United States History Vocabulary Terms

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United States History Vocabulary Terms

United States History Vocabulary Terms

1 Townshend Act Alexander Hamilton Democratic Party Battle of the Alamo 10% Plan Grange Land Bridge Boston Massacre National Bank Common Man Lone Star Republic Radical Plan Patrons of Husbandry Columbus National Debt Spoils System Sam Houston Thaddeus Stevens Wabash V. Illinois Amerigo Vespucci Neutrality Great Silence Oregon Trail Charles Sumner ICC Ferdinand Magellan Whiskey Rebellion Nullification Crisis 54’40 or Fight Wade-Davis Bill Populism Conquistadors 6 Jay’s Treaty Tariff of James K. Polk Andrew Johnson Omaha Platform Treaty of Tordesillas Boston Tea Party Pinkney’s Treaty Abominations Mexican War Black Codes Free Silver Columbian Exchange Intolerable Act Treaty of Greenville SC Exposition and Zachary Taylor Civil Rights Act of Greenbacks St Augustine Committees of Battle of Fallen Protest Winfield Scott 1866 William McKinley Roanoke Correspondence Timbers Indian Removal Act Treaty of Guadalupe 14th Amendment William Jennings John White Minutemen Farewell Warnings Worchester v. Hidalgo Reconstruction Acts Bryan 1st Continental Georgia Gadsden Purchase of 1867 Cross of Gold Congress Trail of Tears Gold Rush Scalawags Lexington & Concord Pet Banks Sutter’s Mill Carpetbaggers 2nd Continental 11 Martin Van Buren Tenure of Office Act Congress Federalists Panic of 1837 15th Amendment 31 2 Bunker Hill Democratic Whig Party Edwin Drake Virginia Company Olive Branch Republicans William Henry Nikola Tesla Jamestown Common Sense Yeoman Farmers Harrison Thomas Edison John Smith Thomas Paine XYZ Affair John Tyler 19 25 Bessemer Process House of Burgesses Declaration of Convention of 1800 Federalism Tenant Farming John D. Rockefeller John Rolfe Independence Alien and Sedition 10th Amendment Sharecroppers Andrew Carnegie Pocahontas Thomas Jefferson Acts Wilmot Proviso “40 acres and a JP Morgan Headright System Loyalists Kentucky & Virginia Compromise of 1850 mule” Cornelius Vanderbilt Indentured Servant Tories Resolutions Underground Freedman’s Bureau James B Duke Bacon’s Rebellion Patriots Nullification 16 Railroad George Puritans 2nd Great Awakening Harriet Tubman Westinghouse Pilgrims Charles Finney Fugitive Slave Law Iron Horse Plymouth Utopian Communities 26 Company Town Mayflower Compact New Harmony Reconstruction Pullman, Illinois William Bradford Oneida Credit Mobilier John Winthrop 7 Transcendentalism Whiskey Ring City on a Hill Trenton 12 Walt Whitman Panic of 1873 Roger Williams Princeton Election of 1800 Leaves of Grass Compromise of 1877 32 Anne Hutchinson Saratoga Thomas Jefferson Ralph Waldo Emerson 20 Samuel Tilden Corporations Pequot War Valley Forge Laissez-Faire Self Reliance Uncle Tom’s Cabin Rutherford B. Hayes Limited Liability King Philip’s War Marquis de Lafayette Midnight Judges Henry David Thoreau Harriet Beecher Home Rule Economy of Scale Charles Cornwallis Marbury v. Madison Civil Disobedience Stowe Jim Crow Laws Frederick Taylor Guilford Courthouse John Marshall Horace Mann Kansas-Nebraska Act KKK Social Darwinism Yorktown Judicial Review Noah Webster Bleeding Kansas Solid South Gospel of Wealth Treaty of Paris, 1783 Louisiana