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Tender Document Receipt s4

Tender and Application Documents – Goods and Services

Location: Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo Tender No.: MC-GOM-005/2014 Name of Tender: Planning and Design of Urban Water Facility Systems in Goma, Date: 3/2/2014 Bukavu and Bunia, DR Congo Acct. Code: NA Sub Code: 240 Cost Center: 91006

Contents - Tender and Application Package

Part I, Tender 1. Summary of Tender

2. Terms, General Information, and Instructions to Applicants

3. Project-Specific Documents and Details 3.1a Materials and Equipment Specifications, Specific Conditions, and Delivery Schedule 3.1b Services Statement of Work 3.2 General Terms of Payment, Cost and Supply of Materials, Equipment, Accessories, and/or Services 3.3 Specific Payment Terms and Penalties 3.4 Warranties 3.5 Termination of Contract

Part II, Application 4. Applicant Submission Forms and Declarations 4.1 Notes to Applicants Concerning Submission Forms and Formats 4.2 Applicant Qualifications Summary 4.3 Declaration of Eligibility 4.4 Application Form and Quotation 4.5 Applicant Notes, Comments, and Additional Information Related to His/Her Bid

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Part I, Tender

1. Summary of Tender and General Information

1.1 Name of Tender Planning and Design of Urban Water Facility Systems in Goma, Bukavu and Bunia, DR Congo

1.2 Location/Field Office Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

1.3 Subject/Description Mercy Corps is soliciting bids for: Planning and Design of Urban Water Facility Systems in Goma, Bukavu, and Bunia

1.4 Submission of Application The email address for submission of applications is: [email protected]

1.5 Summary Text of Announcement (for posting on Mercy Corps Website) Mercy Corps is an international NGO that is engaging in emergency relief and development programs in 46 countries worldwide. Mercy Corps has recently received financing for a UK Department for International Development (DFID) funded program to increase access to water, sanitation and hygiene in three urban centers in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Mercy Corps is seeking a qualified engineering firm for the planning and design of water facility systems in Goma, Bukavu, and Bunia (DRC).

Summary of Work

Bunia - planning and preliminary design of expansion of an existing surface water supply including a larger intake, intake piping to a new conventional sedimentation/flocculation treatment plant with disinfection, on site storage, pumping station, distribution piping upgrades, and new tap stands. Existing facility assessments, and operations and maintenance assessment are also included. Goma - planning and preliminary design of a new storage and distribution for the Goma water system. Existing facility assessments and operations and maintenance assessment are also included.

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Bukavu – planning and preliminary design of water system expansion including upgrades to the existing treatment and distribution system. Existing facility assessments and operations and maintenance assessment are also included. Note : a source supply study is currently underway which must be incorporated into the document planning for this area.

1.6 Funding Source United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID)

1.7 Language The language for this Tender, application instructions, and associated responses, is: English

1.8 Questions Specific questions about this tender may be submitted to Mercy Corps at: [email protected] (specify the tender number in the email subject), no later than 3 business days before the submission deadline. Mercy Corps reserves the right not to respond to irrelevant questions, or others that undermine the competitive bidding process.

It is the Applicant’s responsibility to aquaint itself with the sites as required to prepare a responsive tender.

A pre-proposal conference call will take place on 12th of March, at 6pm Goma time. Interested Applicants shall send an email to [email protected], at least two days before the conference call in order to get credentials.

Questions submitted to Mercy Corps, and their answers, will be posted on the Mercy Corps Website (www.mercycorps.org/tenders).

1.9 Application Deadlines Applications must be submitted on or before: 3/30/2014 - NOTE EXTENDED DATE at (time): 16:00 (Goma time GMT +2) Applications received after this time will not be considered.

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1.10 Application Review Applications will be opened and inspected by Mercy Corps. at: Mercy Corps DRC Office on 31th March 2014 on: 10am (Goma time)

1.11 Decision and Selection Mercy Corps will select and notify the winning applicant within seven fourteen (14) days of the close of the application period. Notification will be made by email and/or by post.

Mercy Corps will also notify those vendors who submitted applications but were not selected. Notification will be made by email and/or by post within fourteen (14) days of the close of the application period.

