Foundations of Education
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EDUC 201 Section C04 SYLLABUS Fall 2006 3 Credit Hours
______Class Schedule: MWF 1:00-2:00 PM Dr. Egbert Office Hours: Aspen Bldg. Rm 123 11:00- 12:00pm/ 1:00-2:00 T, TH Phone: 732-6890 11:00- 12:00pm/ 2:00-3:00 M, W [email protected]
CSI MISSION STATEMENT______The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college, provides educational, social and cultural opportunities for a diverse population of Southern Central Idaho. In this rapidly changing world, CSI encourages our students to lead enriched, productive, and responsible lives.
INSTRUCTOR’S GOAL______My goal is to guide the reading and discussion as an ongoing intellectual activity. I will shape and direct dialogue, raise critical questions, pull threads of ideas together, make connections between earlier discussions and subsequent ones, and draw attention to important points. In short, I will orchestrate a set of readings in terms of some larger curricular design, relevancy to the “REAL- WORLD” of teaching.
COURSE DESCRIPTION______Course Description: This course introduces social, philosophical, and historical perspectives in education. An up-to-date examination of the teaching field, foundations of education, and teaching as a profession are the goals. The course requires EDUC 202 Field Experience as an attached lab. (This class includes Portfolio Entry: Autobiographical Essay. This class addresses Idaho Core Teacher Standards 2, 3, 6, 9). Corequisite: EDUC 202
TEXT______Kauchak, D., Eggen, P., & Carter, C. (2005). Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional (2nd ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall
COURSE GOALS______ Identify why preservice teachers choose education. Identify key concepts which make teaching a profession. Understand historical roots and current practices. Understand the difference between teaching instruction, and school curriculum. Discuss school organization and philosophies. Discuss school governance, finance, and laws. Discuss school technology and how prepare for the teaching profession.
Dr. Egbert p.1 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 TEACHER EDUCATION CORE PRINCIPLES______Principle 2: Knowledge of Human Development and Learning- The pre-service teacher understands how students learn and develop, and provides opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.
Principle 3: Adapting Instruction for Individual Needs- The pre-service teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse needs.
Principle 6: Communications Skills- The pre-service teacher uses a variety of communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in and beyond the classroom.
Principle 9: Professional Commitment and Responsibility- The pre-service teacher is reflective practitioner who demonstrates a commitment to professional standards and is continuously engaged in purposeful mastery of the art and science of teaching.
EDUC 201 Foundations of Education
Student learning outcome Assessment 1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of Exams, discussion, and assignments teaching definitions, concepts, and techniques.
2. Students will critically discuss the diversity of Essay (holistic scoring), oral presentation educational issues. (rubric)
3. Students will critically discuss their Autobiographical Essay (portfolio entry) background information relating to assessed using a holistic scoring rubric educational issues. (ICTS 9)
4. Students will develop an analytical philosophy Item analysis exam and philosophy statement statement. assignment (holistic rubric)
5. Students will evaluate effective instruction and Item analysis exam; instructor evaluation the necessary skills to achieve educational goals.
6. Students will demonstrate effective Autobiographical Essay (portfolio entry) communication skills. (ICTS 6) assessed using a holistic scoring rubric
Dr. Egbert p.2 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 Fill in the chart below to keep track of your grades Points Possible Percentage Actual Points Grade Earned Earned Earned Exam 1 60 Exam 2 60 Exam 3 60 Exam 4 60 Video Critique 20 Report abstracts 30 (Oral or Written) Portfolio Entry: 50 Autobiographical Essay Philosophical 10 Statement Educational Plan 20 Attendance 30 5 pt Bonus available Participation 20 Course Eval. 5 pt Bonus TOTAL POINTS 420
______POLICIES AND PROCEDURES______GRADING POLICY______Grading is a process to provide feedback, a method to assess progress, and a means to check for mastery. It is not to develop a bell curve, to bring about competition, or to reward and/or punish students. Grading 90-100% = A Divide the number correct Scale: 80-89.99% = B by the total possible to get a 70- 79.99% = C percentage. 60- 69.99% = D
HONESTY POLICY______If a student cheats on an exam, plagiarizes on the book critique or ANY PAPER, I will give s/he a zero on that assignment.
