Geobob Observation Form - Flora

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Geobob Observation Form - Flora

OR / WA BLM GeoBOB v 1.2 SITE & OBSERVATIONS FORM – FLORA, pg 1. (Circle appropriate option when a list is provided, Bold items are required fields, *key to codes on cheat sheet. See data dictionary for Field Name and List of Value definitions.)


SITE ID: ______SITE NAME: ______SITE ALT. ID: ______SPECIES CODE: ______SCIENTIFIC NAME: ______COMMON NAME: ______UTM: ______E, ______N ZONE: ______DATUM: ______LAT: ______W, LONG: ______N GPS model / software: ______LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T______R______S ______¼______1/16______1/64______MERIDIAN: W H D USGS QUAD: ______ADMIN UNIT: ______SUB ADMIN UNIT: ______*LOCATION ACCURACY: ______SPECIES SITE STATUS (locally): Extinct, Extirpated (sp. & habitat), Occupied, Undetected, Unknown, Unoccupied TOTAL QUANTITY: ______QUANT. ESTIMATED?: Y / N PERCENT COVER: ______DISTRIBUTION: Clumpy, Evenly Scattered, Patchily Scattered, Linear ABUNDANCE: Unknown, Abundant, Common, Uncommon, Rare. AREA OCCUPIED (acres): ______OBSERVERS: ______RELIABILITY OF SPECIES ID: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor VISIT TYPE: Incidental, Inventory, Treatment (specify in notes), Monitoring – Annual/ Fed. Listed, Monitoring – Grazing, Monitoring – Long-Term, Monitoring – Unspecified, Monitoring – Fire, Research, Revisit, Resurvey, Unspecified DATE: ______DATE ACCURACY: Day, Exact, Hour, Month, Previous Year, Year REVISIT NEEDED: Y / N REVISIT SCHEDULED DATE: ______NOTES: ______


^Phenology % Phenology *Phenology % Phenology

^Bud (B), Dead (DE), Dormant (DO), Flower (F), Fruit (FR), Re-growth (RG), Senescent (S), Vegetative (V), w/o Sporophyte (WOS), w/ Sporophyte (WS), Juvenile (J), Sporocarp (SP)


SLOPE (%): ______SLOPE – MIN. (%): ______SLOPE – MAX. (%): ______SLOPE SOURCE: ______ASPECT (deg): _____ ASPECT – MIN. (deg): _____ ASPECT - MAX. (deg): ______ASPECT SOURCE: ______ELEV. (ft): ______ELEV. – MIN. (ft): ______ELEV. - MAX. (ft): ______ELEV. SOURCE: ______Source: C = Calculated, M = Measured, E = Estimated, G = Used GPS (elevation only) *LANDFORM: STAND AGE:______STAND STRUCTURE: Multiple Canopies, Single Canopy, Two Canopies, Unspecified SERAL STAGE: Pioneer, Early (20-39yrs), Mid (40-79yrs), Late (80-200yrs), Climax PERCENT COVER: 1) OVERSTORY: ______OVERSTORY MIN.: ______OVERSTORY MAX: ______2) UNDERSTORY: ______UNDERSTORY MIN.: ______UNDERSTORY MAX: ______~FIRE PRESENCE: Absent, Burned, Complete Burned, High Scorched, Mod. Scorched, Part Scorched, V. High Scorch TOPO. POSITION (rel. to overall slope): Bottom, Lower, Mid, Ridge, Upper *SUBSTRATE: ______SOIL TEXTURE: Clay, Clay Loam, Loam, Sand, Silt, Silt Loam, Sandy Loam, Other AIR TEMPERATURE (F): ______RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%): ______SOIL TEMP. (F): ______SOIL MOISTURE: Dry, Moist, Wet LIGHT INDEX: Full Shade, Full Sun, Part Shade PRECIP.: Dry, Fog, Misty Rain, Rain, Sleet/Hail, Snow WIND: Calm, Light, Moderate, Windy, Gusty



~If fire was present within the last 5 years OR / WA BLM GeoBOB v 1.2 SITE & OBSERVATIONS FORM – FLORA, pg 2.

ASSOCIATED OBS Create a list below of non-target species found in the same geographic location as the target species Site / Observation. If needed, indicate percent cover, abundance and/or quantity for each species. Enter data into GeoBOB Add_Obs table (use Associated Species tab in Flora Sites or Fauna Obs data entry forms).

Species Scientific Name % Cover *Abundance Quantity Code


*THREAT TYPES(S): ______NOTES:______


OBS ID: ______*LOCATION ACCURACY: ______TOTAL QUANTITY: ______QUANTITY ESTIMATED Y / N ? UTM: ______E, ______N DATUM: ______LAT: ______W, LONG: ______N GPS Unit used: ______


FLORA SITE PHENOLOGY ^Phenology % Phenology Quantity *Phenology % Phenology Quantity

^Bud (B), Dead (DE), Dormant (DO), Flower (F), Fruit (FR), Re-growth (RG), Senescent (S), Vegetative (V), w/o Sporophyte (WOS), w/ Sporophyte (WS), Juvenile (J), Sporocarp (SP)



OR / WA BLM GeoBOB v 1.2 SITE & OBSERVATIONS FORM – FLORA, pg 3. (*key to codes on cheat sheet, Circle appropriate option when a list is provided, Bold items are required fields)

ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION LOCATIONS If more than one observation is found in the survey area and that is within the survey site, record the location, Obs ID, and notes here. If specifics about the additional observations need to be recorded, such as feature, detail observation or collection information, complete a separate Obs form.

Latitude/UTM E Longitude/UTM N Obs ID Notes

PLEASE ATTACH MAPS of Observation or Site when helpful.


COLLECTION ID: ______COLLECTION TYPE: Voucher, Museum, Commercial, Photo, ID Tag, None, Other DATE: ______COLLECTOR: ______REPOSITORY: ______IDENTIFIER: ______Photo ID: VERIFIER: ______Verification Date: ______VERIFIED SPECIES CODE: ______COLLECTION NOTES:


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