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2. Terms, General Information, and Instructions to Applicants

2.1 Scope Mercy Corps invites tenders for the equipment, materials, and/or services described and summarized in these documents, and in accordance with procedures, conditions, and contract terms presented herein. Mercy Corps reserves the right to vary the quantity of work/materials specified in these documents without any changes in unit price or other terms and conditions and to accept or reject any, all, or part of submitted offers.

2.2 Minimum Qualifying Criteria Minimum criteria for applicants to the Tender include, but are not limited to, all the following:  Certificate of (business) Registration,  Adequate equipment and workshops,  Sufficient trained managers and workers,  Good track-record and references from previous clients,  Legal bank account (for payments made in bank checks or through bank transfers)

Proof of all the above must be provided to Mercy Corps on request.

2.3 Additional Criteria  All applications shall be made in accordance with these instructions, and all documents requested should be furnished, including technical specifications, drawings, bill of quantities, and/or delivery schedule, and payment terms. If any requested document is not furnished, a reason should be given for its omission,  All Applicants will receive identical documents. No applicant should add, omit, or change any item, term or condition on original papers,  If Applicants have any additional requests and conditions, these shall be stipulated in a separate letter accompanying their application,  Each applicant may make one application only,  Each application shall be valid for the period of sixty (60) days for its date of submission,  Applications shall be made in writing, with prices in GBP only,  All prices must include all taxes, compulsory payments, levies and duties, including VAT, if applicable,  Applicants shall attach a detailed schedule for supply and delivery of materials.

2.4 Performance Standards and Payment Controls All material, and/or equipment must be produced and supplied in accordance with all relevant and applicable rules, regulations, and statutes.

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Payments will be made only if the contracted material and/or services meet these standards, and are delivered and completed properly and on time, as approved by Mercy Corps. Specific payment terms are described, below.

2.5 Currency Payments will be made in: USD

2.6 Tender and Application Documents All application-related forms and documents are included in Part II of this document. (see Pages 12-16).

2.7 Eligibility of Applicants Applicants may not apply, and will be rejected as ineligible, if they:  Are not registered companies,  Are bankrupt or in the process of going bankrupt,  Were convicted of illegal/corrupt activities, and/or unprofessional conduct,  Have been guilty of grave professional misconduct (proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify),  Have not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security and taxes.  Are guilty of serious misinterpretation in supplying information,  Are in situations of conflict or potential conflict of interest with Mercy Corps,  Were declared at serious fault of implementation owing to a breach of their contractual obligations,  Are on any list of sanctioned parties issued by the United States Government.

2.8 Application Delivery  All applications will be delivered in the specified format to Mercy Corps, as attachments to email, and to the address and by the date stated herein,  All documents will be clearly marked with the name of the Tender to which it corresponds,  The documents will be marked with the name of the applicant, and the correct return address, and will be signed where indicated,  Applications delivered after the specified time will not be accepted.

2.9 Application Opening Applications will be opened only by Mercy Corps, at the address and on the date specified herein. The applicant’s name, the total amount of the application, and any discounts and such other information that Mercy Corps may consider appropriate will be announced and registered in the procedural minutes.

2.10 Application Evaluation

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Mercy Corps will examine all applications to ensure that they contain no amendment to the terms or any other irregularities and/or errors. To assist in the examination and selection process, Mercy Corps may, at its discretion, assemble and establish a Review Committee, which may include representatives of other entities.

2.10.a Technical Evaluation: The applications will first be evaluated on technical merits. The technical evaluation assesses the capacity of the application, based on its submitted technical documents, specifications, performance history, and references submitted. For this purpose, certificates and additional references may be requested and subsequently examined.

2.10.b Financial/Cost Evaluation: The financial/cost evaluation is based on the cost of products and services presented in the application. The evaluation is intended to assess and confirm that vendors provide good value to Mercy Corps for the cost of all goods and/or services offered.

2.10.c Other Evaluations: After ranking applicants according to technical and financial criteria, Mercy Corps may take into account other variables, including, but not limited to record of past performance, integrity, and social responsibility.

2.11 Selection of Applicant Selection of the successful applicant will be based on the ranking of applicants responding to the Tender, according to technical and financial/cost criteria, as well as any other criteria established by Mercy Corps.

2.12 Acceptance of Successful Application After submitted documentation from the selected Applicant has been verified, the applicant will then be obliged to sign a Contract for the stated amount. Any amendment to the original Contract will be determined by Mercy Corps, and will be documented as an “Annex “or “Amendment” to the original Contract.

