Welcome and Announcements

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Welcome and Announcements

Senate Agenda: January 24, 2011 5:30 p.m. Room 2307 of Ed II North

Welcome and Announcements Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2011

Approved by majority vote President Announcements

Student Health Insurance Program Task Force – There currently three models being studied. Status quo where AMC, UCCS, and UCD bit together and Boulder bids separately for insurance carriers. The second is having all of the campuses combine together for bids which may decrease administrative costs but increase the cost of premiums at some of the campuses. Third is if the programs are all self-funded by CU, the legality of which is in question. This option would also increase the risk taken on by the university but decrease costs overall. Issues may arise with the network of physicians and students that may have those providers as attendings on rotations.

Student Health Center Task Force – Two proposals discussed which may be brought up to the fee committee. 1. $25 fee to continue the AMC Student Mental Health Center. a. Issues: clarification on the benefit the AMC SMHC has had on the student body. Exactly what will the $25 go on to fund? 2. $350 fee to start a University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Student Health Service (SHS). Primary Care Services will include: acute and chronic health management, health maintenance, wellness, family planning, obstetrics, gynecology, dermatology, sports injury evaluation and management, immunizations, mask fitting, urgent care and health screening services. Access to specialty services will be provided through the University Physicians, Incorporated (UPI) specialty physicians and providers. Students will be admitted when necessary to University of Colorado Hospital Department of Family Medicine (DFM) inpatient service (or other specialty service if indicated). Upon request, a student may be referred outside the UPI system for care. a. Issues: What does the $350 provide funding for? Will the services above be provided for the $350 or will insurance be billed. How will the added revenue needed for startup funds be used for in subsequent years? Will non-UPI physicians be available?

Academic Support Advisory Committee – For the most part, funds are distributed as follows: Health Sciences Library receives 67%, Academic Technology & Extended Learning (ATEL) receives 7% and Student Services receives 30%. Over the years not all funds have been expended leaving a reserve of about $332,000. These funds are being held in a plant fund, and will not go away unless Student Senate chooses to spend the funds. Furthermore, it is likely that the balance will continue to grow as much as $50-60,000 annually if revenues continue at the current rate. Also, when budgeted funds are not completely used in a fiscal year, unspent funds are returned to the plant fund.  Only students and groups with student connections will be eligible to apply for funds.  At least $90,000 must be kept in reserve to cover deferrals that may be charged before funds are added to the account. This will be rounded up to $100,000.  An “emergency” or contingency balance will be maintained in the event there is a technology crisis that must be addressed immediately to prevent an interruption in education delivery. ESS estimates such needs would likely not exceed $25,000, but $100,000 will be held in reserve to be safe.  This $100,000 contingency fund will be available for loans in case of emergency. These loans would be granted informally, on a case-by-case basis.  With approximately $332,000 available, placing $200,000 in reserve leaves $132,000 available for distribution through this proposal process.  The purpose of spending these funds will be broken down between “in- scope” (70%) and “out-of-scope” (30%) items. There is no clear definition of these terms. In general, “in-scope” items are related to the original referendum and its intent to support the Health Sciences Library, Educational Support Services, and the Registrar’s Office with funds for education delivery. “Out-of-scope” would include everything else, though still with relevance to the academic mission. SAO Announcements

PLEASE remind your classes to throw their trash away, clean up after themselves and not to move the piano in the student lounge.

Committee Sessions

Committee Reports Diversity – Stephanie Noble Saturday Sports Club – 4th Saturday of each month

Paris Pals – 2nd Saturday of each month

Finance – Brittany Schock PDA’s done and the data will be graphed for visual observation and historical record Student Organization progress report form is still in process

Draft letter to schools regarding senator attendance is in progress

Legislative Affairs – Henri Jupille

CU Advocacy Day – 1/28/2011, contact him with questions Suggested a tab/link be place on Blackboard for Senate business, notes and special events

Philanthropy – Sarah Mann RE-lauch of Paris Pals and Saturday Sports Club for the Spring 2011 semester Science Fair Judges needed – check Philanthropy page for more info

Student Life and Academic Affairs – Christopher Walker Magazines to be ordered for Student Lounge – Sports Illustrated, People and Time

Harkins movie night – 2/17 at 6:30 – TRUE GRIT Powder Puff Football and Campus Wide Dodgeball for spring once weather permits Resuming Meet Your Senators

Adjourn – 7:15pm Special Executive Committee Meeting

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