.

If the exchange of premises is selected, the demolition company should provide at least two places of resettlement premises approved by real estate bureau at district or country’s level to give the displaced and leaser to choose from.

No.33 If resident house is to be demolished, the currency compensation should be confirmed the evaluated market price of demolished houses and

91 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 building areas of demolished houses.

Compensation and Resettlement of Demolition

If the auxiliary items on the demolished premises are not for public facilities use, they cannot be exchanged for new premises but the demoltioner should give currency compensation on them.

The compensation on demolition and resettlement measures should be confirmed by both the displaced and leaser of premise in terms of regulations stipulated in this chapter.

If the exchange of premises is selected, the demolisher should provide at least two places of resettlement premises approved by real estate bureau at district or country’s level to give the displaced and leaser to choose from.

Compensation on Resident Houses

If resident house is to be demolished, the currency compensation should be confirmed the evaluated market price of demolished houses and building areas of demolished houses.

The unit price of real estate market of demolished houses is the appraisal price of real estate market. If the appraisal price of real estate market is lower or equals to the minimum unit price of compensation, the compensation should be calculation in terms of minimum unit price of compensation.

Minimum unit price of compensation refers to the existing unit price of purchased resident house of public-owned which was listed on the market for dealing and is located in the same block as demolished resident house.

The due resettlement area under resident houses exchange according to area standard should add resettlement area as percentage stipulated in the following table in terms of the building area of demolished houses. Removal Subsidy and Other Expenses on Demolition of Resident Houses

The demolition company should pay removal subsidy, removal of furniture, electric equipments as well as temporary resettlement subsidy in transit period to the displaced and leasers. The resettlement subsidy should be added from the month when the transit period is delayed.

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Related Compensation on Demolition of non-resident Houses

Expenses of removal of equipments and installation in terms of state and municipal transportation price of goods and installation price of equipment;

Expenses on replacement price of equipments which can not be used any more (related policies can be seen in 5.2)

Proper compensation on stoppage of production or business due to demolition

Non-voluntary Resettlement in OP4.12 by the World Bank

10. The resettlement of migrants should be connected with the implementation of related project in order to guarantee that there is no removal or limitation of resources and assets before the resettlement measures are carried out. As far as the impact mentioned in the Section 3(a) of this policy is concerned, the resettlement measures include proving compensation, assistance which is needed in removal and if necessary, well- equipped resettlement premises should be provided. It must be pointed out that acquisition of land and relate properties should be conducted once the compensation has been paid off, or if necessary, the resettlement premises and removal subsidy are provided. As far as the impact mentioned in the Section 3(b) of this policy is concerned, the measures should be a part of the project and be carried out in terms of requirements in project planning.

4.4.5 Legal responsibility of Related Institutions

Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China:

No. 66 Land administrative department of People’s governments (above country’s level) is supervising and checking illegal behavior, which violate land administration discipline and rules.

No.70 Once administrative department of People’s governments( above country’s level) find illegal activities of civil servants, Administrative Disciplinary measure should be given and handled in terms of law; If it can not be dealt with by own, parties concerned should put forward administrative disciplinary measure to administrative supervision office of people’s government of the same level or above.

93 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

No.79 Any party who embezzles and converts compensation on acquisitioned land or other related compensation which can be criminal, it will be People’s governments (above country’s level)

Ordinance of Compensation on land acquisition and resettlement for large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering:

No.5 the resettlement work should be supervised by government, taken responsibility of related department at different levels and participated by project owner on the basis of country level.

Administrative institution of water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering of state council is in charge of management and supervision of national large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering.

People’s governments (above country’s level) are in charge of organization and supervision of large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering. The resettlement institution assigned by preferential, autonomous regional’s and municipal government will be in charge of management and supervision work of large/medium-scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering within own administrative area.

Administration ordinances on Urban Housing Demolition stipulates:

No.5 the demolition company must give compensation and resettlement in terms of stipulations in this ordinance; the displaced must obey the necessity of urban construction and finish removal within demolition period.

No.6 Real estate administrative department of state council is in charge of demolition work of premises nationwide. Real estate administrative department of people’s governments (above country’s level) or authorized department by people’s government should be in charge of demolition work of urban premise within administrative area.

No.7 People’s governments (above country’s level) should strengthen leadership towards demolition work of urban premises.

4.5 Resettlement Policies

As far as this project and related engineering is concerned, the

94 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

qualification standard for enjoying legal rights and interests, compensation standard and evaluation standard for properties can not be lower than the minimum standard stipulated in this RAP.

In order to carry out land acquisition, demolition and resettlement work, making the APL projects going smoothly and protect legal rights of land-user or the affected, including affected households and enterprises, the resettlement policies are compiled in line with Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China an, Administration ordinance of demolition of urban premises, related laws and rules as well as OP4.12 policies. The real situation should also be taken into consideration. The aim is to guarantee that no one will lose job forever due to construction. The following policies are applied to demolition and land acquisition on collective land and state-owned land in planned area and the displaced should be compensated and resettled in order to guarantee their original living standard or even have it improved.

4.5.1 Resettlement Policies on Acquisitioned Land Compensation policies for permanent land acquisition

1. Compensation on land acquisition includes compensation on land, resettlement subsidy as well as compensation on auxiliary items on the ground and young crops. The compensation on land is owned by rural collectively- economic organization; the compensation for auxiliary items on the ground and young crops is owned by the owner of auxiliary items on the ground and young crops. The resettlement subsidy of land acquisition must be only used for resettlement of labor force on acquisitioned land that must not be converted to other use for any purpose.

2. If the construction acquisitioned arable land which is divided into cotton&grain land and vegetable land, compensation standard for cotton&grain land is RMB14,400/mu and compensation standard for vegetable is RMB24,000/mu. (Detailed information can be seen in RAP 4.6)

3. The resettlement subsidy on acquisitioning arable land is calculated in terms of agricultural populations who need resettlement.

Number of to-be-resettled rural population= total quantity of acquisitioned arable land/ per-capita arable-land occupation.

95 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

The subsidy is paid in terms of different age and sex with standard of RMB90000/person. (The actual figure will be confirmed by stipulated base and ratio of municipal basic pension and medical insurance when payment is handled by social security center). Resettlement Policies

According to related resettlement policies, resettlement population can be divided into two categories: labor force on acquisitioned land and elder for pension. labor force on acquisitioned land refers to: male (16 years old to 55 years old) and female (16 years old to 45 years old) whose land has been acquisitioned and at the same time, they have the normal ability of production; elder for pension: refers to male (more than 55 years old) and female (more than 45 years old) whose land has been acquisitioned

(1) Resettlement Policies for Labor Force on Acquisitioned Land

 The unit who acquisitioned the land will authorize labor service institutions to give training for resettlement and related expenses will be taken by the unit;

The retired persons whose land has been requisitioned, including men from 55 years old to 60 years old (60 years old is excluded) and women from 45 years old to 55 years old (55 years old is not included) can participate in social insurance of small town in manner of the above. If persons take part in such insurance, their resettlement subsidy should, at first, be used to pay social insurance premiums of small town.

 The land-requisitioned person who is also identified as the absolutely disabled should be included in the scope of endowment. These people can have endowment insurance in advance. The fixed years of the insurance should include the years of advanced retirement.

 Currency compensation resettlement: labor forces whose land has been requisitioned are entitled to choose currency compensation resettlement. After getting compensation, they can also take part in the job training courses subsidized by our government. After passing test, they can look for employment opportunities in the job market by

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(2)Resettlement Policies for the Retired on Acquisitioned Land

 Construction unit will be in charge of the resettlement subsidy. The resettlement subsidy for the retired on acquisitioned land will be paid for pension of land acquisition.

 This endowment of pension includes living cost, medical expenses, subsidy and so on. The fixed years for this payment are as follows: 15 years for men and 20 years for women.

 From the next month after paying the pension fee, the elders on the acquisitioned land can receive living cost and making claims of their medical expenses.

4.5.2 Compensation policies for temporarily-using Land

Compensation on rural collective land for temporary occupation will be paid in terms of its function and loss, including compensation on young crops and restoration of land.

The temporarily-built office is occupying the state-owned land due to construction needs. The compensation will be given in terms of occupying area and time duration. After the construction is ended, the construction unit will be in charge of cleaning site.

Since piping pavement temporarily occupies the state-owned land, it will not be calculated as compensation on land occupation and the auxiliary architectures will be compensated as replacement price. After the construction is over, the construction unit will restore its original style in terms of its original standard and scale. The restoration fee will be included in the construction expenses.

4.5.3Transfer Policies of State-owned Land

The transfer of right of use towards state-owned land needs signing transfer contract. The transfer price is decided by both parties by means of consultation. Though the state-owned land is allocation, the auxiliary items both on and underground will receive economic compensation.

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4.5.4 Compensation polices on auxiliary items on and under Ground

The affected infrastructures and other properties will be compensated by property owner and they will be re-built. The affected portion which is included in the project and related engineering will be restored by construction unit. 4.6 Compensation Standard

According to the stipulations of legal framework, the compensation standard is as follows in Shanghai:

Table 4.1 Compensation on Arable Land in every district and country Compensation on arable land District Other arable land Vegetable land (country) (RMB/mu) (RMB/sq.m) (RMB/mu) (RMB/sq.m) Pudong 14400 21.6 24000 36.0 Baoshan ( reference for 12000 18.0 24000 36.0 Changxing country) Nanhui 14400 21.6 24000 36.0 Notes: This compensation standard is in line with price of Shanghai real estate (1999), No 316, issued by Shanghai Price Bureau and No.049 paper, Shanghai Finance (1999), issued by Shanghai Finance Bureau. (So far, the compensation standard is still in use.

Table 4.2 Compensation Standard for Young Crops at District and Country’s Level

Grain & cotton land Vegetable land District (Country) RMB/mu RMB/sq.m RMB/mu RMB/sq.m Pudong district 1570 2.35 2900 4.35 Nanhui district 1570 2.35 2900 4.35 Chongming 1570 2.35 2750 4.12 (Changxing country) Notes: it is in line with No.009 document issued by municipal price bureau and financial bureau (2006)

Table 4.3 Compensation Standard for Land-rent for Construction

98 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Compensation Standard ( according to how many times it can Category Unit be harvested in a year) Notes half 1 year 1 year 2 year year and half Vegetable If the land is rented less Mu 4 5 6 7 land than half a year, it will be estimated as half a year; if it is more than half a year but less than a Grain & Mu 4 5 6 7 year, it will be estimated cotton land as a year; the same logic of the followings cases.

4.6.1 Land Acquisition

This compensation standard is in line with Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China, Price of Shanghai real estate (1999), No 316, issued by Shanghai Price Bureau, and replied notice on adjusting compensation standard from land requisition, Shanghai Finance (1999), No 049, issued by Shanghai Finance Bureau. The following compensation standard is also on the basis of reality. Compensation on arable land (grains and cotton) in Pudong and Nanhui districts: RMB14, 400/mu and Compensation on arable land (grains and cotton) in Chongming district: RMB12, 000. The average price of resettlement subsidy is RMB198,000/mu.(the area of per capita arable land is 0.45mu, that is, ratio of land to labor force is 1: 2.2, on the basis of which the resettlement subsidy is converted to RMB198,000/mu) The detailed compensation standard can be seen in the Table 4.4.

99 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 4.4 Compensation Standard for Permanent Land Acquisition

Arable land (Cotton&grain field) Item Receipt Notes Unit Statistics Compensation for RMB/m 1. Compensation 215700-224900 land acquisition u standard for Nanhui district Among: grain14400 and Pudong district is the compensation (pudong & nanhui same (see table 4.6) and on land RMB/m grain12000 compensation standard for village committee u ( Chongming, Changxing Changxing) country,Chongming and Vegetable 24000 Baoshan district is the Compensation resettlement same. RMB on resettlement departments and /mu 19800 individuals 2. Compensation Compensation Grain 1570 standard on other kind of on young crops ( Pudong, Nanhui, farmland is the same as Chongming, that of grain and cotton Changxing) field. RMB/m Vegetable 2900 renter u (Pudong,Nanhui) 3. per-capita of Vegetable affected arable land is 2750 ( Chongming,Changxin 0.45mu and ratio of land to g) labor force, 1:2.2. the Occupation taxRMB/m financial resettlement subsidy of arable land u 2666.68 bureau equals to RMB198, Reclamation of RMB/m financial 000/mu. arable land u 25000 bureau Second RMB/m reclamation u financial Of land 10000 bureau Compensation onRMB/m gap between grainsu financial and oils 1800 bureau Facilities above orRMB/m under ground u collective or 10000 individual Total Ten Thousa nd RMB /mu 26.5—27.4

4.6.2 Transfer of State-owned Land

Some part of acquisitioned land belongs to state-owned land and before commencing the project, the construction unit has made full consultation with property owner, signing transfer protocol of state-owned land. And the construction unit will make compensation on removing facilities or architectures both on the ground and underground in terms of replacement price by mutual consultation.