2.13 Certification Regarding Terrorism, Acts of Corruption, and Potential Bribery It is Mercy Corps’ policy to comply with the laws and regulations of the United States Government, the European Union, and the United Nations concerning the ineligibility of vendors, contractors, and suppliers of services for reasons of fraud, corruption or terrorist activity. These laws and regulations prohibit Mercy Corps from doing business with or providing support to any persons or entities that have been found to be engaged in, or provide support for, any such activities.

It is also absolutely forbidden for any Applicant and/or Contractor of Mercy Corps to make payments of any kind, either monetary or material, to any employee of Mercy

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Corps. This rule prohibits like payments to any relatives, partners, or associates of Mercy Corps employees.

All applicants must agree to abide by this policy.

2.14 Environmental Standards Applicants should, at minimum, comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to the environmental impacts of their business. Areas which should be considered are, Waste Management (including packaging and paper use), Conservation, Energy Consumption, and overall environmental and social Sustainability.

2.15 Required Submittals Qualifications, Describing Relevant Prior Work Applicants shall provide qualifications for their teams, clearly describing prior relevant work. Of particular interest is work in Africa/DRC and for NGO’s. Work must be within the past 10 year for consideration.

Proposed Team Teaming relationships - provide history of prior working relationships within the team conducting similar work. Identify which staff members of the proposed team were involved. Organization Structure - provide an “organogram” of the proposed team indicating the responsible party for each task. CV’s of team members – provide CV’s of each task leader including but not limited to project manager, operations and maintenance task lead, assessment task lead, hydraulics designer, mechanical and electrical engineer, cost estimator and process engineer. Locations of the staff by person -The location of each staff member shall be shown on a week by week calendar indicating their location during the course of the project.

References Provide a minimum of three references for similar work of a similar size. Provide details regarding the location, date, client, nature of the work, hydraulic capacity and cost. Provide contact information for a senior manager in the organization for which the work was contracted. The contact information must be for staff currently employed by the contracting organization.

Preliminary Work Plan Including but not limited to detailed schedule, preliminary design tools including software, references, deliverables, cost estimating tools, proposed standards etc. (must be approved – submittal does not imply acceptance.

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Pricing BOQ

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3. Project-Specific Documents and Details 3.1.a Materials and Equipment

Specifications, Specific Conditions, and Delivery Schedule

3.1.a. 1 Quantities See Section 3.1.b

3.1.a. 2 Minimum Specifications See Section 3.1.b

3.1.a. 3 Delivery Date See Section 3.1.b

3.1.a. 4 Delivery Conditions (including Shipping, Import and Export Documentation, Inspection Fees, Import and Export Taxes, and Storage Fees) See Section 3.1.b

3.1.a. 5 Delivery Location See Section 3.1.b

3.1.a. 6 Other Provisions See Section 3.1.b

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3.1.b Services

Statement of Work Water Infrastructure Inception Phase - Scope of Work

Introduction Mercy Corps has received a grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to rehabilitate and extend the municipal water systems of three large cities in Eastern Congo. Operation and maintenance assessment, rehabilitation and extension of the Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu municipal water supply systems are central elements of this project. This section includes the Scope of Work required to complete the Water Infrastructure Inception Phase for Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu. A separate scope of work is underway to identify the recommended water source for Bukavu. Subsequent phases may include the final design, tendering, construction and startup of improvements identified in this initial phase. Primary work products are operational and maintenance plans and comprehensive master technical plans (Plans) for each of the three sites. These technical plans will address the current deficits and projected needs of the water systems and detail the infrastructure improvements that will occur during the subsequent implementation phase.

