Provincial Millwright Program

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Provincial Millwright Program

Provincial Millwright Program 2005 Articulation Meeting Friday, October 7, 2005 College of the Rockies Cranbrook, B.C.

IN ATTENDANCE: Lindsay Langill, ITA Red Seal Director; Geoff Stevens, VP Operations - Industry Training Authority, Guy Ellis, BCIT; Jim McColman, Northwest Community College; Ron Yanew, Manager of Industry Programs & Standards; Bud Beeman, College of the Rockies; Bob Davis, Kwantlen University College; Carl Burton, College of New Caledonia; Heather Schneider, College of the Rockies; Perry Taylor, College of the Rockies; Mike Herward, BCIT; John Byron, BCIT; Dan Bradford, Selkirk College; Gywn Mardon, College of New Caledonia.

CALL TO ORDER: Carl Burton, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

WELCOME: Carl Burton thanked Perry Taylor and the College of the Rockies for hosting the meeting. He also welcomed articulation committee members. Self introduction of round table followed.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOVED by Dan Bradford, SECONDED by Bob Davis, that the October 7, 2005 Agenda be approved with no changes and/or deletions. CARRIED.

APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 8, 2004 MINUTES: MOVED by Bob Davis, SECONDED by Mike Herward, that the minutes of October 8, 2004, be approved. CARRIED. INDUSTRY TRAINING AUTHORITY:  Geoff Stevens introduced Lindsay Langill, a new addition to ITA, who will be taking charge of the entire Red Seal department.

 Lindsay Langill gave a power point presentation and report on Industry Training Program Profile. (see attached) o ITA is a crown agency reporting to the Ministry of Economic Development with a mandate to govern, expand and improve BC’s industry training system. o ITA website is o Annual report for 2004-2005. o Service Plan for 2005/6 to 2007/8.

 Discussion around presentation and report: o Renew or revisit NOA at least every 5 years o ITA will keep current NOA on PDF file on website o Questions around pulling instructor from institute for meetings . Who pays expense of trip (ITA) + $175.00 day honorary . Who pays for replacement while instructor is gone? . Where do you get replacements? o How the instructors are currently selected; . Currently – Connections Lindsay has . In future – Lindsay would like to see chair of articulation recommend selections. o Currently have 1 exam for Millwright . 2 exams on reserve – how to get access to? o Rotation of Host Provinces . Currently there is no schedule of rotation . All provinces have input on exams – this is why it is so important that everyone take part in the early steps of the process. o Ron Davis expressed concerns around review process . Likes idea of having input . Still some concerns around exams for challengers o Lindsay admits that a breakdown in communication had occurred, in that the College Deans were not being communicated to properly . Will set up web site for information’ . Run Red Seal workshops at Colleges . Option of running a field test . Instructors to have input around challenging exams o NOA changes Provincially o Program Outlines – to match NOA’s o Red Seal Process o National Standards o Representation – Industry to move from Advisory role to Leadership role o Issues around technical training . Length of time (10 weeks away from job to long?) . 2-week time spans may create more issues . 9 hour days? . Evenings & week-ends? . Employers struggle with releasing employees during busy times. o Millwright Trade . Industry to take lead & involve education o All in agreement that an investment is required to streamline current programs and develop new programs. o Funding aspect – Government looking at a substantial increase in funding: . 1. Apprenticeship training . 2. ELTT . 3. COOP . Goal is 75% utilization, but will look at funding smaller or larger groups on an individual basis. (To be discussed in more depth at next Dean meeting Oct 24 & 25) o Standard level 1 o ELTD ELTT should be level 1 (Provincial standard) o Geoff recommended that everyone should look at a recent Chamber of Commerce report that offers some very interesting information. o Important to have flexibility around entry level and pre apprenticeship programs to be able to meet the needs of local industry. o Block funding – how flexible is allowance on expenditures? o Apprenticeship #’s – counted monthly? o Funding requires: . ITO’s sent up on setting standards . Set up a steering committee for setting standards . Industry lead – how do we take politics out of industry lead? . Standardization in place that works – people currently making decisions are not necessarily the best choice. Looking for the right mix of industry people and educators to set standards. . Provincial programs need to be standardized but with enough flexibility to allow each area to address the needs of local industry. ITA REPORT FORM PROGRAM DEMONSTRATION:  Gywn Mardon gave a report form demonstration that he has developed. The program is a user friendly application, saving a great deal of duplicate data entry. Geoff Stevens suggested that the demonstration be made at the next Dean’s meeting on October 24 & 25.

