Professional Communications

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Professional Communications

Professional Communications

Instructor Mr. Flanagan E-mail [email protected]

Phone 447-7237 (office) Office 8:00-4:00 Hours

Office PHS Bldg. B Rm 152 5th period Schedule

Scope & Sequence Lesson Title Knowledge and Skills Introduction to (2) The student applies (H) exhibit public relations skills Professional professional Communications communications strategies. The student is expected to: (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various 1 develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (vi) identifying types and professional effects of nonverbal communication communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: types of nonverbal communication effects of nonverbal communication (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (vii) recognizing the professional importance of effective nonverbal communications strategies through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (viii) identifying the professional components of the listening process communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (ix) identifying specific kinds professional of listening communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (xi) identifying and analyzing professional ethical and social responsibilities of communications communicators through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.B.xi.1identifying ethical responsibilities of communicators 10.B.xi.2identifying social responsibilities of communicators 10.B.xi.3analyzing ethical responsibilities of communicators 10.B.xi.4analyzing social responsibilities of communicators (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (xii) recognizing and professional analyzing appropriate channels of communications communication in organizations through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.B.xii.1recognizing appropriate channels of communication in organizations 10.B.xii.2analyzing appropriate channels of communication in organizations (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (i) identifying types and professional purposes of professional communications communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.i.1identifying types of professional communications 10.C.i.2identifying purposes of professional communications (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (ii) employing appropriate professional verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.ii.1employing appropriate verbal skills 10.C.ii.2employing appropriate nonverbal skills 10.C.ii.3employing appropriate listening skills (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (iv) using professional professional etiquette and protocol in situations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.iv.1using professional etiquette in situations 10.C.iv.2using professional protocol in situations (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (vii) communicating effectively professional in interviews communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (x) understanding of participating in an informative or professional persuasive group discussion communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (xi) understanding of making individual presentations to inform, professional persuade, or motivate an audience communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.xi.1making individual presentations to inform or motivate an audience 10.E.xi.2making individual presentations to persuade or motivate an audience (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by understanding of (xiii) applying critical-listening strategies to professional evaluate presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by understanding of (xiv) evaluating effectiveness of professional presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 5 class periods Communication (1) The student applies (C) identify assumptions, purpose, Styles English language arts outcomes, solutions, and propaganda in professional techniques communications projects. The student is expected to: 2 1.C.1identify assumptions 1.C.2identify purpose 1.C.3identify outcomes 1.C.4identify solutions 1.C.5identify propaganda techniques (2) The student applies (G) listen to and speak with diverse professional individuals; and communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.G.1listen to diverse individuals 2.G.2speak with diverse individuals (8) The student applies (C) analyze the impact of communications ethical decision making on society, including concepts related to and understands and persuasiveness, marketing, and point of complies with laws view regarding use of technology in communications. The student is expected to: 8.C.1analyze the impact of communications on society, including concepts related to persuasiveness 8.C.2analyze the impact of communications on society, including concepts related to marketing 8.C.3analyze the impact of communications on society, including concepts related to point of view (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (i) explaining the importance professional of effective communication skills in communications professional contexts through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (ii) identifying the components professional and functions of the communication communications process through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.B.ii.1identifying the components of the communication process 10.B.ii.2identifying the functions of the communication process (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (iv) identifying the professional characteristics of oral language communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (vi) participating appropriately professional in conversations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 4 class periods Introduction to (10) The student (F) use a variety of strategies to acquire Digital develops an information from electronic resources Communication understanding of professional communications through exploration of 3 the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (G) acquire electronic information in a develops an variety of formats understanding of professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (I) format digital information for develops an appropriate and effective communication understanding of by (i) defining the purpose of a product professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (I) format digital information for develops an appropriate and effective communication understanding of by (ii) identifying the intended audience professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (ii) applying design elements understanding of professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (iii) applying typography understanding of concepts, including font, size, and style professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.J.iii.1applying typography concepts, including font 10.J.iii.2applying typography concepts including size 10.J.iii.3applying typography concepts, including style (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (iv) applying graphic design understanding of concepts professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (v) editing products understanding of professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (K) deliver digital products in a variety of develops an appropriate media understanding of professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 5 class periods Introduction to (4) The student applies (A) use personal information Microsoft® Office information technology management, email, Internet, writing and 2010 applications. The publishing, presentation, and spreadsheet student is expected to: or database applications for professional communications projects 4.A.1use personal information management for 4 professional communications projects 4.A.2use e-mail for professional communications projects 4.A.3use Internet for professional communications projects 4.A.4use writing and publishing for professional communications projects 4.A.5use spreadsheet or database applications for professional communications projects (10) The student (I) format digital information for develops an appropriate and effective communication understanding of by (iii) using the principles of page design professional to create a product, including leading, communications kerning, automatic text flow into linked through exploration of columns, widows, orphans, and text wrap the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.I.iii.1using the principles of page design to create a product, including leading 10.I.iii.2using the principles of page design to create a product, including kerning 10.I.iii.3using the principles of page design to create a product, including automatic text flow into linked columns 10.I.iii.4using the principles of page design to create a product, including widows 10.I.iii.5using the principles of page design to create a product, including automatic text flow into linked orphans 10.I.iii.6using the principles of page design to create a product, including automatic text flow into linked text wrap (10) The student (I) format digital information for develops an appropriate and effective communication understanding of by (iv) creating a master template that professional includes page specifications and other communications repetitive tasks through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.I.iv.1creating a master template that includes page specifications 10.I.iv.2creating a master template that includes other repetitive tasks (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (i) using word processing, understanding of graphics, or drawing programs professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.J.i.1using word processing programs 10.J.i.2using graphics programs

