PSM Parent Notice of Refusal to Complete Formal Evaluation


Dear Parent:

The Student Support Team has reviewed your Request for Intervention Assistance that included a request for a Formal Evaluation. A Formal Evaluation is a procedure under North Carolina Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities that seeks information to determine if a student has a disability and needs specially designed instruction (special education). It is a relevant factor that New Hanover County Schools is using an alternate model authorized by the NC State Board of Education. The Problem Solving Model/Response to Intervention (PSM/RtI) Model is used in working with students with high incidence disabilities to determine the types of interventions and intensity of interventions required for a student to be successful in school. Use of standardized tests for cognitive ability and academic skills are not prohibited, but may not be solely used to determine eligibility for special education. Determination of the need for special education is primarily determined by progress monitoring the student’s skill development.

At this time the Student Support Team does not concur with your request to conduct a Formal Evaluation. The reason(s) for this is (are):

Another (Additional) option(s) considered, rejected and why is (are):

The following data was used to support this decision:

Other options considered include the enclosed that contains specific strategies to address the educational issues we discussed at the meeting. The results of these interventions will be reviewed by the Student Support Team at a meeting approximate to the review date specified on the Intervention Plan.

Enclosed with the proposal is the New Hanover County Schools Parents’ Rights Handbook, which provides you with a full explanation of your IDEA procedural safeguards with respect to this proposal and sources to contact to assist you may be found on page 27. This notice of proposal constitutes your notice of final agency action (decision), which you have the right to contest at a due process hearing by filing a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings. That petition must be filed within 365 days of receipt of this notice or you will lose your right to contest this action.

If you need additional information or clarification please do not hesitate to call me.