Operations and Maintenance Assessment and Planning This task is key to developing a strong understanding of the existing system capabilities in Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu prior to embarking upon major system upgrades. The work shall be conducted by experienced water operations personnel who can readily identify opportunities for system optimization. Realistic, prioritized recommendations shall be made considering the local challenges of remote system operations, equipment delivery and storage. 1. Assess water system condition. This task involves an on-site evaluation of primary system components to determine suitability for long-term use. While thorough material testing is not anticipated, adequate research and inspection is needed to gain a representative view of the piping, pumping, treatment and storage system conditions. 2. Review existing operations. Similarly, a review shall be conducted of the resources and operations at the local water utility offices, major pump stations, and maintenance facilities to understand the operational constraints and the resultant level of service. 3. Recommend operations plan modifications to minimize power and water usage and improve service levels. This task shall focus on opportunities for system efficiencies. Each major system component shall be evaluated to determine if there are any significant impediments to efficient operations such as excessive pressures and leakage. 4. Assess skill set of current staff, identify gaps and training. Working with the local operations teams, determine if the current staff is qualified to conduct the necessary

Page 11 of 29 Tender and Application Documents – Goods and Services system operations and maintenance at each location. Identify required training to improve system operations. 5. Evaluate staffing levels and appropriate organizational structure. Assess the local management, operations and maintenance team structure necessary for efficient operations. Recommend appropriate staffing levels. 6. Assess maintenance needs. Based on Task 1, above, identify major maintenance needs at each primary location. These will include major pumping and treatment equipment rehabilitation and replacement, defective piping, major leaks and structural defects posing operational and/or safety issues. 7. Recommend a preventive maintenance schedule with a documentation and guidance manual. Based on typical local industry standards, develop preventative maintenance schedules for all major system components. These schedules shall reflect the criticality of service of the component (i.e. pump station, treatment plant, pipeline and reservoir). A manual shall be created to compile the schedules, and shall include templates to facilitate documentation of both regular maintenance and emergency repairs. 8. Recommend necessary tools, equipment, and parts. Based on Task 2, above, identify the minimum maintenance equipment for regular maintenance and emergency system repair. This should include a prioritized list of safety equipment and replacement parts to be kept on hand. 9. Assess billing system. The Applicant shall evaluate the existing billing systems at each location and evaluate effectiveness of meter reading and bulk water sales tracking, rate determination/cost of service and collections.

Deliverables: After finalizing the operations analysis, the Applicant shall produce a Summary Report discussing the operations analysis, review of existing procedures, and a prioritized list of recommended upgrades based on the above for each of the service areas to be implemented in collaboration with REGIDESO. Submit draft and final reports with sections addressing tasks 1 through 9 above for Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu.

Technical Master Plan Development: Comprehensive technical master plans for the two project sites are currently at varying stages of advancement. The scopes of work for each of the individual plans must be tailored to include the appropriate depth of study and analysis required at each site. Site assessment trips to each site were conducted by Mercy Corps engineers in late November 2013. Based on those visits, the following summary planning requirements were identified. Annex 1 includes the results of the site assessment. The ultimate project outcomes are described therein as they guided the development of this scope of work.

Goma - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) created a master technical plan for the Goma water network in 2009 (see Annex 2). Since that time, substantial progress has been made towards refining and achieving the plan. Mercy Corps has a

Page 12 of 29 Tender and Application Documents – Goods and Services major office in Goma and has worked for the past five years to advance this program. Refinement of the master plan for Goma will involve: o confirmation of the current state of the network

o updating the network hydraulic model

o adapting the master plan to account for changed conditions and updated design considerations

o determining the necessary improvements with the associated costs and schedule.

Bunia - No comprehensive technical plan exists for the Bunia water system. The Applicant shall provide a full range of studies in Bunia to establish baseline conditions and investigate system improvement options. The REGIDESO Direction de Développement et Réhabilitation has conducted limited technical studies in Goma and Bunia which address particular questions, such as increasing water supply or treatment capacity, but which do not provide global solutions for those systems, and which have not been evaluated based on the criteria established for this project (e.g. cost effectiveness, sustainability, etc.). These REGIDESO studies shall be considered and evaluated as part of the master plan development. In developing/refining the technical master plans for Goma and Bunia, the Applicant will conduct the following general activities: 1. Prepare the Project Management Plan 2. Review prior studies, reports and other documentation related to the water systems 3. Conduct field reconnaissance 4. Develop water system technical master plans 5. Conduct Operations/System Analysis and Develop Recommendations 6. Develop Implementation Schedule and Phasing Plan

Bukavu - Mercy Corps is currently working with Regideso under a separate contract to determine the appropriate future water source, treatment and transmission alternatives to serve that area. The results of that study will be available no later than the end of March, 2014 for incorporation into a Bukavu Master Plan to be developed this under contract. The existing water plant and source may be retained or a new, potentially untreated source may be identified. Regardless, the existing plant infrastructure and operations shall be assessed as described below. Even if a new source is found and future treatment not required, the existing plant would need to operate for a number of years on an interim basis. The master plan elements are discussed in detail below.

