First Congregational Church of Plainfield s1

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First Congregational Church of Plainfield s1

First Congregational Church of Plainfield United Church of Christ 860-564-5932 For Pastoral Care/Spiritual Needs NOVEMBER 27TH, 2016, THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Contact a deacon listed below, or the pastor. PASTOR STEPHEN FINLAN Alternates: Patti Ihloff As the prelude begins please take this time in silence to prepare your hearts Deacons for November are Jean and Rebecca If you have a special prayer request, please write your request and put it PRELUDE - Jean Barrett, pianist in the offering plate. INTROIT - The Children’s Choir Chimes CANDLE OF REMEMBRANCE & PRAYER Pastor Steve Finlan 732.266.8035 cell We light this candle for those in harm’s way; Chelle Wright 860.465.7577 cell for those serving our country in the military, Darlene Hill 860.428.7406 cell for those in the service of the United Nations and for those involved in other humanitarian agencies. David Young 860.608.4696 cell George Brew 860.367.5232 cell ANNOUNCEMENTS Judy Jones Jean Lukin 860.377.4488 cell Rebecca Theriaque 860.382.5505 cell CHOIR ANTHEM: “We Light the Advent Candles” Merry Humphrey 860.655.4837 cell Sherry Mason 860.913.4801 cell/860.822.1153 home LIGHTING THE FIRST ADVENT CANDLE One: Isaiah’s people probably found him unsettling. He would ATTENTION interrupt the religious services and yell out his vision: All: “They shall beat their swords into plow shares, Choir chime members wanted – and their spears into pruning hooks… The people who Rehearsals are Sunday mornings, at 9:15. dwelt in darkness have seen a great light!” Grades 3-adult. No music experience needed. One: But then it happened, seven centuries later. In occupied Israel, in all the darkness of the first century, the dreams of the prophet came true. God’s light was born in Bethlehem and many followed. By speaking his vision of a better future, Isaiah bore the light of God in the darkness. He brought HOPE. Let us pray. GENERAL All: We give thanks for all those who followed the light of Hope; - Visitors will find a guest book inside the front doorway on right. those who lived it and carried it through the ages to - Child care is provided in our nursery. today. May their lives remind us that we light the candle of - There are activity bags located in the back of the sanctuary; HOPE knowing Isaiah’s words are not just prophecy but – filled with books, games and puzzles- help yourself. promise. - A Card Request box is available inside the front doorway. Please let (The candle of HOPE is lit) us know if we might send a card to show we care. All: This week, we covenant with you, God, and with each other, to join these prophets in spreading the light of Hope beyond these Church Cancellation due to weather tune into Channel 3 WFSB TV or Channel 8 WTNH TV doors. Amen. -2-

-5- CALL TO WORSHIP – Deacon Rebecca One: In Advent we watch and wait and prepare to welcome SCRIPTURE READINGS the Christ Child into the world. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come! Isaiah 2:1–5 (see insert) Deacon Rebecca One: In Advent we prepare for a life of discipleship, and Romans 13:9–14:1 (see insert) Pastor Steve watch faithfully for signs of God’s light breaking in world. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come! The Message: “What Fulfills the Law?” One: As we wait, dear One, we watch for signs of your action in the world, actions of compassion and grace breaking in. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come! One: Holy God, we recognize that we do not know the day or the hour, but we know that the day is near. Please stand. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come! Be born anew in our world and in our lives. HYMN: “The King of Glory Comes” # 159 just verses 1, 2, and 4 Please stand. HYMN – “Help Us Accept Each Other” # 596

BENEDICTION Pastor Steve PRAYER OF INVOCATION – in unison led by Pastor Steve In this season as the days grow shorter and the shadows lengthen, BENEDICTION RESPONSE we gather in eager expectation for the Light of the World to dawn. As we go now from this moment, Help us, God, to lay aside all the works of night and even our cynicism as we leave behind our time together. as we enter this sacred season. During this hour of worship, send your May we walk with one another, may we help each other on the way. Spirit to empower us to live in the light with hope. Amen. As we go now from this moment, as we go into the future together May we treasure one another, may we realize how precious we are. THE LORD’S PRAYER – in unison led by Pastor Steve Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen

Please be seated CHILDREN’S SERMON PASTOR STEVE -3- -4- Please stand. Please stand DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow. PRAYER OF CONFESSION – in unison led by Pastor Steve Praise Him all creatures here below. Holy and Loving God, Praise Him above ye heavenly host. we give thanks for the promise of this sacred season Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. and for the joy we find in the Christ Child. Yet even as we rejoice, PRAYER OF DEDICATION- in unison led by Deacon Rebecca we recognize that we often fail to live with hope. God of hopeful waiting, we give thanks for all of the ways In this season of anticipation, we know that we are easily distracted in which you reveal yourself to us. Help us to clear away the many by our own projects and preparation. distractions of this season and offer our whole lives as gifts to you. We lose focus on the one who is the Source of our joy. May these offerings nurture all of the ways in which your promise is Forgive us, God, and restore our hope in you. Amen. breaking into the world in acts of compassion and justice. Amen. Silent confession.....

The promise of the season of Advent Please be seated is the promise of Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus calls us to keep awake so that we are ready for God’s arrival. Therefore, let us lay aside all those things that distract us PRAYER REQUESTS – Pastor Steve from faithful watching for God. Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel: PREPARING OUR HEARTS FOR PRAYER All: We are Jesus’ brothers and sisters – Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. We are loved and we are forgiven. Change my heart , O God, may I be like you. You are the Potter, I am the clay; mold me and make me, this is what I pray. GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, Change my heart, O God, may I be like you. world without end. Amen. Amen.