12 class periods Researching (1) The student applies (E) evaluate oral and written information; Strategies & English language arts and Tactics in professional communications projects. The student is expected to: 5 1.E.1evaluate oral information 1.E.2evaluate written information (1) The student applies (F) research topics for the preparation of English language arts oral and written communications in professional communications projects. The student is expected to: 1.F.1research topics for the preparation of oral communications 1.F.2research topics for the preparation of written communications (2) The student applies (C) interpret and communicate professional information, data, and observations communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.C.2interpret data (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (x) recognizing the professional importance of using accurate and communications complete information as a basis for through exploration of making communication decisions the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.B.x.1recognizing the importance of using accurate information as a basis for making communication decisions 10.B.x.2recognizing the importance of using complete information as a basis for making communication decisions (10) The student (H) use research skills and electronic develops an communications understanding of professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.H.1use research skills 10.H.2use electronic communications (10) The student (J) apply desktop publishing to create develops an products by (vi) developing and understanding of referencing technical documentation professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: technical documentation technical documentation

6 class periods Written (1) The student applies (B) use correct grammar, punctuation, Communication English language arts and terminology to write and edit Practices in professional documents communications projects. The student is expected to: 6 1.B.1use correct gr 1.B.2use correct pu 1.B.3use correct te 1.B.4use correct gr 1.B.5use correct pu 1.B.6use correct te (1) The student applies (D) compose English language arts in professional communications projects. The student is expected to: 1.D.1compose cop 1.D.2edit copy for a (2) The student applies (B) organize o professional communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.B.1organize oral i 2.B.2organize writt (2) The student applies (C) interpret a professional communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.C.1interpret information 2.C.3interpret observations 2.C.4communicate information 2.C.5communicate data 2.C.6communicate observations

