World Civilizations: A Semester in Review

Directions: Your Final Exam is quickly approaching and this study guide is packed with all of the information you MUST know to be successful! Please complete it to the best of your ability and remember to ask questions when you are stumped! Good Luck!


1. Define: Culture

2. Define and give an example of each of the following terms:

Cultural Diffusion:

Cultural Relativism:


3. Who rules in a Monarchy? How do they gain power?

4. How are an Aristocracy and an Oligarchy similar? How do they differ?

5. Who rules in a Theocracy? Why?

6. Explain the difference between a Direct Democracy and a Representative Democracy.

7. How do religious Holy Books help to guide believers’ behavior?

8. Why is Siddhartha Gautama important to the Buddhist faith?

9. In what ways are Buddhism and Hinduism similar? 10. Explain the purpose of the covenant made between Yahweh and Abraham.

11. Explain the difference between Monotheism and Polytheism. Then, classify the five major World Religions as either “Monotheistic” or “Polytheistic.”

12. Contrast: Traditional Economy, Market Economy, Command Economy

13. Define: Scarcity. Then, explain how “scarcity” affects the development of a nation’s economic system.

14. How is the Indian Caste System an example of the impact of religious beliefs on a society’s culture?


15. The divides the world into the Eastern and Western hemispheres.

16. The divides the world into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

17. Review the map of the world. As you do so, pay particular attention to the location of the seven continents and the four oceans. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the four cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West).

Ancient Civilizations

18. Define: Nomad.

19. What is the Neolithic Revolution? How did it lead to the start of the world’s first civilizations?

20. How did Hammurabi revolutionize the role of government? 21. Which ancient civilization was the first to create city-wide plumbing? What does its creation tell us about this civilization’s government?

22. List three reasons why it is important for a civilization to have a writing system.




23. Summarize the impact of geography on the development of the four Ancient Civilizations.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

24. Arabs = and Israelis =

25. Yitzhak Rabin and Anwar Sadat were assassinated. What was the motivation behind their assassinations?

26. What were the goals of the branch of Judaism known as Zionism?

27. Create a slogan that summarizes the Intifada?

28. Compare and contrast the outcome of the Camp David Accords and the Oslo Peace Accords.

29. List the Five Pillars of the Islamic faith:





5. Classical China

30. Would a Legalist support or oppose the rule of Adolf Hitler? Why or why not?

31. According to Confucius, all successful relationships are based on:

32. Create a diagram that compares and contrasts Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism.


33. How did Greece’s geography contribute to the development of Greek city-states?

34. Compare and contrast the values of Athens and Sparta.

35. In your opinion, which battle during the Persian Wars contributed most to the Greek victory? Why?

36. The Greeks are often referred to as the “Fathers of Philosophy.” Summarize the important ideas of the following philosophers, be sure to include important quotes, and biographical information:




37. Pericles began the Golden Age of Greece by accomplishing these three goals in Athens:



3. 38. Define: Hellenistic Culture. Who was responsible for the spread of Hellenistic Culture? Why?

39. List 3 discoveries made during the Hellenistic Era.





40. Explain the difference between Patrician and a Plebeian.

41. How did the forum encourage Romans to get involved in Roman politics?

42. What was the purpose of the Twelve Tables posted in Classical Rome?

43. How did the Roman victory in the Punic Wars contribute to the growth of the Roman Empire?

44. Define: Triumvirate

45. Define: Pax Romana. How did the Pax Romana encourage the spread of Christianity?

46. List four reforms Julius Caesar made as the first Emperor of the Roman Empire:





47. List and explain the four factors that contributed to the Fall of Rome.




4. 48. Consider BOTH Classical Greece and Classical Rome. Where can we see evidence of these civilizations in our lives today?

The Middle Ages

49. What caused the development of Feudalism? (Hint: What did the people of the Middle Ages need most?)

50. Illustrate and label the Feudal pyramid in the space below.

51. Given the fall of the centralized government in Rome, what institution became the source of power and authority in the Middle Ages?

52. What was the purpose of a medieval manor?

53. Imagine you are a Knight. According to the code of Chivalry, who are you expected to defend at any cost?

54. The crusades were fought to:

55. List three effects of the Crusades on Medieval society:




56. How did the Hundred Years’ War encourage nationalism in France and England?

57. How did the Hundred Years War and the Bubonic Plague form the foundation of the Renaissance? The Renaissance and The Reformation

58. How is the Renaissance similar to the Classical Civilizations of Greece and Rome?

59. How is the Renaissance different from the Middle Ages?

60. Could Derrick Rose be a patron of the arts? Why or why not?

61. List two reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy.



62. List three differences between Middle Age art and Renaissance art.




63. In the fall of 1999, Arts and Entertainment Television (A&E) aired a three-hour series titled, “Biography of the Millennium.” In it, they named Johannes Gutenberg as the most influential person of the last thousand years. Do you agree with their ranking? Why or why not?

64. How did Martin Luther’s opinion about indulgences influence the start of the Reformation?

65. List FOUR Protestant denominations of Christianity:


