District 9600 Four Way Test Speech Contest

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District 9600 Four Way Test Speech Contest



For more than seventy years, Rotarians have been using the 4-Way Test as a practical yardstick in their business, community and personal affairs.

The 4-Way Test does not provide answers. It asks questions that the user must answer.

Thousands of Rotarians have used the 4 -Way Test and shared it with others. Millions of copies have been distributed to students and business associates.

The 4 -Way Test has been carved into granite monuments, displayed on billboards, written into labour contracts, printed on wrapping paper and umbrellas and has been the theme of countless essay contests and addresses


Herbert J Taylor - a Chicago Rotarian who later became President of Rotary International during its 50th Anniversary Year (1954/55), conceived the 4 –Way Test in 1932 at the height of the great depression. In 1932 he joined a company on the verge of bankruptcy, with a view to reviving the troubled firm. Rotarian Taylor single-mindedly searched for a yardstick of ethics that the workers at this company could use.

He hit on a 24- word statement which asked four questions and which became known as the 4-Way Test of things we think, say or do. The four questions were:

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

As a result of his workers applying this test to everything they thought, said or did, a climate of trust and goodwill developed amongst dealers, customers and employees, which changed the business prospects of the company.

In 1943, Rotary International adopted the 4-Way Test as part of its Vocational Service Programme. Today it is considered to be a vital element in all avenues of Rotary Service. WHAT IS THE 4-WAY TEST SPEECH CONTEST?

The 4-Way Test Speech Contest is a Rotary Vocational Service Project involving the participation of both youth and Rotary Clubs in promoting a public speaking contest for the students of Year Ten within Rotary District 9600. A commitment is required of the winner of the contest to speak at a Rotary event nominated by the District Governor.


The object of the project is to strengthen the links between Rotary and young people by:

 Drawing attention to the wide applications and implications of the 4-Way Test.  Promoting vocational activities for youth.


While the 4-Way Test is a Vocational Service project, its essential feature is the involvement of youth. It is therefore recommended that the organization of the contest should be a joint initiative of the Vocational Service and Youth Service committees of each Rotary Club.

HOW WILL THE CONTEST BE STRUCTURED? The contest will commence with a school level contest at which an individual school winner will be selected.

The individual school winners will compete at the Club level contest and a Club representative to contest the District Preliminary final will be selected.

The District Preliminary final winners will compete in a District final (date yet to be announced), at which a winner and a runner-up will be selected.

For details of suggested procedures see flowchart attached. PROCEDURES

Registration Each competitor must fill in a registration sheet.

Duty of room chairperson

To create an environment in which all competitors are able to compete to their ability.

Before the commencement of the contest

The room chairperson will ensure the following:

- That the room chairperson is known to the adjudicators and to the timekeeper. - There are four copies of the list of contestants – one for the chairperson and one for each of the adjudicators. - That the person acting as timekeeper has both a bell and a stopwatch. - That there are relevant certificates of participation for competitors. - That the room set up is appropriate. - Ensure all competitors are present and that all necessary information is available

The chairperson of the adjudicators will ensure the following:

- Ensure that each of the adjudicators has sufficient Standard Adjudication Sheets and a copy of the Procedures for Adjudication Panels. - Ensure that there is a copy of the Adjudicators’ Chairperson’s Report available. - Ensure that a system of communication between the adjudicators has been arranged.

Procedures must be established for:

- Adjournment of the adjudicators to determine a winner. - Announcement of the winner. - Presentation of certificates of participation. - Providing the opportunity for adjudicators to give feedback to individual students after the contest – if requested. - Ensuring that all adjudicators are ready before introducing the next speaker. - Establish procedures with the timekeeper, i.e. use of the stopwatch and bell, recording of speech times and the announcement of speech times. - Determining the order of the speakers.


- The contest will be conducted at the school. - The room chairperson may be provided by the Rotary club or by the school. That chairperson may act as timekeeper or a separate timekeeper may be appointed. - The Rotary Club will provide three adjudicators. THE CLUB LEVEL CONTEST

- The contest will be conducted at a regular Rotary meeting or at a specially arranged event. - The Rotary Club will provide a room chairperson, a timekeeper and three adjudicators.


Opening Activities At the scheduled commencement time welcome all, formally and introduce yourself as the room chairperson. Advise the locations of emergency exits and toilets. State the names of the schools represented in the event. Advise that there are prepared speeches and state the scheduled time for each speech. Introduce the timekeeper and the adjudicators. Have the timekeeper demonstrate the warning and final bell. Nominate the suggested speaking area for the competitors. Conduct draw for speaking order. Announce that competitors should not be interrupted whilst speaking. People should enter and leave the room only during breaks and mobile phones must be turned off. All competitors should be requested to be seated in the audience to wait their turn to speak, and not wait outside until their turn comes. Announce that prompting the competitors from the audience is not permitted and will result in disqualification.

The Competitors Immediately before each speech presentation introduce each competitor. State only the competitor’s name, school, and the scheduled speaking time. After each speech thank the competitor. Announce (or have the timekeeper announce) the speech time. While adjudicators are finalizing notes between speeches - Acknowledge the sponsoring Rotary Club - acknowledge the hobbies, interests and ambitions of the previous speaker. Following the completion of all speeches, ask the adjudicators to adjourn to determine the event’s results. While the adjudicators are deliberating explain: - That the adjudicator’s decision is final an and will not be discussed but that adjudicators would be pleased to talk to individual competitors after the formal close of the event with a view to improving performance. - The room chairperson will address the audience and present the certificates of participation. On the adjudicators’ return invite the Chairperson of the Panel to announce the winner and the runner-up. Announce the arrangements for the formal presentation of the winner’s prize and the presentation of the perpetual trophy. Acknowledge the sponsor and the provider of the venue and thank the organizing club. Thank the competitors, audience and the officials or attending. Declare the event closed and direct the audience to refreshments.

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