SFASU Richard and Lucille Dewitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
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SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
Chapter 1 Mission and Governance
School of Nursing Mission
Our mission is to provide students a foundation for success as graduate nurses who are ethical, competent critical thinkers by providing an educational environment that promotes holistic health care in an educational community dedicated to teaching, research, creativity and service. The mission of the School of Nursing (SON) is congruent with both the mission of the College of Sciences and Mathematics (CoSM) and the University. The three mission statements address providing the student a foundation for success, a commitment to ethical and responsible citizenship and professionalism, and an educational environment dedicated to teaching, research, creativity and service. School of Nursing Core Values
The Individual Student:
An individual, group, or community with unique genetic endowment, self-care knowledge and resources, perception and culture, experiences, and adaptation potential. The client/student is a valued and respected partner in achieving maximum potential. Teaching and Learning:
Facilitation of meaningful learning which provides a university level foundation on which to base graduate education in the discipline of nursing. Each nursing graduate is expected to meet the academic and ethical standards of the profession of nursing by thinking in disciplined, critical, quantitative, and qualitative ways. Intellectual and Creative Discover:
Encourage the student to investigate the health needs of a changing society and to think in creative ways to provide holistic health care to culturally diverse populations. Service:
Provide interdisciplinary collaboration to meet the needs of culturally diverse population.
Academic Achievement:
Provide an environment in which the student becomes an ethically guided, critical thinker who uses a substantive general education in traditional and nontraditional ways to provide proactive, compassionate care. Nursing:
A profession of arts and science dedicated to facilitating, nurturing, and providing unconditional acceptance in the attainment of an individual’s maximum potential. Nursing encourages positive integration of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning to build cognitive structures for problem solving.
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Maximum potential denoted by dynamic equilibrium among various cognitive, psychosocial, emotional, and physiological subsystems of the client. Environment:
Internal/external stressors/distressors experienced by the client.
Evidence Based Practice:
Integration of current research with clinical expertise and client/student preferences and values for achievement of maximum potential.
School of Nursing Philosophy:
The philosophy/conceptual framework of the SON are a composite of several theories and frameworks that describe the school’s beliefs about education and the profession of nursing. The educational structure for the framework is derived from Ausubel’s Assimilation Learning Theory (Ausubel, 1968; Novak, 1998) while the nursing profession foundation is grounded in the work of Erikson’s related to role modeling (Erickson, Tomlin & Swain, 1983). Faculty members believe knowledge learned meaningfully is retained longer and is available for use in different situations in comparison to knowledge learned by rote and quickly forgotten. The ALT emphasizes the differentiation between reception and discovery learning. Reception learning takes place when faculty members are present content to the student in its entirety. Discovery learning demands that the material to be learned be independently discovered by the learner, not given to the student in final form. All classroom learning takes place along these two independent dimensions: the rote-meaningful continuum and the reception-discovery continuum.
Faculty members believe that meaningful learning is the process of knowledge acquisition in which the learner relates new knowledge to already existing knowledge. The learner must have an existing relative knowledge base already in place, the knowledge to be learned must be meaningful, and the learner must consciously choose to learn in a meaningful way. During this process, new knowledge is linked to old knowledge and this link alters both the old and the new knowledge.
Program Learning Outcomes
The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are based on current best practices. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), the Texas Board of Nursing Differentiated Competencies (DECs), American Nurse Associations Code of Ethics, National Patient Safety Goals, and the NCLEX blueprint guided the development. Graduates of the SON will meet the following Program Learning Outcomes:
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1. Apply knowledge of the physical, social, and behavioral sciences in the provision of nursing care based on theory and evidence based practice. 2. Deliver nursing care within an established legal and ethical parameters in collaboration with clients and members of the interdisciplinary health care team 3. Provide holistic nursing care to clients while respecting individual and cultural diversity. 4. Demonstrate effective leadership that fosters independent thinking, use of informatics, and collaborative communication in the management of nursing care. 5. Assume responsibility and accountability for quality improvement and delivery of safe and effective nursing care. 6. Serve as an advocate for clients and for the profession of nursing. 7. Demonstrate continuing competence, growth, and development in the profession of nursing. History of the School of Nursing: The School of Nursing has been in existence for over thirty years and accepted its first class in the summer of 1978. This was an RN transition course of study. In 1981, the first four-year BSN generic students were accepted. The SON has grown from admitting five to ten new students each semester to the present admission rate of sixty to eighty students each semester. Faculty has increased accordingly to meet the needs of the students. The SON moved to our new location at 5707 North Street, Nacogdoches, Texas, in January, 2010.