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Detailed Technical Master Plan Scope of Work

The following section provides the detailed scope of work required for completion of a technical master plan for Goma and Bunia. Applicants may suggest modifications but must be prepared to accomplish all tasks identified below to permit a fair comparison of all proposals submitted.

1. Prepare the Project Management Plan The Applicant shall prepare a detailed Project Management Plan describing their approach for conducting the work. This shall include the team structure, a contact list, area of responsibility, the work sequence and the anticipated work products. Interdependent work elements shall be clearly identified as points of interaction with the Mercy Corps Team. A detailed project schedule shall be developed and maintained throughout the project. The project duration shall be no more than 150 days after contract signing. A minimum of one week shall be allowed for review of all deliverables by Mercy Corps. All sub-consultants and their roles shall be identified. The Project Management Plan and its updates will be the basis of all project reviews. Project reviews will be held on a monthly basis at the MC Goma office and include the senior Applicant task leaders and Mercy Corps representatives. Deliverable: Project Management Plan with updates

2. Review Prior Studies, Reports and Other Documentation Recognizing that various levels of prior planning work has been conducted for the two municipalities. This section summarizes the Applicants efforts to review and assess the prior work and determine extent of additional work necessary for the Applicant to provide a Technical Master Documents consistent with the scope identified below. During the proposal effort, the Applicant shall review all available documents as necessary to have a sufficient understanding to plan and estimate the cost of their proposed work. The Applicant shall utilize any additional supporting documentation that will assist in this project. Deliverables: As part of the project, the Applicant shall summarize the results of their completed review and assessment in a summary report for submission to Mercy Corps. This information will also be included as a chapter in the Technical Master Plan.

3. Conduct Field Reconnaissance This section includes the efforts in the field to evaluate existing site conditions, hydraulic capacities, and documentation of existing infrastructure dimensions, condition and hydraulic capacity. Field reconnaissance will include surveys as necessary to determine the functionality of existing systems and potential new infrastructure.

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Notations shall be made regarding availability of site access and electrical power and observations regarding site security shall be provided. Local system operators and customers/residents shall be surveyed to determine the functionality of the systems. Site specific groundwater level and quality monitoring will be conducted at key locations as appropriate to ascertain the existing conditions. Pump testing to determine hydraulic productivity of wells is not included in this scope. Structural analysis and detailed electrical system review is also not included in this scope

A GIS database including the above compiled information will shall be developed under this phase. Recent, high-resolution digital photography of all sites will be provided by Mercy Corps. Using this imagery as well as site investigations, the Applicant shall include all visible infrastructure in the GISA database. Macro level topographical surveying of the service areas will be provided by Mercy Corps. The Applicant will be responsible for small-scale local surveys associated with supply or treatment sites. Deliverables: The Applicant shall maintain a regularly updated GIS database of the information compiled which can be shared regularly with the Mercy Corps in electronic form. The results of the field reconnaissance will also be included as a chapter in the Technical Master Plan.

4. Develop Alternative Evaluation Process In this section, the Applicant shall develop the process under which alternatives will be evaluated. This will include selection and weighting of evaluation criteria such as, operability, reliability, capital and operations cost, feasibility and schedule impacts. Other specific evaluation characteristics will include environmental/sustainability considerations including: a. Industrial and commercial impacts

b. Changes in land use

c. Climate change implications

d. Sustainability concerns in evaluating alternatives including:

 Avoiding toxic materials

 Maintaining biodiversity

 Promoting social equity

 Use of renewable resources

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Deliverables: Draft summary of proposed evaluation process to be submitted to Mercy Corps prior to use, and include final draft of this chapter in the Plan.