5 class periods Public Speaking (1) The student applies (A) demonstrate use of content, technical Basics English language arts concepts, and vocabulary in professional communications projects. The student is expected to: 7 1.A.1demonstrate use of content 1.A.2demonstrate use of technical concepts 1.A.3demonstrate use of vocabulary (2) The student applies (A) adapt language for audience, purpose, professional situation, and intent communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.A.1adapt language for audience 2.A.2adapt language for purpose 2.A.3adapt language for situation 2.A.4adapt language for intent (2) The student applies (D) present formal and informal professional presentations communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.D.1present formal presentations 2.D.2present informal presentations (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (iii) identifying standards for professional making appropriate communication communications choices through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (v) using clear and professional appropriate communications with others communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.v.1using clear communications with others 10.C.v.2using appropriate communications with others (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (ix) analyzing and evaluating professional the effectiveness of communications communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.ix.1analyzing the effectiveness of communications 10.C.ix.2evaluating the effectiveness of communications (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (i) understanding of analyzing the audience, occasion, and professional purpose communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.i.1analyzing the audience

5 class periods Extemporaneous (9) The student applies (A) employ planning and time- Speaking technical skills for management skills to relate to efficiency. The student professional communications is expected to: 9.A.1employ planning skills to relate to professional communications 8 9.A.2employ time-management skills to relate to professional communications

6 class periods Presentation (2) The student applies (E) apply active listening skills Strategies & professional Tactics communications strategies. The student is expected to: (2) The student applies (F) develop and interpret tables, charts, 9 professional and figures communications strategies. The student is expected to: 2.F.1develop tables 2.F.2develop charts 2.F.3develop figures 2.F.4interpret tables 2.F.5interpret charts 2.F.6interpret figures (10) The student (B) demonstrate knowledge of various develops an communication processes in professional understanding of contexts by (v) analyzing standards for professional using informal, standard, and technical communications language appropriately through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.B.v.1analyzing standards for using informal language appropriately 10.B.v.2analyzing standards for using standard language appropriately 10.B.v.3analyzing standards for using technical language appropriately (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (iii) using communication professional management skills communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (i) understanding of analyzing the audience, occasion, and professional purpose communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.i.2analyzing the occasion 10.E.i.3analyzing the purpose (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (ii) understanding of determining specific topics and purposes professional for presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.ii.1determining specific topics for presentations 10.E.ii.2determining specific purposes for presentations (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (iii) understanding of researching topics using primary and professional secondary sources communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.iii.1researching topics using primary sources 10.E.iii.2researching topics using secondary sources (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (iv) understanding of using effective strategies to organize professional presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (v) understanding of using information to support points in professional presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (vi) understanding of preparing scripts or notes for professional presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (vii) understanding of using visual or auditory aids to enhance professional presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (ix) understanding of using effective verbal and nonverbal professional strategies in presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.ix.1using effective verbal strategies in presentations 10.E.ix.2using effective nonverbal strategies in presentations (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by (xii) understanding of participating in question-and-answer professional sessions following presentations communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 5 class periods Leadership Styles (10) The student (C) use appropriate interpersonal develops an communication strategies in professional understanding of contexts by (viii) identifying and using professional appropriate strategies for dealing with communications differences through exploration of 10 the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.C.viii.1identifying appropriate strategies for dealing with differences 10.C.viii.2using appropriate strategies for dealing with differences (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (i) understanding of identifying types and purposes of groups professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.i.1identifying types of groups 10.D.i.2identifying purposes of groups (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (ii) understanding of analyzing group dynamics and processes professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.ii.1analyzing group dynamics 10.D.ii.2analyzing group processes (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (v) using understanding of appropriate verbal, nonverbal, and professional listening strategies communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.v.1using appropriate verbal strategies 10.D.v.2using appropriate nonverbal strategies 10.D.v.3using appropriate listening strategies (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (vi) understanding of identifying and analyzing leadership styles professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: leadership styles leadership styles (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (ix) understanding of analyzing and evaluating group professional effectiveness communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.ix.1analyzing group effectiveness 10.D.ix.2evaluating group effectiveness