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Chapter 2 Organization Structure of the School of Nursing Organizational Structure The organizational structure of the SON consists of a Director, an Assistant Director, and Level Coordinators. In addition, a RN to BSN Transition Coordinator and Simulation Coordinator also reports to the Director. Various committees implement the by-laws. The organizational and communication charts for the SON are found in the Appendices Section (Appendix C and Appendix D). Support Staff Administrative Assistant Responsibilities include all administrative duties associated with the running of the department. The Administrative Assistant reports directly to the Director of the School of Nursing. Senior Secretary Responsibilities include assisting the Administrative Assistant with SON operations and providing secretarial support to the faculty. The Senior Secretary oversees the records management of student information, assists in maintaining the Nursing webpage, and assists faculty, as needed. Academic Advisor Responsibilities include management of the majority of the admission process for the SON and conducting walk-in or appointment advising for students with 35-plus hours and transfer students.. Student Work Study Students The SON utilizes part-time student workers. The Administrative Assistant oversees the work study students who are available to assist the faculty with secretarial support. Most of the tasks required of the students are directed to them through the Administrative Assistant’s or Senior Secretary’s offices. The work study students have an in-basket in the workroom where work requests can be placed for completion. Committees The Director, faculty, and students participate in the governance of the SON. Various committees are designated in accordance with the SON Faculty Committee By-Laws. Faculty members are active on at least two School of Nursing committees. Participation in the SON governance is addressed in committee by-laws and confirmation of participation may be found in committee minutes. All committees directly report to the Director. Faculty meetings, which include the entire nursing faculty, are led by the Director of the SON and are conducted once a month.
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Chapter 3 Curriculum and Course Information Curriculum
First Semester
NUR 305 NUR 306 NUR 307 NUR 308
Introduction to Basic Nursing Care Assessment Across Pharmacology Nursing of Adult Clients the Lifespan Second Semester
NUR 330 NUR 331 NUR 332
Nursing Care of Young Nursing Care of Women Nursing Care in Promotion of Adult to Elderly and Children I Mental Wellness Third Semester
NUR 406 NUR 407 NUR 408
Nursing Care of Clients Nursing Care of Women Nursing Care of Clients with with Complex Health and Children II Complex Mental Health Needs Needs Fourth Semester
NUR 430 NUR 431 NUR 432 NUR 433
Nursing Research and Nursing Care of Leadership / Nursing Capstone Application Community Populations Coordination of Nursing
*Four hours of Nursing Electives are required prior to graduation.
*All classes meet in the Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing building, physically located at 5707 North Street. Faculty offices are in the Administration Building at the same physical address.
Syllabus The course syllabus reflects the content of the course and should be an accurate reflection of both content and evaluation. To ensure that essential materials are included in all SON syllabi, a syllabus template has been developed by a subcommittee of the faculty and approved by all faculty members.
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The syllabi are developed through the Curriculum Committee of the SON under the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), Board of Nursing (BON), and Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU) guidelines. Content relating to the Course Descriptions, Program Learning Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes, Unit objectives, DEC Statements, and Clinical Learning Outcomes cannot be modified or deleted in any way, except under the direction of the Curriculum Committee. The copy of the course syllabus will be posted on a Web-based system, such as D2L, and on the University website (www.sfasu.edu). Copies are not printed for the students. You will be responsible for posting your own information on the Web-based system. The Senior Secretary will maintain the postings on the University website and will maintain the semester syllabus notebook. Course Credit Distribution/Failure Notifications A passing grade of “C” (75%) is needed to pass all nursing classes. The student must also obtain at least a 75% test average in order to pass the class. In the event that the student has a test average below 75% and/or an overall class average below 75%, the student fails the course. Students who do not achieve a 75% or better on an exam are encouraged to meet with their faculty. Students who are not passing the class at mid-semester should be notified by the faculty. The Director should be notified with the names of the students who are in jeopardy of failing your course; a letter will be sent to the student.