4.6.3 Temporarily-occupied Land

The construction of working well of piping jetting is mainly temporarily occupying land. Temporarily digging non-vehicle lane and green belt for

100 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 piping construction is adopting integration method of construction and restoration. During the occupying period, compensation for temporary-rent will be granted and the time limit is within 6 month.

4 times means getting harvest (grain and cotton)

4 times *RMB1, 570/mu=RMB6280

4.6.4 Demolition of Premises

Currency compensation is adopted in this demolition of resident houses for this project and related standard is as follow:

Amount of currency compensation

= (basic price of land-use + price subsidy) x area of demolished houses + replacement price x area of demolished houses + (estimation of decoration + removal fee + transit subsidy) x area of demolished houses

= 【 RMB1400+300 (basic price of land + price subsidy) + RMB450 (replacement price) + RMB200 (estimation of decoration) + RMB10 (removal fee) + RMB8 (transit subsidy) 】x area of demolished houses

Note: Since the standard has yet to be updated with latest version, the compensation above is in line with basic price of collectively-owned real estate and property for municipal land acquisition, 2006, which was publicized in Shanghai Real Estate Resource Web in June, 2006. This standard is applies to Kangqiao town, Zhoupu town and Huinan town.

101 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 4.5 Compensation Standard for Resident Buildings on Collective Land

Item Unit Price Compensation on resident buildings RMB1700/m2 Compensation on decoration of old average RMB300/ m2 houses( appraisal price) Appraisal price Replacement price RMB450/ m2 Subsidy of removal RMB10/ m2 Subsidy for temporary transit period( payment RMB8/ m2/month for 12 months in terms of original area) Reward for removal RMB200/ m2 Telephone removal of residents( farmers) RMB140/set Removal of air-condition RMB400/set Removal of water heater RMB300/set Removal of Cable TV RMB240/set Removal of piping gas RMB150/set

Table 4.6 Compensation Standard for Enterprises’ Demolition

Item Unit Price House RMB3000/ m2 Land RMB100/m2 Compensation on removal of leasing RMB20000/Unit (estimated price) enterprises (Confirmed by negotiation according to actual situation)

4.6.5Compensation Standard for infrastructure and other properties

Table 4.7 Compensation Standard for infrastructures and other properties

Item Unit price Changing location of greenland RMB110/ m2 Road RMB15/ m2 Service fee for demolition of RMB90/ m2 affected households and enterprises Disposal fee for collecting wastes RMB20/ton

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Chapter 5 Resettlement Plan

5.1 Aim of Resettlement

In order to guarantee that each displaced households and enterprise can get compensation on all losses, the construction unit will make reasonable arrangement and sound restoration to let them share benefits of the project. As far is the temporary difficult occurred after land acquisition is concerned, the construction unit will provide timely and effective compensation and help for the affected in order to increase their income level, living standard for affected individuals and capacity of production of affected enterprises and or at least, to restore their living standard, incomes standard, capacity of production to its relatively higher level.

5.2 Resettlement for the Affected

Nanhui Water-transportation Piping Engineering and its associated engineering involve land acquisition and resettlement for the affected, and there are 202 people to be resettled for acquisition of arable land.

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The detail information can be seen in the following table:

Table: 5.1 Resettlement for the affected for Nanhui Water Transportation Piping Engineering and its associated engineering

No. of No. Item Notes: resettlement Nanhui Water Land acquisition for Nanhui pump 1 Transportation Piping 49 station (north) and the working well. Engineering Water-collection and It involves resettlement work for the Water-transportation affected in the 4 villages when the 2 51 Floodgate Engineering rural collective-land is to be acquisitioned. Raw-water Collective land of Xingang village, 3 Crossing river piping 12 Changxing country will be engineering acquisitioned. Wu Haogou It involves land acquisition of 5 4 pressure-added pump 36 teams in Lianhe village, Caolu town station in Pudong district. Jinhai branch It involves land acquisition in Tang engineering town and Caolu town, Pudong 5 54 district. The land acquisition is mainly focusing on Tao town. Total: Number of to-be-resettled people: 202 202

5.2.1Resettlement for the Affected

Once land is acquisitioned or the resident domicile needs altering from agriculture to non-agriculture, the first priority is to implement the social security issue for the affected who lost land, and then the procedures of land disposal and resident domicile should be handled with. On the pre-condition of confirming the number of absorption of labor force and the retired for pension, the local government or related department, with active cooperation with construction unit, should deal with the procedures of absorption for labor force and pension for the retired in time.

The number of absorption for labor force and pension for the retired is confirmed and calculated in terms of quantity of acquisitioned land verified by the land planning department and ratio of land to labor force of each production team in the acquisitioned scope. The detailed name list of absorption for labor force and pension for the retired will be confirmed in terms of different condition of each family in production team on acquisitioned land and family consultation. The name list collection will be collected by

104 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 labor and social security service center at country and town’s level and then be submitted to municipal labor and social security bureau. Municipal labor and social security bureau will give approval, reply to labor, and security bureau to Chongming country, Pudong district and Nanhui district that is in charge of giving approval and reply to the labor and security department of district and country’s level. Finally the labor and service center at town’s level will receive approval and confirmation reply.

The scheme of absorption for labor force and pension for the retired on acquisitioned collective land will be confirmed by discussion and consultation between construction departments and governments from Changxing village, Changxing country, Tang town, Caolu town of Pudong district, Zhoupu town, Xuanqiao town and Xinchang town of Nanhui district.

The resettlement principles of absorption for labor force and pension for the retired is as follows:

 Currency compensation and market-oriented employment

 To provide on-job training and recommendation for employment

 To provide pension and medical insurance for female( more than 45 years old) and male ( more than 55 years old) The labor force on the acquisitioned land is included in urban and town’s employment service area in their principal of market-oriented employment. The affected labor force can enjoy professional introduction, guideline and other kind of employment service provided by public employment service institutions at different levels; and they can take part in the job training courses subsidized by our government.

Once the labor force on the acquisitioned land wants to create job on his own, he can enjoy many supporting policies, including instruction of starting business, job-creation training, business warrants or interests and non-normal employment.

Once the labor forces are recognized as exceptional poverty by the labor security department of district and country, the public employment service organizations at all levels should give them employment assistance to help them realize employment in terms of related stipulations.

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According to the resettlement plan mentioned above, basically speaking, the affected who have lost their arable land can receive sound arrangement and their income will not be affected after getting employment in the near future.

5.2.2 Income Restoration for the affected

The affected populations used to live on the land where the north pump station is located with acquisitioned area of 21.943mu and 49 affected populations. In addition, 26 households (67 populations) were displaced.

The main income of the affected households is from employment or working in urban area instead of agricultural production. According the special survey on the affected households, the general annual incomes from employment income (non-agricultural income), which accounts for 90.88% of their average income while agricultural incomes is only 9.12% in average. In addition, in terms of on-the-spot survey, there are 2900mu of arable land affected in Qigan village and the area of construction use is 37.389mu, among which 22.096mu is arable land, only 0.76% of total arable land. Given this, the construction has little impact on the Qigan village in economy, income and etc. Since the affected village is located in the combination area of urban and rural Shanghai, the local life has already been highly urbanization and though they are having farmer’s domicile, they are no longer real farmers who must rely on the agricultural material to large extent. Before land acquisition, they used to contract a small piece of land for growing some vegetables, fruits which are only used for self- consumption and they seldom sold it on the market, which means the income from it was only for supplementary use. According to the on-the- spot survey, the main income of the affected households is from employment or working in urban area instead of from a small piece of contracted farmland for agricultural production.

After land acquisition, they can enjoy social insurance of small town which means they don’t need to worry about their pension. After land acquisition, their residence domicile will be changed from farmers to urban residents. They can enjoy social insurance of small town of shanghai in terms of policies. Though the project construction made them lose their

106 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

less than 10% of their total agricultural income, they have received asocial insurance of small town as compensation which means they don’t need to worry about their pension issue any more. However, if there had been no land acquisition and they kept their rural domicile, they would have only monthly pension of RMB130 in terms of policies of rural population after 60 years old; after they get social insurance of small town, they can enjoy their pension in terms of 20% of average employment income at municipal level of last year when related procedures are dealt with. Whenever the payment terms of insurance is increased one year, 0.5% of average employment income at municipal level of last year will be added. At present, the affected populations who have enjoyed social insurance of small town can receive RMB420 as pension which will be adjusted in terms of average employment income at municipal level of last year. Given this, after land acquisition, their income is much higher than that of agricultural production before.

According to state land law and municipal resettlement stipulations, the project owner will grant the affected with compensation on land and resettlement supplementary. In addition, these affected labor force will be included in social insurance of small town.

These resettlement measures are fully in line with the related policies of OP4.12 for non-voluntary resettlement of World Bank and our state stipulations, the income of affected households or populations will be fully restored and the aim of RAP will be finally realized, that is, to make the affected benefit from the project without any side impact on their daily living and even improve their living condition.

Help for the disadvantaged. Within the scope of North pump station in Nanhui, there are three elders without any child and one disable person. The project owner indicated that they would provide detailed and concrete assistance and help for these people, such as arrangement for vehicles, provision of 1st floor for them to live in new resettlement houses which is more convenient for them. (Detailed information can be seen in RAP5.4) 5.3 Resettlement for displaced households Among all the engineering of Qing Caosha raw-water engineering of water

107 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 source, only Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project has involved land acquisition on households. The construction of Nanhui pump station (north), located in Qigan village, Zhoupu town, Nanhui district, will acquisition some part of households there. There are 26 households affected, and 7 out of 26 have moved to new houses in the village and these seven old houses are idled now. 19 out of 26 will be displaced.

The affected buildings are brick masonry structure and some buildings of this kind increased a second floor not long ago with easily built supporting facilities. Since this block belongs to agricultural production zone of Nanhui district, the environment there is not satisfactory with poor drainage system, narrow roads, low horizontal position. The affected hope to have demolition for improvement of existing living condition and status.

In recent years, with rapid development of the municipal engineering in Nanhui district, the urbanization process of Zhoupu town is relatively faster due to its geographic location which is at the joint of Nanhui and Pudong district. Every year, there are a large quantity of rural residents(farmers) remove into new neighborhood due to construction of development zone and resettlement zone, renovation of towns as well as municipal engineering. Generally speaking, new resettled residents (farmers) can be assigned an apartment of brick masonry structure near their original location in Zhoupu town in terms of their original living condition. The displaced house, even though they lived in a very tiny house, can also get at least one apartment with the benefit from related preferential policies.

Since all newly-built resettlement neighborhoods are equipped with independent kitchens and sanitary facilities, the living condition and convenience of new resettlement apartments will be greatly improved compare with old ones. The public facilities, which are important to resettlement neighborhood, will be built simultaneously. Given this condition, the active impact of demolition is more than the side impact for Qigan village, Zhoupu town. 5.3.1 Options of Resettlements Method

Resettlement method or displaced farmers:

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Currency compensation or Physical Real Estate Exchange of property right (the value as currency compensation)

There are two options for selecting resettlement houses:

1) The project unit will provide two or three existing resettlement house for option

2) The displaced can buy new resettlement houses themselves

In summary, the displaced can not only make free choice of resettlement method, but also on resettlement location and area( in terms of subsidy rate of differential area in resettled block and if it is exceeding differential area subsidy rate, the price gap should be paid; if it is less than differential area subsidy rate, compensation will be given)

5.3.2 Option for Resettlement Location

As far as the resettlement location for the displaced residents (farmers) is concerned, the construction unit has confirmed several locations which are near their original places, 8 kilometers’ distance, as resettlement locations with suggestions from the affected and their reality is taken into consideration. There are two resettlement locations: 1) Fanrong resettlement neighborhood which is located on north part of Fanrong road (east), south of Zhu Jiagang road and west of Zhoudong road; 2) Sigao neighborhood of medium and low price which is located on west of A3 highway of Shanghai Medical Zone on Zhupu town, south of Zhouzhu road and east of Zhoudong (south).

