All Members Voted Yes
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The Symmes Valley Local Board of Education held a special meeting for the purpose of rescheduling a regular board meeting for general purposes April 27, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members answering roll call: Steve Brown, Hope Rowe, Tommy Shepherd, Chris Thompson, and Kent Wells.
45-2015 MINUTES Motion by Brown, second by Wells to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2015 Regular Board Meeting and the April 13, 2015 Special Board Meeting held for the purpose of conducting candidate interviews.
All members voted yes.
46-2015 AGENDA Motion by Thompson, second by Brown to approve the agenda for the April 27, 2015 Special Board Meeting.
All members votes yes.
47-2015 BILLS, PAYROLL, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Motion by Shepherd, second by Wells to approve bills, payroll and financial statements.
All members voted yes.
48-2015 FEDERAL GRANT APPLICATION Motion by Rowe, second by Thompson to approve the application for Federal Title Funds for the 2015-2016 school year.
All members voted yes.
49-2015 SANDRA SWEETSER – RETIREMENT Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd to accept the resignation due to retirement of Sandra Sweetser as a teacher effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
All members voted yes.
50-2015 ROY (BRENT) COX RETIRE/REHIRE Motion by Brown, second by Thompson to accept the resignation due to retirement of Roy Cox as a teacher effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. Upon acceptance of this resignation, Mr. Cox is requesting to begin the rehire process as provided for by Section 3307.353, O.R.C. The Symmes Valley Local School District Board of Education is giving notice that a public meeting on the issue of re- employing the above named individual at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on May 19, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
All members voted yes. 51-2015 DONNA BALDWIN RETIRE/REHIRE Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to accept the resignation due to retirement of Donna Baldwin as a teacher effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. Upon acceptance of this resignation, Mrs. Baldwin is requesting to begin the rehire process as provided for by Section 3307.353, O.R.C. The Symmes Valley Local School District Board of Education is giving notice that a public meeting on the issue of re-employing the above named individual at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on May 19, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
All members voted yes.
52-2015 COOPERATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT – LAWRENCE COUNTY ESC Motion by Wells, second by Shepherd to enter into an agreement with the Lawrence County Education Service Center to provide services to the Symmes Valley Local School District for the 2015-2016 school year pursuant to R.C. 3318.843.
All members voted yes.
53-2015 COOPERATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT – LAWRENCE COUNTY ESC Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to approve entering into a cooperative agreement with the Lawrence County Educational Service Center for the following services for the 2015-2016 school year:
1. Multiple Disabilities 2. Emotionally Disturbed 3. Speech Option II
All members voted yes.
54-2015 COOPERATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT – LAWRENCE COUNTY BOARD OF DD Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd to approve entering into a cooperative agreement with the Lawrence County Board of Developmental Disabilities for the following services for the 2015-2016 school year:
1. Early Childhood Services for Pre-School Children with Disabilities 2. Multiple Disabilities (Open Door School)
All members voted yes. 55-2015 COOPERATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT – SOUTH CENTRAL OHIO ESC Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to approve entering into a cooperative agreement with the South Central Ohio Education Service Center for the following services for the 2015-2016 school year:
1. Direct Services (OT and PT) 2. Hearing Services
All members voted yes.
56-2015 COOPERATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT – ROCK HILL LSD Motion by Thompson, second by Brown to approve entering into a cooperative agreement with the Rock Hill Local School District for Elementary and Middle School Multiple Disabilities Services for the 2015-2016 school year.
All members voted yes.
57-2015 COMMUNITY ELIGIBILITY PROGRAM Motion by Wells, second by Shepherd to approve allowing the Superintendent and Treasurer to apply for the Community Eligibility Program beginning with the 2015- 2016 school year. This is a four year program, but we may opt out after one year if necessary.
All members voted yes.
58-2015 LUNCHROOM PRICES IF NOT ACCEPTED INTO THE CEP Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to approve the following student breakfast and lunch prices if the School District is not accepted into the Community Eligibility Program for the 2015-2016 school year:
Student Full Paid Lunch $2.50 Student Reduced Lunch $0.40 Student Full Paid Breakfast $1.00 Student Reduced Breakfast $0.30
This represents no change from current pricing.
All members voted yes. 59-2015 OTHER UNCHROOM PRICES Motion by Shepherd, second by Wells to approve the following breakfast and lunch prices for the 2015-2016 school year:
Student Milk $0.30 Student A-La-Carte $1.50 with CEP $1.00 without CEP (only if extra main item is available and student has received a full lunch) Adult Lunch $3.00 without milk Adult Breakfast $1.25 without milk Adult Milk $0.50 Adult A-La-Carte $1.50
All members voted yes.
60-2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR Motion by Rowe, second by Thompson to approve the Symmes Valley Local School District Calendar for the 2015-2016 school year, as presented and recommended by the Superintendent.
All members voted yes.
61-2015 TRANSFER – HONOR ROLL INCENTIVE Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to transfer $5,000.00 from the General Fund to the High School Athletics Fund to cover the cost of the Honor Roll Incentive Program for the 2014-2015 school year.
All members voted yes.
62-2015 TRANSFER – HONOR ROLL INCENTIVE Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd to transfer $488.00 from the General Fund to the Junior High School Athletics Fund to cover the cost of the Honor Roll Incentive Program for the 2014-2015 school year.
All members voted yes.
63-2015 SHEAKLEY UNISERVICE CONTRACT Motion by Thompson, second by Brown to approve to retain Sheakley Uniservice as the School District’s “Third-Party Administrator” and Group Retrospective Rating Program for workers’ compensation and unemployment claims for the 2015-2016 school year.
