Human Relations Notebook Supplement

Name: Jacky Maliborski Date: 12/13/11

Directions: In ED 116, you learned about the importance of being knowledgeable about human relations. On the chart below, list all courses you are taking this semester. After each course listed, describe any relationship to the Wisconsin Human Relations Code, i.e., what you learned in the course that prepares you to work with diverse learners.


ED338 Reflects on providing a developmentally appropriate Curriculum including making sure it is socially and Culturally appropriate. Respecting the different cultures, exceptional learners and adapting lessons to meet the Diverse learning styles present in classrooms. Welcoming environment and appropriate behavior management choices so no discrimination is EVER present in the classroom.

ED325 Reflects literacy and the inclusion of literature from all Different cultures and appropriate representations of gender Roles. How to vary instruction again to meet diverse learners And how to implement accommodations for ELL students.

ED396 Reflects exceptional learners, gifted and talented students and students with special needs. This course brought a detailed perspective of working with students who struggle and well as providing one a one experience through field work with exceptional learners. Accommodations and strategies were given throughout course as well as perspectives of all students and how to meet their learning needs. How to provide a welcoming environment in the classroom and school district.

MU276 Incorporation of all different music styles and how this can be implemented into classroom for students who might use music as an outlet during free choice.

SC118 group work and classroom involvement with students of diverse ethnicities. And SC118L