Purchase Dorothea Dix Brooks and Sumner Horatio Alger Lewis and Clark James Fenimore Dred Scott Monopoly 3 Sacajawea Cooper Republican Party 27 Trust Henry Hudson Tecumseh Last of the Mohicans Lincoln-Douglas Great American Merger New York Battle of Tippecanoe Nathaniel Hawthorne Debates Desert Holding Company Thomas Hooker William Henry Scarlett Letter Freeport Doctrine Homestead Act Horizontal Fundamental Orders 8 Harrison Washington Irving John Brown Central and Union Integration William Penn Virginia Statute of Impressment Herman Melville Harper’s Ferry Pacific Vertical Integration Quakers Religious Freedom Embargo Act Edgar Allan Poe 1860 Election Promontary Point Robber Barons George Calvert Articles of War Hawk Hudson River School Confederate States Dakota Uprising Philanthropy Toleration Act Confederation Alex de Tocqueville Jefferson Davis Sand Creek Sherman Anti-Trust James Olgethorpe Unicameral Democracy in Fetterman’s Act Mercantilism Land Ordinance America Massacre Navigation Acts NW Ordinance William Lloyd Black Hills 33 Glorious Revolution Shay’s Rebellion Garrison 21 Little Bighorn Sweatshops Salutary Neglect Constitutional Liberator Ft Sumter Crazy Horse Collective Bargaining John Peter Zenger Convention 13 David Walker Constrictor Plan Sitting Bull Arbitration Virginia Plan War of 1812 Frederick Douglas Anaconda Plan George Armstrong Blacklist James Madison Hartford Convention North Star Copperheads Custer Lockouts New Jersey Plan Treaty of Ghent Nat Turner Bounties Nez Perce Scabs Great Compromise Battle of New Orleans Black codes Substitutions Chief Joseph Injunctions 3/5 Compromise McCulloch v. Habeas Corpus Century of Dishonor Great Strike of 1877 4 Slave Trade Maryland Emancipation Helen Hunt Jackson Knights of Labor Cash Crops Compromise Gibbons v. Ogden Proclamation Dawes Act Terence Powderly Necessary Evil Federalists Era of Good Feelings 54th Massachusetts Assimilation Haymarket Square Triangular Trade Anti-Federalists 49th Parallel Clara Barton Ghost Dance AFL Middle Passage Federalist Papers Adams-Onis Treaty 17 Andersonville Wounded Knee Samuel Gompers Enlightenment John Jay Monroe Doctrine Suffrage Eugene V. Debs John Locke Alexander Hamilton Missouri Compromise Grimke Sisters Pullman Strike Social Contract Bill Of Rights Abolitionist Lucretia Mott Mary Harris Baron de Elizabeth Cady 22 28 Triangle Fire Montesquieu Stanton Bull Run Open Range Homestead Strike Abigail Adams Susan B. Anthony Shiloh Chisholm Trail Ludlow Strike Salem, Sojourner Truth Ulysses Grant Abilene Massachusetts 9 Temperance Antietam Barbed Wire Great Awakening Separation of Powers Seneca Falls George McClellan Comstock Lode Jonathan Edwards Checks and Balances 14 Convention Vicksburg Ghost Town 34 George Whitefield Federalism Industrial Revolution Declaration of Robert E. Lee Wild West Old Immigration Limited Government Eli Whitney Sentiments Fredericksburg Wild Bill Hickok New Immigration Popular Sovereignty Interchangeable Catherine Beecher Chancellorsville Calamity Jane Ellis Island Preamble Parts Amelia Bloomer Thomas Jackson Wyatt Earp Angel Island Enumerated Lowell System Robert Fulton Gettysburg Jesse James Culture Shock Delegated Emancipation Charles Goodyear Little Round Top Billy the Kid Melting Pot 5 Expressed