Department of Educational Policy and Community Studies

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Department of Educational Policy and Community Studies

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee School of Education Department of Educational Policy and Community Studies [Last Updated August 20, 2012]

Course Syllabus: Marketing for Community-Based Organizations Instructor: Sharon Robinson Ed Pol 604, Fall 2012 Telephone: 414-841-1149 3 Credits, Web-based E-Mail: [email protected]


1. McLeish, Barry J. (2011). Successful Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations (2nd Edition). Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2. Miller, Kevi Leroux (2010). Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for a Good Cause. Publisher: Josey Bass.


This online course will cover the fundamental principles, concepts, and methods of strategic marketing for community-based organizations (CBOs). For the purposes of this course, a CBO is defined as a public or private nonprofit that is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community, and is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, public safety, or other community need.


Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the role of strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations.

2. Analyze strategic marketing plans for nonprofit organizations. 3. Explain the unique strategic marketing mix in nonprofit organizations. 4. Utilize marketing strategies to promote nonprofit organizations. 5. Discuss how the programs and services of nonprofit organizations are branded. 6. Formulate communication strategies for nonprofit organizations 7. Discuss the management of media relations in nonprofit organizations. 8. Develop a strategic marketing plan and brochure for a nonprofit organization.


This system will be used in this course for undergraduate students: A=280-300, B=260-279, C=240-259, D=220-239, F=219 and lower. Assignments Points Midterm Exam 50 Final Exam 50 Discussion Questions 100 1 Class Projects/Papers: 100 Marketing Workplace Situational Challenge (50) Marketing Plan and Brochure (50) Total Points 300

This system will be used in this course for graduate students: A=380-400, B=360-379, C=340-359, D=320-339, F=319 and lower

Assignments Points Midterm Exam 50 Final Exam 50 Discussion Questions 100 Class Projects/Papers: 200 Marketing Workplace Situational Challenge (50) Marketing Research Project (100) Marketing Plan and Brochure (50) Total Points 400

Grades are earned, not given or negotiated. This is not a self-paced class. Assignments are due based on the timeline of the syllabus. If the student turns in an assignment late (without approval for an extension due to a true emergency), the student will not receive credit for the late assignment.

Midterm Exam (50): There will be a midterm exam covering the required readings and course topics. The exam will consist of 2-4 essay questions of equal value. The midterm exam will be posted by midnight on October 24, 2012. It will be due by midnight on October 27, 2012.

Final Exam (50): There will be a final exam covering the required readings and course topics. The exam will consist of 2-4 questions of equal value. The final exam will be posted by midnight on December 5, 21012. It will be due by midnight on December 8, 2012.

Discussion Questions (100): Students will be expected to fully participate in 10 scheduled weekly class discussions including sharing their in-depth insights on course topics and required readings. The Instructor will post two discussion questions by Noon each Tuesday via D2L worth 12 points. Responses are due by Noon the following Friday. Quality of responses for each question: 5 (Excellent), 4 (Very Good), 3 (Fair), 2 (Minimum), 1 (Poor), 0 (No Response).

Marketing Workplace Challenge (50): Students will be required to complete a 3-5 page paper involving a role playing exercise designed to prepare students to handle a workplace challenge at a nonprofit that lacks a marketing plan. The assignment will be posted by midnight on September 28, 2012. It will be due by midnight October 12, 2012.

Class Project/Creation of a Marketing Plan and Brochure (50): Students will be required to complete a 10-15 page marketing plan highlighting the marketing strategies the student will utilize to successfully market a nonprofit as well as an accompanying brochure. The assignment will be posted by midnight November 19, 2012. It will be due by midnight December 14, 2012.

Class Project/Marketing Research Project - Graduate students only (100): Students will be required to complete a 10-15 page paper on a Marketing Research Project based on a nonprofit pre-selected or 2 approved by the Instructor. In addition to utilizing the Internet and other research tools to determine the nonprofit’s approach to marketing and its effectiveness, students will be encouraged to conduct interviews with the nonprofit Executive Director and/or Communications Director. The assignment will be posted by midnight October 20, 2012. It will be due by midnight November 16, 2012.

NOTE: All written assignments will have the following minimum requirements: double spacing; 12 point font, numbering of all pages; complete citation of sources by author and date, including page number for direct references or quotations; careful, well-edited writing expected.


This syllabus may be adjusted as needed. Students are advised to regularly check the syllabus for updates.

