Making It Real Action Plan

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Making It Real Action Plan

Making It Real – Norfolk Action Plan (Mar 2014)

What is Making it Real?

Making it Real (MiR) is a national programme delivered by Think Local Act Personal that aims to support organisations like Norfolk County Council to improve personalised services for people with support needs. A personalised service is one that gives people choice and control over how their social care needs are met so they can live full and independent lives.

The MiR process helps organisations look at how they work and make changes so that people have truly personalised services and more choice and control over their lives.

The national Making it Real team worked with people using services and carers to understand what people expect to see and experience. The national group came up with a set of ‘Markers’ (called ‘I’ statements) that show if a service is personalised.

How is Making it Real being delivered in Norfolk

Norfolk County Council and Equal Lives have set up a partnership to deliver Making it Real in Norfolk. A reference group has been brought together and this group includes people with links to community groups, user led organisations and strategic partnerships such as the Older Persons Strategic Partnership and Opening Doors.

The reference group designed and carried out a survey of 600 people to find out their views on how personalised the services they used were. The survey was analysed and the feedback was taken to a workshop attended by community, voluntary and charitable organisations from around Norfolk.

People were given the opportunity to look at the survey results and discuss their own views on how personalised services were. Votes were taken and the group identified four priorities for Norfolk. Alongside the four priorities, the workshop also set out how services would look once the priority areas have been addressed so that the reference group and those officers working to deliver MiR have a set of clear outcomes to achieve.

Priority What success will look like Priority What services will look like Eligibility for support is equitable People are able to employ personal assistants Information is accessible Priority 2. People have easy to People choose to work in the care sector The way information is shared takes in to account people’s Priority 1. People have individual understand information and People are supported to choose how their care needs are met. preferences care and support to live their lives support they need in order to The rules about using a personal budget are clear A strategy for peer support is co-produced and delivered as they wish remain an independent as The assessment process is holistic More people are available locally for informal support possible Choices are respected People get the right information at the start of their journey The Harwood charter is in place Volunteer opportunities are made available Priority 3. People have access to a There is a Personal Assistant Register in place Priority 4. People have Training and support is available to help people become volunteers pool of people, advice about how Information is widely available opportunities to train, study, or peer mentors to employ them and the People are supported about employment issues work or engage in activities that People have access to skills advisors opportunity to get advice from People can rate the care they receive match their interests, skill and People are supported to put in place personal development plans peers People can talk to others with the same experience abilities People are able to find out about local activities

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Priority 1 - People have individual care and support to live their lives as they wish

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1a Eligibility for support is equal for 1. Equal Lives to set up Personal Assistant Register 1. Feedback from people who 1. Dec 2013 1. Completed Sept people of all ages, as is the option to 2. Council to set up one first point of contact service for everyone, employ their own staff and people 2. & 3. May 2013 use personal assistants across all Social Care Centre of Expertise [SCCE]. seeking work as a PA 2014 2. On-going groups of people where this is the 2. & 3. Making it Real group and individual’s choice 3. To co-produce “This is what good looks like” training tool for 4. May 2014 3. On-going SCCE staff. people who contact council for support 4. On-going 4. To check the quality of the support plans to find out if people have been offered direct service or personally managed budget. 4. Making it Real group

1b More people are attracted to the job of 1. Equal Lives to offer co-designed training to personal assistants 1. Feedback from people 1. Nov 2013 1. Completed Nov care worker or personal assistant and to anyone signing up to PA register. employing personal assistants 2. May 2014 2013 – very because the potential for variety, successful 2. Norfolk Adult Social Care Workforce Development Partnership – 2. - 4 Community engagement 3. Dec 2013 flexibility, and the worthwhile and to assess all workforce development grants against Making it Real through Making it Real Group 2. On-going interesting nature of the work is priorities 4. May 2014 promoted consistently and positively 3. Norse has taken 3. Council’s Adult Education service to promote care sector work to on training in the NEET and other learners Health and Social Care sector from the Adult 4. Council to promote importance of training and training Education Service. Next opportunities to providers through its Provider forums step to be agreed in May 2014. 4. On-going

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Priority 1 - People have individual care and support to live their lives as they wish