Standardized Tests
Several courses administer a course specific standardized test at the end of the semester. The rationale for computerized standardized testing is to familiarize the student with computerized testing, identify areas of weakness, and experience nationally normed questions, thus allowing the student to remediate prior to the last semester of study. Students are allowed to sign up for an independent study remediation course.
The SON is currently using the Health Education Systems, Inc. (HESI) Exam for all standardized testing. The tests are administered in the computer classroom in the student classroom area of the new building.
Grade Posting
Grades will be posted on the University-wide Web-based system. Faculty members are required to enter final grades on Banner under the Faculty and Advisors Menu tab, Final Grades selection. The faculty will receive notification from the Registrar’s Office regarding entry deadlines with attached entry instructions.
Textbooks & Classroom Technology
Faculty may choose the textbook that best meets the needs of the course. The Senior Secretary, or fellow faculty member, can give you access to phone numbers of the major textbook sales
8 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook representatives for the SON. Generally, the sales representatives will provide you with a desk copy to review. Each semester, the Senior Secretary will ask each course leader for a list of books to be used the next semester. The list will then be forwarded to the bookstores.
At the discretion of the faculty, a student copy of the PowerPoint lecture may be posted on the Web-based learning system prior to or following the lecture to assist the student with note taking. Podcast
A recording of the lecture may also be placed on the Web-based system at the discretion of the faculty member.
TurningPoint and Clickers
TurningPoint is software in which students submit their assignments for faculty review and feedback. At the discretion of the faculty, clickers may be used by students to submit answers to quiz questions that are interspersed throughout the lecture(s).
Other Resources
To check out equipment to be used off campus, see the Administrative Assistant.
Course Evaluations
Course, faculty, preceptor, and clinical evaluations are completed by the students each semester. The evaluations are done online. Results are given to the faculty and discussed with the SON Director. The Director asks for written responses to all evaluation areas that more than 30% of the students respond negatively.
The students complete an evaluation of the clinical agency per semester. Evaluations will be done using Typhon and/or Qualtrex. Instructions will be given by the Evaluation Committee each semester. Each faculty member completes an Annual Evaluation of his/her activities in teaching, scholarly activities, and service. This is due to the director in the fall of each year. Each faculty member identifies goals which are included in the FAR. Each year, the Director or Director’s designee evaluates the teaching effectiveness of faculty. Faculty members perform student clinical activity evaluations at the end of the semester using the approved clinical evaluation tools. Documented evaluation and feedback must be done throughout the semester.
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Chapter 4 Clinical Information and Expectations Preceptor Agreement Policy and Forms
A Preceptor Agreement Handbook PowerPoint is available on the common nursing drive.
Clinical Information and Hours
The clinical experience should be designed to enhance and extend the learning experiences of the students. The School of Nursing has clinical contracts with numerous health care agencies in the area. The SON Administrative Assistant maintains a list of these agencies. As a clinical instructor, you may want to seek out other clinical sites. Refer to SON Policy and Procedures manual for guidance with this procedure.
Clinical Hours
The ratio of clinical to classroom hours is 3:1. Therefore, for every hour of clinical, we calculate 3 hours of clinical. This is based on a 14-week semester. The formula is as follows: Course credit hours minus didactic hours = number of clinical hours. The clinical credit hours is multiplied by 3, and then multiplied by the number of weeks. Using NUR 406 as an example, the formula would work as follows: NUR 406 is a 6-credit hour course with 3 classroom hours per week. The clinical is 126 hours per semester.
Course credit - didactic hours = number of clinical hours
(6 - 3) = 3 clinical hours.
Then, 3 clinical hours x 3 x number of weeks.
The faculty teaching at the same level coordinates clinical schedules. There is no mandated clinical schedule that must be followed. We try to meet the learning needs of the students while working around the available clinical facilities. Some clinical courses use preceptors to assist in the supervision of the students and to provide the students with a more in-depth clinical experience.
