Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts

2005 International Conference on Landslide Risk Management 18th Annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium

The Conference The Joint Technical Committee on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, JTC-1, in association with Vancouver Geotechnical Society, will organize the Joint 2005 International Conference on Landslides Risk Management / 18th Annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in May/June 2005. The purpose of the conference will be to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in landslide hazard and risk management. A series of “state-of-the-art” lectures will summarize the present status of this field of knowledge. This will be followed by paper presentations and discussion periods. The fourth day of the conference will be the 18th Annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium which will emphasize local and Canadian expertise in the subject.

This conference is being hosted by:  Joint Technical Committee on Landslides and Engineered Slopes (JTC-1);  International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE);  International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG);  International Association of Rock Mechanics (ISRM);  Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS); and  Vancouver Geotechnical Society (VGS).  Technical Committee on Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC 32, ISSMGE)

Conference Format The joint event program will be as follow: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (May 31st to June 2nd, 2005) dedicated to the Conference including State-of-the-art papers, Lectures and poster sessions. The 18th annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium will be held on Friday, June 3rd, 2005. A technical field trip is scheduled on Saturday, June 4th, 2005. Also, a short course on Landslides Risk Analysis, which will be sponsored by TC-32, will be held just before the Conference.

Date and Venue The Conference will take place at the University of British Columbia Campus from Tuesday May 31st to Friday June 4th, 2005. UBC is western Canada’s largest university, and is located only 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver, a popular tourist destination. The campus offers not only venue facilities, but also a range of accommodation, food services, and entertainment opportunities. It is intent of the organizers to make this a casual event, stressing technical content over formal activities.

State-of-the-Art Papers and Invited Lectures The following themes will be discussed through state-of-the-art papers and invited lectures;  Risk assessment and management principles and framework  Hazard identification and quantification  Probabilistic stability analysis for individual slopes  Estimating distance and velocity  Estimating temporal probability and vulnerability  Risk criteria assessment and management  Landslide hazard risk and zoning for urban planning and development  Risk assessment for roads, railways and other lifelines  Landslide risk assessment in forestry management  Risk assessment for submarine landslides  Risk assessment for very large natural rock slopes  Landslide risk issues in Canada

Call for papers

Papers are called for describing the use of quantitative risk assessment for landslides and engineered slopes and research development relevant to the conference themes. Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman characters, font size 12, in a Letter size page. The title, authors and affiliation, and street address, e- mail and/or fax of the main author should be clearly stated. Also the author(s) should indicate to which theme his/her/their paper should be directed. The text of the abstract, with a maximum of 300 words, should be received by September 30th, 2004. The objectives, results and conclusions, which will appear on the final paper, should be clearly stated. Papers relating to case histories should emphasize clearly what was learned from each case. All papers will be reviewed by a panel of specialists before final acceptance.

Important Dates Submission of Abstracts: until September 30th, 2004 Notification of acceptance of abstracts: progressively through October 15th, 2004 Submission of papers (MS Word format): January 10th, 2004 Notification of acceptance of papers: February 1st, 2005 Submission of full papers (Camera-ready format): February 15th, 2005

Presentation of Papers and Poster Display About 50% of the technical program of ICLRM will be dedicated to selected papers submitted by Conference attendees. The other 50% is allocated to State-of-the-Art Papers and invited lectures. Canadian authors will have the further opportunity to present their papers on the fourth day (18th Annual VGS Symposium). Poster sessions will be running concurrently during the conference.

Publication The State-of-the-Art papers, the invited lectures and selected case studies and research papers will be published in a book entitled « Landslide Risk Management » available at the time of the conference. All the other papers will be published on a CD-ROM made available at the conference.

Technical Visit A field trip on geological hazards in North Vancouver and along the Sea-to-Sky Highway is scheduled on Saturday, June 4th, 2005. This highway is the main route to the ski resort of Whistler, site of the 2010 Winter Olympics. The high traffic volumes, steep terrain, and often-inclement weather provide for potential hazards from landslide. Various risk management measures have been implemented, and these will be observed and discussed on a narrated tour.

Language The official language of the Conference will be English. Oral presentations and discussions will be in English only.

Organizing Committee Chairman Steering Committee Scott Tomlinson R. Fell (chair) E. Leroi Technical Committee C. Bonnard R. Couture, co-chair H.N. Wong O. Hungr, co-chair G. Mostyn D.M. Cruden L. Piccarelli P.T. Bobrowsky F. Nadim J. Locat K. Ho L. Cascini H. Einstein

Correspondence Oldrich Hungr Réjean Couture Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Terrain Science Division University of British Columbia Geological Survey of Canada 6339 Stores Road 601 Booth Street Vancouver, B.C. Ottawa, On V6T 1Z4 K1A 0E8 Tel : 604-822-8471 Tel : 613-943-5237 Fax : 604-822-6088 Fax: 613-992-0190 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Website Additional details will be available soon at the following website:

The Second Bulletin of Information will be available in mid-October 2004 and will be detailing registration and conference program.