To, Date: 15/01/2016M/S. Neelkamal Human Resource Pvt.Ltd
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To, Date: 15/01/2016 M/s. NeelKamal Human Resource Pvt.Ltd. License No.: 793/065/066 Sinamangal - 9 Kathmandu Nepal. Tel : + 977-1-4112713 Fax : + 977-1-4112714 Mb: 00977 9818400533 Sub: Manpower Demand Letter Dear Sir, We hereby place an order to select and recruit following Nepal workers on behalf of our company, as detailed below. Sl No Category Qty Basic Food 1 Heavy Drivers …… 2200.00 300.00
2 Light Driver 23 1900.00 300.00 3. Crane Operator 21 3000.00 300.00 4. Etc etc ------300.00 The following Terms & conditions shall be included in the contract.
1. Period of employment : Two years (renewable) 2. Place of Employment : ………… Qatar 3. Air Ticket : For Joining the Company for the first time will(KTM-DOHA) and then Up & down air ticket will provided after the completion of two years contract. 4. Working Hour : 8 hrs per day, 6 days per week (48 hrs per week) 5. Over time : As per Qatar Labour Law. 6. Probation Period : 90 days from date of entry into Qatar 7. Resident permit : Resident permit will be provided by the company 8. Accommodation : Provided by the company 9. Water, electricity & gas : Provided by the company 10. Food : Provided by the company 11. Medical / Insurance : Provided by the company 12. Transportation (Bus) : Provided by the company (to and from the work site) 13. Uniform, and safety Materials : Provided by the company 14. Service Gratuity &Leave pay: Provided by the company as per Qatar Labour Law. 15. Visa : Provided by the company 16. Service Charge : Not provided by company 17. Other Term & Conditions : A per Qatar Labour Law.
Name……………….. General Manager/ Managing Director
Date: 15/01/2016
To NEELKAMAL HUMAN RESOURCE PVT.LTD LICENSE NO: 793/065/066 Tel 00977-1-4112713
This is to confirm that we (………..COMPANY NAME…………), Doha Qatar, hereby appoint M/S. NEELKAMAL HUMAN RESOURCE PVT.LTD.... (Gov. License. No. 793/065/066) Kathmandu, Nepal as our true and lawful attorney and agent in Nepal in respect of handling all affairs concerning recruitment, entering into and signing contracts with the selected employees, completion of emigration formalities including deposit of security, registration fees etc. with the protector of emigrant required by the said office in connection with the recruitment of persons to work with our company and to arrange their passage and other necessary documents.
This Power of Attorney is limited to the requirement of the said Demand Letter and expires on the completion of this recruitment.
In witness thereof, we have executed this Power of Attorney at
Yours Faithfully,
Managing Director Date: 15/01/2016
Ref. No.
The Director General Foreign Department Of Nepal Baneshwar, Kathmandu.
Dear Sir, We M/S (…Company Name…) , hereby guarantee that all Nepalese workers recruited through our agent M/s. Neelkamal Human Resouce Pvt.Ltd License No. 793/065066,Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 00977-1-4112713,will work in company in. Qatar only through our contract period.
