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Data Protection Act 1998 We store personal details about your care in our paper and computerised records. This information is used to assist the healthcare team to deliver improved health care, to produce repeat prescriptions and to monitor specific areas such as blood pressure, Warfarin levels, cervical smears etc. This information may be transmitted to Lothian Health. NHS Lothian staff review patient information in order to improve the practices information systems e.g. our recall programmes. Individuals may seek further information about this or raise objections if they wish. If you have been registered with a GP anywhere in the UK your medical records are transferred between practices via Practitioner Services Division of NHS Lothian. More information about this can be found on faqs.html We are statutorily bound to disclose certain information to disease registries and for epidemiological research. There is also some non-statutory disclosure to these bodies but where at all possible information is anonymised. Calls to the out of hours service may be voice recorded or logged on computer. This information is used to manage your emergency care. All records that relate to you are stored in the strictest confidence. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, individuals have a right of access to personal data of which they are the subject and may have this information communicated to them upon making a written request and paying the requisite fee. Please request a 72 Polwarth Gardens Patient Authority Consent Form from reception for this purpose. Edinburgh Please note that all Health Authorities are required by law (Public EH11 1LL Accounts Commission) to scrutinise periodically a small number of records in each medical practice. The checks are carried out in Tel : 0131 229 5914 confidence by staff of Lothian Health. Clinical details in your Fax : 0131 221 9897 notes are not recorded by them. Use and disclosures may be made for non-health purposes for the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, to the police and to hospital chaplains. INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS
February 2015 Welcome to the Practice Doctors Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities General Practice Principal The Practice The Patient Dr Alec Millar MB ChB Edinburgh 1975 Patients will be treated with Patients have responsibility to Assistants courtesy, respect and treat our staff with equal courtesy Dr Rosemary Dixon MB ChB Edinburgh 1978 confidentiality at all times and respect at all times MRCP MRCGP DFFP LMCC Urgent problems will be seen the Only request an urgent Dr Kenneth Knox MB ChB Edinburgh 1989 same day by whichever doctor is appointment when you feel it is MRCGP DRCOG available medically necessary and not safe to wait Dr. Catherine Gates MB ChB Aberdeen 1997 MRCGP The practice will monitor the If you cannot keep your waiting times for appointments appointment please let us know as Surgery Hours and inform you of any significant soon as possible so that we can 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday to Friday delays give that appointment to another Extended Hours – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings patient 5.30pm to 6.30pm. We will see patients with pre-booked Wherever possible you will be Please try to be flexible when appointments only during those hours. The surgery closes seen as near to your appointment making your appointment to allow between 1pm and 2pm each Wednesday for staff training. time as possible yourself to see the doctor of your Registration choice New patients who live within the practice boundary are always Medical staff will visit you at Please do not ask for a home visit very welcome. New patients need to complete a registration form home if you are too ill to come to unless it is absolutely necessary. and a short health questionnaire. We also ask you to see the the surgery Home visits should ONLY BE for the very ill/housebound practice nurse to complete a health check. If you live outwith the The practice will inform you of Please understand that each practice boundary but wish to register at the practice, please the services it provides and how appointment is for 10 minutes only discuss this with us. Existing patients who move within the you can access them practice boundary are welcome to continue as patients but please Advice will be given and/or A prescription may not always be let us have your new contact details. If you move outwith the medication prescribed to patients necessary. Order repeat boundary please discuss this with the doctors as you may be able as required. Repeat prescriptions prescriptions before your to remain a patient here. will be processed within 48 hours. medication runs out. See the Disabled Access You will be asked to see the section of this leaflet that explains A ramp is provided at the surgery for use by the disabled or by doctor to have your medication how to order your prescription mothers with buggies. In addition, we have an automatic door to reviewed at least annually enable easier access. Patients will be removed from our Abusive or violent behaviour will list as a last resort if the not be tolerated and will result in Abusive and Violet Behaviour This practice operates a zero – practice/patient relationship has removal from our list. We reserve tolerance policy for abusive or violent behaviour towards any broken down irretrievably. the right to call the police if staff member. If a patient is violent or abusive, the practice Patients who continually fail to patients or anyone accompanying reserves the right to withdraw services with immediate effect. The keep appointments may be them are violent or abusive to police and NHS Lothian will be informed following any incident. removed from the practice list anyone in the surgery
February 2015 Complaints Continued Practice Boundary Alternatively if you feel that you cannot contact us directly you The practice boundary is approximately 1 ½ miles from the may contact the Complaints Officer, NHS Lothian, Waverley surgery. There are a number of practice patient who live outwith Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG. the practice boundary and we are happy to continue providing Telephone 0131 465 5708. medical services for these patients. Appointments The Practice Team Appointments can be made to see the doctors or nurses through Practice Nursing Staff contact with our reception team. Appointments are made by Three practice nurses provide nursing services at the surgery. contacting the surgery during opening hours by calling 0131 229 This includes cervical smears, blood tests, dietary advice, ear 5914 or coming into the surgery. You may be asked to wait a day syringing, removal of stitches and travel vaccinations. The or two for a routine appointment if the doctors are very busy or practice nurses co-ordinate the review and management of sometimes if you want to see a particular doctor you may have to patients with Diabetes, Ischaemic Heart Disease and wait longer. The doctors will always see someone the same day if Hypertension in addition to running Asthma and other Clinics. they have an urgent problem. It is very important to ring early Appointments with the practice nurses can be made by our from 8am if you require an appointment on the same day. It is reception staff. One of our nurses also does disease coding and not always possible to specify a particular doctor for urgent summarising patient records. appointments. It helps the receptionist to know the reason for the Community Nurses appointments so that the correct time of day and length of The district nurses provide nursing services in the home for the appointment is given. Please let us know as soon as possible if practice patients. you cannot attend and remember that each appointment is for Polwarth Surgery District Nurse Telephone : 0131 536 9755 one patient only.
