Hamptons HOA Board Meeting Doyers Club House

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Hamptons HOA Board Meeting Doyers Club House

Hamptons HOA Board Meeting – Doyers Club House Sept. 19, 2016, 6:30 pm Minutes Attending were: Doug Handy, Rita Wilson, Nora Streiner, Judy DeBoer, Beverly Camut, Lori Rodgers, David Wolf, Talina Bath, Christine Pressley, Marie Joseph, Beth Metz, David Barton, Jo Westervelt, Scott Ennis

Meeting was called to order at 6:32pm. We were unable to approve the Aug. HOA Board minutes since three Board members were traveling and we had no quorum. This will carry over to Ad hoc mtg with the Board.

FINANCIALS At 31 August 2016, the financial position of the HOA was:

Cash, operating expenses: $138,192 Cash, capital reserves: 137,677 Accounts receivable: 925 Other assets 1,923 Accounts payable (2,357) Other liabilities (2,866)

Net assets $273,494

For the eight months ended 31 August 2016, the HOA has recognized revenues of $272,167 which is $2,310 less than budgeted. The HOA as incurred expenses of $177,775 which is $23,330 less than budgeted. Net income for the eight months is net $21,020 more than expected.

All but one homeowner assessment has been collected for 2016 and we expect to collect the balance prior to the end of the year. All of the Association’s vendors are paid on time within requested terms.

Update on New Management Company The management company selection process was discussed by first explaining that a Search Committee was formed and led by our neighbor, Robert Franks, to locate management companies. They also helped develop a detailed list of services to be included in a Request For Proposal (RFP). This was sent out to six management companies. Upon receipt of proposals we narrowed down the candidates to four companies were personally interviewed by the Board.

After the interviews were concluded, the Board completed a pros and cons sheet to help rank the companies. We narrowed the field to two companies for site visits before making a final decision. In interviewing prospective new management companies, we found that other companies were offering more value-added services. Without a doubt, Cedar was everyone's choice. Now we’ll have online access on a new Hamptons website with access to your account allowing you to make payments, see statements, including current news and topics for our neighborhood. We will be paying Cedar less per month so that is additional monies we can earmark toward the Operating Budget. We will also plan to have a Meet & Greet at the November Board Meeting so that you will have the opportunity to meet our new Manager, Tiffany Barfield and some of the Cedar staff. The Board members will each take a role in the transition process to enable a smooth transition from Kuester to Cedar. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE

 The September, 2016 Hamptons Highlights newsletter was emailed to Hamptons homeowners, four paper copies were delivered to the Hospitality Committee chairperson and five paper copies were left in the box at the Vixen Clubhouse for homeowners who want the newsletter in paper form. In- come from advertisements exceeded printing costs by $78.36 in September and $1,096.59 for the year: September, 2016 YTD 2016 Advertising Income $85.00 $1,175.00

Copying Expenses $ 6.64 $ 78.41

Income after Publishing Newsletter $78.36 $1,096.59

 Emailed the following communications to the neighborhood:  8/12 Board meeting reminder and notice of Vixen Clubhouse Committee Chair position opening  8/16 Notice of meeting with Huntersville Town Planners  8/21 Reminder of meeting with Huntersville Town Planners  8/28 Notice of Landscape Committee Chair position opening  9/5 Deadline to rsvp for Hamptons Family Fun day


We had great success this swim season getting pool tags out to all of our Hamptons neighborhood with almost 90% of our neighbors receiving their tags for this swim season. The remaining 10% I am assuming don’t go to the pool!! We did also have 11 Green Farm neighbors sign up and pay for pool use this summer resulting in an additional $4950 in income.

We had 9 new neighbors join us the past summer and continue to greet them with new neighbor packets.


- Resolved Vixen light issue - Provided picture for email communication regarding shutting off the Doyers Court light - Aligned with Maureen that she has what is needed for 2017 budgeting (waiting on response from board/Doug on plans for Doyers) - General maintenance completed

Vixen Clubhouse Vixen started out the Month of Sept. getting much needed cleaning done. Sept. 1st we had Squeegee Pro Wash all of the Windows, inside and out at the Vixen. Our Carpeting is scheduled to be cleaned on 9/19/16 since our Carpet “guy” has now recovered from his back injury and can come. Jon Welch is watching the weather to determine when he can get in (in between rentals) to do “touch up” painting inside and out for the Clubhouse and he will also Power Wash our front Porch and Walkway to remove the grime from our Crepe Myrtle trees. Our Last Day that the Pool was open was 9/05/16 and the Pool is all Buttoned up now until the 2017 season. I met with Faye Song on 9/08/16 and she has agreed to take over my Chair position on Jan.1st, 2017. We will begin her “shadowing” & training in November. Our Social Committee had their last event for the year at the Vixen on 9/10/16 and all went well. (There’s one more Social event this year in December but it will be held at the Doyers.) We will have a Book Club event on 9/19/16 at the Vixen and our Girl Scouts start their meetings on 9/23/16 from 3:30 until 5:30 allowing Rentals from 6:00pm on if one comes along. We have two paying rentals coming up on 9/24 & 9/28. I will attend a Budget Meeting with Doug Handy this Thurs. evening to go over projections for 2017 Vixen Budget.