We further guarantee that these workers will not be sent to work in any other establishment or any third country.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully ………………… Managing Director AGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN (Company Name) P.O BOX: 7646 DOHA –QATAR & NEELKAMAL HUMAN RESOURCE PVT LTD SINAMANGAL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL LICENSE NO: 793/065/066 On this date 15/01/2016 it is agreed between M/s (Company Name)(herein after called employer) and M/s NEELKAMAL HUMAN RESOURCES Pvt. Ltd. (herein after called Recruiting agent)
1. That the employer hereby agrees to recruiting agent, who are government approved recruiting agent in Nepal, for the recruitment of Nepalese workers. 2. That the recruiting agent shall send the required personnel at the earliest possible and strictly according to merits, qualification &experience as required by the employer 3. The profession, salary and all the benefits will be as per the Demand Letter no. dated, 15/01/2016 & employment contract 4. That the agent must ensure that each candidate should be medically fit for the job and holds the valid passport 5. That in case of any dispute between two parties shall be settled mutually and amicably
In witness whereof we have executed this agreement on date 15/01/2016, in the presence of subscribing witness
For and behalf of for and behalf of
------……………………………………………… Managing Director Managing Director
Guarantee and Undertaking H.E. Ambassador, Date: 15/01/2016 Embassy of Nepal Doha, Qatar
I, the Chairman of the (…..Company Name…..) (company registration card attached herewith), authorized legally to decide and sign this undertaking hereby declare the following: 1. The attached Demand letter, power of Attorney, agency Agreement, Employment Contract and all other documents submitted herewith are the part of this undertaking. 2. Embassy of Nepal shall be informed of the arrival of the employees within three Months their profession, salary, status of residence permits. 3. Embassy of Nepal and its officials can have the access to the accommodation of the Employees and office for the purpose of inspection. 4. The salary of the employees shall be given within two weeks of the completion of the every working month. The employees shall not be deprived of basic salary in case of failure to provide them employment by the employer even for a short period. 5. All the Employees shall be provided with time-card for calculation of overtime allowance. 6. The employees once recruited directly by the company or through its authorized Recruiting agency, will not be relegated or downgraded in terms of position, salary, Benefits and work at any cost. The position and category of the employees shall be Decided only prior to selection and recruitment. 7. The photocopy of the employment contract issued by the company and certified with Original sign and stamp with authorized recruiting agent at the time of departure from Nepal will be considered as legally valid contract for the purpose of clause no. 6 Mentioned above and no contract shall be made with less salary and benefits after Arrival. 8. Fees/ cost of residence permit, medical, electricity, water, and accommodation shall be Solely born by the employer. Employer shall also bear the fines, if any, because of the Delay in the processing of above cases. 9. The employees shall be repatriated within one month after the completion of the Contract with all his rights except in the cases mutually agreed to stay longer. 10. Employer shall be fully responsible for the salary and other facilities of employees Even if they are supplied to other employer/s. Time 11. In case of any misunderstanding/dispute between employer and the employee/s, Embassy of Nepal shall be contacted first for the amicable settlement of thegrievances. 12. All other terms and conditions not mentioned herein shall be subject to the legal Provisions of the State of Qatar.
Signature of Employer: Full name : ………………………….. Title of post: Managing Director ID No : ………………………. عقد عمل Employment Contract
أنه في يوم الحد الموافق:2016/01/15 On the date : M/S (Company Name…..) Post Box No: 19190 Tel: 4820885 طرف أول .Doha, Qatar
السيد: As First Party حامل جواز سفر رقم : MR. …………….. البطاقة الشخصية رقم : :Holder of Passport No Working Permit No: والمقيم بالعنوان التالى : دوحة Living in Doha رقم ا لشارع : 53 House No: رقم السكن: Street Name: ……… إسم المنطقة : محيذر Area Name: ….. رقم الكهرباء : Employee As Second Party طرف ثاني اتفق الطرفان على مايلى : :The two Parties agreed on the following The Second Party agreed to work for the وافق الطرف الثانى على أن يعمل لدى الطرف الول First Party in the Occupation as “ بمهنة "عامل" و براتب شهري Heavy قدر………………... Drivers ر في دولة قطر. in the State of Qatar with a monthly salary ” of QR ……………………………as food allowance Qatari Riyals ١- مدة العقد :- as.…………………………………………… food allowance) ) ا) مدة العقد سنه واحده تاريخ مباشرة الطرف الثاني لعمله في دولة قطر بتاريخ. :DURATION OF CONTRACT 1- ينتهي العقد بانتهاء مدته دون حاج ة إل ى إخط ار س ابق و إذا رغ ب الط رف الول ف ي اس تمرار التعاق د وج ب A- The duration of this contract علي ه اخط ار الط رف الث اني كتاب ة برغبت ه ف ي التجدي د is Two year commencing on the date of a قبل موعد نهاية العقد بثلثين يوما على القل. . starting duty in Qatar The contract expires at its Expiry Date without further notification. However, if the first party wishes to continue contracting, he should notify the Second Party in writing تم التفاق بين كل من about his desire for renewal (30) thirty days السادة / فايتيك للتجارة والمقاولت و عنوانه: ص ب:19190 تليفون: /4820885 الدوحة – قطر The First Party undertakes to provide a free and appropriate Accommodation.