Fanrong Resettlement Neighborhood

This neighborhood, southeast part of Zhoupu town, is a gathering place for resettlement base in Zhoupu town and also business center and living neighborhood of Zhoupu town. This neighborhood is facing Zhu Jiagang road to north, fanrong road (east) to south, Bazhao road to west and Zhoudong road (south) to east with very convenient traffic and transportation. Zhoupu senior high school, primary school and kindergarten, nursery is also available there. Since the neighborhood is located in the center of old Zhoupu town, public facilities are available, including agricultural-product markets, shops, restaurants, nurseries, supermarkets, cinemas, entertainment places and etc. The internal facilities, including water, electricity, natural gas, cable TV,

109 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 telephone are already planned in this neighborhood. The Greenland, sanitation and real estate management have already reached standard as scheduled. It is an ideal neighborhood for resettlement.

Sigao Resettlement Neighborhood in Zhoupu Town This neighborhood was built from year 2000 by municipal residential construction administration department and the contents are as follows: 1) Planning of high start-point: total building area is not less than 50,000 sq.m featuring people-oriented and nice environment; most of the resettlement apartments are within 7 stories while some multi-stories and high building are available; the direction of resettlement apartments are within 35°southeast to 35°southwest; the Greenland rate is more than 35%.

110 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

High-standard design: It is designed with technological factor which can improve resident grade and living environment. And furthermore, the design is meeting the needs of energy saving: It is recommended to build triangle- type roofs for resident buildings less than 7 stories and the outdoor of buildings will be painted; the height of bedrooms and living room must not be less than 2.8-meter high. If total area of an apartment is less than 100 sq.m, the height of bedroom must not be less than 3.9 meters; and if total area of an apartment is more than 100 sq.m, the height of bedroom must not be less than 4.2 meters; the storage room must be available of an area of 3 sq.m and the working balcony should be equipped outside kitchen rooms. 3) Construction of high quality: The construction must be of high quality and on-site construction quality system should be perfected. The quality should be qualified for 100% and the common headache, including un- even sedimentation ,water-penetration proof, and block of piping, must be avoided. 4) Management of high level: to provide most basic and concrete service to residents in the resettlement buildings. The real estate office should participate and supervise planning, design and construction of resident buildings; there is no gas and the noise at night should be controlled under 40; 24-hour security service is provided; sound maitainence of security , monitoring and alarm are secured.

Sigao neighborhood is located on west of Shanghai Medical Zone on Zhupu town, facing Zhouzhu road to the north and Wu Zhaogang to the south. It is connecting Zhoudong road (south) on the west and A3 road on the east. There are 6 phases of resident building in the neighborhood which covers 100,000sq.m and it has already been put into use. Some part of displaced urban residents are also resettled here. This resettlement neighborhood is adjacent to Fanrong resettlement buildings with well-equipped public facilities. Many newly-added public transportation are available from here to Nanhui and downtown area; the internal facilities, including water, electricity, natural gas, cable TV, telephone are already available in this neighborhood. The Greenland, sanitation and real estate management have already reached standard as scheduled. It is an ideal neighborhood for resettlement.

The two-resettlement options are not only meager-profit buildings which

111 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 are welcomed by the displaced featuring modern and elegant design, perfect supporting facilities. The following table is an overview for resettlement options:

Table 5.3 Resettlement location of the displaced No. Demolished Structure Displaced Original Resettlement Item Area of original Household buildings location (M2) premises (household) Fanrong brick Qigan village, 14 2068 neighborhood masonry Zhoupu town Same as Same as Sigao Nanhui 5 1065 above above neighborhood pump Some parts of station buildings are (north) Same as Same as demolished and 7 280 above above affected people are still living there. Total 70 26 3413 populations affected

112 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

5.3.3 Purchasing Capability of Resettlement Apartments

General condition for displaced households for Nanhui pump station (north)

No. building area Family of No. Name Address Notes Mem- demolished bers houses Gao No.175,Pingqiao,Qigan 1 2 220 Yunhua village No.209,Pingqiao,Qigan one certificate of 2 Kang Yuyu 2 270 village property right; No.209- one residence domicile 3 Zhang Ben 2 120 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.208,Pingqiao,Qigan one certificate of 4 1 100 Naiqing village property right; Zhang No.208- one residence domicile 5 3 184 Yuliang 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.207,Pingqiao,Qigan one certificate of 6 5 160 Jianhau village property right; No.207- one residence domicile 7 Zhang Jun 3 184 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet one certificate of Zhang No.206,Pingqiao,Qigan property right; 8 2 270 Yongming village one residence domicile booklet Zhang No.205,Pingqiao,Qigan 9 2 80 one certificate of Yonglu village property right; Wu Meijun No.205- one residence domicile 10 3 160 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.204,Pingqiao,Qigan 11 3 160 Tianlong village Zhang No.203,Pingqiao,Qigan 12 5 160 Tianlin village Zhang No.202,Pingqiao,Qigan 13 2 40 one certificate of Genfu village property right; Zhang No.202- one residence domicile 14 3 190 Longfei 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.201,Pingqiao,Qigan 15 1 60 one certificate of Liangchu village property right; Zhang No.201- one residence domicile 16 3 270 Guohua 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.210,Pingqiao,Qigan 17 3 255 Yongyuan village Fan No.211,Pingqiao,Qigan one certificate of 18 1 30 Qiulian village property right; Zhang No.211- one residence domicile 19 3 220 Guojun 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village booklet Zhang No.217,Pingqiao,Qigan Only a part of houses 20 3 70 Yongji village has been demolished 21 Zhang No.11team 3 27 and these villagers Weijun ,Pingqiao,Qigan village have other resident

113 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Zhang No.22team 22 5 43 Gengxiang ,Pingqiao,Qigan village No.22team 23 Gu Yiru 1 30 ,Pingqiao,Qigan village Zhang No.22team 24 2 35 Shuifang ,Pingqiao,Qigan village houses to live in now. Xi No.22team 25 1 25 Longbao ,Pingqiao,Qigan village Zhang No.129- 26 3 50 Ping 2,Pingqiao,Qigan village 27 Total 70 3413

1、 According to the table above, the number of actually-affected is only 19 households and there are only 12 households in terms of certificate of property right. The average demolished area is an area of 260 sq.m in terms of certificate of property right:

Compensation on every square meter for demolition: RMB1700 (basic price of land +price subsidy) + RMB450 (replacement price) + RMB200 (estimation of decoration) + RMB10 (removal fee) + RMB8 (transit subsidy) = RMB 2368

Every household can get RMB615680=RMB2368 * 260sq.m (excluding removal fee for equipments, compensation on auxiliary items, reward fee, reward for quick-removal and etc mentioned in table RAP 4.5)

Though the displaced household can use compensation to by new apartment whose area is 70% of original house (the preferential price for the displaced is RMB3500/sq.m), the average area which every households can purchase is around is around 180 sq.m with high quality of building and sound supporting facilities.

2、 The purchasing price of resettlement apartment is preferential and it can be sold as market price in the future after 5 years, which will be a big added value for the displaced.

3、 The affected households agree with this resettlement scheme by means of investigation and opinion poll. ( Detailed information will be seen in Table 8.1: Participation Process of the Affected and Public Opinions)

5.3.4 Assistance to Removal and Resettlement

During the whole process of removal, the demolition company will give

114 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 full support and assistance as follows in all directions:

1、To ask needs and requirements from the displaced and to meet their requirements in terms of policies;

2、To contact vehicles too assist removal during removal period;

3、To further follow the living condition of the displaced after removal and give solutions to existing problems

5.4 Resettlements for disadvantage groups

After related census, the construction unit, together with local government and related institutions, will take concrete and powerful measures to support the disadvantage groups, including their daily life and employment in tangible or intangible manner. For example, Physiological help will be given to disadvantaged groups and employment guide and instructions and professional training will be given to the affected without job. Many effective activities will be taken to help them go through difficulties in transit and resettlement period and make them receive sound arrangement at last.

With acquisitioned land, there are 3 households of only 3 elders living alone and 1 household having a disabled person. Given these special cease, it’s very difficult for them to make a living by themselves. For example, it’s very hard for them to make removal by themselves. Considering these, the construction unit will arrange them to live on the ground floor in the resettlement apartments, especially one household with disabled person.

As far as the disadvantage group is concerned, the social security institutions at resident committee, streets, districts and municipal level are providing life security for poverty residents (farmers) in terms of policies. The disadvantaged group will be included in the management institutions of local social security which will give daily necessities to low-income families after removing into new resettlement apartments. At the same time, the construction unit will provide employment training and employment opportunities to the disadvantaged who also have working capabilities in the short period, further improving and ameliorating their life after removal.

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5.5 Resettlement for Affected Enterprises

Since the construction covers a large area, the land acquisition will cause some enterprises to be demolished and others to adjust its original workshop. Given these, during the period of land acquisition and demolition, the construction unit should grant reasonable, prompt compensation and resettlement to affected enterprises. The detailed arrangement is as follow: 5.5.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project There is no enterprise which needs to be displaced. 5.5.2 Resettlement for Affected Enterprises for Associated Engineering

There are 10 enterprises affected by the associated engineering. After investigations, the construction unit planned to grant sound resettlement for affected leasing enterprises by means of all channels.

According to stipulations, the leasing company will receive compensation on removal as RMB20,000 per one as budget and their actual implementation is confirmed by consultation. (The detailed information can be seen in Table 4.6)

The following detailed measures are confirmed by discussion and consultation of both construction unit and affected enterprises. The detailed information can be seen in the following collection table:

Table 5.5 Affected enterprises and their resettlement for associated engineering Construction Affected Affected cases No. Resettlements name enterprises of measures employees of

116 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

enterprise Changxing An area of 303.64mu Compensation is sea pond of state-owned land is given in terms of administration allocated for banks, stipulations; since it office weed ponds, green 15 belongs to land land are involved in allocation, daily land acquisition. management will not Qing Caosha be affected. reservoir Baoshan An area of 2.07mu of The resettlement irrigation state-owned land is measures are the administration allocated for banks, same of those of 12 office weed ponds, green Changxing sea pond land are involved in administration office. land acquisition. Wu Haogou Shanghai It is collective land of Crops and trees will pump station Hensheng Lianhe town, Caolu be compensated Greenland town. This enterprise economically to 16 Municipal rented land of Linhe affected enterprise. Construction town. Crops and trees Co.,Ltd are to be removed. Lianhe village, 。 An area of Compensation is not Caolu 108.616mu of only given to the town( the acquisitioned land and village but also the following five an area of 3000m2 of affiliated 5 factories companies are collective land and new workshops 12 leasing within the village are companies in provided for the Lianhe village) affected so that they can continue their operation. Mingyue Area reduction of At present, this Plastics workshop by 500m2 enterprise occupies a Manufacture and field by 1500m2; big area, and some factory rented land of Lianhe building of workshop village; the whole will be demolished enterprise need which will be 24 demolition. compensated. With the compensation fee, the factory can adjust production field within existing scope. Lianhe Area reduction of Compensation will be Haolong workshop by 500m2; given; local village Electronic rented land of Lianhe committee will pulp village; the whole 11 provide other leasing company enterprise need place to make it demolition. continue its production Lianhe Area reduction of 5 Compensation will be Textile workshop by 200m2 given; local village company and field by 100m2; committee will rented land of Lianhe provide other leasing village place to make it continue its production

117 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Lianhe Wood Area reduction of compensation will be company workshop by 700m2; given; other buildings rented land of Lianhe will be given within village; the whole 10 village enterprise need demolition.