Uniforms and Name Tags:
The student clinical dress code is addressed in the Policies and Procedures Manual (Policy No. 18). In general, the faculty follows the same code as the students. Name tags (ID’s) for the SON are obtained from Auxiliary Services in the University Center (936-468-3403). The student ID differs from the faculty ID. Be sure you ask for School of Nursing identification. All clinical faculty members must wear an ID during all clinical activities off campus.
Conference Forms and ‘F’ Days/Clinical Late Days (Policy No. 22)
Conference forms must be used to document communication between faculty and students regarding professional expectations and student performance. Unacceptable nursing practice in
10 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook the clinical setting is grounds for receiving a clinical fail day (F Day). Students receiving more than two ‘F’ days in any clinical course will receive a grade of F for the course. The ‘F’ day must be documented on a conference form (Form 22, located in the Policy and Procedures manual and on the nursing website). Information regarding the conference forms and ‘F’ Days can be found in the Policy and Procedures manual (Policy No. 22). All conference forms are submitted to the Senior Secretary for posting in the data tracker. These are then filed in the student’s file in the secured room.
Clinical Evaluations
A clinical evaluation will be completed on each student and documented in his/her permanent record at midterm and at the end of each semester. Refer to the SON Common Y-drive for the appropriate course form.
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Chapter 5 Ed & Gwen Cole Simulation Laboratory/ Laerdal Center of Educational Excellence
Ed & Gwen Cole Simulation Laboratory/Laerdal Center of Educational Excellence
Stephen F. Austin Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing was named a Laerdal Center of Educational Excellence on January 23, 2010. This designation is awarded to centers that have consistently demonstrated excellence in educational philosophy and programs
Simulation Center
The simulation lab is open for scheduled faculty and student use Monday through Friday. The lab features realistic patient rooms with hospital beds, state of the art mannequins, monitors, bedside tables, and additional medical equipment. Mannequins can be controlled at bedside or from a separate control room. All rooms have A-V capabilities with video streaming to control room and classroom wing. The lab is 9,000 square feet with realistic inpatient and outpatient settings. There is a health assessment lab with ten exam tables each equipped with a wall- mounted otoscopes and opthalmoscopes. The medical surgical lab is a ten-bed unit with a fully functional nurse’s station. The women/children unit has four rooms and a full nursery/NICU area. There is also an ER with a foyer, two ER bays with four triage stations each, and a fully functional ambulance bay.
The simulation lab is reserved near the end of each semester for the subsequent semester by the course coordinator or her designee. The schedule is very flexible, however, and simulation faculty is diligent in optimizing use of the lab. The Simulation Lab Room Reservation form is used for initial room reservation. At least two weeks before using the lab or supplies from the lab, faculty must fill out a Simulation Lab Set-up Request Form or a Simulation Lab Supply Request Form. Simulation lab faculty uses these documents to prepare, so it is important to be specific and detailed when filling them out. Students may also schedule online practice time for individual skills practice with the Simulation Lab Assistant.
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Chapter 6 Faculty Policies, Procedures and Forms
Section 1: Committee Bylaws Section 2: Policies
Poli Policy cy Form Title of Policy Nu mbe Status r Available 1 2 3 Admission of Students with Credit for F/S 4 Nursing Courses Completed
Form 5A: Petition Forgiveness of Grades for Consideration of S 5 Form Admission F/S 6 Academic Advising
Form 7.1: Varicella Verification; Form 7.2: Polio Vaccine S 7 Verification Immunization of Students S 8 Liability Insurance Requirements S 9 Student Impaired by Chemical Dependency S 10 Health Insurance for Students S 11 Criminal History Check Health Care Provider BLS Certification for S 12 Students S 13 Urine Drug Screen RN BSN S 14 RN BSN Challenge 15 13 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
16 17 S 18 Dress Code Form 19A: Incident Report Blood or Body Fluid Exposure - F/S 19 Form Students/Faculty F/S 20 Absence from Exam F/S 21 Clinical Absences
Form 22: F Day / F/S 22 Counseling Form F Day Policy S 23 Disciplinary Action Policy F/S 24 NCLEX Review Policy S 25 Retention and Progression S 26 Grievance Procedure 27 28 S 29 Clinical Proficiency S 30 Transportation of Patients/Clients 31 S 32 Achievement Tests Nursing Knowledge and Clinical Proficiency S 33 after Four Years
