Gatesville High School Dance Team 2015-2016 Constitution Principal: Shane Webb Sponsor: Helen Gonzales Goal: The goal of the Gatesville High School Dazzler dance team is to support the athletic programs, build school spirit and positively represent Gatesville High School in all activities. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING.

I. GRADES/ELIGIBILITY A. Candidates for the dance team must meet UIL requirements for eligibility. This includes minimum classification credits to participate. Sophomores must have 5 credits, juniors must have 10 credits and seniors must have 15 credits.

B. Dazzlers must maintain an overall average of 70 in all classes. A member whose average is lower than 70, at the end of a six week grading period, will be suspended from participating in all activities. If the average is 70 or above in all classes at the three week grade check, the team member will then be eligible to perform. The member must attend practice during the period of ineligibility.

C. The UIL no pass/no play rule will be strictly enforced. If a member is ineligible for two six weeks (at any time during the year) because of an average below 70, the member will be removed from the squad and become ineligible to try out next year.

D. In order to try out or maintain a position, in good standing, on the team, a student must be in compliance with school attendance policies, have no more than (1) ISS assignment, or office referral resulting in corporal punishment during the current school year and a student must not have spent any time in AEP.

E. The dance team shall be open to incoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. There is no set number of members for the dance team. Returning members must audition each year. As per the local athletic policy: If a student has quit or been dismissed from any athletic organization (cheer, Dazzlers, athletics) for the current school year, the student will not be eligible to try-out for the next year’s team.

F. Tryouts shall consist of a dance and kick routine in front of a panel of judges. Tryouts are closed to the public. Tryout information is provided in advance to each candidate and grades/conduct will be checked prior to the audition date.

G. Use of video may be approved (limited to demonstration of a “specific skill” the candidate is unable to perform at the time of try-outs) due to injury. A doctor’s note will need to accompany the request detailing the injury, its limitations and the prognosis for recovery. A candidate must be able to participate in the try-out process in order to secure a position on the team. Video Usage Guidelines (to be made available to judges if a video is used for tryout) The judges shall be instructed to consider “absence of pressure,” lack of physical/respiratory exertion, and note if a candidate is using a hard or spring floor when performing “specific skills” on video.

H. Transfer students to Gatesville High School may be allowed to audition for the team at the time of transfer. The student must provide a letter of recommendation from the former team director and a current report card. Once all enrollment procedures are complete, the transfer student may audition for the dance team director.

II. CONDUCT The following is simply a summary of general conduct rules. Please recognize that we cannot possibly list every situation that might arise; therefore, members and parents must understand that certain situations not described in this constitution could arise that may result in disciplinary action.

Violations of any school policy will be handled by the school. The member will then receive the appropriate consequences from the director.

A. Being a Dazzler is a privilege. Therefore, members are expected to be examples both in and out of the classroom. Dazzlers are a visible representative of GISD and as such are expected to adhere to a high level of personal conduct while on school trips, at competitions, in the classrooms and in the community.

B. There will be absolutely no smoking, drinking, drug use, profanity, abusive language or unbecoming conduct at anytime a member is representing the school. This includes practice sessions, during school, or anytime a member is in uniform. This violation will result in immediate dismissal.

C. Each member must be willing to give their time during the week to practice as the director/sponsor deems necessary.

D. Any member who is not performing for the current week must attend the game or performance in uniform and will sit in the dance team assigned area. Failure to attend (without prior director approval) will result in loss of performing privileges for the following game or performance. Repeat offenses will result in suspension from the squad.

E. Members must sit in the dance team assigned seating area at athletic games and other performances. No outsiders will be permitted to sit with the group or visit during the game.

F. Members must travel to and from all out of town events in the school vehicle unless approval is granted by the director. Parents (no other relative) must personally sign out the member with the director. A driver’s license number will be recorded from parents. Notes will not be an acceptable method of signing out a member.

G. Members are expected to maintain the highest respect for other members, officers and the director at all times. In addition, members are expected to cooperate with all teachers and staff at GISD. Disrespect will not be tolerated!

**The director/sponsor(s) will review all the facts and circumstances surrounding a particular violation and impose appropriate disciplinary action. The Director/Sponsor(s) will strive for consistency in meting out punishment for extracurricular code of conduct violations and will exercise sound professional discretion.

III. PRACTICE AND PERFORMANCE A. All members must participate in camp during the summer. Failure to participate shall result in immediate dismissal from the team.

B. Members will be given a calendar of upcoming events at the start of the school year. It is the expectation that team members who are employed will schedule work hours accordingly. Exceptions may be made when the event is considered “last-minute” and members are not given at least a one week notice.

C. Members will be expected to keep cell phones out of sight and on silent during all practices and performances. Cell phones may be used after practice and on the bus going to and from performances.

D. It is mandatory that all members arrive on time for all practices and performances. Members are expected to be dressed and ready for practice and performances at the time specified on the schedule. Being late to a practice may result in additional conditioning before being allowed to practice.

E. Practice shall be led by the officers and/or the director. Team members will listen and respect both the officers and directors and will adhere to their guidance.

F. Absences: All absences must be reported by the member or a parent in advance. Excused absences will include illness, death in the family, or other reasons acceptable to the director. Please note that work will not be considered an excused absence. Please review the guidelines below related to attendance and absences.