Cotton Gin Isaac Singer Pickett’s Charge Dime Novels Nativism French and Indian Exclusive Sectionalism Samuel Morse Gettysburg Address Chinese Exclusion Act War Concurrent American System John Deere William T. Sherman Urbanization Albany Plan of Union Reserved Henry Clay Cyrus McCormick March to the Sea Tenements Battle of Quebec Implied John C. Calhoun Nativism Appomattox 29 Chicago Fire Treaty of Paris, 1763 Necessary and Conestoga Know-Nothing Party Homestead Act Social Gospel Proclamation of 1763 Proper Erie Canal Oklahoma Giveaway Jacob Riis Writs of Assistance Amendment Morrill Land Grants “How the Other Half Sugar Act Judicial Review 23 Sod Houses Lives” James Otis Monitor & Merrimac Frederick Jackson Jane Addams No Taxation w/o 18 13th Amendment Turner Hull House Representation Manifest Destiny Lincoln’s Plan Frontier Thesis Settlement Houses Stamp Act 10 Mormons John Wilkes Booth Quartering Act George Washington 15 Joseph Smith Sons of Liberty Cabinet Andrew Jackson Brigham Young Samuel Adams Bill of Rights John Q. Adams Texas 30 35 John Adams Judiciary Act Corrupt Bargain Stephen F Austin 24 Railroad Rebates Graft Kickbacks Wealth Gap Great Migration Black Tuesday Albert Einstein Hollywood Ten Immigration Act, Political Machines Henry George Influenza Hawley-Smoot Tariff Final Solution Blacklisting 1965 Tweed Ring “Progress and Shantytowns Concentration Camps Alger Hiss DOT Tammany Hall Poverty” Soup Kitchens Auschwitz Rosenbergs Rachel Carson Thomas Nast Edward Bellamy Rugged Individualism Buchenwald Joseph McCarthy Silent Spring James Garfield “Looking Backward” RFC Elie Wiesel GI Bill Clean Air Act Chester Arthur Eugene V. Debs Hoovervilles Night Suburbia Ralph Nader Pendelton Act IWW 47 Bonus Army Oscar Schindler Levittowns Warren Court Grover Cleveland Wobblies Fourteen Points Franklin Roosevelt Taft-Hartley Act Brown v. Board McKinley Tariff Progressives League of Nations New Deal Dixiecrats Mapp v. Ohio Social Gospel Versailles Peace Lame Duck Strom Thurmond Gideon v. Wainwright Muckrakers Conference 20th Amendment Fair Deal Miranda v. Arizona Ida Tarbell Big Four 56 36 Upton Sinclair Reparations Cash and Carry Isolationism Lincoln Steffins Henry Cabot Lodge Axis Powers Imperialism Selective Service 66 Jingoism Four Freedoms Jackie Robinson Spheres of Influence 52 Lend-Lease Policy 61 Vernon Johns Alaska 41 “Only thing to Fear” Atlantic Charter “I Like Ike” Rosa Parks Seward’s Folly commission Fireside Chats Pearl Harbor Richard Nixon Montgomery Alabama Hawaii government 48 Eleanor Roosevelt WAC’s “Checkers Speech” Martin Luther King Jr Alfred Mahan manager government Return to Normalcy Brain Trust Tuskegee Airmen Middle Road Policies SCLC “Influence of Sea initiatives Warren Harding 1st 100 Days Manhattan Project H-Bomb SNCC Power Upon referendums Washington Naval Deficit Spending Rosie the Riveter Brinksmanship Little Rock Central History” recall Conferences Bank Holiday Rationing John Foster Dulles Spanish American Robert LaFollette Kellogg-Briand Treaty FDIC Japanese Internment Massive retaliation War FDA National Origins Act SEC Korematsu v. US Duck and Cover Yellow Journalism Jungle Boston Police Strike PWA Eisenhower Doctrine 67 De Lome Letter Oregon v. Muller Open Shop CWA ICBM Greensboro Sit-In