Form 34A: Sim Lab Reservation Form; Form 34B: Sim Lab Confidentiality F/S 34 Form Simulation Center 35 36 37
Form 38A, 38B, and 38C: Student Evaluations of Courses and F/S 38 Action Plan Forms Faculty and Course Evaluations 39
Form 40: Student Evaluation of F/S 40 Clinical Agency Evaluation of Clinical Agency by Students S 41 Evaluation of Student Clinical Performance 42
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43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Form 50: Mentor F 50 Checklist New Faculty Orientation 51 52 F 53 BLS Certification for Faculty F 54 Faculty Educational Development F 55 Tenure/Promotion F 56 Merit Raise F 57 Faculty Workload F 58 Summer Teaching 59 60 F 61 Forms 61A-E Nursing Peer Review 62 F 63 Revision of Test Items Forms 64.1 and F 64 64.2 Test Plan Policy F 65 Immunization for Faculty 66 67 68
Form 22: F Day / S 69 Counseling Form Conference Forms 70 Form 71A: Incident Report F/S 71 Form Clinical Incident Forms 72A and F/S 72 72B Clinical Supervision by Preceptors Form 73A: Clinical Agency F 73 Request Clinical Facilities 74 75 76
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77 78 79 Form 80A: F/S 80 Contract Form Independent Studies F 81 Records Retention F 82 Telephones/Long Distance F 83 Travel Reimbursement Travel Reimbursement - Travel to Clinical F 84 Site 85 86 87 F 88 Job Description for Assistant Director F 89 Job Description for Level Coordinators Job Description for RN BSN Track F 90 Coordinator Job Description for Assistant Simulation F 91 Coordinator Job Description for Simulation Lab F 92 Coordinator 93 94 F 95 Faculty Evaluation of Clinical Agency 96 Form 97A: F 97 Attrition Form Student Attrition Survey Evaluation of Curriculum by Graduates and F 98 Forms 98A-F Employers
Faculty Policies, Procedures and Forms
The Policy and Procedures information for the School of Nursing is on the SON website at http://www.sfasu.edu/nursing/124.asp. As updates are made to policies, a copy of the revision is placed in the notebook in the Senior Secretary’s office and on the website.
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Chapter 7 University Policies Pertaining to SON
Office Hours
Each faculty member is expected to be available a minimum of ten office hours per week for student conferences. This should include one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon provided this arrangement is consistent with the individual's teaching schedule. If necessary, other arrangements may be made with the department chair. When it is not possible to keep posted office hours, the Director should be notified. These hours are to be posted on your office door and a copy given to the Administrative Assistant. At the beginning of each semester, the Administrative Assistant will give you a form to complete regarding office hours, class hours, etc.
Faculty Travel
Anyone traveling on University business must obtain permission in advance of the trip. A Travel Request form must be submitted and approved at all applicable levels, as indicated on the form, whether or not expenses will be incurred. All expenses to be paid or reimbursed by the University are to be reflected on the Travel Request form, regardless of whether they are to be prepaid. Assistance with this process and a Travel Request form may be obtained from the Administrative Assistant of the SON. The entire University policy and procedure pertaining to travel (University Policy C-49) is located on the SFA Homepage Faculty & Staff Policy Manual. Please consult the policy prior to any planned travel.
Clinical Site Travel
Reimbursement of travel to a clinical site is as per state policy dependent upon budget. Faculty members may be reimbursed by the state for travel to and from clinical sites outside Nacogdoches County. Mileage will be calculated between the two duty points (SON and clinical sites) by the Administrative Assistant. Per University policy, faculty is paid for the most cost- effective route. The policy can be found on the SON website at http://www.nursing.sfasu.edu.
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Outside Employment
Outside employment, for purposes of University policy, is engagement in any activity other than for Stephen F. Austin State University for a fee, salary, or profit. If one establishes or joins a firm, private business, or engages in the private practice of some professional skill, it is considered outside employment if it requires, on the average, more than ten hours per month, including weekends. Such employment must be approved annually in writing, and in advance, by the appropriate academic dean, director or vice president. This policy applies to all non- classified, full-time employees of SFASU whose employment obligations are not limited to a standard eight-hour day, and to officers of the University Police Department.