B - The contract may not be cancelled before its termination without the consent of the two Parties, and the Second Party will have to
pay before he finally leaves work, all his debts payable to the First Party. (ب) ل يجوز إنهاء العقد قبل أنتهاء مدتة إل بموافقة الطرفين ، كما يجب على الطرف الثاني قبل ترك :TRAVEL EXPENSES 2- العمل الوفاء بجميع ديونة المستحقة للطرف الول. B- The First Party shall bear the Travel expenses of the Second Party from ٢- نفقات السفر: the city of NEPAL the work place in the State of Qatar, as well as the costs of the (1) يتحمل الطرف الول نفقات سفر الطرف الثاني من return passage. The First Party shall bear the round trip travel costs of the Second Party on مدينة في - إلى مكان العمل بدولة قطر و نيبالي leave periods as provided in the Employment كذا نفقات عودتة إليها. كما يتحمل الطرف الول كذلك Contract. These expenses shall not cover نفقات سفر الطرف الثاني ذهابا و إيابا أثناء فترة الجازة costs of acquiring a passport or payments المنصوص عليها في عقد العمل. ولتشمل هذة النفقات .against any guarantees تكاليف إستخراج جواز السفر أو دفع أية تأمينات. C- The First Party shall be exempted from payment of return expenses of the worker in the following two cases. (2) يعفى الطرف الول من تحمل نفقات العودة في In case of resignation before the expiry date (1 الحالتين التاليتين: .of the contract 2) In the event he commits a breach resulting in his dismissal ١ - في حالة السقالة قبل انتهاء مدة العقد. without notice and without a service gratuity in accordance with the provisions of the ٢ - في حالة إرتكاب العامل خطأ يترتب علية فصلة من .Qatari Labor Law العمل بدون إ نذار و بدون منحة مكافأة نهاية الخدمة. طبقا لحكام قانون العمل القطري. :SALARY AND GRATUVITY 3-
For daily and monthly workers: salary is ٣- الجر و المكافأة: Qr…………… as food allowance per month against the basic hours of work (48 Hours per للعمل اليومية و الشهرية الجر الساسي قيمتة week) and the Second Party shall be entitled a paid weekly rest-day every week. He shall ………….. ر شهريا مقابل ساعات العمل also receive cash payments against over الساسية worked in accordance with provisions of ( 48 ) ساعة أسبوعيا و يحصل الطرف الثاني على .Qatari Labor Law راحة أسبوعية مدفوعة الجر في يوم واحد من كل أسبوع كما يحصل على مقابل نقدي لساعات العمل END OF SERVICES GRATUVITY 4- الضافية وفقا لحكام قانون العمل القطري. As per Qatari Labor Law ٤ - مكافأة نهاية الخدمة: 5- ACCOMMODATION AND DAILY وفقا لحكام قانون العمل في قطر. :LIVING ٥- السكن و المعيشة اليومية: يتعهد الطرف الول بتدبير سكن ل عزب مناسب
٦ -التنقل : :TRANSPORTATION 6-
يوفر الطرف الول للطرف الثاني وسيلة المواصلت The First Party shall provide the Second المناسبة من السكن الى مكان العمل و بالعكس . Party a free transport from his accommodation to the work place and back. ل ٧ -الرعاية الطيبة و ا لٌلجتماعية : :MEDICAL & SOCIAL CARE 7-
(1) يوفر الطرف الول للطرف الثاني العلج الطبي A- The First Party shall provide the Second اللزم طبقا للنظمة و اللوائح المعمول بها في دولة Party with the required medical treatment in قطر. .force in the State of Qatar
(ب) يتعهد الطرف الول بحصول الطرف الثاني على B- The First Party undertakes that the Second التعويض المستحق له عن إصابات العمل و العجز و Party will receive his payable indemnity for الوفاة التي تنشأ عن العمل أو بسببه طبقا للقوانين Labor injuries, disability or death during work or arising there from according to القطرية في هذا الشأن . Qatari Laws in this regard.