Lianhe Area reduction of Compensation will be furniture workshop by 800m2; given; other buildings factory rented land of Lianhe 13 will be given within village; village

Hongsan An area of 1576sq.m. Economic village Needs to be compensation will be committee, demolished as well as given Jinhai Tang town, part of field for 21 engineering Pudong temporary land- district renting

Total 139 Notes: Detailed compensation policies, standards and procedures will be implemented in line with RAP for all associated engineering. 5.6 Affected auxiliary properties and infrastructures

The affected infrastructures and other auxiliary properties will be compensated by property owner and they will be re-built. The affected portion which is included in the project and related engineering will be restored by construction unit.

When it is dealing with the restoration of public facilities or infrastructures, the construction unit should make a plan and layout in advance with consideration of reality to secure that the restoration work is in a safe, high- effective, prompt and precise manner in order to reduce the side impact on the surrounding people as much as possible.

The demolition work for municipal public facilities should be done in terms of the construction drawing and demolition should be avoid as few as possible but should be in the principle of no impact on construction. As far as the removal of affected piping is concerned, the construction unit should, firstly, make reconstruction (or removal) and then make demolition on the precondition that the construction will not affect the normal operation of enterprises and daily life of residents (farmers) in the project area.

118 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Chapter 6 Resettlement Budget and Financing

6.1 Basic Expense for Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Table 6.1 Collection of Resettlement of Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project and Associated engineering

Resettlement Management Unpredicable fee loan/ for demolition expenses1% 4% Item association ( ten thousand (ten thousand ( ten thousand RMB) RMB) RMB) loaned by Nanhui branch 1620.79 16.21 64.83 World Bank Reservior 720.16 7.20 28.81 piping within 20.08 0.20 0.80 island Associated Cross-river engineering 590.27 5.90 23.61 piping Wu Haogou pump station 2664.79 26.65 106.59 Jinhai branch 1145.75 11.46 45.83 Total 6761.84 67.62 270.47 6.1.1 Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping

Total expenses on demolition & resettlement is estimated RMB 17,018,300yuan (according to the price in year 2007), among which:

Basic expenses on demolition

Total amount of RMB16, 207,900yuan is estimated in terms of demolition quantity in actually affected scope and compensation standard.

Unpredictable fee on engineering

Since demolition involves many fields and has big impact on local residents (farmers) and local enterprise, there are many unpredictable factors, mainly including unpredictable condition of engineering and unpredictable price. This unpredictable fee is estimated 4% of total amount RMB 648,300yuan. The detailed expenses budget on land acquisition and resettlement for Nan Hui Water Transportation Piping Project can be seen in the following table 6.2

119 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 6.2 Unit Item Classifiction price Unit Quantity Total compensation on vegetable land 24000 RMB/mu 11.200 268,800 compensation on grain&cottion land 14400 RMB/mu 10.896 156,902 other agruicultural land 14400 RMB/mu 14.690 211,536 Cmpensation on young crops(vegetable) 2900 RMB/mu 11.200 32,480 Cmpensation on grains & cotton land 1570 RMB/mu 10.896 17,107 Land acquisi-tion other agruicultural land 1570 RMB/mu 14.690 23,063 Compen- sation Resettlment subsidy 90000 RMB/person 49 4,410,000 occupation tax of arable land 2667 RMB/mu 36.786 98,096 Reclamation of arable land 25000 RMB/mu 36.786 919,650 Re-reclamation of land 10000 RMB/mu 36.786 367,860 Gap compensation on grains and oils 1800 RMB/mu 36.786 66,215 infrastruture on&under ground 10000 RMB/mu 36.786 367,860 Compen-sation on rented land land-renting fee 6280 RMB/mu 7.048 44,261 Sub-total 6,983,831 Premises 1700 RMB/sq.m 3413 5,802,100 replacement price for premises 450 RMB/sq.m 3413 1,194,550 compensation on decoration of houses (estimation) 300 RMB/sq.m 3413 1,023,900 Field 100 RMB/sq.m 2245 224,500 Trees 100 RMB/one 265 26,500 Removal subsidy 10 RMB/sq.m 3413 34,130 Compen-sation on Subsidy for temporary resettlement households (12-month of original living area) 8 RMB/sq.m 3413 327,648 Removal of telephone 200 RMB/set 25 5,000 Removal&Installation of air condition 400 RMB/set 14 5,600 Removal&Installation RMB/ of cable TV 240 household 26 6,240 Removal of independent RMB/one water meter 200 26 5,200 Removal of single-phase electricity meter 200 RMB/one 26 5,200 Sub-total 8,660,568 Compensation on alterating Enterprises resgistration location(estimation) 5000 RMB/one 2 10,000 Sub-total 10,000 Roads 15 RMB/sq.m 10000 150,000 Other expenses Removal and reconstruction of green land 110 RMB/sq.m 7.048 775 Service fee for demolition and resettlement 90 RMB/sq.m 3413 307,170 Clearance and transportation of wastes 20 RMB/ton 1.4T/m2 95,564 Sub-total 553,509 Total 16,207,908 Management fee 1% 162079.08 Unpredictable fee 4% 648316.34 Total 17,018,304

120 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

6.1.2 Associated Engineering

According to preliminary estimation of associated items, the expenses budget for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement is summarized as follows:

Table 6.3 Collection of expenses budget for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement

Management Compensation on Unpredictalbe expense 1% Sum demolition fee 4% Item ( ten thousand and resettlement (ten thousand ( ten thousand RMB) ( ten thousand RMB) RMB) RMB)

Reservior 720.163 7.20 28.81 756.17 Piping within island 20.076 0.20 0.80 21.08 Cross-river piping 590.269 5.90 23.61 619.78 Wu Haogou pump station 2664.7946 26.65 106.59 2798.03 Jinhai branch 1145.7478 11.46 45.83 1203.04 Total 5141.050 51.411 205.642 5398.103

Detailed expenses budget information can be seen in the Table 6.4, Table 6.5, Table 6.6, Table 6.7 and Table 6.8

Table 6.4 Expenses on demolition and resettlement of Qing Caosha reservoir engineering, and water-collection pump floodgate and Water-transportation pump station engineering

Unit Item Classification price Unit Quantity Sum Compensation on land ( grain&cotton use) 12000 RMB/mu 28.051 336,612 ( other agricultural-use land)12000 RMB/mu 14.078 168,936 Compensation on young crops (grain&cotton use) 1570 RMB/mu 28.051 Compen- sation on land acquisition Other agricultral-use land 1570 RMB/mu 14.078 22,102 RMB/ Resettlment subsidy 90000 person 51 4,590,000 occupation tax of arable land 2667 RMB/mu 42.129 112,345 Reclamation of arable land 25000 RMB/mu 42.129 1,053,225 Re-reclamation of land 10000 RMB/mu 42.129 421,290 Gap compensation on grains and oils 1800 RMB/mu 42.129 75,832 infrastruture on&under ground 10000 RMB/mu 42.129 421,290 Total 7,201,632 Management fee 1% 72016.32 Unpredictable fee on engineering 4% 288065.29 Total 7,561,714

121 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 6.5 Expenses on demolition and resettlement of water-transportation piping engineering on Changxing Island

Unit Item Classification price Unit Quantity Sum Middle- well Renting Land 6280 RMB/mu 31.968 200,758 Management fee 1% 2007.58 Unpredictable fee on engineering 4% 8030.321448 Total 210,796

Table 6.6 Expenses on demolition and resettlement of Raw-water Crossing river piping engineering

Unit Item Classification price Unit Quantity Sum Compensation on land( grain&cotton use) 14400 RMB/mu 12.340 177,696 Compensation on young crops(grain&cotton use) 1570 RMB/mu 12.340 19,374 Compen- sation on land acquisition Resettlment subsidy 90000 RMB/person 12 1,080,000 occupation tax of arable land 2667 RMB/mu 12.340 32,907 Reclamation of arable land 25000 RMB/mu 12.340 308,500 Re-reclamation of land 10000 RMB/mu 12.340 123,400 Gap compensation on grains and oils 1800 RMB/mu 12.340 22,212 infrastruture on&under ground 10000 RMB/mu 12.340 123,400 Sub-total 1,887,489 Renting land( 3 years) 4000 RMB/mu/year 85 1,020,000 Trasfer of state-ow ned land ( estimation) 420000 RMB/mu 9.56 4,015,200 Total 5,902,689 Management fee 1% 59026.89 Unpredictable fee on engineering 4% 236107.55 Total 6,197,823

122 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 6.7 Expenses on demolition and resettlement of Wu Haogou Pump Station Engineering

Unit Item Classification price Unit Quantity Sum Com pensation on land(vegetable) 24000 RMB/mu 16.307 391,368 ( other agricultural-use land) 14400 RMB/mu 92.309 1,329,250 Com pensation on young crops(vegetable)2900 RMB/mu 16.307 47,290 ( other agricultural-use land) 1570 RMB/mu 92.309 144,925 Land Resettlm ent subsidy 90000 RMB/person 36 3,240,000 Acquisition occupation tax of arable land 2667 RMB/mu 108.616 289,644 Reclamation of arable land 25000 RMB/mu 108.616 2,715,400 Re-reclam ation of land 10000 RMB/mu 108.616 1,086,160 Gap com pensation on grains and oils 1800 RMB/mu 108.616 195,509 Infrastruture on&under ground 10000 RMB/mu 108.616 1,086,160 Com pensa tion on renting land Renting Land 6280 RMB/mu 108 678,240 Sub-total 11,203,946 Prem ises 3000 RMB/sq.m 3000 9,000,000 com pensation on decoration of pensation houses on (estim ation) enterpies 300 RMB/sq.m 3000 900,000 Field 100 RMB/sq.m 2500 250,000 removal of crops plant(estim ation) 80000 RMB/sq.m 60 4,800,000 Com pensation on removal (estim ation) 20000 RMB/household 7 140,000 Sub-total 15,090,000 Other Service fee for dem olition and expenses resettlem ent 90 RMB/sq.m 3000 270,000 Clearance and transportation of wastes 20 RMB/ton 1.4T/m 2 84,000 Sub-total 354,000 Total 26,647,946 Managem ent fee 1% 266479.46 Unpredictable fee on engineering 4% 1065917.838 Total 27,980,343

123 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 6.8 Expenses on demolition and resettlement of Jinhai piping engineering

Unit Item Classification price Unit Quantity Sum Compensation on land (grain&cotton use) 14400 RMB/mu 24.102 347,069 ( other agricultural-use land) 14400 RMB/mu 1.603 23,083 Compensation on young crops (grain&cotton use) 1570 RMB/mu 24.102 37,840 Land ( other agricultural-use land) 1570 RMB/mu 1.603 2,517 Acquisit Resettlment subsidy 90000 RMB/person 54 4,860,000 ion occupation tax of arable land 2667 RMB/mu 24.102 64,272 Reclamation of arable land 25000 RMB/mu 24.102 602,550 Re-reclamation of land 10000 RMB/mu 24.102 241,020 Gap compensation on grains and oils 1800 RMB/mu 24.102 43,384 Infrastruture on&under ground 10000 RMB/mu 24.102 241,020 Renting land 6280 RMB/mu 7.44 46,723 Sub-total 6,509,478 Premises 3000 RMB/sq.m 1576 4,728,000 Compen sation on enterpri es Field 100 RMB/sq.m 2000 200,000 Compensation on removal RMB (estimation) 20000 /household 1 20,000 Sub-total 4,948,000 Total 11,457,478 Management fee 1% 114574.78 Unpredictable fee on engineering 4% 458299.1189 Total 12,030,352

124 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

6.2Annual Budget

The preliminary arrangement for annual expenses on demolition is as follows:

Total amount Year 2008 Year 2009 Item/year Notes (ten thousand (%) (%) RMB) Nanhui branch 1701.83 80% 20% Reservoir 756.17 90% 10% Piping within 21.08 90% 10% island Cross-river 619.78 90% 10% piping Wu Haogou 2798.03 90% 10% pump station Jinhai branch 1203.04 90% 10% Total 7099.93 - -

6.3 Financing and Capital Direction

Some expenses of project and associated engineering are loaned by the World Bank and the remaining is financed by domestic institutions.

Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd will entrust related demolition department to sign compensation contract with collaboration units, enterprises and institutions of pubic facilities in terms of stipulated compensation policies and standards in RAP. Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd should also honor the payment of compensation in terms of requirements of contract and time schedule of construction.

125 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 6.9 Matrix of compensation on demolition for the affected

Affec caterg Compen Compensation Compensation- Compensation measure ted ory sation measure paying company Item target p R

r private househo a)resettlement Shanghai Qing Shanghai Qing Caosha e e s m house ld in other places Caosha Investment Construction i d i s e b)resettlement Investment Development Co.,Ltd will e n s t adjcent to Construction entrust demolition company original places Development to sign contracts with Co.,Ltd individuals

enterp property Economic Shanghai Qing Shanghai Qing Caosha rise owner compensation Caosha Investment Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd will Construction entrust demolition company Development to sign the contract with the Co.,Ltd owner of property right

any leaser Compensation Shanghai Qing Shanghai Qing Caosha party on removal of Caosha Investment Construction who renting Investment Development Co., Ltd will rent Construction entrust demolition company house Development to pay compensation to the Co.,Ltd and owner owner of property right who of property right will then give the compensation to any party who rent the house.

Removal Individua Removal and Shanghai Qing Shanghai Qing Caosha l reward fee Caosha Investment Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd will Construction entrust demolition company Development to sign contracts with Co.,Ltd individuals to pay the compensation

Other All Compensation Shanghai Qing Shanghai Qing Caosha facilities people on replacement Caosha Investment Construction concern or physical item Investment Development Co., Ltd will ed, local Construction entrust demolition company governm Development to pay compensation to local ent, Co.,Ltd government and related related departments who are in departm charge of re-construction ent work. If the affected is individual, the compensation will be paid to individual.

126 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Chapter 7 Time schedule for Implementation

Land acquisition, demolition and construction of Qing Caosha Raw-water Project in Water Resource Area started from June 2007 to December 2009. This period includes Nanhui water transportation piping engineering and its associated engineering. 7.1 Time schedule for Land Acquisition, Demolition and Resettlement

7.1.1 Nanhui branch piping

The detailed time schedule can be seen in the following table:

127 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 7.1 Time Schedule for Demolition on Nanhui branch engineering

Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 No Contents Month 6――12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 6 9 12 1 Establishment of organization institute 2 Preliminary design 3 application for planning license for construction land( land-use approval) 4 land acquisition contract 5 Application for housing demolition license 6 Investigation and appraisal of a affected households and properties 7 To sign protocol with demolished households 8 Construction of resettlement workshop and other facilities 9 Removal of households 10 Removal of enterprises 11 Commencement of earth-work

128 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

7.1.2 Associated Engineering The following table are five associated engineering concerned in Table 7.2, Table 7.3, Table 7.4, Table 7.5 and Table 7.6:

Table 7.2: Time Schedule for Qing Caosha reservoir, Water-collection pump loodgate and Water-transportation pump station Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009

NO. Contents Month 1-6 7-12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12

Establishment 1 of organization institute Preliminary 2 design land 3 acquisition contracted Land-sue 4 approval Investigation and appraisal 5 ofa affected households and properties To sign 6 protocol with the affected Commenceme 7 nt of earth- work

Table 7.3 Time Schedule for water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island

Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009

No Contents Month 1-6 7-12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12

Establishment 1 of organization institute Preliminary 2 design to handle with 3 renting land procedures Investigation and appraisal 4 ofa affected households and properties To sign 5 protocol with the affected Commenceme 6 nt of earth- work

129 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 7.4 Time Schedule for Well location and Management building of Cross-river piping Engineering

year2007 year2008 year2009

No Content Month 1-6 7-12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12

Establishment 1 of organization institute Preliminary 2 design land 3 acquisition contracted Land-use 4 approval Investigation and appraisal 5 ofa affected households and properties To sign 6 protocol with the affected Commenceme 7 nt of earth- work Table 7.5 Demolition Time Schedule for Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 序 Contents 号 Month 1-6 7-12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 Establishment 1 of organization institute Preliminary 2 design land 3 acquisition contracted Land-sue 4 approval Investigation and appraisal 5 ofa affected households and properties Construction of resettlement 6 workshop and other facilities Demolition and 7 Resettlement of Enterprise Commenceme 8 nt of earth- work

130 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 7.6 Demolition Time Schedule for Jinhai branch engineering Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009

No Contents Month 1-6 7-12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12

Establishment 1 of organization institute Preliminary 2 design land 3 acquisition contracted Land-sue 4 approval Investigation and appraisal 5 ofa affected households and properties Construction of resettlement 6 workshop and other facilities Demolition and 7 Resettlement of Enterprise Commenceme 8 nt of earth- work 7.2 Resettlement for Demolished Households

In order to guarantee commence of construction as scheduled and not to interfere in normal life of displaced households, the following time schedule has been made by abundant investigations and calculations.

Table 7.7 Time Schedule for Demolition

Activity Timing 1 Selection of new resettlement houses 6 months before construction started 2 Consultation with the displaced about 6 months before construction started address selection 3 Displaced households give 6 months before construction started application for houses’ address 4 pay off within 1 month after signing up contract to pay compensation to displaced households 5 To pay reward fee( removal in pay off within 1 month after signing up contract advance) 6 Removal to new houses within 1 month after signing up contract; if forward-delivery is chosen, owner should pay temporary-transit fee( to see table 4.5) 7 Demolition of aging houses( after after key has been handed in. displaced houses remove to new houses)

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Detailed demolition process is as follows:

 To handle with demolition procedures with municipal demolition department to get demolition license in terms of related paper, removal plan as well as demolition scheme;

 to publicize demolition notification with name of displace person and door number of to-be displaced houses;

 to organize manpower to make investigation and take detailed notes( including registered area on the self-property certificate, area of resident houses, usable area, building area as well as population structure, age, professionals and working companies), to make good preparation for next-step demolition;

 to organize working personnel to give introduction of polices and rules, resettlement address, compensation standard, demanding requirement and etc; to give make the affected understand the demolition well and publicize demolition notification in demolished area;

 To sign compensation protocol with displaced households for demolition and resettlement

 to appeal to municipal supervision department for arbitration if demolition and compensation protocol can not be reached;

 to give displaced households 15 days for removal

 to organize man power to dismantle buildings and to clean fields;

 to handle with property exchange and related procedure in Property Administration Department;

 To make summary and filing work

After demolition work is done, the owner will compile work summary to related department for checking and approval. Many materials will be checked and filed up.

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Chapter 8 Public Participation

According to the policies and regulations concerning land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, in order to safeguard legal rights and interests of displaced households and enterprises to reduce disagreements and disputes, the construction unit has compiled this resettlement plan of migrants to carry out related resettlement policies and detailed ordinances stipulated by municipal, state or the World Bank to make the preliminarily organizational work well enough for the sake of realizing the aims of resettlement plan. The construction unit attaches great importance to public participation and consultation within the whole process, from formulation of policies to implementation of plan. 8.1Consultation and Participation

Shanghai Municipal government, Municipal Development and Reform Committee, Shanghai APL office, corresponding departments of local district and country for construction, Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd, Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co.,Ltd and representatives from village committees and the displaced have participated in selection of construction scheme, overall planning, research on feasibility and compiling of resettlement plan during the whole process of confirming planning, design and resettlement plan.

8.1.1 Principles of Pubic Participation during Formulation Period of Resettlement Plan During period of October 2006 to January 2008, the construction unit organized manpower to make a preliminary investigation on premises and social economic condition within demolition area with involvement of some representatives from the affected. When the representatives from the affected put forward some opinions and suggestions on the existing resettlement scheme and compensation on land acquisition, the construction unit took their opinions and suggestions into full consideration in optimizing design. The detailed process can be seen in Table 8.1: Participation Process of the Affected and Public Opinions.

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During process of compiling resettlement plan, the construction unit confirmed the following three working principles concerning land acquisition, compensation and resettlement: 1)to confirm the side impact on the affected, including individuals and premises by means of census and investigations; these investigations should include housing administration departments, village committees, street and resident committees. The census should include all the affected; 2)To conduct social economic investigation in affected area with direct participation of the affected by the construction; 3)To attach great importance to different opinions and requirements put forward by the affected; The construction unit took opinions and requirements, put forward by the affected, into full consideration on the land acquisition, resettlement plan and compensation standard. 8.1.2 Public Consultation and Participation during compiling period of resettlement plan During compiling period of resettlement plan, the construction unit invited thee affected or representatives from migrants to take active part in the following activities: 1)、to hold demolition conference block by block and publicize policies of land acquisition and resettlement to listen to the opinions and suggestions from the affected in order to revise the compensation standard and decisive strategy in a reasonable manner; 2)、 The affected enterprises and households can directly reflect their opinions concerning compensation and resettlement to local government, or demolition and resettlement institution as well as Urban Construction&Investiment Development Co., Ltd and Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd; 3)、 Personnel from demolition company will directly visit the affected, introducing scheme of land acquisition and resettlement, compensation policies and standard, collecting information on family condition of the affected and their special difficulties and reply questions put forward by the affected. All these endeavors are aiming to make a good preparation for formulating

134 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 resettlement scheme and signing compensation protocol of resettlement; 4) 、 RAP will be filed in the on-site office of project owner to let the affected and non-government organizations take it for reference. At the same time, the contents of RAP will be publicized in form of news or publication on mass media, including main radio station, TV station or newspaper. The construction unit has compiled main contents of RAP into migrants’ information booklet which will be handed out to the displaced after appraisal of project but before removal. The migrants’ information booklet includes general introduction of project and related engineering, construction impact of project, compensation policies, implementation institutions, appealing channels and etc. The affected can take reference directly from the booklet and discuss with the construction unit about problems if occurred. The following is the collection of public participation and some illustrations of personnel and experts from the construction unit on site:

135 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 8.1 Participation Process of the Affected and Public Opinions Date Location Participants Contents Public Notes opinions

J Representatives a n from village . 7 t h committee and the ,

2 displaced of Qigan 0 Migrants’ 0 village;personnel 8 Village committee Resettlement, from construction Investigation on basic of Qigan investigation on Publics indicate unit, personnel from condition of the village,Zhoupu social economy, their Zhoupu ,Xuan qiao engineering and social town, Nanhui investigation on understanding towns; personnel economic impact district affected area and form Qigan village physical items committee, Zhoupu town; representatives from the affected

D Representatives e c from village The scope is for . 2

8 committee and the Migrants’ associated engineering t h

, displaced of Resettlement, of the project loaned


0 Gangxin investigation on by the World Bank, 0

7 village;personnel social economy, such as water- from construction investigation on collection pump village committee The Public unit and land affected area and floodgate and water- office, Gangxin indicate their administration office physical items, transportation pump village, Changxing understanding of Chongming publication of land station engineering island; demolition and agrees the country; demolition acquisition of and piping engineering office , Fenghuang compensation and and resettlement farmland in Xingang on island as well as town, Changing resettlement office, Fenghuang village; visit of cross-river island policies town, Changxing affected farmers, engineering. island; personnel discussion of policies Social economic and from village of compensation and construction impact will committee, Gangxin resettlement and be investigated. It has village; resettlement scheme been done for many representatives times from the affected

D Representatives e c from village To get side-impact of

3 The scope is for

r committee and the Wu Haogou d

, associated engineering 2 displaced of Lianhe engineering and 0 of the project loaned 0 Construction village;personnel Jinhai branch Public indicate 7 by the World Bank, Wu Investment Co., from construction engineering in Caolu their Haogou pump station Ltd Tang town, unit and village town and understanding and jinhai piping construction office construction office investigation on and agrees on the engineering. of Caolu town and and land physical affected compensation and Social economic and land administration administration office goods; to discuss the resettlement construction impact will office of Tang town, Caolu compensation and policies be investigated. It has town; Lianhe resettlement policies been done for many village committee; for the affected times local affected household villagers

136 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

D representatives of e

—D c local affected e . 1 c

3 populations( many . 1 t h 6 , times); personnel 2

, to get information of 2 0 from the Part of construction is 0 0 Governments and side impact of The participants 0 7 construction unit loaned by the World 7 village construction Nanhui branch in indicate their and personnel from Bank. office of Zhoupu Nanhui section; to understanding village committees Social economic and town, Hangtou discuss the and consent to of Zhoupu, construction impact will town, xuanqiao compensation and compensation and Xinchang, hangtou be investigated. It has town and Xinchang resettlement policies resettlement and xuanqiao town been done for many town for the affected policies and land times households administration office and some representatives from the affected

N representatives of o

—N v local affected to get information of . o 5 v t h

. populations; side impact of Part of construction is 1 , The participants 2 2 personnel from the Nanhui branch in loaned by the World 0 t

h indicate their 0

, construction unit Tang town Bank. 7 2 Construction understanding

0 and personnel from section,Pudong; to Social economic and

0 Investment Co., and consent to

7 village construction discuss the construction impact will Ltd Tang town compensation and office and land compensation and be investigated. It has resettlement administration office resettlement policies been done for many policies and some for the affected times representatives households from the affected O c t

. The scope is for 1

5 The participants associated t

h personnel from the To discuss land use

, indicate their engineering, Nanhui 2 Changxing sea construction unit and compensation 0 understanding branch loaned by the 0 pond and personnel from resettlement for Qing 6 and consent to World Bank, such as administration Changxing sea Caosha Floodgate compensation and water-collection pump office pond administration Engineering of resettlement floodgate and water- office reservoir policies transportation pump station engineering

Picture 4: the personnel from the construction unit is inspecting the site with related experts on Nanhui Water-transportation Piping Engineering

137 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Picture 5: Personnel from Land administration office of Chongming country, accompanied by the construction unit, is publicizing notification of land acquisition on the Raw-water Cross-river Piping Engineering in Changxing island.