BYLAWS The Bylaws Committee completed all the recommended changes to the new Bylaws Operating Procedures and submitted v7.2 to the Hamptons Board for approval. The Board plans to approve the Bylaws Operating Procedures in October and then the Bylaws Operating Procedures will be uploaded to the Hamptons website. The Bylaws Committee has worked with the Committee Chairpersons to record the amount of hours they are spending throughout the year on their committees. The is the first time we have recorded this information. The Bylaws Committee has started to work with the Hamptons Board and Committee Chairpersons on their notebooks that contain information on their role and will be transitioned to the next Hamptons Board members and Committee Chairpersons.

POOL  Pools are closed for the season. Covers will be installed and furniture stored for win- ter.

 Preparing CY17 Operating Budget-Draft for BOD review prior to 01 October 2016.

 SCMG preparing winterization and off-season reports for both pools.

 Jo Westervelt continues to shadow David Wolf during the 2016 pool season to ensure smooth transition into the Pool Committee Chair position beginning 01 January 2017. SOCIAL WOW! The Hamptons neighborhood was really rocking on Saturday September10th. Several neighbors cleaned out their closets and garages and took advantage of the neighborhood yard sale in the morning. The weather was perfect and we had a good amount of traffic. I hope everyone made some money!

In the afternoon, the Hampton’s Family Fun Day was a huge success! The turnout was tremendous and everyone enjoyed the afternoon as the Vixen lawn was filled with fun and games. THANK YOU to Dennis Pressley and Talina Bath for helping with this event from start to finish and for Talina Bath supplying the music equipment and setting up the music. Also, THANK YOU to the families that volunteered and brought a treat to share with everyone at the event, the kids really loved them all!

A special thank you to Officer Sam Hodapp from the Huntersville Police Department for joining us all afternoon and helping to organize the Grand Finale of the event as Station 1 of the Huntersville Fire department arrived with their fire truck. A few pictures are attached to see all the fun that was enjoyed by everyone.

Mark your calendars for the next Hamptons social event on Sunday, December 11th from 4:00- 6:00pm at the Doyers Clubhouse so you don’t miss out on all the fun!


Had the ac/heat system serviced with MTB for fall per contract Beginning to look at fall repair list including motion sensored lights for bathrooms , hall and outside as well as wood repair on back steps and garbage enclosure and interior paint colors.

Arc/Covenants -I'm working with a craftsman in Denver for mailbox options. Should have an email out to the board late next week.

- neighborhood clean up week emails will be prepped this week and next to remind neighbors.

LANDSCAPE The monuments at both entrances have been power washed this past month and are looking good.

The seeding and aeration will be completed at the entrances and clubhouses in the next several weeks. The lawn area on the north side of the Statesville Road entrance will be killed before the aeration. This is because the grass seed used by the development company across the street is not the same as the rest of our grounds.

Committee Chair Compensation discussion The Board has learned from our discussions with Community Management companies that (1) our reward system is not advisable and likely is not permissible under our Protective Covenants, and (2) the fair market value of the compensation paid is greater than $600 and should be reported on Form 1099 (it does not matter if the compensation is paid in cash or in kind). The HOA has not issued 1099s in the past for the service reward.

We have no insight or documentation as to why the reward system was implemented back in 2001, however we feel strongly the HOA should operate lawfully and within the bounds of our governing documents. As a result, we felt it necessary to discuss this with the Committee Chairs and get feedback from them on each of the options we are considering. Some committee chairs felt that the Board should stick with the way things have been done in the past because it was unfair to cut checks and send 1099s because most people are in different tax bracket and it would be hard to fully cover dues. Some suggested the Hamptons have less committee chairs and have the management company do more and pay them. Some were fine with serving as inbdependent contractors and receiving 1099s. We assured them a decision would be made once all Board Members are back in town and could meet and discuss.

Remaining open Items discussed… Nora asked that when we distribute flyers such as the one regarding emails for Constant Contact, that we inform her so she can include in her visits to new neighbors.

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