University employees who propose to engage in outside employment must adhere to the following guidelines and any applicable laws.
1. Proper performance of the employee's University assignment is paramount and outside work will assume a position secondary to University duties. 2. The employee may not use any materials or facilities of Stephen F. Austin State University in the course of outside employment.
3. The employee will make a reasonable effort to assure that his/her outside employment is not identified with Stephen F. Austin State University.
An individual desiring permission to engage in outside employment must complete the "Request for Approval for Outside Employment" form and route it through administrative channels to the appropriate academic dean, director or vice president for approval, prior to beginning outside employment and annually at the beginning of the fiscal year. Each academic dean or director will provide a summary report of individuals approved for outside employment to the vice president by mid-term of the fall semester. Each vice president will provide the president with a summary report from each respective division. The entire University policy and procedure pertaining to outside employment (University Policy E-35) is located on the SFA Homepage Faculty & Staff Policy Manual.
Faculty Promotion and Tenure
Faculty wishing to be considered for promotion and/or tenure should refer to SON Policy No. 55.
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Chapter 8 Student Organizations and Services
Academic Advising
Students with less than 60 hours of college credit are required to be advised prior to registering for courses. All freshmen that declare Nursing as a major are advised by the advisor for the College of Sciences and Mathematics. Sophomore nursing majors are advised by the advisor for the School of Nursing and faculty. This ensures that the students are taking the correct courses and are maintaining an appropriate grade point average. The RN BSN Transition Track coordinator advises all potential RN BSN Transition Track students. We also schedule two to three days each semester to complete mass advising and students are encouraged to come to these sessions. Once the student is advised, the computer record is accessed and the advising hold is released, permitting the student to register. All of the information needed for advising students can be found in the SON BSN brochure, which is located on the nursing website. Advising forms are also located on the nursing website, www.nursing.sfasu.edu, Advising link.
We have a petition process to determine if courses taken at other universities will count as prerequisites for the SON. The petition forms are located online under Policies and Procedures (Policy 5, Form 5) at the School of Nursing website (www.nursing.sfasu.edu). Please advise students to read and follow the directions on the Petition Page form. The petition(s) is returned to the Student Affairs Committee who, in turn, takes the appropriate actions.
The following are some advising guidelines which we have found helpful:
1. Guideline: Take only one science course a semester. Rationale: Science courses have a lab, so it is like taking two courses. It is very important to do well in the sciences. A science GPA of 2.75 is required for admission to the SON with an overall GPA of 2.5.
2. Guideline: Twelve (12) hours is considered fulltime. Do not try to take a heavy course load. Spread classes out over the summers. Rationale: It is more important to maintain an acceptable GPA than to quickly finish all of the prerequisites.
3. Guideline: If the student wants to register for less than 12 hours, he/she needs to make sure that there is not a full time stipulation on received financial support or on the parent’s health insurance.
Academic Advising
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4. Guideline: Do not worry about completing the 12 hours of history and political science prior to applying to the SON. It is nice to have them finished, but not required in order to be accepted. Rationale: These courses are requirements for graduation, but are not prerequisites for the nursing program. They can be taken during the summer.
5. Guideline: Once in the nursing program, only nursing courses should be taken during the fall and spring semesters, unless nursing electives are needed. It is highly recommended that nursing electives not be taken the first and third semesters. Rationale: There are some nursing semesters that the nursing course schedule is non- conducive to taking other courses.
6. Guideline: Build the semester’s schedule so that all the final exams are not occurring on the same day.
7. Guideline: Students should be encouraged to apply early through the NursingCAS system.
Rationale: Applications take 4-6 weeks to process. Therefore, the application and all requirements to be loaded into the application system should be completed at least four to six weeks ahead of application deadline.
8. Guideline: Students are required to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) standardized entrance exam. The student may take the exam one (1) time per application period. Admission is competitive, so students should be encouraged to do as well as possible on the exam.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
The School of Nursing has an active Sigma Theta Tau chapter (Omicron Eta). Students in the top 35% are inducted during the third semester of study. Each spring semester, Sigma Theta Tau also inducts community leaders. If you are already a member of another Sigma Theta Tau chapter, you may transfer membership to the SON chapter or apply for dual membership. The chapter meets at least quarterly and provides a variety of continuing education opportunities.