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1c Many more people receive direct 1. Council to set up new commissioning arrangement of support 1. Service specifications co- 1. Oct 2013 1. Completed Oct 2013 – Performance indicators assistance from an appropriate person for people with their personal budget. produced. 2. Feb 2014 to help them plan their own to be considered Jan 2. Equal Lives to co-design service evaluation with people using 2. Co-production of monitoring 3. Mar 2014 2014 care/support arrangements new information advice and support services. and evaluation with people (particularly when they have never 4. May 2014 2. Work delayed due to using service level of uptake. New done this before). This applies to 3. New project to look at how people funding their own care are being supported through assessment process. To include people 3. Co-produced with people using 5. May 2014 target deadline is July people eligible for services as well as 2014 those funding their own care. who are eligible for social care but who have low or moderate services 3. Completed Mar 014 needs that are not covered by the council. 4. Feedback from people using 4. Council to commission Independent Support Planning Service to service 4. On-going 5. On-going support people in their own homes to plan their care 5. Feedback from people using arrangements. service 5. Council’s Social Care Development Workers to support social care staff to work with people to provide more personalised choices.

1d There is no longer any confusion about 1. Comprehensive operational instructions produced for staff 1. Making it Real group 1. Dec 2013 1. Completed Nov 2013 what personal budgets can be used to working with personal budget holders to ensure rules and 2. Feedback from people using 2. Feb 2014 2. Completed Feb 2014 purchase. All staff, providers and regulations are clear and in place. service 3. Nov 2013 3. Completed Nov 2013 – recipients understand the policy, which 2. Equal Lives to co-produce support plan information advice to Lived experiences being is consistent and transparent and 3. Lived experiences of people 4. Jan 2014 collected. show how person can meet outcomes; keep safe and be within using personal budgets recognises that people can best plan budget. 4. Completed Jan 2014 On- the nature of their own support where 4. Feedback from people using going work through SDS restrictions are minimised and 3. Equal Lives to gather lived experiences from people using personal budgets steering group flexibility promoted personal budgets. 4. Council to put processes in place to respond to issues presented by people using personal budgets and to act upon these.

Priority 1 - People have individual care and support to live their lives as they wish

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No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1. To co-produce “This is what good looks like” with people who 1. People who use services 1. Mar 2014 1. Work in progress with use services as a training tool for social care staff. NCC Officers. 2. & 3. Community engagement 2. Mar 2014 Completion date TCB. 2. Community Commissioning board to plan multi agency via MiR Reference group The assessment process is more 3. Dec 2013 2. Completed March 2014 approach to Quality Assurance to avoid duplication and have holistic and joined up, taking account 4. Feedback from people who use – on-going multi-agency more holistic assessments [CCG; HealthWatch; Social Care; 4. May 2014 of e.g. health, housing, care, social, and services work NCH&C]. 1e transport needs. It is more 3. Scope work of Ref personalised not just fitting people and 3. Making it Real Reference group to feedback on new scheduling Group to be developed their needs into boxes and there are function to book in reviews at beginning of year. further. Decision to be made at Ref Group: reviews at regular intervals 4. Council’s Development Workers to work with health services to May 2014. make assessment process is more holistic and joined up. 4. On-going

1. Work delayed due to 1. Equal Lives to co-produce evaluation of its support planning 1. Feedback from people who use 1. Mar 2014 level of uptake. New People feel their choices are respected, service services 2. Dec 2013 target deadline: July that they have sufficient time to, and 1f 2. Our Voice to mystery shop first point of contact service. 2. Our Voice to mystery shop 2014 are supported appropriately to, make 3. May 2014 2. Started Dec 13. Still in decisions 3. Council’s Development Workers and Equal Lives to set up pilot 3. Co-produced with people who progress. to trial pooled budgets. use services 3. On-going

1. To set up Charter Reference Group to: 1. 3. & 4. Charter Reference group 1. May 2014 1. On-going  co-produce evaluation/monitoring of Harwood Care and 2. On-going Support Charter 2. Making it Real Group 2. May 2014  promote participation in the Charter 3. May 2014 3. On-going 4. On-going  educate statutory agencies, public, community and 4. May 2014 The Harwood Care and Support Charter voluntary sector is properly implemented, monitored 2. Homecare service specification will be in place to make it 1g and regularly reviewed ensuring people mandatory for providers to sign up to Charter. using services are involved in these 3. The Council will review the Charter annually to: processes 1. Monitor providers to identify and resolve any issues with the Charter and its use 2. Publicise and promote providers who have made best use of Charter to highlight good practice 4. The Council will make Charter sign-up mandatory in each social care contract it re-commissions.