5. Develop Design Criteria This section will establish the design requirements for sizing and selecting proposed improvements. It is anticipated that the design criteria may vary between study locations. The design criteria section for each Plan shall include the following. Identify Water Requirements a. Current requirements

 Current Water Usage

a.i.1) Per capita

a.i.2) Average/Peak

 Non-revenue Water

1) System leakage

2) Theft

 System pressure requirements

 Water quality

b. Future requirements

 Growth projections

 Per capita usage

 Average/Peak

2. Regulatory requirements

a. Delegated Authority

b. Permitting and Approval process

c. Anticipated involvement in this project

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Deliverables: Provide preliminary draft chapter for review by Mercy Corps and include final draft in designated chapter in Plan

6. Water Sources This section will describe the current and future water sources that can be utilized. A separate scope of work is underway to identify the recommended water source for Bukavu and the results shall be shared under this contract for inclusion in this Plan. Detail for this section for Goma and Bunia shall include consideration of:

Current Water Sources a. Groundwater

 Water quality

 Water rights/local demand

 Reliability

 Source protection

 Groundwater table

1.1) Gradient

1.2) Aquifer depletion

b. Surface water

 Water quality

 Water rights

 Reliability

 Source protection

 Seasonal impacts

Future Water Sources a. Groundwater characteristics

b. Surface water characteristics

c. Water source supply alternative development and evaluation

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d. Recommended infrastructure source improvements

 Location

 Phasing

 Source protection

Deliverables Provide preliminary draft chapter for review by Mercy Corps, and include final draft in designated chapter in Plan

7. Water Treatment This section will describe the current and future water treatment technologies that can be utilized for Goma and Bunia. Detail for this section shall include: a. Current treatment

 Treatment processes

 Disinfection

b. Proposed future treatment

 Treatment processes

 Disinfection

 Water treatment alternative development and evaluation

 Required treatment infrastructure improvements

a.a.1) Component/Location

a.a.2) Phasing

Deliverables Provide preliminary draft chapter for review by Mercy Corps, and include final draft in designated chapter in Plan

8. Distribution/Storage This section will describe the current and future water distribution and storage infrastructure required to provide adequate customer service for Goma, Bunia and Bukavu. Transmission of a future water source to the Bukavu distribution system is provided under a separate scope as previously noted. Detail for this section shall include:

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a. Network analysis

. Hydraulic Modeling

. Asset evaluation

Note that an EPA Net model currently exists for Goma and can be made available for review. No hydraulic model exists for Bunia. Completed hydraulic models for both communities shall include all piping DN 75 or larger. . Capacity

b. Condition

c. Alternative development and evaluation

d. Proposed improvements

 Components/Locations/Sizing

 Phasing

Deliverables: Provide preliminary draft chapter for review by Mercy Corps, and include final draft in designated chapter in Plan

9. Recommended Improvements This section summaries all the recommended infrastructure improvements and provides cost for implementation for Goma, Bunia and Bukavu. Proposed improvements shall be shown on a site map with a vicinity map to orient the reader. Detailed schematics of the proposed improvements shall be provided to indicate the interface with the existing water and/or wastewater system. In-place constructed cost shall be estimated for all proposed improvements. Costs shall be in GBP and include all taxes, import duties and associated fees. All related costs shall be considered, e.g. provision of new access roads or electrical service if required. Annual operation and maintenance cost estimates shall be included with all recommended improvements.

Deliverables: Provide preliminary draft chapter for review by Mercy Corps, and include final draft in designated chapter in the Plan

10. Prepare Draft and Final Master Plans This section discusses the compilation of the preceding chapters into a cohesive technical master plan. Each Plan shall be formatted similarly. It is expected that the Plan drafts will be developed sequentially so that review can proceed in a constant manner. Mercy

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Corps shall be provided with preliminary recommendations as they are developed for approval prior to proceeding with completed draft text. Sufficient definitions, orientation maps and references shall be provided to aid the reader. Relevant material such as relevant codes and water quality regulations shall be provided in annexes. Master plans shall be developed in Word and provided electronically in both pdf and editable files using color photos and graphs only where absolutely necessary to provide clarification. 12 draft review copies and 20 final copies of the plans shall be provided in three ring binders. Text shall be provided in A4 format and drawings shall be A3 format. The reports shall be in written in English. All GIS information acquired shall be provided electronically with an index.