USS Maine 16th Amendment Red Scare TVA Sputnik Freedom Riders Remember the Maine Carrie Nation Palmer Raids CCC NASA Birmingham, Philippines 18th Amendment Mitchell Palmer AAA 57 U-2 Alabama George Dewey Volstead Act J Edgar Hoover NRA Battle of the Atlantic Gary Francis Powers Bull Connor Josiah Strong Sacco and Vanzetti Dust Bowl Convoy system James Meredith Rough Riders Teapot Dome Okies Stalingrad George Wallace Theodore Roosevelt 42 Calvin Coolidge Grapes of Wrath Erwin Rommel March on Washington San Juan Hill Theodore Roosevelt “Keep Cool with John Steinbeck El Alamein “I Have a Dream” Splendid Little War Square Deal Coolidge” Charles Coughlin Soft Underbelly Civil Rights Act, 1964 Treaty of Paris 1902 Coal Strike Huey Long D-Day 62 24th Amendment Northern Securities Francis Townsend Operation Overlord Interstate Highway Freedom Summer Conservation Dwight Eisenhower System Selma to Gifford Pinchot Omaha Beach Baby Boom Montgomery 37 George Patton Jonas Salk Voting Rights Act, William Howard Taft 49 Battle of the Bulge Dr. Spock 1965 Teller Amendment 43 “Business of America Harry Truman “I Love Lucy” Platt Amendment William Howard Taft is Business” 53 V-E Day Beatniks Spheres of Influence Bull Moose Party Installment Plan 2nd New Deal Rock-n-Roll 68 Open Door Policy New Nationalism $5 Day Plan WPA Elvis De Facto segregation John Hay Woodrow Wilson Flapper Social Security Other America De Jure segregation Russo-Japanese War New Freedom Margaret Sanger REA White Flight Medgar Evers Panama Canal Four Privileges Prohibition Wagner Act 58 Urban Renewal Nation of Islam Big Stick Election of 1912 Speakeasies Fair Labor Standards Douglas MacArthur Betty Freidan Elijah Muhammad Roosevelt Corollary Bootleggers Court Packing Bataan Death March Feminine Mystique Malcolm X Dollar Diplomacy Al Capone Francis Perkins Doolittle Raid Black Power Missionary Diplomacy 44 Fundamentalism Mary McLeod Coral Sea Stokely Carmicheal Pancho Villa Underwood Tariff Billy Sunday Bethune Battle of Midway Ballots or Bullets FTC Aimee McPherson Black Cabinet Chester Nimitz Long Hot Summers Clayton Anti-Trust Scopes Trial Marian Anderson Island Hopping Black Panthers 38 Carrie Chatman Catt Clarence Darrow Federal Arts Project Guadalcanal 63 James Earl Ray Skyscrapers 19th Amendment William J Bryan Grant Wood Philippines Election of 1960 Robert Kennedy Louis Sullivan Richard Wright Kamikaze JFK Sirhan Sirhan Frank Lloyd Wright “War of the Worlds” Iwo Jima Richard Nixon Kerner Commission Urban Planning Wizard of OZ Okinawa Televised Debates Frederick Olmstead 45 Gone with the Wind Robert Oppenheimer Fidel Castro Wright Brothers Nationalism Snow White Hiroshima Bay of Pigs 69 George Eastman Alliances Nagasaki Berlin Wall French Indochina Morrill Act Triple Alliance V-J Day Cuban Missile Crisis Ho Chi Minh Realism Triple Entente Yalta Test Ban Treaty Domino theory Thomas Eakins Archduke Ferdinand United Nations Viet Cong Ashcan School Trench Warfare 50 Potsdam Gulf of Tonkin Samuel Clemens Submarines George Gershwin Nuremberg Trials Operation Rolling Stephen Crane “He Kept Us Out of Georgia O’Keefe 54 Thunder Jack London War” Sinclair Lewis Merchants of Death Sec. Robert Amusement Parks No Man’s Land F Scott Fitzgerald Good Neighbor Policy McNamara Vaudeville