All members voted yes. 64-2015 COPIERS Motion by Wells, second by Brown to approve the purchase of four (4) Canon copy machines from Superior Office Service, Inc. at a total cost of $18,160.
All members voted yes.
65-2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Brown, second by Wells to approve to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing the employment of a public employee and other matters required to be kept confidential according to the Ohio Revised Code. Time was 7:12 P.M.
All members voted yes.
66-2015 OPEN SESSION Motion by Shepherd, second by Brown to approve to re-enter into open session. Time was 8:54 P.M.
All members voted yes.
67-2015 CHANGE TO AGENDA Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd to approve changing the agenda for the April 27, 2015 Special Board Meeting.
All members voted yes.
68-2015 ASHLEY JENKINS Motion by Shepherd, second by Brown to approve to hire Ashley Jenkins as a substitute teacher for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year.
All members voted yes.
69-2015 ACADEMIC SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS Motion by Wells, second by Rowe to approve, with the Superintendents recommendation, the following academic supplemental contracts for the 2015- 2016 school year:
Senior Sponsors Karen Ingles amd Rob Bess H.S. Yearbook Megan Leighty E.S. Yearbook Amy Callicoat Prom Sponsors Lisa Bryant and Beth Myers (Split Salary) BETA Club Jennifer Forbush and Ruth Hopkins (Split Salary) H.S. Student Council Kristie Owens E.S. Student Council Lance Humphrey H.S. Quiz Bowl Karen Ingles Summer School Teacher Brandon Walker
All members voted yes. 70-2015 NON-RENEW PART-TIME EMPLOYEES Motion by Thompson, second by Rowe to non-renew the following part-time, and/or casual employees at the conclusion of the 2014-2015 school year:
Part-Time Librarians Lisa Johnson and Ashley Jackson Part-Time Cooks Kim Baisden and Kristie Hayes Part-Time Kitchen Helpers Garnett Ross and Sharon Townsend Part-Time Cashier Ginger Smith Part-Time Teachers Jeanne Schneider, Brenda Wade, and Rachel Sexton
All members voted yes.
71-2015 BETH MYERS – EXTENDED DAYS CONTRACT Motion by Rowe, second by Wells to approve the extended time of forty (40) days for Beth Myers as the FFA Advisor for the 2015-2016 school year at a rate of $202.08 per day per Article 21, Section B of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
72-2015 CHAD JOHNSON Motion by Shepherd, second by Rowe to approve to hire Chad Johnson as a substitute bus driver for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, pending the completion of all necessary paperwork.
All members voted yes.
73-2015 HEAD VOLLEYBALL COACH Motion by Shepherd, second by Rowe that a majority of the members of the Board of Education having determined that there were no licensed, qualified applicants for this position, approve a supplemental contract for Head Volleyball Coach to Amanda Carpenter for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
Brown Yes Thompson No Rowe Yes Wells No Shepherd Yes
74-2015 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL COACH Motion by Brown, second by Rowe to approve a supplemental contract for High School Girls Basketball Coach to Alvin Carpenter for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes. 75-2015 HEAD BOYS BASKETBALL COACH Motion by Shepherd, second by Rowe to approve a supplemental contract for Head Boys Basketball Coach to Donald Saunders for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
Brown Yes Thompson No Rowe Yes Wells Yes Shepherd Yes
76-2015 HEAD SOFTBALL COACH Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Head Softball Coach to Jeff Estep for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
Brown Yes Thompson No Rowe Yes Wells Yes Shepherd Yes
77-2015 HEAD BASEBALL COACH Motion by Rowe, second by Brown, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Head Baseball Coach to Chad Renfroe for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
78-2015 HEAD FOOTBALL COACH Motion by Shepherd, second by Brown, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Head Football Coach to Rusty Webb for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
79-2015 BAND DIRECTOR Motion by Shepherd, second by Rowe, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Band Director to Matt Jarvis for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes. 80-2015 HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING ADVISOR Motion by Brown, second by Wells, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for High School Cheerleading Advisor to Tracy Hurn for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
81-2015 JUNIOR HIGH CHEERLEADING ADVISOR Motion by Rowe, second by Brown, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Junior High School Cheerleading Coach to Alisha Wilson for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
82-2015 HEAD WEIGHTLIFTING COACH Motion by Rowe, second by Wells, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Head Weightlifting Coach to Rusty Webb for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
83-2015 BAND AUXILIARY COACH Motion by Brown, second by Rowe, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Band Auxiliary Coach to Kelly Naiper for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes.
84-2015 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Motion by Brown, second by Shepherd, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a supplemental contract for Athletic Director to Brandon Walker for the 2015-2016 school year. The position will be paid according to Appendix D of the SVEA Negotiated Agreement.
All members voted yes. Superintendent’s Report 1.) Mr. Saunders reviewed the March, 2014, SM-2 Report detailing General Fund operations. March resulted in a positive cash flow, resulting from a larger than expected “catch-up” payment from the State and noted that the District is ahead of where it was in 2014 and that April is forecast to continue the positive news. 2.) Mr. Saunders gave of update of security improvements planned for the elementary school over the summer. Additionally, our most recent RFP returned a project cost of under $25,000. 3.) Mr. Saunders updated the Board on the District’s plan to enter into an agreement with eSchool View Software to redesign and maintain the District’s website. 4.) Mr. Saunders reminded everyone that the sports banquet is schedules for Monday, May 18, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
85-2015 ADJOURN Motion by Shepherd, second by Brown to adjourn.
All members voted yes.
______President Treasurer