Student Nurses Association
The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is available to nursing students to enhance their personal and professional development and networking skills. Two SON faculty members are appointed to advise the association. All SON faculty members are encouraged to participate in the various activities of SNA.
Nursing Pinning Ceremony and Graduation
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One highlight of the culmination of study in the School of Nursing is the Nursing Pinning ceremony which occurs on the Friday evening prior to graduation. This special occasion is attended by family and friends of the graduate. The ceremony is organized by faculty, with input from the graduates. The students select a speaker, a master of ceremonies, a chaplain for the invocation, and an RN to pin them. As faculty, you may be asked by the students to participate in this event. It is mandatory that all faculty members attend and participate in the candle lighting portion of the ceremony. Graduation is on the Saturday following pinning. The dates of graduation may be found in the University General Bulletin. All faculty members are required to attend one graduation ceremony each year in full regalia. Chapter 9 Technology
Telephone System / Voice Mail Guide / Long Distance / Fax / Copier / Computer / Email Phones
The University phone system requires setup to customize. The directions for voice mail and the phones may be found in the Appendix section (Appendix A, P. 25). For assistance with the phones and voice mail, the SFA Technical Services Department asks that we contact the SON Administrative Assistant or Senior Secretary. If they are unable to be of assistance, they will call technical services for you. For the SON Contact / Phone List, please see Appendix A of the Faculty Handbook.
An authorization code is required to place long distance calls from a University phone. The Administrative Assistant to the School of Nursing will obtain an authorization code for all new employees. This code is to be used for official business only. To place long distance personal calls, it is necessary to use your personal cell phone.
There are two fax machines. One is located in the faculty workroom; the other, in the office of the Senior Secretary. Your long distance authorization code is needed to send long distance faxes. Again, if you are using the fax machine to send a personal long distance fax, you must use your personal phone card. (Faxes may only be sent out from the Senior Secretary’s fax machine.)
The copiers are in the faculty workroom. Things may be copied directly at the machine and/or documents may be sent from the individual offices to the Xerox machine in the faculty workroom.
When requesting copies to be made by work study students, complete a work request form and place it in the work study basket in the workroom. Please allow two (2) full days for the copying to be completed.
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Each faculty member is provided an office computer. You may also request the use of a laptop computer for official business. The laptop must be checked out by the Simulation Coordinator.
For assistance or for trouble shooting with a computer, call Technical Services at extension 1212. They will request your SFA tag number and computer IP address. The tag number is located on the CPU and the IP address is on the computer desktop; these will be requested with each work order request. Email
Each faculty member will have an e-mail address. Please check with the Administrative Assistant to obtain information on how to obtain the address and access to other computer systems. University Policy F-41 addresses the use of e-mail for University communications. MySFA:
MySFA is the portal for students, faculty, and staff at SFA. MySFA provides access to transcripts, grades, pay stubs, and other information.
To login to mySFA, go to www.sfasu.edu and click on the "mySFA" link in the upper right corner.
Campus Security/Emergency/Jack Alert
From an on-campus phone: 911
From a cell phone or off-campus phone: (936) 468-2608
(911 calls from a cell phone or an off-campus phone will first be answered by Nacogdoches Police Department.)
In the event of an emergency, there are two primary ways that an alert will be issued:
JackAlert and outdoor sirens.
When the JackAlert system is activated, alerts are issued in three different ways:
Website: A bright yellow banner is splashed across the top of every webpage hosted on the SFA website announcing the alert. You can click on this banner to access information related to the alert.
The alert page is updated as often as new information is available. This system is tested during the first week of each month.
Text and Phone: Alert calls and text messages are sent to every device registered on the JackAlert system. To receive these alerts, YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR DEVICES.
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To register, log onto mySFA and click on the red "Register to Get Campus Alerts" button to get started. Landline phones and e-mail addresses, which are different from your campus e-mail address, may be registered, in addition to your mobile devices.
E-Mail: Notices sent via email are sent to the SFA e-mail address of every student and employee.
