
DN#1: “Labor Unions- Good or Bad?”

What is a Labor Union? Groups of workers who work together to get what they want. Labor unions in the United States function as legally recognized representatives of workers in numerous industries.

What does a labor union do? Activity by labor unions in the United States today centers on collective bargaining (all workers get together and agree to stick together) over wages, benefits, and working conditions for their membership and on representing their members if management attempts to violate contract provisions. Determine/influence wages, other compensation (fringe benefits, layoff/unemployment compensation, pensions, insurance)

Who joins a labor union? The most prominent unions are found among public sector employees such as teachers and police. Working class… truck drivers, air-traffic controllers, etc…

1. Before you read the next story… Look at the political cartoon below… who do you THINK would win a battle between a Cobra and a Mongoose? ______

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi A Rudyard Kipling short story The mongoose (squirrel looking critter) may appear cuddly but it is the venomous cobra's natural predator. Some species, such as the Indian mongoose, are popularly used to fight and kill venomous snakes, even king cobras. They are able to do this because of their agility and cunning, and their thick coat.

2. What do you think? Are Unions good or bad, and why?______

3. Now who do you think would win? Cobra( Labor Unions) or Mongoose (Businesses)? ______More Practice test questions!

Use the diagram and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 1.

Poor Pay

Unfair working Conditions ? ? Long Hours

1. Which of these would best complete the diagram above? A. Sherman Anti-trust Act B. A government push for Native American reservations C. Plessey v Ferguson Supreme Court decision D. The formation of Labor Unions

The illustration shows the Haymarket Square Riot. It began as a peaceful display from unhappy industrial workers and labor union members who complained of problems such as low pay, poor conditions and unhealthy circumstances.

2. Which of these do you believe is true…or most accurate short- term, immediate cause of this riot? a. This riot led more people to join labor unions b. This riot was started by the police c. The riot scared workers into leaving the labor union d. This riot was planned by the upset workers