Health Visitors Interpretation Service Are registered general nurses who have also completed a Diploma When booking an appointment, we can book an interpreter to help in Health Visiting. They work mainly with young families and you if English is not your first language. The Interpretation the elderly but are available for all age groups. Our health visitor Services Department will require your phone number in case an is Clare Hutcheson. She and the Health Visiting team can be appointment needs to be altered. Please tell us if you would contacted at Tollcross Health Centre on Tel: 0131 536 9770 object to this. Home Visits Administration Team If you feel you need a home visit and are not well enough to come The Practice Manager is Mrs Linda Blackmoore. We have an to the surgery, please telephone before 10 a.m. Generally home Assistant Manager, Reception Team Leader, 5 receptionists and 1 visits are only for those patients who are very ill or housebound. secretary in the Polwarth Surgery. The staff have the difficult job If a patient has a rash or high temperature coming to the surgery of keeping the practice running smoothly. They are here to will not harm them but please inform the receptionist on arrival so welcome you and help with any administrative or non-medical that you are seen promptly. We are able to see more patients in aspect of your health care. We also have an administrator. the surgery than at home and it also offers better facilities for examination and treatment.
February 2015 Since 1st April 2000 the practice has been providing Personal Emergencies Medical Services. We aim to achieve an improved range of If you need a doctor in an emergency please telephone the surgery services for our patients and improved quality of care particularly on 229 5914. If it is an emergency it is helpful to tell the with respect to chronic disease management. receptionist who answers the telephone, the nature of the emergency. Some things are more urgent than others. A doctor Additional Clinics will then contact you. If you require medical care outwith the Diabetes, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, normal surgery hours please telephone the surgery when you will COPD and Alcohol Problems Clinics. We are focusing on be given the telephone number for NHS 24 and someone there patients who have these conditions and all such patients will be will deal with your problem. Alternatively you may telephone invited to regular appointments with one of the practice nurses at NHS 24 direct on 111. NHS 24 is not a walk-in service and you special clinics. need to telephone them if you require their services. You can Wart/Cryotherapy Clinic access the NHS 24 website on NHS Lothian are This is carried out every week on a Wednesday afternoon, by responsible for commissioning NHS 24. prior appointment. Paediatric Assessment Clinic Telephone Advice Baby clinics are held regularly on Tuesdays with one of the If you require advice from a doctor during normal surgery hours surgery Doctors being present. Consent to treatment of children – please telephone the surgery and your message will be passed to please ask to see detailed policy. the doctors or you will advised of another time to telephone again Minor Surgery when the doctor should be available. Minor surgical procedures are carried out as and when required, Repeat Prescriptions by specific arrangement with Dr Millar. Medicines on your repeat prescription list may be requested by handing the request to reception staff, by post, by fax to Laboratory Specimens 221 9897 or by email to Specimens are sent to the laboratory every weekday at 9 a.m. and [email protected] . If you post your 3 p.m. If you require to hand in a specimen or need a blood test, request you must enclose a stamped self-addressed please make sure you have an appointment before 2.30pm. envelope so we can post the prescription back to you, Laboratory Test Results otherwise you will need to pick up the prescription Results of tests are normally available one week later. We would from the surgery unless you have an arrangement with ask you to contact the practice after 11 a.m. for the results. a pharmacy to pick it up for you. Please do not make Pregnancy tests take two working days to return. telephone requests for repeat prescriptions. Please allow up to 48 hours for repeat prescriptions. Although Comments and Suggestions they may be processed more rapidly than this, this We are always interested to hear suggestions for ways to improve cannot be guaranteed. the medical care provided at the surgery. You can do this by passing on comments to any of the staff, the Practice Manager or Section 17c Personal Medical Services the doctors.
February 2015 We hope that you are always satisfied with the service provided at the Polwarth Surgery but should there be any complaints we ask you to contact either the Practice Manager or Dr. Millar. There is a leaflet at reception explaining the complaints procedure.
February 2015