1. If a member attends school but feels too ill to practice, she must inform the director before practice begins, with the understanding that this will be counted as an excused absence. If a member does not attend school, she may not practice that day.

2. If the member has a doctor’s note, the absence will be excused. 3. Attendance at all performances is mandatory. Members must also remain at all performances for the duration of the event unless prior permission was granted.

4. Members are not excused after half time of football games. Failure to return to the stands will result in an unexcused absence.

5. SAT/ACT and/or college visits are not considered excused absences.

6. All members will be given a phone roster for everyone on the team. It is absolutely necessary to notify someone in the event you will miss a practice or performance. The order of contact is as follows: director, officers, and other team members (as a last resort).

7. Missing a practice with an unexcused absence may require the member to make up the conditioning for that practice.

8. Serving as a manager of another team (football, volleyball, basketball) is not an acceptable excuse for missing practice.

IV. HAZING, ALCOHOL, DRUGS, TOBACCO, MEDIA A. Hazing and other initiations will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

B. Alcohol: Use of alcohol is a violation of team training rules

C. Tobacco: Use of tobacco is a violation of team rules and possession of tobacco at school is a violation of state law.

D. Drug use: School policy will be followed for any drug use violation. See GHS Student Handbook for information.

E. Any member found representing herself or the Dazzlers in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner through electronic media (i.e. websites, personal home pages, blogs, text messages, chat rooms or similar websites/files accessible through a server or internet) or using electronic communication devices in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace on their organization or members of any school organization including themselves (i.e. camera phones, digital photos, electronic descriptions) will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or organization sponsors/directors, including probation or dismissal from the organization.

1. Disciplinary action will be enforced for all violations. The director/sponsor has the right to remove a team member from any scheduled event for any reason according to the rules or regulations addressed in the constitution or discussed as a team during meetings. More serious violations may result in automatic removal from the team.

2. Repeated or excessive offences [repetition of the same offence three (3) or more times during a school year] may result in director/sponsor(s) or principal review. Any director/sponsor(s) or principal review of a Dazzler’s actions may result in dismissal from the team or denial of participation in future events. V. UNIFORMS AND APPEARANCE A. Uniforms will be kept neat, clean, and in good repair at all times. Dazzlers are responsible for presenting a polished appearance.

B. The uniforms may not be altered in any way without prior approval from the director.

C. Uniforms will only be worn at designated times, including games and performances. The uniform shall be worn only by the member it was issued to at the beginning of the season.

D. All school issued uniforms will be turned in or paid for upon completion of the season. Outgoing seniors will not have records released or be able to walk the stage until school property is returned.

E. Practice and Camp Day wear will be worn at camp and any practice designated in advance. Being out of uniform for camp, practice, performance or public appearances may result in extra conditioning as determined by the director.

F. No piercings or visible tattoos will be allowed.

G. No jewelry is allowed for any practice or performance.

H. Members will be expected to be properly dressed and bring all necessary materials to practice and performance, including poms, props and dance shoes.

VI. CONSEQUENCES 1. Consequences for minor violations such as uniform/hair violations, chewing gum, food and drinks in gym, tardiness, missing deadlines, or attitude will be dealt with by the director/sponsor as deemed necessary. 2. Unexcused absences from practice or performance, ISS assignment, or office referrals resulting in corporal punishment will result in director/sponsor and/or principal review which may lead to probationary status or dismissal from the team. If an athlete is in ISS for consecutive school days, she will not be allowed to participate in a performance of any kind until the day after an ISS assignment is concluded. Extra conditioning may be assigned by the director. A second ISS assignment during the same year will result in dismissal from the team. 3. Placement in AEP will result in automatic dismissal from the team.

Additional Reasons for immediate dismissal from the team: 1. failing two six weeks 2. failure to participate in summer camp 3. habitual infractions of the Dazzler constitution 4. Two or more ISS assignments Reasons for probationary status or suspension from a performance include: 1. 2 or more excused absences from practice in one week 2. 1 or more unexcused absences from practice in one week 3. habitual unexcused tardiness to practice (more than 6 times) 4. having a grade below 70 at the end of the six weeks VII. Tryout eligibility Team tryouts will be held in the spring for the following school year. Student eligibility is outlined in the GHS student handbook.

VII. Team Officers A. Junior and senior team members in good standing (non-probationary status) with at least 2 years of Gatesville High school dance team experience may petition to try out for any officer position. B. Officer Positions may include: 1. Captain 2. Lieutenants 1-3 (1st, 2nd) dependant upon the size of the team (1 per 10)

C. Social Officer(s) Line Sergeant - This is a leader in our group that is in charge of the new team members. She must have at least 1 year of team experience and exceptional leadership skills. She may hold special rehearsals/meetings for the "Rookies" that will give them good technique, knowledge about traditions on the team, ideas for their "Big Sis", learning traditional routines and much more. The sergeant does not take a little sis, but acts as a 'Mom' to the 'Rookies' to guide them through each and every activity throughout the year and be able to have someone to go to with questions or concerns. 1. Will be chosen from qualified, willing candidates at the conclusion of line camp by vote of all current team members 2. Line Sergeants 1-2 dependant upon the size of the team (1 per 10)