Boise Brave Parents

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Boise Brave Parents

Boise Brave Parents Parent Board Meeting March 1, 2016 Attendance: Robb Thompson, Cindy Hartley, Kristin Sinclair, Joan Wong, Theresa Ryden, Amy Rustad, Sandra Cashen, Louise Poole, Arbay Mberwa, Nancy Werdel, Rhoda Brunelli, Jennifer Jones, Connie Simpson, B.J. Klotz, Stacy Slattery, Aliess Robison, Tina Michael, Cindy Gustavsen, Cherilyn Blender, and Carol Hembree. Call to Order: Amy Rustad called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Secretary’s Report Theresa Ryden (Secretary): Amy Rustad emailed minutes from the February 2, 2016 Board meeting to the Board. Theresa Ryden presented the minutes from the February 2, 2016 Board meeting. Action: Kristin Sinclair moved that we approve the February 2 minutes. Aliess Robison seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Principal’s Report Robb Thompson (Principal): Winter sports ended with nine wrestlers going to state and two placing. The Varsity Girls Basketball team placed third in state and first in the academic championship with a 3.94 cumulative GPA. The Varsity Boys Basketball team fought hard against Timberline; their coach has received positive feedback from the parents. Nine hours of state and federally mandated standardized testing will include ISAT science exams for sophomores in the two weeks before spring break followed by SBAC testing the two weeks following spring break which will require four block days each of those two weeks. Two weeks of the regular schedule will be followed by two weeks of AP testing at the beginning of May with the inclusion of the new version of the SAT for juniors on Tuesday, April 12. The new SAT will total five hours which is about 15-20 minutes longer than the prior version. Friday, April 8 is the Sustainability Summit which has received funding support from the City of Boise and our recycling service. The financial support is being used to offset incurred and future expenses. Additionally, this project-based learning experience (including the Food Summit and Wellness Summit) is building strong community ties. Bay Johnson, this year’s keynote speaker, is known for her family of four’s limited accumulation of trash which totals a mason jar. Over fifty students will also speak. The results of the new PSAT showed our sophomores and juniors performing above college readiness standards, above average school district performance standards, and above average state and national standards. The sophomores averaged 94% in reading and writing and 96% in math. Juniors averaged 96% in reading and writing and 50-60% in math. All ten of Boise High’s National Merit Scholarship finalists became National Merit Scholars, and Boise High had 10 of Idaho’s 18 Scholars as well as three Presidential Scholars. Nate Marshall is one of forty finalists for the Intel Science Search in which the students compete for nine different cash prizes including first prize of $150,000, second prize of $50,000, and third prize of $30,000. Two teams from Boise High went to the Salmon Bowl and faced each other in the final. Last year’s winning team won again. The first place team is going to the National Ocean Bowl. Faculty Report Cindy Hartley (Faculty Representative): Very generous thanks to the Brave Parents for the delicious luncheons throughout the year! The faculty and staff really look forward to those days! From Kim Brydges (Video Broadcasting): Thank you for the GoFundMe support that has allowed our Garbology Summit to employ a speaker for the day! Oscar Filson won first place in the Healthy Relationships category for the Women’s and Children’s Alliance public service announcement contest. Oscar’s video will be showcased on their website and throughout our community. Oscar was also awarded $100.00. From Jerry O’Mahony (Photography): Thank you to the Brave Parents for the cameras and photo quality printer! They have arrived and I am getting everything in place. It will have a direct impact on our program. Student Report Arbay Mberwa (Student Representative): *The Dr. Seuss Block Party is tomorrow Wednesday, March 2 during lunch. *Prom is April 30; the setting and the theme are a surprise. *Heart of the Braves Assembly is April 29. *The “Ask Who Ya Wanna” dance, aka Sadie Hawkins, had about 80 attendees. Students enjoyed the photo booth. New Business Rhoda Brunelli and Nancy Werdel (Senior Party Chairs): Tickets will be sold two consecutive days so students can get the best price at $55.00; please encourage early purchase as after April 15 the price goes to $75.00 and then $80.00 at the door. Volunteering will be available on Sign Up Genius soon. Municipal Park has been booked for the barbecue and 350 bottles of water have been donated. Please consider donating through the Boise Education Foundation specifying Boise High Senior Party 2016. Sandra Cashen (Academic Liaison): In lieu of the token gift from the Brave Parents for each of the 158 seniors recognized for holding a 3.8 GPA or above, the Board will host a continental breakfast after the grade recognition assembly to take place in the auditorium. Robb Thompson ordered Boise High crest pins for those students and will use this time to present these and certificates as naming all the seniors takes too much time for a full school assembly. The grade recognition assembly will be held before the Academic or Heart of the Brave Assembly. During the second assembly, photos and names of the students will be rolling on a large screen. The Heart of the Brave Assembly recognizes about fifteen students from all grades for a variety of strengths and accomplishments highlighting the core values of Boise High, per Robb. Action: Cherilyn Blender moved that the Brave Parent Board host the continental breakfast in lieu of token senior gifts not to exceed $500.00. Aliess Robison seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Ice Cream Social will be held Apri 26, 27, and 28 honoring seniors, juniors, and sophomores, respectively. Meridian TCBY will again supply the ice cream. Louise will coordinate volunteers. Court Hanson will confirm the number of students. Amy Rustad (Gala 2017): JUMP has been reserved for March 11, 2017 for our next Boise High Gala. The new space is priced comparably with the Stuekle Sky Center and can hold 400 people. A potential leader has been located but a donations coordinator is needed. Carol Hembree (Parking Spots Auction): No fee will be charged by the website for the two week parking spots auction to be held this spring. The auction notification will be sent to Boise High parents and incoming sophomore parents. Aliess will help Carol. Upcoming dates: State Debate Tournament at Boise High March 11-12 Daylight Savings Begins March 13 Science ISAT Tests—Sophomores March 16-17 Spring Break March 21-25 ELASBAC Testing—Block Days March 29-April 1 Treasurer’s Report Joan Wong (Treasurer): A few teachers still need to use their grant money by May. See Financial .Report for March 2016 below BRAVES FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2016 Next Board Meeting 3:30 p.m. April 5, 2016, Room 402 Meeting adjourned 4:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ryden, Secretary

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