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Priority 2 - People have access to a pool of people, advice about how to employ them and the opportunity to get advice from peers No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1. Council has commissioned a PA register to be delivered by Equal 1. People who use personal 1. Sept 2013 1. Completed Sept 2013 – budgets PA register successfully Lives. Equal Lives to co-design website and accompanying 2. Dec 2013 leaflets. 2. Making it Real group; people in operation. There is a Register of personal who use personal budgets; 3. Dec 2013 2. Started Mar 2014 – On- assistants and support workers that is 2. To promote PA register as widely as possible, including the 2a personal assistants 4. Mar 2014 going promotion easily accessible to people wishing to Council’s citizen portal. 3. & 4. People who use personal 3. Started Mar 2014 – On- employ a PA or work as a PA. 3. Council to promote PA register through social care staff. going promotion budgets and people seeking 4. Equal Lives to co-design evaluation to ensure that PA register is work as personal assistant 4. Completed Mar 2014 easily accessible.

1. Council to put in place Information, Advice and Advocacy 1. Feedback from people who use 1. Sept 2013 2. Completed Oct 2013 – services and a specific service for personal budget holders. services Performance indicators Information about who to contact for 2. Mar 2014 2. Council to re-develop its website to give better information 2. Self-service project group and to be considered Jan advice, (particularly when newly 2014 service in co-production with Self-service project group. Making it Real group 3. May 2014 needing support) is widely available 2b 4. May 2014 3. On-going and consistently communicated, e.g. 3. Equal Lives to re-develop its website in co-production with 3. Co-produced with people using radio, TV, libraries, outside public people using services to give better information service in co- Equal Lives services 4. On-going building etc. production. 4. Feedback from people who use 4. Council’s Development Workers to ensure social care services information in Norfolk Directory is continually updated. Everyone who employs, or is thinking 1. Council to commission an employment support service that will 1. People who use personal 1. Oct 2013 1. Completed Oct 2013 of employing, personal assistants help people employ a personal assistant through a select list of budgets to feedback Performance indicators to knows who to talk with and has easy preferred providers. be considered Jan 2014 2c access to well informed, accurate advice and support related to employment issues

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Priority 2 - People have access to a pool of people, advice about how to employ them and the opportunity to get advice from peers No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1. Harwood Care & Support Charter to be promoted to ensure 1. Making it Real Group 1. May 2014 1. On-going people who use care organisations and organisations offering There is a ‘Trip Advisor’ type service 2. Feedback from people who use 2. May 2014 2. On-going where people who use care support/advice can say what they think of the service. services 3. May 2014 3. On-going organisations and organisations 2. Council to find ways to promote Social Care Institute for 3. Making it Real Group and offering support/advice, can say what Excellence’s “Find me good care” and Care Quality Commission’s 2d feedback from people who use they think of the service. People “Sharing your experience” as a Trip Advisor service. services looking to use services can take these 3. Adult Social Care section to be added to the Norfolk Directory of views into account when deciding who services so people can find out what’s available and Council’s to use. Development Workers to ensure social care information in Norfolk Directory is continually updated. 1. Equal Lives to promote peer support for disabled people 1. 2. & 3. Community 1. May 2014 1. On-going Local people willing to offer the through its Open sessions; website; and training. engagement and feedback 2. May 2014 2. On-going benefit of their experience to others 2. Peer support initiatives to be granted through the Council’s 3. On-going are identified and helped to be put in 3. May 2014 2e Living Well funding. touch with other local people who would welcome their assistance and 3. Council to look at options to further develop successful peer- knowledge support projects.

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Priority 3 - People have easy to understand information on support they need in order to remain as independent as possible

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

Information is consistently much more 1. To evaluate the Council’s redesign website for accessibility. 1. Self-service project group 1. Mar 2014 1. Completed Mar 14 – accessible, including web on-going work. 2. Adult Social Care section to be added to the Norfolk Directory of 2. & 3. Community engagement 2. & 3. May content/pages. services so people can find out what’s available and Council’s by Making it Real group 2014 2. On-going Information is available in Easy Read 3. On-going Development Workers to ensure social care information in 4. Making it Real group 4. May 2014 and accessible formats across all Norfolk Directory is continually updated. 4. On-going organisations. 5. Making it Real group 5. May 2014 3. Norfolk County Council to promote easy read across whole 5. On-going People who use services are involved council. 6. Self-service project group 6. May 2014 3a 6. On-going consistently in co-designing and co- 4. Council to provide a list of commissioning intentions for 2014- reviewing this information to make 15. Making it Real Reference group to prioritise services to sure it’s accessible in a meaningful ensure people who use services are involved in co-production. way. 5. Establish a Making it Real Board to put co-production at the heart of Making it Real 6. Council to build a co-produced on-line service to take the person through self-service of adult social care.