Poison Gas Gertrude Stein Neutrality Act 59 William Ragtime Lusitania “Lost Generation” Quarantine Speech Cold War Westmoreland Yellow Journalism Sussex Pledge Ernest Hemingway Hirohito Iron Curtain 64 Search and Destroy Joseph Pulitzer Zimmerman Note TS Eliot Hideki Tojo Winston Churchill Camelot Napalm William Randolph Robert Frost Fascism Satellite Nations Jackie Kennedy Agent Orange Hearst Babe Ruth Benito Mussolini Purges Best and the Credibility Gap Chain Stores Charles Lindbergh Adolph Hitler Containment Brightest Hawks Spirit of St Louis Third Reich George Kennan New Frontier Doves Amelia Earhart Nazi Truman Doctrine Peace Corp Deferments 46 Charlie Chaplin Joseph Stalin Marshall Plan Alliance for Progress Peace without Clara Bow Appeasement Berlin Airlift Alan Shepard 39 Victory Rudolph Valentino Kellogg-Briand National Security Act John Glenn 70 Literacy Tests Selective Service Act “Jazz Singer” Hoover-Stimson CIA Neil Armstrong SDS Poll Taxes “Over There” Black Nationalism Doctrine NATO Lyndon Johnson Teach-Ins Grandfather Clauses “Dough Boys” Marcus Garvey Munich Peace Warsaw Pact Lee Harvey Oswald Tet Offensive Jim Crow John Pershing Harlem Renaissance Conference Jack Ruby Democratic Segregation AEF Langston Hughes Non-Aggression Pact Magic Bullet Theory Convention, 1968 Plessy v. Ferguson Alvin York Zora Neal Hurston Blitzkreig Grassy knoll Vietnamization Lynching Armistice Louis Armstrong Battle of Britain Warren Commission Loas and Cambodia Ida B. Wells War Industries Board Duke Ellington Luftwaffe My Lai Booker T Washington Victory Gardens Bessie Smith RAF 60 Kent State Tuskegee Institute Daylight Savings Winston Churchill Chang Kai-Shek 65 Jackson State Atlanta Compromise Time Mao Zedong LBJ Pentagon Papers WEB DuBois Liberty Bonds Korean War Civil Rights Act, 1964 Fall of Saigon Niagara Falls Committee on Public 38th Parallel War on Poverty 26th Amendment Convention Information Police Action Head Start Vietnam Memorial NAACP George Creel 51 Douglas MacArthur Vista War Powers Act “I Want You” Herbert Hoover 55 Inchon Great Society Espionage and Speculation Mien Kampf Harry Truman Medicare Sedition Act Buying on Margin Nuremberg Laws Loyalty Boards Medicaid 40 Schenck v. US Oct. 29, 1929 Kristallnacht HUAC HUD 71 Counterculture Timothy Leary Hippies Pop Art Andy Warhol British Invasion Woodstock Feminism NOW Gloria Steinem Roe v. Wade ERA Cesar Chavez United Farm Workers AIM

72 New Federalism Revenue Sharing Southern Strategy Stagflation Oil Embargo Détente Henry Kissinger SALT Treaties Watergate Woodward and Bernstein US v. Nixon Gerald Ford

73 25th Amendment WIN Helsinki Accords Jimmy Carter Dept. of Energy Camp David Accords Iranian Hostage Crisis EPA Three Mile Island

74 Ronald Reagan George Bush Supply Side Economics Trickle Down Economics Evil Empire Star Wars (SDI) William Rehnquist S & L Bailouts “No New Taxes” AIDS Sandra Day O’Connor Gerldine Ferraro Title IX Iran-Contra Scandal Grenada Mikhail Gorbachev Desert Storm Saddam Hussein

75 George Bush Bill Clinton Ross Perot NAFTA Brady Bill Family Medical Leave Contract with America Somalia Balkans Haiti PLO Al Gore George Bush Sept. 11, 2001 Osama Bin Laden Patriot Act War on Terrorism

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