LATE POLICY______Acknowledge and adhere to due dates for all assignments. Late papers and tests will receive an automatic reduction of 15% the first day late, an additional 5 points each day thereafter and will not be accepted two weeks after due date. Papers handed in after assigned class meeting will be subject to a reduction of 10% (same day).
End of the term is the Friday before finals. No papers will be accepted during finals week. Changes in course content may be made by the instructor, so make sure you attend daily.
PRECLASS REQUIREMENT______Read assigned chapter before class and be ready to discuss the assigned topic.
Dr. Egbert p.3 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 ATTENDANCE POLICY______Attend class every day. Five attendance points will be deducted for each day missed. This policy is enforced to ensure that all students receive needed instruction, the building blocks to achieving a complete education, and develop habits of responsibility, accountability and punctuality. After the fifth day missed you must provide medical evidence or written verification an emergency to continue. If you cannot attend class on regular basis, Dr. Hurley’s independent class is an option.
If you miss six consecutive hours of class, I will either drop you from the course or give you an F at my discretion. After five absences due to medical emergencies, you will receive a grade no higher than a “C. Student may be automatically dropped from class due to excessive absenteeism.
I will not supply notes. If you miss a day, you must get the notes from another student in class. Don’t come to class late or work on homework from other classes. If you are not participating, you are considered absent.
BEHAVIOR POLICY: ______Classroom behavior is to be appropriate to a positive learning environment. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner in this course. You should treat all class members with respect and be thoughtful in your own contributions to the class. You will receive one warning concerning inappropriate behavior; if the behavior persists, you will be dropped from the course and the matter will be referred to student services for college discipline. If there is a problem for you in the class, please let me know. No food or drink in the classroom. No cell phones. See College Catalog, page 16, for other college behavioral policies.
COMPLETE ALL ASSESSMENTS______Students will learn the concept and skills stated in objectives. All students will complete requirements to the best of their ability the day they are due.
______INSTRUCTOR’S RESPONSIBILTY______MEASURE STUDENTS LEARNING: Monitor, record, and provide time for mastery of information. PROVIDE FOR DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES: Expose students to several different types of assessments, teaching strategies and modalities. RELEVANCY: Relate real life and real world experiences to classroom instruction. FOLLOW general education requirements, department goals, and education standards. ESTABLISH a positive, orderly, classroom climate that is conducive to learning. COMMUNICATE expectations and scheduled absences.
______COURSE REQUIREMENTS______EXAMS______There will be four tests comprised of multiple choice, matching, true and false questions. No make-up tests will be given for any reason. Scantrons will be used, so record your answers with pencil. Information necessary for the exam will come directly from the book and lecture material.
Dr. Egbert p.4 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 Call in and make other arrangements prior to the test in case of an emergency or illness. Students will still be subject to a 15% reduction in grade due to a late penalty. If there is no emergency, there is no make-up test.
PORTFOLIO ENTRY: A) Autobiographical Statement: The report for portfolio entries should be a minimum of three typed pages, cover sheet, double spaced, font 12, in APA (American Psychological Association) essay form on a word processor, saved to a disk, and to your hard drive. A hard copy will be submitted to the instructor. Grammar and spelling errors are graded. I will not read a paper that is not proofread and in finished form. You will not have the opportunity to rewrite this paper.
Autobiographical Essay (BIO) for Education Majors This paper is designed to give your reader an indication of your educational background such as where you went to school, what was it like, what extracurricular activities you participate in are participating in currently, and why you want to be a teacher. (See directions for exact wording of questions.) The five questions and sub questions must be answered, but additional information may be added. Follow these steps. (Do not write numbers and letters in your paper.) I. An introductory paragraph including a thesis statement. Your thesis statement will consist of your introduction of subtitles and/or general reasoning for your position. For Example: “This paper supports a wide range of topics such as; primary roles, discipline, to such topics of major goals, school curriculum and students with disabilities in the classroom.” II. Subsequently paragraphs summarize theoretical positions, and elaborates On your personal life experiences that contribute to your perspective. Answer the questions in the order they were asked and use subtitles (Primary Role of a Teacher), which are italicized and flushed left. Capitalize the first letter of each word as shown and do not underline. Each subtitle should be followed by two to three paragraphs. III. A final paragraph restating your thesis statement (not verbatim). Personal life experiences (anecdotal data) are acceptable for this paper This paper is approximately four written pages in length and a cover sheet.
