Minutes of the Administrative Commission

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Minutes of the Administrative Commission

Minutes of the Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of New Brunswick 31 May 2016 at Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church

Present: Jim Huang, moderator of the Administrative Commission; Brad Clifton; Linda Gilmore, treasurer; Peggy Redman; Nina Reeder; Ann Schoonover; Wendi Werner, mod- erator of Presbytery; D. Paul La Montagne, stated clerk.

The meeting was convened at 7:30 pm by moderator Huang with prayer and a short devotional from Psalm 96.

The minutes of previous meetings were approved as corrected.

There was a review of the progress in the sale of the properties at 601/615 N Clin- ton. The buyer is presently in conversation with the tenant, Habitat for Humanity, about their obligations for work on the building at 601 under the lease.

Linda Gilmore, treasurer, reported that there is liability insurance that also needs to be obtained for the building at 21 N Clinton. This is in addition to the casualty insur- ance we have already contracted. It will be approximately $3,800. She asked for a motion to bind the liability coverage and the motion passed without objection.

She also reported on the problem of obtaining additional rent from the tenant of 21 N Clinton, the New Jersey Association on Corrections, on account of the increased insur- ance costs, as provided for under the lease. NJAC disagrees that additional rent is due, but seems open to splitting the increased cost of the insurance with us. The Administra- tive Commission considered the probable cost of pursuing legal action. It was moved to appoint Jim Reeder, Linda Gilmore, and Paul La Montagne, to negotiate with NJAC for a sharing of the increased costs of insurance, and to authorize them to settle for an even split of the cost, if such agreement could be reached. The mo- tion passed without objection.

In reviewing the concerns raised by the problems of insurance for 21 N Clinton, there was a general discussion of insurance costs and services for the presbytery and our member congregations. There was general agreement that we should write a request for proposal and shop our insurance.

The stated clerk reported a request from the Mt. Airy congregation that the $20,000 loan that we gave them to complete the work on the roof of their sanctuary be converted, in whole or in part, to a grant. The treasurer reported that they have made no payments on the loan to date. The presbytery’s lack of spare money dominated the dis- cussion. Without objection, the stated clerk was directed to write to Mt Airy, explain that we have no money for such a grant at present, ask them to begin payments on the loan (20 year term, no interest) as originally agreed, and explaining that we will ask the Tran- sition Task Force to take up the question of setting policy for such loans and possible grants.

It was explained to the Administrative Commission that, in the past when the pres- bytery had budgeted to send the stated clerk, executive presbytery, and moderator to gen- eral assembly, a portion of the budget was set aside for reimbursing GA commissioners for expenses not covered by General Assembly Meeting Services. As we are not sending any of those people this year, we have no budget item under which such expenses could be covered. It was moved that up to $100 per commissioner and YAAD be made available to reimburse expenses for meetings meals or other business activities at General Assembly not reimbursed by GA Meeting Services. This is not to include, however, entertainment opportunities available during General Assembly. This was approved without objection.

A request from Slackwood Presbyterian Church for a grant for $3,000 to stage a community fair was considered. The request was approved by a vote of four to one.

The Administrative Commission then reviewed the finances of the presbytery with special attention to the financial issues arising from the close examination of the history of receipts and grants to and from the Urban Mission Fund, and the discovery that the fund is actually exhausted. The conversation was extended and detailed. The Administrative Commission also took note of the pending proposal from the Transition Task Force to call a special presbytery meeting, probably on 14 June 2016, to deal with issues arising from the condition of the Urban Mission fund and affecting the Urban Mission Cabinet. This also received extended and detailed deliberation. In the expectation that such a special presbytery meeting would be called it was moved and seconded: That the Administrative Commission recommend to the presbytery that it approve a motion to allocate funds from the Urban Leadership Fund to meet commitments already made from the Urban Mission Fund which the Urban Mission Fund is unable to meet, if such a motion is offered at a presbytery meeting. After deliberation the motion was adopted by a vote of five to one.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer at 9:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted D. Paul La Montagne Stated Clerk Business Completed by the Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of New Brunswick by Remote Meeting and E-mail Votes

After remote deliberations and email votes taken without any member of the com- mission objecting, the Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of New Brunswick approved the following actions:

As of 20 July 2016, approved instructing Bob Casey, our lawyer in the sale of the properties at 601/615 N Clinton in Trenton, to negotiate with the buyer, New Jersey Community Capital, to share equally the cost for the installation of a fireproof door in the basement of the building at 601 N Clinton which the city requires in order to give a clean certificate of occupancy. As of 9 August 2016, acting on behalf of presbytery in a month in which pres- bytery does not meet, approved the request of the Lawrence Road Presbyterian Church to encumber their property as collateral for a $30,000 line of credit. As of 10 August 2016, approved the request of Preservation New Jersey to let a contract to redo the lighting in the 1867 Sanctuary at Ewing. Our lease with them requires them to obtain our approval for all substantial work to be done in and on the sanctuary. The session of the First Presbyterian Church of Ewing had recommended this action to the Administrative Commission by action taken at their 12 July 2016 meeting. As of 10 August 2016, approved the request of Preservation New Jersey to rent the 1867 Sanctuary to Calvary Chapel for a Praise Band Concert.