Deliverables: Complete draft and final master plans

11. Implementation Schedule and Phasing Plan Based on input from the technical master plans and the operations analysis, a coordinated implementation document will be prepared for both Goma and Bunia. An integrated schedule will include reasonable durations for activities in consideration of contextual constraints such as procurement chains, seasonal construction limitations, etc. Infrastructure improvements will be staged as semi-autonomous packages such that each package can be put into operation independently. This arrangement will allow for infrastructure investments to be realized incrementally during the Implementation Phase, reduce fiduciary risk and help manage the cash flow for the project. It will also create discrete project checkpoints and allow for the construction of subsequent improvement packages to be conditioned on accompanying management/governance improvements.

Deliverables: 1. A summary of the Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu technical master-planning activities including discussion of common elements such as design criteria and identification of differing or unique approaches or analysis if any. 2. A summary of the recommended infrastructure and operations improvements 3. An integrated project schedule showing the key recommendations of Goma, Bunia and Bukavu critical path elements. Development of this schedule should start with the earliest master planning efforts, (including parallel projects such as the Bukavu Source and Treatment Evaluation by others) and be updated regularly to reflect the actual project development.

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3.2 General Terms of Payment, Cost and Supply of Materials, Equipment, Accessories, and/or Services The Applicant agrees to submit a final and total fixed price for all materials, equipment and/or services required, and to purchase/produce/provide the total quantity of materials, equipment, and/or services required, after the signing of the purchase Contract, regardless of the evolution of market prices in the weeks and months following the signing of the purchase Contract.

After signing of the Contract, Mercy Corps will not be responsible in any way for any increased costs to purchase/produce and/or supply materials, equipment, and/or services corresponding to this Tender.

The Applicant agrees to store the total amount of materials and/or equipment, and cover all costs associated with storage, in order to deliver the quantities required by Mercy Corps as demanded, and in agreement with the delivery schedule detailed herein.

If it appears that the quality and technical specifications do not conform to the Contract, part of or all materials, equipment, and/or services may be rejected. The Applicant will be fully responsible to replace, at its own expense, and in the most timely manner, the requisite substitute materials, equipment, and/or services in question, and in equivalent quantities, technical characteristics, and qualities.

Mercy Corps has no obligation, under any circumstances, to accept materials, equipment, and/or services that do not meet the minimum quality standards as required by Mercy Corps and the Donor.

Mercy Corps reserves the right to engage an independent agency for external control, and/or to perform additional quality assessments and controls. This may occur during production, upon delivery, and/or within a specified period after delivery, as specified in the Contract.

3.3 Specific Payment Terms, Invoicing Requirements, and Potential Penalties Upon signature of the contract, provision by the Applicant of a bank guarantee, and validation by Mercy Corps of a Preliminary Workplan (including but not limited to detailed schedule, preliminary design, tools including software, references, deliverables, cost estimating tools, proposed standards, etc.) Mercy Corps shall make a downpayment of a maximum of 20% of the total value of the contract.

An additional 50% of the total value of the contract will be transferred upon validation by Mercy Corps of a close to final (70%) draft report.

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The final installment of 30% (thirty percent) of the total value of the contract, will be transferred following validation of all deliverables by the Mercy Corps Engineering team.

All installments will be subject to the submission of an invoice.

3.4 Warranties and Guarantees The expected deliverables shall be submitted to Mercy Corps DRC not after 150 days following signature of the contract (including 7 working days for their review). In the case the Applicant fails to meet the agreed delivery period, the Applicant shall be liable to pay penalties of 0.5% of the value of the contract for every day of the delay. Should the Applicant exceed the agreed delivery period by more than 21 days, Mercy Corps shall have the right to terminate the contract and shall not be held liable for any obligation by the Applicant and the Applicant will immediately return any funds transferred to the Applicant to Mercy Corps.

3.5 Termination of Contract Mercy Corps reserves the right to alter or terminate the Contract for goods and/or services at any time if any one of the following conditions applies: 3.5.1 The Supplier defaults in its obligation to fulfill the conditions set forth in this Contract, 3.5.2 Due to circumstances outside of the contractual parties’ control, such as force majeure, war activity in project area, or unforeseen governmental interference, 3.5.3 If, for any reason, it is determined by Mercy Corps or a duly authorized representative of Mercy Corps that the material does not match specifications, or the quality standards specified in the Contract and the Tender and Application Documents,

In the case of termination under clauses 3.5.1 or 3.5.3, above, the Supplier shall be liable for all costs associated with the default, and to repay any advance paid, and to cover any costs incurred by Mercy Corps as a result of the termination of the Contract.