Picture 6: the affected is reading notification of land acquisition publicized by land administration office of Chongming country

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Picture 7: On site of Wu Haogou pump station engineering, personnel from construction unit is communicating with experts of resettlement .

139 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 8.2 Policies Publication Process

Publication Method & Publication Document Publication Date Language Location Contact in use Mess Media, Ni Jianhua including 6887 6689 Related project October,2006- Radio,TV,Xinmin Local Preliminary introduction January, 2008 evening paper, phase of Chinese project Mass Media, General including introduction of December,2006- same as Radio,TV,Xinmin Local demolition January, 2007 above evening paper, information Chinese to publicize policies notification, pass locally- concerning out policies affected same as municipal land December, 2007 introduction of village above acquisition and demolition, committee demolition Chinese resettlement to give out locally- publication or resettlement affected same as August, 2008 propaganda notification, village above booklet Chinese committee locally- publicize To have meeting affected same as notification of participated by the August, 2008 village above RAP affected, Chinese committee project office Project and related construction unit, land local office for same as report for RAP October, 2008 acquisition land acquisition above and and resettlement, resettlement library; Chinese office and English Notes: Contents or general introduction of Resettlement Publication or propaganda booklet 1) Project Introduction

2) Main policies and stipulation of Demolition and resettlement

3) Compensation and resettlement standard

4) parties concerned of establishing compensation and resettlement protocol

5) Definition of usage of displaced households and building areas

6) to confirm the to-be-resettled population within the scope of demolition

140 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

7) Compensation for demolition and resettlement for households

a Currency Compensation

b. Exchange of houses in terms of value standard

c.Exchange of houses in terms of area standard

8) Basic condition and selection method for resettlement houses

a address of resettlement houses

b Price and area control of resettlement houses

c Selection method of resettlement houses

9) to give out standard of reward for removal, quick-removal reward, signing-up reward, removal reward, transit reward, subsidy for removal and installation of house appliance.

10) Confirmation and subsidy for special cases( subsidy for the disadvantaged group)

11) Appeal channel for removal and resettlement

8.1.3 Public Participation after RAP

1) After the resettlement plan is finished, further survey by random on living standard and opinions of resettlement will be conducted to get opinions and requirements of the affected and the assistance work should be given to the affected after resettlement.

2 ) The monitoring and appraisal work should also been conducted by the monitoring institution to get information concerning restoration level of the affected and opinions and suggestions after resettlement in order to improve corresponding work and solve different difficulties of the affected.

8.2 Integration measures in resettlement neighborhood

Since demolition work will bring part of the displaced households to remove into a new resettlement neighborhood which will be possible to cause some side impact on the existing residents in the new resettlement neighborhood, for example, more crowed of traffic, increase number of new primary school students and increase of potential job seeker and etc. In order to reduce these side effects as much as possible, the construction unit, before

141 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 the project is implemented, has contacted with local government, village committee and etc to create communication channels for new resettled residents (farmers). It is more convenient and easier for the new resettled residents (farmers) to find institutions or organizations to solve problems when they need help; It is recommended that the local government should further improve service for residents (farmers), such as schools, shops and etc; It is necessary to make the new residents (farmers) integrate with existing residents, enjoying life and work together with better living condition. At the same time, the new residents (farmers) will bring active and positive impact on the resettlement base, for example, increasing newly-resettled population can promote the development and prosperity of economic development, which is helpful to increase the purchasing power of the resident neighborhood. 8.3 Appeal

Nanhui branch (Nan Hui Water-transportation piping engineering) and its associated engineering is a large-scale municipal engineering are making contribution to improve and guarantee the water-supply quality in Shanghai. The engineering ,approved by State Council, is listed one of the most important engineering in Shanghai Urban Planning ( 1999 - 2020 ) . The Construction of this project is also making preparations for success of Shanghai World Expo in year 2010. Though the project is a demanding job, by means of propaganda, explanation and huge amounts of preparatory work, most citizens have given support and understanding. Besides, the whole resettlement plan is conducted in the participation and consultation of both the affected and parties concerned, so there will be no serious appeal in the implementation. Nevertheless, the project still has established a series of detailed means of appeal and compensation so that the affected can have channels to put forward their appeal, which is related to land requisition and demolition.

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Appeal Steps:

Phase I:

If the affected has suffered any loss or damage made by RAP, he/she can put forward oral or written appeals to the following institutions:

(1) Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd or Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co.,Ltd;

(2) Local town’s government in construction area and demolition & resettlement office

If oral appeals are put forward, the receipt institution should make it written one and give reply within 15 days.

Phase II:

If the declarant is not convinced by the results he/she receives, he/she can put forward appeals to Shanghai APL Office within 1 month; Shanghai APL Office will make decision and give results within 2 weeks.

Phase III:

(1) If he/she is still not convinced by decision made by APL Office, he/she can apply arbitration from Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau who should give arbitration within two weeks. This appeal should be within three month since first time he/she makes appeal. Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau will give decision to declarant within one month.

Phase IV:

If he/she is still not convinced by arbitration, he /she can appeal to local people’s court in terms of state civil (administrative) lawsuit law within 15 days when he/she receives arbitration from Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau.

Appealing Contents

The affected can ask for lawsuit concerning resettlement work, including compensation and etc.

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Nevertheless, during the process of demolition and resettlement, if anything happen, each party should solve it in the principle of consultation and cooperation as fully as possible. If it still cannot be solved, two parties can but resort to laws.

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Chapter 9 Organization and Framework

9.1 Main organization and Job responsibility

Organizational strength has been provided in order to guarantee that the project can be implemented smoothly for important municipal engineering

(1) Municipal Reform and Development Committee, Municipal Shanghai Construction Committee: In charge of leadership, organizing, coordinating the whole project and related engineering, checking and verifying RAP, conducting internal supervision, and making decision for big issue during the process of resettlement. At the same time, both should be in charge of coordinating different department’s relationship.

(2) Shanghai APL Office

1)to organize social and economic investigation

2)to organize and coordinate to compile RAP

3)to carry out polices of RAP

4)to confirm and coordinate the implementation of RAP in terms of time schedule of construction

5)to guide, coordinate and supervise resettlement activities and related progress

6 ) to organize and implement internal monitoring and confirm independent external monitoring institution and coordinating its activities

7)to check monitoring report

8 ) to coordinate contradictions and problems happening in the construction process;

9 ) To give regular report on progress of land acquisition, demolition, capital use, implementation quality and etc

(3) Shanghai Water Affair Administration Bureau

145 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

In charge of coordinating with different departments

(4) Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Development Co.,Ltd

Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd;

In charge of financing, operational distribution, coordinating work of preliminary construction and implementation of resettlement plan:

a. to entrust planning design institutes to confirm construction scope in terms of project’s requirements; to apply Permission License of Planning- use Land” from Municipal Planning Bureau and apply to Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau for Permission License for Construction-use Land and Permission License for Municipal Demolition

b. To train related personnel

c. to conduct census on land acquisition and demolition from affected households and enterprises

d. to take part in compiling RAP

e. to sign demolition contract as well as removal contact with affected enterprises

f. to pay compensation on land acquisition and demolition and coordinate its implementation;

g. to visit the demolition company and local government on an regular basis to get updated process;

h. to conduct internal monitoring for implementation of RAP

i. to coordinate contradictions and problems happening in the construction process;

j. to handle with disputes and appealing issues and conduct coordination and administrative arbitration;

k. to handle with illegal behavior during demolition and execute administrative fine and other method;

l. to check and verify supervision report and put forward countermeasures

m. to provide budget for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement

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n. to check utilization status of land after land acquisition and demolition

(5) Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau

Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau will confirm the scope of land acquisition and issue Permission License of Planning-use Land” in terms of application report on land use by Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd and authorization paper for preliminary design, and notify Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd and Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau.

(6) Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau

Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau issued Permission License for Construction-use Land and Permission License for Municipal Demolition in terms of Permission License of Planning-use Land” and the application report on land use by Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd. (7) Shanghai Design&Research Institute

1)to confirm the scope of land acquisition and demolition

2 ) to reduce side-impact of project and engineering by optimizing design

(8) Demolition Company

This institution is mainly in charge of the demolition work and its responsibility is to measure and verify the area of acquisitioned land, property nature, affected number made by Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau. After confirmation from construction owner, this material will be basis for issuing Permission License for Construction-use Land by Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau. According to the investigation on affected households and enterprises and RAP standard, compensation on demolition should be paid upon signing demolition contract.

(9) Independent External Monitoring Institution

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The independent external monitoring institution is in charge of following every part of RAP implementation and providing independent monitoring&appraisal report on resettlement to the construction unit, APL office and the World Bank.

The main institutions and its organization chart are as follows:

Shanghai People’s Government

Municipal Reform and Shanghai World Municipal construction Development Committee Bank APL office committee

Shanghai Real Estate& Land Municipal Resource Administration Water Affair Urban Planning Administration Bureau Bureau Office

Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd

Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd. (internal monitoring unit)

ELSCC/SASS Design Engineering Local government and (External independent institutes of this department demolition company monitoring unit) project

Demolished Village Enterpris household and es town

9.2 Capability of Implementation Institution

Resettlement institution will be composed of resettlement experts mentioned in Chapter 9.1 and professional personnel.

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Members in the resettlement institution have abundant experience of preliminary resettlement work. In order to make the resettlement be in line with the requirements of the World Bank, the construction bank will also invite experts who have taken part in resettlement course organized by the World Bank to give concrete training to their personnel. 9.3Improvement of Enforcement Institution

The coordinating team is established specially for improving capability of enforcement institution.

The coordinating team was established two month before the project started and conference meeting will be held on an irregular basis when necessary until one year after the project is completed.

The coordinating team is composed of members mentioned above. Detailed information can be seen as follows:

Souring Institutions:

(1) Shanghai APL Office

(2) Shanghai Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd

(3) Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd.

(4) Shanghai Real Estate& Land Resource Administration Bureau

(5) Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau

Main responsibilities of the coordinating team:

(1)To supervise the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement to verify job responsibilities of every institution;

(2)To check and examine implementation process of each work:

a. To examine and discuss the internal supervision report by Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd;

b. To examine the external monitoring and appraisal report made by external monitoring and appraisal institution; to put forward suggestions to solve existing problems;

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( 3 ) To put forward suggestions to solve existing problems found in both internal and external monitoring reports;

(4)To examine action process put forward in the last meeting;

( 5 ) To make further countermeasures ( not included in existing RAP) in order to reach the demolition goal;

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Chapter 10 Monitoring and Appraisal

In order to ensure that RAP can be implemented in a smooth manner and the aims of making sound resettlement for the affected are reached, in line with requirements from Non-voluntary Resettlement of Migrants in OP4.12 stipulated by the World Bank and professional guideline of monitoring and appraisal on resettlement for projects loaned by the World Bank, the parties concerned should monitor and appraise the implementation of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement on a regular basis. Monitoring can be divided by two parts; internal monitoring and external independent monitoring. 10.1 Internal Monitoring

The owner of this project will establish an internal monitoring and operational mechanism to check resettlement progress. The owner unit will establish a basic database of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement and it will make monitoring on displaced households and enterprises in terms of the resettlement plan of migrants. At the same time, the owner will make internal monitoring on the whole process of corresponding arrangement and implementation.