The way information, including 1. Council to re-develop its website to give better information 1. Self-service project group and 1. May 2014 1. On-going service in co-production with Self-service project group. preventive information, is made Making it Real group 2. May 2014 2. On-going available takes account of the variety 2. Adult Social Care section to be added to the Norfolk Directory of 2. Making it Real Group and 3. May 2014 3. On-going of different ways people prefer to services so people can find out what’s available and Council’s feedback from people 3b receive, or are likely to notice, Development Workers to ensure social care information in 3. Partner and community information. This includes use of Norfolk Directory is continually updated. engagement existing networks and organizations as 3. Equal Lives to develop information systems, including website, well as social media e.g. Streetlife, to promote the use of social media to provide information Facebook. including community discussion facility.

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Priority 3 - People have easy to understand information on support they need in order to remain as independent as possible

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

A strategy is co-produced which plans 1. Council to co-produce a review of the use of volunteers across 1. 2. 3. & 6. Community feedback 1. - 6. May 2014 1. On-going for increasing the availability of peer Norfolk. through Making it Real group. 2. On-going support across the county enabling 2. Council to develop an understanding of the work-streams which 4. People who use personal 3. On-going local people to have more face to face would influence peer support. budgets and who are members 4. On-going support/links in their local community 3. Council’s Development Workers to work with local people to of Equal Lives to co-produce. 5. On-going if they wish. have more face to face support/links in their local community. 3c 5. Equal Lives peer support Included with this, or separately, there 6. On-going 4. Equal Lives to build peer support built in to the information, steering group is a co-produced plan to increase the advice and support service for people with a personal budget. availability of more inter-generational 5. Equal Lives to offer peer support through Norfolk open sessions. support 6. Council’s Living Well funding to offer peer support opportunities and to involve people on co-produced activities.

1. Council to ensure more people in place to develop opportunities 1. & 2. Feedback from people who 1. May 2014 1. On-going There are more people in place to and informal support in local communities through the Living use services 2. May 2014 2. On-going develop opportunities and informal Well and Ageing Well funding. 3d support in local communities. This 2. Council’s Social Care Development workers to support people to includes people like community develop opportunities and to develop links with organisations organisers or village agents. who provide opportunities.

At the first point of contact with social 1. Equal Lives Information Advice and Support service in place to 1. Co-produce evaluation with 1. Mar 2014 1. Completed Dec 2013 people using Equal Lives or health care people receive good direct people to existing services and give information/advice. 2. Dec 2013 2. Started Dec 13 – Work enough information which allows services still in progress 2. To mystery shop first point of contact. 3. Dec 2013 them to take a next step. Where 2. Our Voice mystery shoppers 3. Completed Dec 2013 3. Adult Social Care section to be included in Norfolk Directory of information or signposting is 4. 5. May 2014 services so people can find out what’s available. 3-5. Feedback from people who 4. On-Going 3e insufficient people are instead offered use services and Making it Real more support and should be able to 4. Norfolk Community Health and Care and the Council to explore group support as appropriate and/or option of integrated services. signpost to local support groups, 5. Council’s Development Workers to support people to develop advice, volunteer organisations etc opportunities and to develop links with organisations who (local knowledge) provide opportunities.

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Priority 4. People have opportunities to train, study, work or engage in activities that match their interests, skills and abilities*.

