Hamlet Soliloquy Portrayal, Act 3, scene 1.

View the portrayals of Hamlet’s famous “To be, or not to be. That is the question:” soliloquy by the actors David Jacobi, David Tennant, and Kenneth Branagh as found on the links below.

Branagh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JD6gOrARk4

Jacobi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-elDeJaPWGg&feature=related

Tennant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1geIIDdrV7c

Gibson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdp6dpiK8Ko

After viewing the three versions, decide upon one you think is best.

Easy, right?

“Ay, but there’s the rub”

“Best”, is simple word, but holds significant meaning. It is the result of evaluation. Thus, valid evaluation requires judgment. Valid judgment requires clearly defined and supported criteria.

Therefore, your presentation and claim must represent all of these levels of analysis and presentation.


In a one page/paragraph (Basically, we are emulating the “intro” to an AP essay, you want some “punch” here) explanation, prove which portrayal of Hamlet is the “best”. You will choose the criteria for judgment. I would suggest those criteria would reflect your understanding of Hamlet, the character, and his role in the themes of the play up to this point. Remember the four necessary elements of response we have discussed.

1. Make a claim in reference to the question (thesis statement)

2. Provide evidence that would support the claim (evidence)

3. Explain why this evidence supports the claim (significance of evidence and its support of the claim, a warrant for its value)

4. Explain why the criteria you have chosen are significant (This could be found at the beginning or end of your presentation)