‘Cold Environments are Fragile and Need to be Managed in a Sustainable Way.’ Discuss.

Introduction  Definition of a cold environment, including presently glaciated and post- glacial cold environments.  Description of how they are fragile environments, for example a description of the ecosystems and it’s inter-relations, the low precipitation and temperature, permafrost and the action of frost heave, short growing seasons due to the climate.  Brief description of the concept of sustainability and its basic principles.

Alaska: Resource exploitation: socially and economically sustainable as it provides employment and revenue for the company, allowing the development of infrastructure and services within the state. The oil industries employ 700 000 people in Alaska, and provides many of the schools and improved healthcare services. However it is not environmentally sustainable as it is disrupting the migration patterns of species such as caribou, results in oil spills (Exxon Valdez) and affects the permafrost. A large proportion of the native Inuit’s are against further oil exploitation, as they have traditionally relied upon he caribou. However there are some groups who support the development as it allows them to advance socially and economically.

Alps: Shows how tourism has damaged the fragile ecosystem, due to poor management for example during the Olympics, where massive environmental damage was done. The Olympics were also socially unsustainable because it provides few long-term jobs, and caused disruption to everyday lives. The continuation of ordinary tourism is also unsustainable as it encroaches onto a greater amount of land, higher up he slopes and so is doing even more damage, as well as removing water from below the water table and removing vegetation. Cairngorms: An example of the post-glaciated cold environment, where a furnicular has been installed with some environmental damage. However it has bought more control to management of tourists, provided more employment, localised the damage and will attract more damage.

Antarctica: An example where sustainable management is vital, and presently this is done via the Antarctic Treaty, which basically prevents any development or exploitation. However the threat of tourism is affecting the sustainability of current activities in Antarctica. It is vital that the continent is sustainably managed as we do not fully understand it and its ecosystems, but we do know it plays a vital role in monitoring the global climate.

Conclusion: The statement is very true, as can be seen from the affects of the ski industry in the Alps and the over-exploitation of oil and development in Alaska. These environments need to be managed sustainably to retain the environment for future generations, e.g. Antarctica is not yet fully exploited, so management strategies are being used to try and preserve the pristine environment.