The Outdoor Siren system is designed to alert the campus to an imminent threat. Sirens are located on the roof of the Ralph W. Steen Library. While the sirens may be heard inside some buildings on campus, the system is only designed to provide an audible alert outdoors. For more details, please refer to the Campus Safety Website. The link is located at the bottom of the SFASU Homepage (www.sfasu.edu).
Faculty Activity Report (FAR)
The Faculty Activity Report (FAR) will be done electronically. This report is completed and submitted each fall semester for the previous academic year. The Administrative Assistant will email the date due to all faculty members. This date varies and is contingent on dates set in the University calendar. To access the reporting tool, please use the following directions:
1) Log in to MySFA; 2) Click the MyServices tab; 3) Click the “Faculty Activity Report” link on the left-hand side under Faculty and Staff Services; 4) Follow the menus.
The FAR is available to faculty with the ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Lecturer, and Special. If assistance is needed to log in to MySFA, contact the Help Desk at Extension 1212. For technical assistance on this document, contact: its- [email protected]. FAR reports are done after the first year of employment. If you have questions, ask the Course Coordinator for your course.
Banner is the administrative software system for Stephen F. Austin State University. Banner is an “integrated system” for Finance, Human Resources, Financial Aid, and Student which means information is shared between the various systems, eliminating the need to duplicate data entry.
To access Banner services from the SFA homepage: 1) Log in to MySFA; 2) Click the MyServices tab; 3) Click the “Self- Service Banner” tab; 4) Click on Employee.
23 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
Faculty Leave Report
A Faculty Leave Report must be submitted at the end of each month and signed off by the Director of the School of Nursing.
From the SFA homepage, the Faculty Leave Report will be done electronically. To access the reporting tool, please use the following directions:
1) Log in to MySFA; 2) Click the MyServices tab; 3) Click the “Self- Service Banner” tab; 4) Click on Employee; 5) Click on Leave Report; 6) Choose the month from the drop down box; 7) Click on Leave Report; 8) Click Next until the Submit button appears.
Office of Information Technology
The Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) supports faculty and students in the use of instructional technologies to enhance the teaching and learning process. OIT facilitates the integration of technology into instruction in classroom and distance education environments through professional development workshops, consultation and support services for faculty and students. OIT also provides support for all facets of electronically delivered instruction, such as interactive videoconferencing (ITV) and Web-based systems. For tech support, contact the OIT Department at (936) 468-2774.
Desire 2 Learn (D2L)
Desire2Learn, or D2L, as it is commonly called, is SFASU’s learning management system. It replaced Blackboard CE 8 as our learning management system in May 2012. To access D2L, visit the following URL, and log in using your MySFA username and password: http://d2l.sfasu.edu.
Evolve is an on-line portal for healthcare educators and students to access and purchase all of their Elsevier digital teaching and learning materials. To access Evolve, visit the following URL, http://evolve.elsevier.com. Log in using your assigned Evolve username and password.
ExamSoft: Exam Management and Analytics
ExamSoft is an exam management software suite that enables the SON to efficiently and practically administer exams and analyze resulting data to improve curricular design, test design,
24 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook and accreditation compliance. To access ExamSoft, visit the following URL, http://www.examsoft.com, and log in using your assigned ExamSoft username and password.
TurningPoint is a Web-based software tool in which students submit their assignments for faculty review and feedback.
*Please see the Administrative Assistant, Course Coordinator, Testing Committee, &/or OIT for assistance with access to online support systems.
Chapter 10 Miscellaneous
The following items are located in the workroom:
The SON copiers are located in the workroom and can be linked to your office computer Faculty mailboxes Fax machine (cannot be used to send faxes; can only receive on this one) Shredder bin o Note: any paperwork that contains student identifiers (ID numbers, etc.) and/or grades that you plan to discard must be put in the shredder bin. Binders for faculty and committee meeting minutes Office supplies Official SFASU letterhead and envelopes Laminator
Office Supplies
All office supplies can be found either in the workroom or the closet of the workroom. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for ordering and maintaining supplies. Please communicate needs to her in a timely manner.
Forms that accompany SON policies may be found on the nursing website http://www.nursing.sfasu.edu, and/or on the SON common Y-drive.
25 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
Appendix B
26 SFASU Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Faculty Handbook
Appendix C