Respectfully submitted D. Paul La Montagne Stated Clerk Minutes of the Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of New Brunswick 30 August 2016 at Nassau Presbyterian Church

Present: Jim Huang, moderator of the Administrative Commission; Brad Clifton; Linda Gilmore, treasurer; Peggy Redman; Ann Schoonover; Wendi Werner, moderator of Pres- bytery; D. Paul La Montagne, stated clerk.

Guests: the reverend Molly Dykstra, Covenant Presbyterian church; Angel Perez and Di- ane Hobbs, New Jersey Association on Corrections

The meeting was convened at 7:09 pm by moderator Huang with prayer and a short devotional from Psalm 81.

The minutes of previous meetings were approved as corrected.

The Administrative Commission heard from the treasurer that, by an action in council on 28 May 2002, up to $1,000 a year from the earnings of the Urban Mission Fund is to be transferred to the Presbytery operating budget in payment for financial and reporting services the presbytery provides to the Urban Mission Fund. This money has never been collected. The Administrative Commission took no action on this item.

The Administrative Commission heard from the treasurer that the Committee on Preparation for Ministry is running over budget. Its major expenses are two: the one third share of total costs for psychological evaluations that the presbytery pays from its operat- ing budget, and the available aid of up to $1,500 per inquirer/candidate that is paid as needed and approved by the CPM. The question was raised whether the aid to inquirer/candidates is supposed to come from the Ministerial Student Assistant fund that was established years ago, and is funded in part by the offering taken at each January’s presbytery meeting. The Administrative Commission agreed to open a discussion with the CPM about their future budget. It was moved and passed without objection to increase the budget for the Commit- tee on Preparation for Ministry for 2016 by $3,000 to a total of $7,000. Subsequent to this meeting a review of the records established that $1,500 of aid per inquirer/candidate is supposed to come from the Ministerial Students Aid Fund as es- tablished in 1992 and modified on several occasions since. A review of this fund and the action taken on the 2016 budget will be put on the agenda for the next meeting of the Ad- ministrative Commission.

The Administrative Commission approved without objection endorsing the grant application to the synod for Princeton Presbyterians, the campus ministry at Princeton University. The Administrative Commission then agreed, without objection, that in the future the stated clerk could write endorsement letters, when needed, for any campus ministry that the presbytery was already supporting.

The Administrative Commission authorized Brad Clifton to initiate meetings or email votes on any future matters that come up when the moderator of the Administrative Commission is out of communication with the presbytery.

The Administrative Commission then welcomed Molly Dykstra, transitional pas- tor at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Reverend Dykstra introduced the Administrative Commission to the situation at Covenant, and the decision of the session to contract with a real estate agent and put the building and property on the market. It was clearly understood that the permission of the presbytery and of the congregation is necessary in order to sell the property, but the ses- sion needs to find out what the market for the property is in order to decide what to rec- ommend to the congregation. Reverend Dykstra assured the AC that the session has been in regular communica- tion with the Committee on Ministry and with the congregation as it has weighed its al- ternatives and made these plans. The Administrative Commission agreed that the permission of the presbytery and the congregation was not needed merely to list the property for sale. It was agreed that a brief report of the situation of the congregation and an explanation of the purpose of the present action would be made at the September presbytery meeting. In this way any later request for permission to sell the property will find the presbytery ready to deliberate the question.

Angel Perez, the director of the New Jersey Association for Correction and Diane Hobbs, fiscal officer, were welcomed to the meeting. Mr Perez reviewed the 55-year his- tory of the relationship between the Presbytery of New Brunswick and the New Jersey Association on Corrections. He then reviewed the current financial situation concerning the house at 21 North Clinton avenue which they lease from the presbytery. He explained that they would like to start a conversation with the presbytery about buying the building. After questions and conversation Mr Perez and Ms Hobbs left. The Administrative Commission discussed a great many issues that would be raised by a possible sale. It was agreed to ask for a concrete offer as a next step, keeping in mind how many things still needed to be addressed. Brad Clifton was delegated to pre- pare a letter for NJAC asking for an offer.

The Administrative Commission then reviewed the draft financial policy prepared by the treasurer. After much discussion and some corrections it was agreed to post the Fi- nancial Policy for a first reading at the September presbytery meeting. It was agreed that the treasurer had full authority to switch the staff from debit cards to credit cards.

The Administrative Commission reviewed the process and timeline for a budget. it was agreed that we prepare a budget for a first reading at the November Presbytery meet- ing. The budget will be a major item of business at our 11 October 2016 meeting.

In reviewing the process for approving requests from Preservation New Jersey for the use of the 1867 Sanctuary at Ewing and approving work to be done on the building the Administrative Commission agreed, without objection, that when such requests are received the stated clerk may circulate them for an email vote immediately. As always, if any member of the Administrative Commission believes that a particular matter requires discussion and deliberation, then it will be postponed until our next meeting. But many such requests should be able to be handled quickly and easily.

The Administrative Commission adjourned with prayer at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted, D. Paul La Montagne Stated Clerk

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