٨ - الجازات : : LEAVES 8-
(أ) للطرف الثاني الحق في إجازة سنوية عادية ل تقل A- The Second Party is entitled for a normal yearly paid leave not less than four weeks. مدتها عن اربعة أسابيع بأجر كامل . B- The Second Party shall receive full pay (2) حصل الطرف الثاني على أجر كامل في الجازات .during the following official holidays الرسمية التية:- . Eid Al- Fitr (Three Working Days) - عيد الفطر – (ثلثة أيام عمل) (Eid Al-Adha (Three Working Days . - عيد الضحى –(ثلثة أيام عمل) (National Day (One Working Day . - يوم الوطني – (يوم واحد عمل) The Second Party is also entitled for Three كما يحصل الطرف الثاني على ثلثة أيام عمل بأجر Working Days Leave with full pay during the كامل خلل العام و هذه اليام يقررها صاحب العمل year. These days are decided by the للعمال جميعا . .Employer for all workers C- The Second Party is entitled for sick leaves (5) يستحق الطرف الثاني إجازة مرصية مدفوعة الجر with pay after three months of continuous بعد مضى ثلثة أشهر متصلة في عمله لدى الطرف service with the First Party in accordance الول و تحسب الجازة المرضية وفقا لحكام قانون .with the Qatari Labor Law العمل . 9- GENERAL PROVISIONS: ٩ - أحكام عامة :- A- The Second Party undertakes to perform his (1) يعهد الطرف الثاني بأداء عمله طبقا لمتوسطات و duties in accordance with the average rate of عدلت الداء اليومية في نفس مهنته و في حالة عدم .daily performance known in his occupation In the event the Second Party failed to do so, أدائه لمعدلت الداء اليومية تطبق عليه لئحة he shall be subject to the table of penalties in الجزاءات في هذا الشأن . .this respect (ت) ل يجوز للطرف الثاني خلل مدة التعاقد الشتغال لدى B- The Second Party is not permitted, during the contract period, to work for others, and the الغير كما ل يحق للطرف الول تشغيل الطرف الثاني First Party shall not have the right to engage لدى صاحب عمل آخرإل في الحوال التي يجيزها the Second Party in any work with another . قانون العمل employer unless in cases permissible by Qatari Laws.
(5) يتعهد الطرف الثاني بعدم التدخل في الشؤون السياسية C- The Second Party shall undertake to refrain أو الدينية و عليه مراعات التقاليد و العادات المحلية from interfering or involve himself in any و إحترامها . political or religious affairs and he should observe and respect the local customs and traditions.
D- The provisions of this contract agreement are (د) يعتبر قانون العمل الصادر بالقانون رقم ( ) السنة governed by the Qatari Labor Law No. 14 of و القرارات المنفدة لة الساس القانوني ,the year 2004 and its executive decisions لنصوص هذا العقد ، و يتم الرجوع إلية في أي نزاع and as such they constitute the basis to resort ينشأ بين الطرفين مالم تكن شروط هذا العقد تتضمن to in the event of any dispute arising between مزايا أفضل للطرف الثاني the two parties unless the conditions of contract include more favourable advantages to the Second Party.
(ه) يصبح هذا العقد نافذ المفعول بعد تصديق السلطات E- This contract shall come into force after المختصة عليه في الدولتين. ratification of competent authorities in the two countries.
F- This contract is made and issued in three (و) تحرر هذا الحقد من ثلثة نسخ أصلية يحتفظ صاحب original copies. The employer shall keep one العمل بأحداها و تسلم الثانية للعامل و تودع الثالثة copy and one copy shall be given to the بوزارة العمل. worker, the third copy shall be filed at the Ministry of Labour.
الطرف الول – صاحب العمل First Party – Employer
الختم الطرف الثاني – العامل Second Party – Worker
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