4 class periods Parliamentary (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in Procedure develops an professional group contexts by (iii) Guidelines understanding of identifying and analyzing the roles of professional group members communications through exploration of 11 the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.iii.1identifying the roles of group members 10.D.iii.2analyzing the roles of group members (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (iv) understanding of demonstrating skills for assuming professional productive roles in groups communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (vii) using understanding of effective communication strategies in professional leadership roles communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: (10) The student (D) communicate effectively in develops an professional group contexts by (viii) using understanding of effective communication strategies for professional solving problems, managing conflicts, and communications building consensus in groups through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.D.viii.1using effective communication strategies for solving problems in groups 10.D.viii.2using effective communication strategies for managing conflicts in groups 10.D.viii.3using effective communication strategies for building consensus in groups

4 class periods

Scope & Sequence Lesson Title Knowledge and Skills Introduction to (5) The student (B) analyze and summarize the history Career Clusters understands and evolution of the various related fields communications of study systems. The student is expected to: 5.B.1analyze the history of the various related 12 fields of study 5.B.2analyze the evolution of the various related fields of study 5.B.3summarize the history of the various related fields of study 5.B.4summarize the history of the various related fields of study (5) The student (C) analyze the economic base in order to understands demonstrate an understanding of the communications economic factors influencing the industry systems. The student as a whole is expected to: (10) The student (A) develop an understanding of the develops an evolution of the career cluster by (i) understanding of explaining the history and evolution of professional career cluster fields communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.A.i.1explaining the history of career cluster fields 10.A.i.2explaining the evolution of career cluster fields (10) The student (A) develop an understanding of the develops an evolution of the career cluster by (ii) understanding of defining and using related terminology professional communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.A.ii.1defining related terminology 10.A.ii.2using related terminology (10) The student (A) develop an understanding of the develops an evolution of the career cluster by (iii) understanding of analyzing foundation elements and professional principles of career fields communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.A.iii.1analyzing foundation elements of career fields 10.A.iii.2analyzing principles of career fields (10) The student (A) develop an understanding of the develops an evolution of the career cluster by (iv) understanding of analyzing the communicative effects of professional career fields communications through exploration of the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10 class periods Skills for Real (3) The student (A) employ critical-thinking and World Survival understands and interpersonal skills independently and in examines problem- teams to solve problems solving methods. The student is expected to: 3.A.1employ critical-thinking skills 13 independently to solve problems 3.A.2employ interpersonal skills independently to solve problems 3.A.3employ critical-thinking skills in teams to solve problems 3.A.4employ interpersonal skills in teams to solve problems (5) The student (A) describe the nature and types of understands businesses communications systems. The student is expected to: 5.A.1describe the nature of businesses 5.A.2describe the types of businesses (7) The student (A) participate in student leadership and develops leadership professional development activities characteristics. The student is expected to: 7.A.1participate in student leadership activities 7.A.2participate in student professional development activities (8) The student applies (A) exhibit ethical conduct ethical decision making and understands and complies with laws regarding use of technology in communications. The student is expected to: (8) The student applies (B) discuss copyright laws in relation to ethical decision making fair use and duplication of materials and understands and complies with laws regarding use of technology in communications. The student is expected to: 8.B.1discuss copyright laws in relation to fair use of materials 8.B.2discuss copyright laws in relation to duplication of materials (10) The student (E) make and evaluate formal and develops an informal professional presentations by understanding of (viii) using appropriate techniques to professional manage communication apprehension, communications build self-confidence, and gain command through exploration of of the information the career cluster. The student is expected to: 10.E.viii.1using appropriate techniques to manage communication apprehension 10.E.viii.2using appropriate techniques to build self- confidence 10.E.viii.3using appropriate techniques to gain command of the information

7 class periods Workplace Issues (6) The student applies (A) implement personal and classroom safety regulations. The safety rules and regulations student is expected to: 14 6.A.1implement personal safety rules

6.A.2implement classroom safety rules

6.A.3implement personal safety regulations 6.A.4implement classroom safety regulations

4 class periods

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