During monitoring period, the owner will collect and record related resettlement information concerning affected households and enterprises in terms of monitoring sample and give notes of live activities of resettlement progress to APL office to keep it informed of latest and consecutive monitoring records. The project owner will make regular check on implementation progress. Within the framework of the monitoring mechanism mentioned as above, information sheet with standard format will be created to keep latest information and progress is informed smoothly from project owner to municipal leadership group. monitoring indicators

(1) to pay compensation to the affected , including institutions or units who provide the land and affected individuals in terms of the compensation level mentioned in the resettlement plan;

(2) to get information on many aspects, including resettlement progress of

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labor force on acquisitioned land or households who breed aquatics, selection of resettlement measures, assistance to the affected during training and employment;

(3) compensation and resettlement progress of displaced villagers

(4) to pay pension for qualified retired persons;

(5) progress of assistance given to the disadvantage

(6) restoration progress of affected public facilities and infrastructures

Contents of internal Monitoring

Total number of resettlement and its progress; allocation and usage efficiency, implementation of compensation policies of resettlement and compensation standard; the amount of compensation; resettlement for labor force on the acquisitioned land; resettlement of enterprises and institutions; restoration and re-construction of infrastructure, constitution of resettlement institution, related training, timetable, working efficiency as well as the registration and management of complaint and appealing from the affected

The property owner is going to establish a regular reporting system, that is, an updated internal report will be compiled every 6 month to Shanghai APL office and Beijing APL office. The report will be submitted to the World Bank from December 30th, 2008 on a six-month basis. 10.2 External Monitoring and Appraisal

The project owner are going to invite Economic, Legal and Social Consultancy Center Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (so-called “center” in abbreviation as follows) to be the external & independent monitoring institution for resettlement plan.

The external & independent monitoring institution should make on-track monitoring and appraisal on the process of resettlement plan on a regular basis and monitor the progress, quality and capital of resettlement, providing consultation opinions. Besides, the quality of resettlement residences, living standard will also be monitored on track. Given these, regular monitoring and appraisal report will be submitted to APL office and the World Bank.

Contents of External Monitoring and appraisal:

152 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

1) appraisal of working abilities of resettlement institutions: to investigate their working abilities and working efficiency;

2) time table for resettlement , compensation standard and its payment

3) impact analysis of land acquisition

4) investigation and appraisal on income level of affected households

5) monitoring on typical enterprises and institutions: to monitor payment of compensation, establishment of houses, removal progress, restoration of production, income restoration and resettlement quality;

6) Assistance to the disadvantaged

7) Public facilities: to monitor payment of compensation, restoration of public facilities and related construction progress;

8) Public participation and consultation: to take part public resettlement activities within and after compiling resettlement plan and to monitor the results and effects;

9) Appeal from the affected: monitoring registration and handling process of appeals

The external monitoring and appraisal report will be compiled twice a year and it is scheduled to provide 1st external monitoring report to the World Bank from December, 2008 till the land acquisition and resettlement work are fully completed. After completion of the project, the project owner will arrange a final summary report on this project from December 2008 to June —December, 2009 and June, 2010, 4 times in total.

153 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Chapter 11 Summary and Appraisal of Implemented

Part of Associated Engineering

There are 5 associated engineering related to Qing Caosha reservoir (Nanhui branch engineering). The land acquisition, demolition and resettlement work for these associated engineering is still undergoing. This chapter is a summary and appraisal of implemented part of associated engineering. For detailed information, please see Table 11.1.

154 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Table 11.1 Comparison between RAP and the Status of Resettlement of the Associated Engineering

Wu RAP/ Piping Cross – Asso.Projects Haogou Jinhai Reservoir Project in river Resett pump branch Total classification Island piping lement station well Wu Jinhai embank- middle location Haogou pump station Classification ment well manag. pump working building station well

Total area 347.841 0 21.90 108.616 32.695 511.052 Land acquisiti Collective 188.79 42.129 0 12.34 108.616 25.705 on(mu land 0 ) 322.26 State-owned 305.712 0 9.56 0 6.990 RAP 2 124.40 Total area 0 31.968 85.00 0 7.44 8 Land- 124.40 renting( collective 0 31.968 85.00 0 7.44 8 mu)

State-owned 0 0 0 0 0 0 arable land on Affected acquisitioned 28.051 0 12.34 16.307 24.102 80.800 Labor land 153.00 force No. of people 51 0 12 36 54 0 No. of household 2 0 0 7 1 10.000 No. of 2 0 0 0 0 2.000 people Affected enterpris brick House demolished masonry 1576 es 0 0 0 area structure field 3000 2000 Others 0 Procedur es for land acquisitio procedur Procedure Procedure n and es of s of land s for Status resettlem in land acquisition renting ent for processi renting of the are land has labor ng has resettle undergoin been force on been ment g. finished acquisitio finished ned land are finished

155 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

11.1 Land acquisition, Compensation and Resettlement for Associated Engineering

Qing Caosha reservoir, Water-collection pump floodgate and Water- transportation pump station engineering: Total area of acquisition land is 231,895sq.m, among which an area of 203,808.9 is allocated by state and an area of 28,086.1sq.m is collective land. Among the collective land, an area of 18,700.9sq.m is arable land and an area of 9,385.2sq.m is for other uses. The detailed information can be seen in Table 11.1.

In this engineering, 10 villages, 7 village committees and 20 teams are involved in land acquisition. There are 51 affected people who need absorption and resettlement. After checking and confirmation, People’s government of Changxing village, Chongming country will handle employment procedures for one labor force and social security issues for 50 retired people.

Every affected people ( male should be elder than 55 years old and female should be more than 45 years old) is entitled to take part in “small- town social Insurance” in Shanghai in line with the related government stipulations.

The construction unit has paid RMB7,619,934 for land acquisition, absorption of labor force on affected area as well as pension: compensation for labor force on affected area: RMB107,798; compensation on pension: RMB7,173,864 ( Female: 36 persons, Male: 14 persons).

Given this, related units went specially to social security center of Changxing country to collect information about compensation and resettlement for the affected and was told that pension procedures had been done already.

In order to get further and concrete information about the resettlement work, personnel concerned visited 30% of the affected from Xian feng village, Xian jing village, Guang rong village, Tuanjie village and Hong Xing village and the results are the same as what was reported by social security center of Changxing country. The detailed resettlement condition is as follows:

156 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Compensation standard:

Choice of “Small Town insurance”:

Male:RMB120618 Female:RMB152367

Choice of pension:Male: RMB111720 Female:RMB148470

Compensation on arable land: total area of acquisitioned arable land is 1.87009 hectare (RMB30, 000/hec. on the basis of average output of last three years). The compensation for land acquisition and resettlement subsidy are 6 times more than its original value. Compensation on young crops: RMB23, 500/hec; Compensation on occupying arable land: RMB30, 000/hec; Compensation on temporarily-used land: RMB150, 000/hec.

157 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Progress of land acquisition can be seen in the following Table 11.2

Table 11.2 Land Acquisition Collection

Property right of original land Classification of land Country Town Village Team Agriculture-use Land Constructio Usage n Non-use Of Property Arable Affected enterprise Sum Others -use land land land land Xian village 2171.2 2171.2 0 0 0 feng committee Xian village 8981.7 4869.6 4112.1 0 0 jing committee Guang 10 591 591 591 0 0 rong 8 768.3 768.3 488.9 0 0 Chuang village 3871.8 2213.5 1658.3 0 0 jian committee Tuan 11 416.6 416.6 0 0 0 jie 13 355.5 355.5 0 0 0 14 386.3 386.3 0 0 0 8 306.1 306.1 0 0 0 Jian 10 233.7 233.7 0 0 0 xing C C

h 12 870.9 870.9 0 0 0 h o a

n 1 263.7 263.7 0 0 0 n M g g

m 2 684.7 684.7 0 0 0 u x i Collective n i n n

3 114.8 114.8 0 0 0 i g c land g i 5 917.4 917.4 0 0 0 p a l

6 488.9 488.9 0 0 0 p

7 916.9 916.9 0 0 0 u b l i

8 221.8 221.8 0 0 0 c


9 155.3 155.3 0 0 0 a c i

Pan shi 11 296.5 296.5 0 0 0 l i t i 12 411.6 411.6 0 0 0 e 3 132.3 132.3 0 0 0 s 5 459.3 459.3 0 0 0 village 513.7 513.7 0 0 0 committee Shi sha village 1013.4 0 1013.4 0 0 committee Hong village 430.2 430.2 0 0 0 xin committee Chang village 2112.5 0 2112.5 0 0 zheng committee Sub-total 28086.1 18700. 9385.2 0 0 9 State- Baoshan irrigation administration 1379.1 0 1379.1 0 0 owned office land Changxing sea pond administration 3095.5 0 3095.5 199334.3 0 office Sub-total 203808. 9 Total 231895

158 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Water-transportation piping engineering in Changxing Island: This engineering is yet to have any land acquisition and demolition. Since the construction needs a middle well which is convenient for piping jetting underground, it is needed to rent temporarily an area of 21,312sq.m which is located in Changming village, Changxing country, Chongming. The construction unit is negotiating with the locally affected people for compensation on land-renting and other items.

Raw –water cross-river piping engineering:

This engineering, one of the associated engineering needs acquisitioning land of 21.9mu and involves Xingang village of Changxing country in Chongming and Lianhe village, Caolu town, Pudong district. The land acquisition is mainly used for well location of this engineering and management building after completion of this engineering. The procedures of land acquisition are still under negotiation with the affected and enterprises. The method for compensation, pension and resettlement of labor force is the same as Qing Caosha reservoir, water-collection pump floodgate and Water- transportation pump station engineering. Since detailed items are still under process, progress of land acquisition and compensation will be mentioned in the following report in line with RAP stipulations. Since the construction needs using land for temporary use, the construction unit signed the compensation protocol for using land in April, 2007 with affected enterprise, No.10team and No.11 team of Xingang village,Changxing country for an area of 85mu. The leasing period is proposed to be 3 years from May,1st, 2007 to May 1st, 2010 and construction unit has paid renting expenses, RMB1,020,000(RMB4000/mu/year) to Xingang village, Changxing country.

Wu Haogou pressure-added pump station engineering: It is supposed to use an area of 108.616mu for this engineering. Shanghai Pudong Engineering Construction Management Co., Ltd, agent of the construction unit, has entrusted Shanghai Qianzhong Housing Demolition Co., Ltd to be in charge of the preliminary demolition, compensation and resettlement work. As agent party, Shanghai Pudong Engineering Construction Management Co., Ltd has been authorized to be engaged in the

159 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809 land acquisition and demolition issue. In order to guarantee the construction period, before all the procedures of land acquisition is finished, land-leasing procedures for all land should be done and related expense should be paid off. Land-leasing contract has been signed in line with standard compensation of RMB6, 280/mu in term of RAP. The preliminary demolition is just a start and yet to enter the concrete demolition, compensation and resettlement phase. Some are under appraisal, some are negotiating for compensation and etc. The detailed and completed implementation will be reported in the following report.

Jinhai piping engineering on terrestrial area (branch): This engineering involves land acquisition for Jinhai pump station and renting land for some working wells. Shanghai Pudong Engineering Construction Management Co., Ltd took responsibility for preliminary demolition and resettlement work on behalf of the construction unit and entrusted Shanghai Qianzhong Housing Demolition Co., Ltd to be in charge of the preliminary demolition and resettlement work. The affected Hongsan village committee, Tang town, Pudong district and Caolu town have signed demolition and land-leasing protocols. For the detailed implementation process, demolition company is negotiating with affected parties. 11.2 Appraisal of Land Acquisition, Compensation and Resettlement for Associated Engineering

The construction unit has obeyed related stipulations required in this RAP. Before land acquisition, the construction unit should publicize notification around the affected area and handed out notification to the affected, including affected households and enterprises; the construction unit also invited every affected household and enterprise to have hearing meeting with related government departments or resettlement unit. Before the hearing meeting was held, the construction unit had sent out the invitations to the affected to ask them whether they would be presented in this meeting and if they agreed to attend the meeting, they should give their signature. Given this, the construction unit has carried out stipulation of “public participation” required in RAP.