INVITATION TO SHARE –DEACON REBECCA THERIAQUE Lead me Lord; lead me in Thy righteousness. In response to the promise of God, let us give thanks Make Thy way plain before my face. through the presentation of our pledges and offerings. For it is Thou Lord, Thou Lord only, that makest me dwell in safety. OFFERTORY

Calendar of Events Nov. 27, 2016 Our Church Family in Need of Prayer Tue., 11/29 New: 1 Corinthians Bible study, 6 pm The Baton Family Tue., 11/29 Choir Practice 7:15 pm The Hill Family Thur., 12/01 “Faith” Bible study, 6 pm The Shippee Family Thur., 12.01 Open Hearts rehearsal, 7:15 pm The Foular Family The Ducharme Family Mon., 12/05 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Alan Williams (Joan Bessette’s brother) Mon., 12/05 Trustees meeting, 7 pm Pat Palonen, Ellie Desjardin’s daughter diagnosed with breast cance Wed., 12/07 Practice for Christmas pageant, 6 pm Joey Backofen Eddie LaPerle Fri., 12/09 Paint Night - Winter Scene, 6:30 pm Pat Michalski (continuing to battle cancer) Sun., 12/11 Christmas Pageant The Milliron Family (facing struggles, relatives of Elton & Leslee Mon., 12/19 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Bunnell) Diane, Kelly and Alex Gaudreau (Sherry Mason’s family) Terry Tatro (being treated for cancer) Fund raising Events Helen Coombs (resident of Davis’ Place) Gift cards can be ordered any Sunday. See Cathie we have Bob Vickers (recovering from surgery) Amazon, Walmart, and Target cards available now. Kenny and Sarah Phaiah (Amy’s friends with health problems) th December 9 Paint Night Winter Scene 6:30 pm Norma Sharkey (cancer and treatment) Linda Lukin (Jean’s daughter recovering from cancer treatment ) Central Village Congregational Church: Bobby Stewart (Bruce &Phyllis’ son continuing chemotherapy) 12/03 Coffee House Concert: Angelia with Friends Christmas Rebecca Theriaque (continued healing) Concert, 7 pm Gregory Cruz (deployed overseas – prayers for his mom, Kristin) Jocelyn Espeleta (8 yr.old surviving cancer, friends of Carol Credit) Gerald Bergsten (Rebecca’s grandmother) Cody O’Bryon Rudy Schmied, The LaFlamme Family, Stephen Snellgrove (as he continues to undergo rehabilitation) Amy Vaughan’s mother Suzanne recovering from Hip replacement surgery

For our military and their loved ones. For all victims of natural disaster . For all those in crisis around our world. For all who are struggling with faith in Christ that they may know real and enduring love. Calendar of Events Nov. 27, 2016 Our Church Family in Need of Prayer Tue., 11/29 New: 1 Corinthians Bible study, 6 pm The Baton Family Tue., 11/29 Choir Practice 7:15 pm The Hill Family Thur., 12/01 “Faith” Bible study, 6 pm The Shippee Family Thur., 12.01 Open Hearts rehearsal, 7:15 pm The Foular Family The Ducharme Family Mon., 12/05 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Alan Williams (Joan Bessette’s brother) Mon., 12/05 Trustees meeting, 7 pm Pat Palonen, Ellie Desjardin’s daughter diagnosed with breast cance Wed., 12/07 Practice for Christmas pageant, 6 pm Joey Backofen Eddie LaPerle Fri., 12/09 Paint Night - Winter Scene, 6:30 pm Pat Michalski (continuing to battle cancer) Sun., 12/11 Christmas Pageant The Milliron Family (facing struggles, relatives of Elton & Leslee Mon., 12/19 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Bunnell) Diane, Kelly and Alex Gaudreau (Sherry Mason’s family) Terry Tatro (being treated for cancer) Fund raising Events Helen Coombs (resident of Davis’ Place) Gift cards can be ordered any Sunday. See Cathie we have Bob Vickers (recovering from surgery) Amazon, Walmart, and Target cards available now. Kenny and Sarah Phaiah (Amy’s friends with health problems) th December 9 Paint Night Winter Scene 6:30 pm Norma Sharkey (cancer and treatment) Linda Lukin (Jean’s daughter recovering from cancer treatment ) Central Village Congregational Church: Bobby Stewart (Bruce &Phyllis’ son continuing chemotherapy) 12/03 Coffee House Concert: Angelia with Friends Christmas Rebecca Theriaque (continued healing) Concert, 7 pm Gregory Cruz (deployed overseas – prayers for his mom, Kristin) Jocelyn Espeleta (8 yr.old surviving cancer, friends of Carol Credit) Gerald Bergsten (Rebecca’s grandmother) Cody O’Bryon Rudy Schmied, The LaFlamme Family, Stephen Snellgrove (as he continues to undergo rehabilitation) Amy Vaughan’s mother Suzanne recovering from Hip replacement surgery

For our military and their loved ones. For all victims of natural disaster . For all those in crisis around our world. For all who are struggling with faith in Christ that they may know real and enduring love. Isaiah 2:1–5 The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Romans 13:9–14:1

Jerusalem. 9The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; You 2 In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and shall be established as the highest of the mountains, any other commandment, are summed up in this word, “Love and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall your neighbor as yourself.” 10Love does no wrong to a stream to it. neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. 3 Many peoples shall come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the 11 Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his us now than when we [first] became believers; 12the night is far path.’ gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of darkness and put on the armor of light. the Lord from Jerusalem. 13 4 He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for Let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and many peoples; drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in 14 they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their quarrelling and jealousy. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus spears into pruning-hooks; Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall desires.

they learn war any more. 14:1Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the 5 O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord! purpose of quarrelling over opinions.

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