Required Text: Successful Strategies Course Exams and Class Discussion Questions for Marketing Non-profit Organizations Projects/Papers (McLeish) and Nonprofit Marketing Guide (Miller) Week 1 (September 3 – 7, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Course Introduction/Getting Acquainted September 4, 2012. Responses will be Required Reading: Course Syllabus due by Noon September 7, 2012. Week 2 (September 10-14, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (McLeish): September 11, 2012. Responses will be Chapter 1 & 2 due by Noon September 14, 2012. Week 3 (September 17-21, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (McLeish): September 18, 2012. Responses will be Chapter 3 & 4 due by Noon September 21, 2012. Week 4 (September 24-28, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Workplace Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (McLeish): Challenge will be posted by midnight September 25, 2012. Responses will be Chapter 5 & 6 Sept 28, 2012. due by Noon September 28, 2012. Week 5 (October 1-5, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (McLeish): October 2, 2012. Responses will be due Chapter 7 & 8 by Noon October 5, 2012. Week 6 (October 8-12, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Workplace No discussion question postings this Required Reading (McLeish): Challenge will be due by midnight week. Chapter 9 & 10 October 12, 2012. Week 7 (October 15-19, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Research Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (Miller): Project Graduate Students Only will be October 16, 2012. Responses due by Chapter 1, 2 & 3 assigned by midnight October 20, 2012. Noon October 19, 2012. Week 8 (October 22-26, 2012) Midterm Exam will be posted by No discussion question postings this Required Reading (Miller): midnight October 24, 2012. It will be week. Chapter 4 & 5 due by midnight October 27, 2012. Week 9 (October 29-November 2, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (Miller): October 30, 2012. Responses will be due Chapter 6, 7 & 8 by Noon November 2, 2012. Week 10 (November 5-9, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (Miller): November 6, 2012. Responses will be Chapter 9, 10, & 11 due by Noon November 9, 2012. Week 11 (November 12-16, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Research No discussion question postings this Required Reading (Miller): Project Graduate Students Only will be week. Chapter 12, 13 & 14 due by midnight November 16, 2012. Week 12 (November 19-23, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Plan and Questions will be posted by Noon Thanksgiving Week Brochure will be assigned by midnight November 20, 2012. Responses will be Required Reading: None November 19, 2012 due by Noon November 23, 2012. Week 13 (November 26-30, 2012) Questions will be posted by Noon Required Reading (Miller): November 27, 2012. Responses will be Chapter 15 & 16 due by Noon November 30, 2012. Week 14 (December 3-7, 2012) Final Exam will be assigned by midnight No discussion question postings this 3 Required Reading: None December 5, 2012. It will be due by week. midnight December 8, 2012. Week 15 (December 10-14, 2012) Class Project/Marketing Plan and No discussion question postings this Required Reading: None Brochure will be due by midnight week. December 14, 2012.


Desire2Learn (D2L) is the web-based Learning Management System used by the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (UWM). See: From the UWM home page, select D2L. This will bring up the Desire2Learn welcome screen. You will see a location to enter your Username and Password. Please browse the various areas of the D2L site to familiarize yourself with the online platform we will be using for this course. If you need help using the system, online support is available from 7:00 a.m. – midnight, 7 days a week. Students can also submit requests electronically to:

The telephone number for the UWM Help Desk is 414-229-4040 or 877-381-3459 (toll-free).

Students who enroll in this course are expected to have regular computer and Internet access. Students will be expected to be computer literate. If a student is not computer literate and has trouble navigating the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) system, he/she will be administratively dropped from the class. This class is not designed to teach computer literacy.


In accordance with university policy, this syllabus provides the following link to the Secretary of the University Web site that contains the following University policies:

Syllabus Links 1. Students with disabilities. If you need help with accommodations, contact the Instructor as soon as possible.

2. Religious observances. Students’ sincerely held religious beliefs will be reasonably accommodated with respect to all examinations and other academic requirements.

3. Students called to active military duty. Accommodations for absences due to active military can be made to alleviate the impact of student studies. Students: Employees:

4. Incompletes. A notation of "incomplete" may be given in lieu of a final grade to a student who has carried a subject successfully until the end of a semester but who, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student's control, has been unable to take or complete the final

4 examination or to complete some limited amount of term work.

5. Discriminatory conduct (such as sexual harassment). Discriminatory conduct will not be tolerated by the University. It poisons the work and learning environment of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.

6. Academic misconduct. Cheating on exams or plagiarism are violations of the academic honor code and carry severe sanctions, including failing a course or even suspension or dismissal from the University.

7. Complaint procedures. Students may direct complaints to the head of the academic unit or department in which the complaint occurs. If the complaint allegedly violates a specific university policy, it may be directed to the head of the department or academic unit in which the complaint occurred or to the appropriate university office responsible for enforcing the policy.

8. Grade appeal procedures. A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the established procedures adopted by the department, college, or school in which the course resides or in the case of graduate students, the Graduate School. These procedures are available in writing from the respective department chairperson or the Academic Dean of the College/School.

9. Other: The final exam requirement, the final exam date requirement, etc.

10. Selected Academic and Administrative Policy 24.5, Firearms and Dangerous Weapons Policy.


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