In case of termination under Clause 3.5.3, above, Mercy Corps will not be responsible for any material or transportation costs involved.

In the case of termination under Clause 3.5.2, above, payment will be made only for the delivered goods, vehicles, equipment, and/or accessories.

Additional Contract termination clauses: None

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Part II, Application

1. 4. Applicant Submission Forms and Declarations

2. 4.1 Notes to Applicants Concerning Submission Forms and Formats

4.1.a Please answer all questions, 4.1.b All forms should be completed, 4.1.c Supplementary pages may be photocopied and inserted if required, 4.1.d Please retain a copy of your complete submission, 4.1.e If a joint venture is proposed, all companies are to respond to all questions, 4.1.f All costs are to be presented in GBP, 4.1.g Documents delivered late will not be considered.


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4. 4.2 Applicant Qualifications Summary

Type here to enter Name of Tender. 1. Name of Tender Type here to enter Applicant Name. 2. Name of Applicant Type here to enter Address. 3. Address

Type here to enter City, Town, Country. 4. City – Town, Country Type here to enter Telephone No. and Email Address 5. Telephone No. and Email Type here to enter Fax No. 6. Fax No. Type here to enter Legal Status. 7. Legal Status Ownership (state, public, Type here to enter Ownership Information. 8. private) Number, Year and Place of Type here to enter Registration Information. 9. Registration (enclose copy) 10. Executive Management / Type here to enter Management and Board Members. Board Members

11. Basic Business Activities 1. Type here to enter Activity 1.

2. Type here to enter Activity 2.

3. Type here to enter Activity 3.

12. Banking Information Bank Name: Type here to enter Bank Name. Bank Address: Type here to enter Bank Address.

Account and Routing Nos.: Type here to enter Acct. and Rounting Nos.

Agreed to be paid by wire transfer: (Yes ☐ or No ☐)

Type here to enter No. of Employees. 13. Total Number of Employees

14. Client References (Client, contact, address, email, phone number) 1. Type here to enter Reference 1.

2. Type here to enter Reference 2.

3. Type here to enter Reference 3.

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5. 4.3 Declaration of Eligibility

Name of Tender: Type here to enter Name of Tender.

Applicant: Type here to enter Applicant Name.

I, the undersigned (Name and address of representative): Type here to enter Company Representative Name.

Representing (Name and address of company): Type here to enter Company Name.

Declare that the following conditions are applicable to us;

 We are a registered company or companies,  We are not bankrupt or in the process of going bankrupt,  We have not been convicted for an offense concerning professional conduct,  We have not been guilty of grave professional misconduct (proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify),  We have fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security and taxes,  We are not guilty of serious misinterpretation in supplying information,  We are not in situation of conflict or potential conflict of interest with Mercy Corps,  We were not declared as serious fault of implementation owing to a breach of their contractual obligations,  We do not employ personnel below the legal working age,  We provide basic social rights and fair working conditions to our employees,  We are not on any list of sanctioned parties issued by the United States Government, United Nations and European Union.

Declared by:

Name: Type here to enter Name Position: Type here to enter Position

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Date: Click here to enter Date4.4 Application Form and Quotation

Name of Tender: Type here to enter Name of Tender.

Applicant: Type here to enter Applicant Name.

Dear Mercy Corps,

Having examined the required application documents for the above-mentioned Tender, we offer to supply material, equipment, and/or services as described, for the amount, in GBP of:

$Type here to enter Amount in GBP, in Numbers

Type here to enter Amount in GBP, in Words GBP. (in words)

To offer our above-mentioned price, we acknowledge that we have taken into consideration all the documents and instructions provided by Mercy Corps.

The following payment terms apply to this offer: Type here to enter Payment Terms.

We undertake, if our application is accepted, to deliver the material, equipment, and/or services described in the Tender and Application Documents within Type here to enter No. of Days days from the date of signing the Agreement.

We understand and accept that Mercy Corps is not bound to choose the lowest price on any application that may be received, and that any or all responses may be rejected without assigning any reason for such rejection.

Submitted by:

Name: Type here to enter Name Position: Type here to enter Position Date: Click here to enter Date

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4.5 Applicant Notes, Comments, and Additional Information Related to his/her Bid Type here to enter Information

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