 Compensation has been given in line with state laws, rules and

160 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

stipulation of the World Bank. Due compensation and well-arranged resettlement has been given to the affected in strict line with state laws, rules and stipulation of OP4.12 required by the World Bank;

 The implementation of preliminary work for demolition and resettlement has been strengthened. As the first responsible person for the preliminary work of demolition and resettlement, the construction unit has entrusted Shanghai Pudong Engineering Construction Management Co., Ltd to be engaged in the preliminary phase of demolition and resettlement by means of using agency.

 Local government and corresponding departments of functions are playing their role in the demolition and resettlement work. The construction unit is paying attention to make local government and corresponding departments of functions give full play to their abilities and the construction unit is actively cooperating with local government to make compensation and resettlement work in good manner.

161 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Annex 1: Geographic map for Qing Caosha Raw-water Project in Water Source

162 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Annex 2 Resettlement Entitlement Matrix

This project is fully abiding by the following stipulations in this resettlement entitlement matrix in terms of policies of non-voluntary resettlement of the World Bank as well as state laws and regulations:

Resettlement Entitlement Matrix Shanghai Qingcaosha Project

Project Affected Compensation Other measures Impact Population/Entity Policies

town’s government Compensation on land and members of will be paid to town’s Compensation on land: village government, village grain&cotton land : committee to develop RMB14400 production and make /mu ( Pudong, Nanhui arrangement for district) affected farmers; RMB subsidy for production 12000/mu(Changxing) and resettlement will be paid to farmers Vegetable land who need resettlement :RMB24000/mu and enterprises who accept these affected; Permanent the maintenance fee Subsidy on young land will be paid to units crops: acquisition user of land and personnel who is Grain&cotton land: in charge of RMB1570 /mu maintenance work ( Pudong, Nanhui district) RMB 2900/mu ( Pudong, Nanhui) RMB 2750/mu ( Changxing)

Resettlement subsidy:

RMB90,000 /person Compensation will be given granted in terms of occupation duration Temporarily and loss; after land 4 times of harvest * occupying user of land acquisition, the original RMB1570=RMB6280 land condition will be restored with some proper economic compensation rural Property owner Compensation on brick masonry : private resident houses will be RMB1700/m2 residents granted in terms of Replacement price: premises replacement principles RMB450/m2 and compensation on Compensation on

163 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

removal of auxiliary items will be paid by existing price. After getting compensation, the affected have 3 options for decoration : RMB300/ resettlement, currency m2 compensation, Field:RMB100/ m2 purchasing Tree:RMB100/ m2 resettlement houses, Telephone:RMB200/set priority to select Removal and installation resettlement houses in of air-condition : advance and then RMB400/set removal into Cable TV : RMB240 resettlement /household neighborhood. Removal of water The resettlement meter:RMB200/set institutions are Removal of electricity providing resettlement meter:RMB200/set premises for the Subsidy of removal : displaced with RMB10 / m2 preferential price temporary transit (around 70% of market subsidy:RMB8/ m2 price) Removal subsidy, reward for removal and transit subsidy will be granted. storey brick masonry : they should get RMB3000/m2 compensation on Field:RMB100/m2 premises in terms of Removal of nursery : replacement principles. RMB80000/ m2 The government is in enterprise Alteration of registration charge of new place : premises’ information. RMB5000/household RMB20,000/household Removal and displaced In this RAP budget and installation subsidy enterprises actual expenses Employees can continue working in the factory. The interests and rights will not be Employees of influenced, including enterprises income, medical and social securities, bonus, dividends and etc. 2 Auxiliary Land RMB100 / m items on the road RMB15 / m2 ground and property owner Greenland RMB110 /m2 public facilities

164 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

Affix 3: Questionnaires

Social Investigation on Nanhui Water-transportation Piping Engineering of Qing Caosha Raw-water Project in Water Source Area and associated engineering.

No: Name of interviewee: Address: room residents’ committee street (town) District Date of interview

Dear ladies and gentlemen: We are making a social survey and research named Qing Caosha raw- water engineering in water source area in order to know about the views and expectations on the project from the public. This project is of common weal for which our municipality will apply loans from the World Bank. The aim for this project and related engineering is to improve the drinkable water quality for urban and rural residents (farmers) in order to promote sustainable and development of our society and improvement of overall living standard. Shanghai Qing Caosha Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd, responsible unit for project construction, has entrusted Shanghai Academy of Social Science to make evaluation on social impact in line with the requirements of the World Bank.

Our investigation is strictly abiding by the rules stipulated in the statistics Law on statistics of People’s Republic of China. Here, we pledge that investigated information from you is only used in statistics research and your private safety is guaranteed.

Note: each close-ended question has only a single answer. All the questions in the questionnaires are read and explained to the interviewees by the inquirers. Inquirers will circle the code in terms of ideas of interviewees. Besides, as for questions with underlines, inquirers will write down the ideas of interviewees. Basic introductions of interviewees 1a、registered permanent residence:

165 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(1)in Shanghai (2)not in Shanghai(answer 1b) 1b、time length of residence in Shanghai: (1) less than six months( stop interview) (2) six months~one year(including six months) (3) one year ~two years(including one year) (4) two years~three years(including two years) (5) more than three years 2、sex: (1)male (2)female 3、age: (1)eighteen~twenty-eight years old(including eighteen years old) (2)twenty-eight~thirty-eight years old(including twenty-eight years old) ( 3 ) 3thirty-eight years old~forty-eight years old(including thirty-eight years old) ( 4 ) forty-eight ~fifty-eight years old(including forty-eight years old) (5)elder than fifty-eight years old 4a、health condition: (1)very good ( 2) good (3 )not too bad(4)bad (5)very bad ( to answer Question 4b 4b、reason for poor health: (1)serious disease (2)body disable 5、education background: ( 1 ) below primary school ( 2 ) primary school ( 3 ) junior school ( 4 ) high school ( 5 ) university ( 6 ) beyond graduate(including graduate) 6、nationality: (1)Han nationality (2)others 7、employment situation: (1)personnel in state government /public institution (2)employee in enterprise (3)temporary worker (4)do business by oneself, such as establishing shop or company (5)student, army man (6)retired person

166 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(7) unemployed person at home (8)farmer (skip to Question 10) (9)others 8、posts: (1) boss/leading cadre in enterprise/senior manager (2)professional (3) intermediate leader of management (4)clerk/ordinary worker (5)industrial worker (6) person who does odd jobs (7)others 9、 Individual monthly income (including pay, bonus, pension, income from secondary profession, each benefit from investment and unemployment insurance and social subsidy and other incomes) (1)less than RMB450 (2)RMB451~RMB1000 (3)RMB1001~RMB2000 (4)RMB2001~RMB3000 (5)RMB3001~RMB4000 (6)RMB4001~RMB5000 (7)RMB5001 ~RMB6000 (8)more than RMB6000

Basic Introduction of the interviewees’ families 10、total number of family members (1)one person (2) two persons (3)three persons (4)four persons (5)five persons (6)more than five persons 11、monthly income of household: ( 1 ) less than RMB1000 ( 2 ) RMB1001 ~ RMB3000 (3)RMB3001~RMB6000 ( 4 ) RMB6001 ~ RMB9000 ( 5 ) RMB9001 ~ RMB12000 (6)RMB12001~RMB15000 (7)RMB15001~RMB20000 (8)more than RMB 20001 12、Owner property of your current residency is:

167 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(1) commercial residential building (2) leased house (3) sold residential building (4)houses of use right (5) private houses (6)others 13、Your residence belongs to: (1)shack-dwellers (2)old workers’ building (3)new workers’ building (4)commercial residential building (5)others 14、Your monthly water consumption is cubic meters. 15、Your monthly water rate is ____Yuan 16、The largest usage of water consumption of your home is? (1) drinking (2)bathing (3)washing clothes (4)cleaning (5)others

Appraisal of Qing Caosha raw-water engineering in water source area

17、Do you live in one of the directly affected area ? (1)yes (2)no 18 、 Have you ever heard that Nanhui water-transportation piping engineering affiliated to Qing Caosha raw-water engineering of water source area?

(1) Yes (2) No 19. How can you get the information of this engineering? (1) Mass media (2) friends (3) others 20、In the following environmental problems, what is the most serious one in your opinion?

(1)air pollution (2) noise pollution (3) water environment pollution (4) solid waste pollution (5) constructions of W.C. (6)insufficient of forestation

168 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

21 、 In your opinion, water problem can be ranked No______of all the environment problems mentioned above. 22 、 In your opinion, what’s the biggest problem in current water environment in Shanghai?

(1) poor quality of raw-water (2)aging of water piping (3)low standard of raw-water process (4)Others 23、What’s your satisfaction degree of urban and rural drinkable water? ( 1 ) very satisfied ( 2 ) satisfied ( 3 ) can’t say clearly ( 4 ) very unsatisfied (5)not satisfied 24、In your opinion, how is the impact of water quality on existing social environment? (1)great impact (2)some impact (3)no impact (4)can’t say clearly 25、In your opinion, what is the keystone of the construction of water environment ? (1)to improve quality of water-transportation pipes (2)to update water-transportation pipes (3)to improve water-processing capability (4)to upgrade the standard of drinkable water (5)others 26a、If your residence will be requisitioned to pave water-transportation piping, what’s your attitude? (1)be willing to accept (2)be unwilling to accept (3) can’t say clearly (4)object (5)object firmly 26b、What’s your ideal mode of resettlement for requisition of land? (If you choose Answer 1 in Question 17a, you must answer this question. If you choose Answer 2 in Question 17a, you can skip this question.) (1)money compensation (2)physical compensation (3)resettlement of labor force (4)others 27、What’s your view on the requisition of land? (Multiple choices) (1) Advantages weigh disadvantages

169 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(2) Disadvantages weigh advantages (3) Others

28 、 What’s your attitude toward the fact that Shanghai municipal government loaned from World Bank for this project and related engineering? (1)welcome (2)don’t care (3)objection 29、In your opinion, what’s the biggest benefit the project will bring forth?

(1)improving the living conditions and living standards (2)improving water quality which is benefit for people’s health (3)creating work posts and opportunities of employment (4) improving environment of investment and improving economic development (5)others 30、In your opinion, what’s the biggest problem the project will bring forth? (1) noise (2) flying dust (3)impact on traffic (4)land requisition &demolition and resettlement (5)adverse impact on some ordinary work of enterprises (6)disturbance on familiar community environment for inhabitants (7)destroying places of historic and historical culture (8)others 31、Do you know current water rate standard in Shanghai? (1)know clearly (2)know round numbers (3)not very clearly 32 、 Are you satisfied with present water rate and supplied water services? (1)very satisfied (2)satisfied (3) hard to say clearly (4)not satisfied (5)very unsatisfied 33、Do you think that the current water rate has imposed pressure on your life? (1)absolutely not (2) a little (3) hard to say clearly (4)having some pressure (5)having great pressure 34、If the water rate is increased after the fulfillment of the project, what’s your attitude?

170 RAP of Shanghai Qin Caosha Raw_water Project of China 0809

(1)welcome (2) accept (3)have no idea (4)not accept (5) object 35 、 If the water rate is increased, in your opinion, what is the most reasonable growing rate? (1)around 0.05 Yuan (2)around 0.1 Yuan (3)around 0.15 Yuan (4)about 0.2 Yuan (5)around0.25 Yuan (6)around 0.3 Yuan (7)others 36 、 Are you confident that the social aim of this engineering will be achieved? 1、 Yes, give your reasons 2、 No, give your reasons______37 、 Please give your opinions, requirements and suggestions on the construction of the project :

Please sign your name: Contact:

Wish you to live a happy life and all the best for you!


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