Minutes of the Mafia Committee Meeting

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Minutes of the Mafia Committee Meeting

Minutes of the Mafia Committee Meeting 1st November 2017 Staffroom, Millburn Academy

Present: Emily Stokes (Chair), Isabelle MacKenzie (Secretary), Gavin MacLean (Rector), Kerry Thompson Colin MacKenzie, Helen Tibbs (Treasurer) and Barney Johnstone

Prefects: Emma & Gregor

Apologies: Stewart Anderson, Laura Crawford, Lorraine Gray, Tracy McIntosh, Elizabeth Choppy, Veronica Vargas and Kay Low

1. Minutes of Previous meetings in August were approved.

2. Matters Arising

Millburn’s Got Talent Emma, one of the Prefects who attended mentioned that Carla in the drama Club had been asked and is keen to take forward. The Prefects will report back to MAFIA. Prefects

Gin Tasting Event Helen has been in touch with Gavin’s contact from Shetland Reel gin and could be organised .For £8 / head they would serve 3 different gins for tasting and suggest we charge £15. Would also have tast- ing of 2 other gins but just wee snifters! They supply glasses and fever tree gin and discuss the gins, describing production etc. The tasting would last an hour and a half or so. We could do quiz or some- thing to supplement. A suggested date of March 23rd. Helen to contact to check for availability. HT

3. Correspondence None received.

4. Treasurers Report Helen reported that the balance to date at £9,873.99. It was mentioned Bids have not been received yet from school, but indications that some will be coming soon.

5. BIDS Emily asked if a further reminder could go out to school to put in Bid applications and asked Gregor and Emma also to feedback so that any pupil led groups are aware.

6. Christmas Raffle Raffle tickets are now available 2,000 in total will be printed. They are to be distributed to the teaching staff in their pigeon holes with a flyer. Also on Notices. GM The Prefects also volunteered to help promote the tickets. Prefects They also will help promote them at the S4 Parents Evening 27th November alongside Isabelle and Emily. Prefects Isabelle suggested also attending on the night of 22nd November when there is a wind band event on. IM/ES. The raffle will be drawn at the Christmas Fayre on the 4th December. Emily mentioned some prizes may still come in, i.e. the football prizes and we will update the notices as they do. Gregor/Emma agreed to discuss with the prefect group and promote when they will be selling the tickets in the school. Prefects

Helen had sorted the Licence Application to Highland Council to register the raffle.

1 7. Christmas Fayre – 4th December There are 41 stalls reserved to date, although that may move down slightly as final payments and insurance still being chased from a couple of people this week. Emily and Gavin to arrange to meet to plan out the space for the tables at a future date. ES/GM Barney offered to have a layout map designed. Emily and Isabelle will then meet to allocate out tables to the stallholders as some want access to sockets etc. BJ/IM/ES Tables will have to be set up by 4pm (janitor’s time). Set up by stall holders from 4.30pm. Prefects will help out plus Committee. Prefects/ Committee Refreshments to be served in foyer and manned by MAFIA or helpers of MAFIA. All Committee members to be asked to confirm if and when they would be available to help, so we can draft a rota to ensure everyone can have time to look at the tables. All Committee Members Drinks and cakes etc. Donations in terms of homemade baking and bought goods to be requested. GM has asked the hospitality class to provide a/some tray bakes. Hospitality Class Mince pies from supermarkets to be sourced. KT Harry Gows and Ashers to be approached to see if they will donate cakes left over when they close at 3pm. ES Non-alcoholic mulled wine to be supplied. TM Musical groups being organised. Pipe Band Lewis Barclay, Mr Sutcliffe (Music dept.), Gaelic Choir being looked into. Confirmation of who can play and preferred times needed by 20th November, so we can plan into the programme of the evening. School/GM The Prefects are sorting out the Santa’s Grotto and gifts. Pop Up Gazebo (IM). Prefects Prefects to choose santa grotto gifts and leave info for MAFIA to order and pay for. Prefects Santa’s outfit to be sourced. Prefects A Christmas tree being donated by parent Dietrich Panniwitz. Deliver Friday 1st. IM Barney offered to organise a ‘snowball throwing’ attraction for children BJ The committee is asked to help in any way during the evening.

8. Burns Night February 9th, 2018 Good Highland Food booked by Colin. Anne Gillies is coordinating the Top Table and entertainment (bar ceilidh band) AG Laura is kindly organising the table linen and other actions LC Ceilidh Band, Jenny Blackwood has been asked need to organise a band. ES will contact Band from last year which Jenny then played in. ES

Clean up – the hall will have to cleared before Saturday, as hall is being used the following morning. ES will contact Roz Souter and Julie Fraser (Romania and Tanzania team to see how they can help. ES ES. Discuss further at next meeting. Need a Haggis donated for presentation.

9. Dress Down Day Christmas Jumper/Bake Sale Wednesday 13th December To have a bake sale at Break and Lunch time. Prefects to help. Donations from MAFIA Committee members please. Prefects/ES/ALL Committee Members 10. AOCB Parent Council meeting 8th November. To promote Fayre and Raffle Highland Youth Wind band Concert 22nd November suggestion of refreshments. GM

Date of next meeting 17th January 2018

AGENDA  Apologies

2  Approval of Minutes  Matters Arising  Correspondence  Treasurers Report  BIDS  Christmas Raffle  Christmas Fayre  Burns Supper  Gin night  AOB


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