AP USH Retake: Period 7: 1890-1945

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AP USH Retake: Period 7: 1890-1945

AP USH Retake: Period 7: 1890-1945

All work must be completed in a timely basis. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Summative Retake When: March 22st 3:30-4:30, A new MC &SAQ & LRE Have ALL practice work and THOROUGH additional work ready to be checked on March 21 NO EXCEPTIONS

To qualify to take the Retake the student MUST show all of the following completed thoroughly a. Period 7 Outlines: ALL chapter outlines completed b. Period 7 Term identifications(found on pg.2 &3): (a) Provide a summary of each term in 1-2 SENTENCES and (b) the terms significance in ANOTHER SENTENCE, with (c) the page number listed from AMSCO and/or YAWP. These ids must be thorough and Handwritten.

1. Advice o Review the completed practice work. You want to significantly improve your score on the Retake. o Tutoring is available. o Videos: John Green Crash Course & practice online quizzes

Have all work ready practice work and additional work ready to be checked on March 21.

Period 7 Content Terms For each, write a 1-2 sentence definition, and then a sentence on what the significance of the term is - why it matters in its context and/or in American history. Make sure to have page number from Foner or Amsco, YAWP (specify which). These terms must be HANDWRITTEN. SO EACH TERMS MUST BE EXPLAINED IN 2-3 SENTENCES THAT IDENTIFY THE TERM AND EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE. 1. .Imperialism 36. Pancho Villa/General 69. Henry Ford and the 2. Alfred T. Mahan/Influence of Pershing Automobile Sea Power 37. “Dollar Diplomacy” 70. The role of farmers and 3. “White Man’s Burden” 38. Causes of WWI (MANIA) unions in 1920s 4.. Queen Lil/Hawaii 39. Lusitania/ 71. “Return to Normalcy” 5. . Yellow Journalism 40. Zimmerman Telegram 72. Teapot Dome Scandal 6. Spanish American War 41. “Keep the World Safe for 73. Hawley-Smoot Tariff 7. Emilio Aguinaldo Democracy” 74. Great Depression 8. Causes of Imperialism 42. Liberty Loans/Liberty 75. Hoovervilles 9. Foraker Act Bonds 76. Hoover’ 10. Teller Amend /Platt Amend 43. Selective Service Act 77. The New Deal and the 3 R’s 11. Open Door Policy 44. Food 78. . Emergency Banking Relief 12. Big Stick Diplomacy Adminsitration/Hoover 79. Fireside Chats 13. Panama Canal 45. War Industries 80. Alphabet Agencies 14. Roosevelt Corollary Board/Bernard Baruch 81. Dust Bowl 15. “Gentlemen’s Agreement” 46. Great Migration 82. Indian Reorganization Act 16. The Progressive Era 47. 19th Amendment 83. Critics: Long, Townshend 17. Muckrakers 48. Committee on Public 84. Wagner Act 18. Direct Information (Creel Com) 85. Social Security Act primary/initiative/refererend 49. Espionage and Sedition Act 86. Court Packing Plan um/recall 50. Schenck v. United States 87. John L. Lewis/CIO 19. Lewis Hine/Child Labor 51. Fourteen Points 88. 1937 Recession (“double 20. Lochner v. New 52. Treaty of Versailles/ dip”)/ Keynesian Economics York/Muller v. Oregon League of Nations 89. 1930s Foreign Policy: 21. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 53. Red Summer: Isolation, Naval Conference, 22. Prohibition 54. Red Scare :A. Mitchell Nye Committee, 23. Square Deal Palmer/Palmer Raids 90. Good Neighbor Policy 24. TR on trustbusting 55. Sacco and Vanzetti case 91. Cash and Carry Policy/ 25. 1901 Anthracite Coal Strike 56 Emergency Immigration Lend Lease 26. Elkins Act/Hepburn Act Act/National Origins Act 92. Pearl Harbor 27. Upton Sinclair/The Jungle 57. Rebirth of the KKK 93. War Productions Board/ 28. Conservation/Gifford 58. Fundamentalism and the War Bonds (other ways of Pinchot/ Muir Scopes Trial financing the war) 29. . 16th and 17th Amendment 59. Rural vs. Urban 94. Role of women in the war 30. Progressive Party (Bull 60. Jazz Age (“Rosie the Riveter”) Moose Party) 61. The New Morality and the 95. A. Phillip Randolph/FEPC 31. New Nationalism Flapper 96. . Bracero Program/Zoot (TR)/New Freedom (Wilson) 62. Margaret Sanger Suit Riots 32. Underwood Tariff 63. 19th Amendment 97. . Japanese 33. Federal Reserve 64. Harlem Renaissance Internment/Executive Order 34. Federal Trade Commission 65. Marcus Garvey 9066 (FTC) 66. The Lost Generation 98.Yalta Conference 35. Clayton Anti-Trust Act 67. Consumer Culture of the 99. The Atomic Bomb Debate 1920s: movies, radio

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