Oregon National Guard Association s5

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Oregon National Guard Association s5

Oregon National Guard Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 7, 2009


COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen LTC (Ret) Marc Snook Robin Webb MAJ Danielle Delint CW4 Terry Swartwout LtCol Robert Erickson Art Liss Capt Dawn Choy LTC Laura Garren CPT Daniel Fay COL Robert Mouw LTC Robert Fraser

1. Welcome by the President – BG Yriarte was unavailable to attend the meeting so COL Janssen welcomed all members to the meeting and the meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM.

1A. SSLI – Art Liss – Art passed out a copy of the Reliastar State Sponsored Life Insurance Program Pool Report dated November 2009 and explained to the Board. It looks like this will be another good year for Oregon.

2. Minute Approval: October meeting minutes were approved with a motion by LTC (Ret) Snook and second by Capt Choy.

3. Financial Update: Balances are as follows:

ORNGA - $20,000 balance.

ORNGCEF – $45,000 balance

COL Janssen stated a CD for ORNGCEF (Scholarship Program) was taken out of US Bank and transferred to Rosenbaum Financial in order to obtain a better interest rate. The money is being divided between short and long term investments.

She also passed out a 2010 ORNGA Budget. One of the biggest expenses besides Membership Dues is the NGAUS Conference which is budgeted for $24,000.00. May have to look at reducing expenses related to this conference in the future by having board members who are working events pay for travel. COL Snook suggested maybe doing a multi-year discount for Corporate Sponsors who sign up for several years at a time. He also suggested the Board look at other sources of revenue to bring in to fund the Association for operating capital. COL Janssen indicated Corporate Sponsors, Dues and Insurances are the three major areas that all Associations have been using in the past. Oregon has kept those areas pretty balanced. Another idea was to dispense the Military Ball one year to the Scholarship Fund and the next year to the Association. LTC Snook indicated it’s something the Board should consider as there is a foreseeable shortage in the future of revenue.

COL Snook made a motion and CPT Choy second to pass the 2010 Budget. 4. Membership Drive: COL Janssen indicated she has sent out the first iteration of membership to Commanders and MAJ Delint has sent it out to her people. The Air Guard side has paid some of their dues so the word is out. Every week she will give updates to both Army & Air Commanders. She needs a contact person from each Commander so she can identify who should and should not be on the list. Doing that last year she was able to streamline the process and had fewer errors. LtCol Rob Erickson volunteered to be the contact for the Air Guard side.

5. State Conference 2010/Ball Update/Discussion: COL Janssen passed out an Agenda for the State Conference at Seaside. She indicated this is a work in progress so if there are questions or concerns to let her know. Lodging and registration information is on the website. It was decided to go with the Wild West theme as it received the most votes by the Board members. COL Janssen indicated there is another committee that is working the spouse event and travel to and from the Conference Center. She suggested if you are going to need a room to get one as soon as possible as there are not a lot of choices and the hotels/motels will fill quickly.

A question came up on Guest Speakers. There is interest on the Air Guard side on having a COL in the Air Force who is piloting the Atlantis mission. He is an astronaut who is scheduled to go up in February. He has not asked to speak at the conference but is a close friend. COL Janssen indicated she will speak with COL Yriarte to see if there is interest in having him attend. Another issue is childcare. Both him and his wife are in the Air Guard and bring their children to events. Would it be possible to have childcare available? COL Janssen indicated she will check with Seaside to see if there is a place that can provide that as it should be done by Professionals.

6. Corporate Partners: COL Janssen indicated the Association pledged $3,000 for the Hospitality room. Benchmade Knives gave $2,500; Rite in the Rain gave $1,000; PNDC gave $1,000; USAA gave $100 and a few others. Benchmade is now at Gold Level for 2010.

7. New Business: a. In regard to the Butterfly Pins for the NGAUS Conference was that everyone wanted blinkies on the pin. COL Janssen indicated one blinking like on the butterfly pushes the cost to $2.49 each. The pins are around 99 cents without the blinky. Multiple blinkies were at $2.56 each. The next question was what color of blinky would everyone like? It would cost $1,250.00 for one blinky on 500 pins. A motion for two blinkies, one red and one purple was made by LTC Fraser. A second was done by LTC Garren. Motion carried. COL Janssen indicated that the price quote was based on a thousand so it may change. She will also check to see the location of the blinky and get back to the group. b. COL Mouw indicated the 82nd ROC does a Bi-Lateral International Exercise every year with the Singapore Armed Forces. It’s part of the strategic command authority and works on good will between nations. The challenge is that Singaporeans are very polite and like to give gifts. So when they have these gatherings the Singaporeans provide really nice gifts. The Army guys come in with Pens and Pencils from Recruiters so we don’t look very professional. Anyway, there is a request from the ROC for $300 for possible Oregon hosting the luau in Hawaii. COL Janssen indicated this would come out of the President’s fund so a recommendation by the Committee will need to be made to the General as to their thoughts and the General will have the ultimate approval. COL Janssen indicated there needs to be some connection with the Oregon National Guard Association even if it’s a card or something so there is recognition. COL Janssen indicated she had cards she can put together but this needs to be run through BG Yriarte. c. A list of Art Auction items was passed out as to what LTC Snook has gathered so far. There are 47 items on the list and approximate value. If anyone has any questions, please let LTC Snook know.

8. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on 21 January 2010 at 5:30 PM at the Salem Anderson Readiness Center (ARC) in Salem. COL Janssen indicated Pizza will be served, someone suggested Subway, so that is what we will have at the January meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM.

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