RON YANEW (MANAGER OF ILM INITIATIVE) MODULES EXAM BANK:  Ron Yanew introduced himself and gave a quick overview of his background: o Electrical Technician o Taught at Nate o Worked with government for a few years o Currently ILM manager overseeing all aspects of modularized learning material. . Modularized learning material for apprenticeship training . No mark-up on modules (except for printers portion) . Cost of the modules includes all updates free of charge . Cost of modules is a 3-way split between the Queen’s printer, ITA, & Articulation group.

 Website is

 Instructors copy of modules available for order directly on line “Forms and Publications” – must put in comment section that it is instructor’s copy (to prevent maintenance charge)

 Sait is currently working on exam banks Telephone # (403)210-4337.

 Discussed some Ideas of Training: o Ledcor & Flint some of the larger employers have come up with an innovative idea of building a classroom on site. . 10 days in and 4 days out (work 6 days & go to school 4 days) . Instructor goes to worksite (Alberta Gov picks up cost of instructor’s travel) o Distance learning (Video conferencing)

BOB DAVIS – PRESENTATION ON MILLWRIGHT PROGRAM:  Diploma in Millwright – presented a chart on pathway to Diploma- combination of Trades certification and academic courses. (See attached handouts) NEW BUSINESS:  MOVED by Bob Davis, SECONDED by Dan Bradford to send Carl Burton to Ottawa to accompany Lindsay Langill for the National Occupational Analysis workshop. o Bob Davis was nominated by Jim McColman, seconded by Carl Burton to be 2nd choice to go if Carl was unable to attend. o Dan Bradford made mention that Doug Weibe had been the person involved in these meetings for the last 10 years and would be a wealth of information for the newcomers. o Lindsay advised that the delegates check the NOA book for updates before attending the meeting. o Lindsay also asked for everyone to send him a list of names of people interested in taking part in these meetings, for future reference.

 Discussion around forming a task force to formulate a proposal to better standardize ELT program, (Carl to get copy of terms of reference from Lindsay) the purpose of which would be to: o Find an existing Industry body that accepts responsibility o Organization of setting standards o Item banks o Better integrate resources

 Millwright manual needs to be updated asap: o A committee spearheaded by Bob Davis, accompanied by Dan Bradford and a representative from BCIT to have a two-day workshop to draw up a proposal as to what needs to be done, timeline and what the projected cost would be. Suggestion was made to approach Doug Weibe as well, as he would be a wealth of information. o ITA would review the proposal and advise on funding. o Bob Davis will communicate by email with the others to set up a date for the workshop ASAP.

 Carl Burton introduced a new math book he had found which covers the entire math required for the course. The new math book is $62.00, half the price of the book currently being used. o Carl will contact the publisher and request an Instructors copy for everyone to review. o The Instructors will then send feedback to Carl. If Instructors are in agreement, a motion will be tabled to adopt the new book.  Discussion around ELTT funding. ITA feels that the funding is excessive and that more money needs to go to apprenticeship. ITA to manage total budget. Looking for more accountability for funding.

 John Byron currently has a chat page set up. Members to let Carl know if this is a useful tool.

 Guy Ellis (BCIT) o BCIT is currently working on setting up a Level 1 Millwright course on line o They are looking for partnerships for the technical training part of the program o ITA expressed interest in funding the program

 Perry Taylor thanked everyone for coming and thanked Patty for taking the minutes

NEXT MEETING: o The next meeting for the Millwright Articulation will be held on October 7, 2006 at Selkirk College, Castlegar, BC.

ADJOURNMENT:  Carl Burton adjourned the meeting at 4:15pm.

HANDOUTS:  October 7, 2005 Millwright Articulation Meeting Agenda  October 8, 2004 Millwright Articulation Meeting Minutes  College of the Rockies Binders and Coffee Mugs  ITA Industry Training Program Profile  Kwantlen University College Diplomas in Trades Flowcharts and Full Program Proposals.

ATTACHMENTS:  ITA PowerPoint Presentation.

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