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1. Council to co-produce a volunteer strategy 1. The Council’s Local Hub 1. May 2014 1. On-going There is access to more volunteer 2. Council’s Development workers to support people to develop Advisory groups and Making it 2. May 2104 2. On-going opportunities for people of all ages, 4a volunteer opportunities. Real Reference Group 3. On-going including people who use services or 3. May 2014 2. & 3. Feedback from people who people not able to work 3. Council’s Living Well funded projects to give more people volunteering opportunities, including Equal Lives project use services

1. Council to support voluntary/community organisations to 1. Community/voluntary 1. May 2014 1. On-going develop their workforce – paid staff, volunteers and trustees – organisations + feedback from 2. May 2014 2. On-going through Norfolk Workforce Forward Grants and Living Well people who use services 3. On-going projects. 3. May 2014 2. - 4. Feedback from people who 4. On-going 4. Jun 2014 2. Council’s Development Workers to link people who receive use services 5. Completed Dec 2013 Sufficient training and support is social care with training and support. 5. Co-production with and 5. Dec 2013 available for people to become 3. Norfolk Library and Information Service to develop new Job feedback from volunteers 4b volunteers, mentors, peer Seekers service so that people can access basic IT skills; job supporters/advocates – matching applications skills such as writing a CV; emailing. skills/interests to appropriate roles 4. Norfolk Library service to apply for grant to set up business support to help people to develop entrepreneurial skills. 5. Equal Lives to develop co-produced training and support for people to become volunteers, mentors, peer supporters for Equal Lives

1. Equal Lives to co-produce and evaluate the Council’s recently 1. Feedback from people using 1. Mar 2014 1. Completed Dec 2013 commissioned Information, Advice and Advocacy service. services People have access to skilled advisors 2. Dec 2013 2. Completed Sept 13 2. Equal Lives to set up Access to Work mentoring scheme. 2. 3. & 4. Feedback from (Equal Lives Access to who know about disability issues, 3. Mar 2014 Work). access to work etc. and opportunities Council’s Development Workers to support and promote Volunteers, Mentors and Peer 4c 4. May 2014 3. Completed Mar 2014 are in place for people interested in scheme. Supporters 4 Completed Mar 2014 this area who wish to offer peer 3. Equal Lives to set up Peer mentoring scheme support and gain experience 4. Equal Lives to offer peer support through open sessions about the county

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Priority 4. People have opportunities to train, study, work or engage in activities that match their interests, skills and abilities*.

No. What will success look like Steps to be taken to make it happen 2013-14 Who will be involved When Outcome achieved

1. Big Lottery funded Surfs Up scheme to provide people over 60 1. & 2. Feedback from people 1. Mar 2014 1. Completed Mar 14 Basic IT skills training is available, with basic IT skills training (Norfolk Library and Information using services 2. May 2014 2. On-going easily accessible and affordable for Service) 4d people of all ages who wish it so they feel confident using the internet at 2. Norfolk Library and Information Service to develop new Job home or in libraries Seekers service so that people can access basic IT skills; job applications skills such as writing a CV; emailing.

Work has been undertaken with 1. Council’s Adult Education service to promote care sector work 1. Feedback from people 1. May 2014 1. On-going schools, colleges and employers so to NEET and other learners accessing training 4e that more people who wish to can access training and employment are supported

1. On-going People with the right skills are in place 1. Council’s Development Workers are in place to support people 1. Feedback from people using 1. May 2014 to help those who wish to do so, to who receive social care support to devise personal development services 4f devise plans for their own personal plans. development

1. Norfolk Library and Information Service to promote its services 1. Feedback from people seeking 1. Dec 2013 1. Completed Dec 2013 – information On-going annual 2. Equal Lives to re-design its website to include ‘your area’ section 2. Oct 2013 programme. so people can find out what is available in their area. 2. Co-produced with Equal Lives People who wish to know where to go 3. May 2014 2. Equal Lives website members 4g and who to talk with to find out about 3. Adult Social Care section to be added to the Norfolk Directory of changes in progress – local activities and how to access these services so people can find out what’s available and Council’s 3. Feedback from people seeking delays due to prioritising PA Development Workers to ensure social care information in information register Norfolk Directory is continually updated. 3. On-going

Note: Older people at the MiR workshop which decided these priorities pointed out that training, studying and working are less relevant to most people in very old age; however ‘engaging in activities which match their interests’ is relevant to people, with the energy to participate, whatever their age.

* There is a clause written into contracts for people with a learning disability living in residential care to have opportunities to train, study, work or engage in activities that match their interests, skills and abilities.

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Action Dates:

Date agreed by Making it Real Reference Group: 10 Sept 2013

Date agreed by Equal Lives and Norfolk County Council: 5 Nov 2013

Start date for action plan: 10 November 2013

Review date for action plan: April 2014

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