Minutes of the Central Vermont Chapter November 16, 2011 At National Life Records Bldg.

Members Present: Susan Martin, AJ Van Tassel, Suzanne Arrand, Arthur Hamlin, Marci Young, Shiela LaPoint, Cassandra Edson, Bill Scott, John Reese, John Quinn, Paul Beyor, Jeff Gagne, Rebecca Trower, David L, Jack Gouin, Sherrie Brewster and Steve Magill Guests: Conor Casey, Doug Gibson, Tracey Tapley, Holly Peake, Terry Lefebvre, Tom Berat and Monte Mason

A very large turn-out filled the room thanks to guests from the Waterbury Chapter, Bargaining Team members, and a huge interest in the new contracts.

Meeting came to order at 12:04. Introductions were made, minutes were approved. The last two Treasurer’s reports were approved.

Acting VSEA President, John Reese updated us on the new director, Mark Mitchell and said that all election results will be settled by December 5.

Connor Casey, our staff liaison to the Legislature, updated us on Legislative Priorities and passed out a summary. Suggestions on legislative priorities should go to Conor or Jeff Briggs. The next BIG Issue is whether or not the Pay Act will be fully funded. RIFs are still possible if it is not! Another big issue is the fate of the State Hospital and the rest of the Waterbury complex. Proposals are on the website of BGS.

Waterbury Chapter President, Holly Peake will try to keep the chapter going. Current chapter members can stay in the Waterbury chapter or can join a different chapter. Members are advised to contact Holly to keep her updated.

Chapter President, Susan Martin suggested donating Christmas presents to a needy family and was planning to shop for them at Walmart. Doug Gibson suggested shopping somewhere else due to Walmart’s egregious anti-union activities. The member support fund is limited to $500 per member. Some Central Vermont members have greater need due to the flood. Arthur moved that we allocate $300 toward the Member support fund for Central VT members whose need exceeds the $500 limit. AJ seconded. Motion passed.

Chapter Officers will meet to plan out what the chapter might need for the next two Employee Appreciation Days. This will be brought to the membership next meeting for approval.

Arthur Hamlin reported on the Communications Committee and distributed copies of a survey that will be piloted here at this meeting. Members were asked to bring one copy back to their work site, have someone fill it in and return it. In two weeks the Committee will collate the results. Terry Lefebvre reported on the bargaining team. They can only release what is safe to release. Union members are encouraged to contact members of the bargaining team. A discussion followed about how to distribute information. Contact Campaign members will help establish “telephone trees.”

Meeting adjourned at 12:49