FINAL (ABSRACT) REPORT______Research a topic of your choice introduced in the book. This topic in the book will follow the guidelines. You will get your information from three different sources. Students will present the information to the class in a ten to fifteen minute oral report. Cover sheet and reference page is required. Additional information will be given later in the semester. Follow APA procedure for the Abstract.
PHILOSOPHY PAPER______Two page analytical paper about you and your beliefs. Assessment will be taken by the student and additional information will be provided.
OBSERVATIONS/DATA COLLECTION______This is done in the co requisite class: EDUC 202. This course provides students with an opportunity to work with classroom teachers and students at various levels, Preschool through K-
Dr. Egbert p.5 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 12. It also provides students the opportunity to work in a personal and helping relationship, while observing the work of an experienced teacher. Co-requisite: EDUC 201.
REACTION PAPER TO VIDEO______The paper will be written in note taking form discussing your opinion feelings, insights. First write your notes, and then add insight to the bottom, minimum one paragraph of insights. This information will not show up on a test directly. However, the information reinforces the book content. The notes will be worth five points each. If you are absent, you will not receive the points. All pages will be handed in during class time.
ON-LINECOURSE EVALUATION______Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!
HOW TO WRITE PAPERS FOR EGBERT: Guidelines to Successful Writing
Writers should also be aware of the following: Every sentence needs a subject AND a verb, subjects and verbs MUST agree. Apostrophes must be placed properly to indicate possessives. Papers should NOT be written in 2nd person (only use the words “you” when in a direct quote), nor should they be written using the imperative (when the reference of “you” is implied.) Many words in English sound the same but have different meanings. You must use the correct spelling to convey messages. Here are some examples: o there (place) their (possessive), they’re (they are) o its ( possessive), it’s (It is) o to (preposition), too (also or excessively), two (2) o then (time), than (comparison) o your (possessive), you’re (you are) o effect (noun = result; verb = to cause) affect (noun = emotion; verb = to influence)
It is Assumed That Your Paper is Your Original Work and Your Opinion, so: To avoid making you paper to wordy, you must avoid phrases such as: “I think that…” “I feel that….” “From my perspective…” “It is my personal opinion that…”
Dr. Egbert p.6 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 Plagiarism is representing someone else’s work as your own. The penalty for plagiarism is zero credit for the work in question. When in doubt, provide references to sources. Use APA format and reference page. (See website:, directories E, Egbert, personal webpage. APA.)
You must quotation marks when quoting. o Periods and commas go inside closing quotation marks. o Colons, semicolons, and footnote numbers go outside closing quotation marks. o Questions marks, exclamation points, and dashes go inside, if they are part of the quote material and outside, if they are not.
If you use another author’s ideas (verbatim, paraphrased, or any combination of phrases), you must give him/her credit with in-text reference.
Other Useful Tips S/he = she or he Procedure: Tools—options—spelling and grammar—show readability statistics— okay This will allow you to check your grammar; number of words used, passive sentences, and see your level or writing. Your level of writing should be an eight or higher. Avoid using the imperative: “Give each attentive child a gold star sticker.” Instead write: “I would give each attentive child a gold star sticker.”
Computer Lab Services______Use the Aspen lab room 144 and use your student account to access information. It is open all day on Friday to education students. You will need to check the schedule outside the door for hours you can use the lab during the week.
Disability Services______Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6260 (voice) or 208.734.9929 (TTY), or e-mail HREF="mailto:[email protected]" MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor [email protected] .
Library Services______This course involves some online research. The CSI library offers access to many online journals and indexes, including EBSCO and InfoTrac. There resources will help you greatly in your research. To access information through the CSI library, go to If you need additional help, please contact reference librarian Steve Poppino at [email protected] or call him at 1-800-680-0274 (Idaho & Nevada) or 208-732-6504
See Tentative Agenda ***Anything not covered in class according to schedule will be your responsibility as homework. *** All grades are final and will not be discussed in class at any time. Please make an appointment to see me in my office.
Dr. Egbert p.7 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04 ***Exam answers will be displayed the next class meeting following the exam. ***Papers will be handed back 2-3 weeks after due date.
Dr. Egbert p.8 Foundations of Education MWF Fall Section C04